Hawks x Dabi

By Potato_Trash_45

110K 2.7K 709

Fluffy for days. Plot. That's about it. Hope you enjoy. Main character may or may not die. Haven't decided ye... More

Quick Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Another Quick Note!!!
Okay... CHAPTER 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Note... again.....
Okay... here we go...
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
I dont know what to call it so lets call it "Random inclusion"
Heh... I've decided
Chapter 15
Chapter 17 (Remake)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Fun Note!!!
Chapter 23
Q & A (again)
Q&A Respond Time
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (part 1)
Chapter 26 (part 2)
Chapter 26 (final part)
Important! I need your help!
Hi! Important!

Chapter 16

2K 63 33
By Potato_Trash_45

A/N: As I did not read the manga (I have been meaning too, but very tired and limited on sources) any events that occur there may not be things I know about since they weren't in the anime. So if you have any ideas that come from the manga (like a reader from last chapter) I'd love to hear them, but know that I might not fully understand them, so do explain some if needed.😓😓😓 Thanks for understanding and back to the story.

After going around for an hour an a half, Toga and Hawks sat in the alleyway with four terrified people, all of them whimpering and shaking. "Shut it." Hawks growled. He had switched to his sadist side while they were waiting for Dabi, but Toga kept him in check so no one was injured...Yet. "Kurogiri. Get your ass over here and open up please." Toga chirped and giggled as the purple mist appeared and Dabi stepped through. He paused and glanced at the four people, looked at Toga and Hawks, and raised a brow. "Experimentation." Hawks grumbled. Toga's giggles got louder. Dabi shook his head. "I don't wanna know, do I?" He asked, not waiting for a response. He stuck his hand back through Kurogiri, and yanked. Out tumbled Twice. "Eeyyy~!!" He smirked. "TWICE!!!" Toga squealed. She jumped up and tackled him in a hug. "Can we get this over with? And why is he here?" Hawks grumbled again from the ground. Dabi turned to him. "Toga told us what's been going on. Twice is gonna make a clone of you and get blood from that." Hawks looked at Toga. "When did you have time to talk to them and tell them?" Toga smiled. "I have my ways." She grabbed an arm of one of the four people. It was a little girl. She shrieked. "Hush child. Everything's alright. For now anyways. If you're a good girl, everything will stay that way. Understood?" Toga cooed. The girl whimpered and nodded quickly. Toga bared her teeth in a grin. "Good girl." She gently tugged her arm up and stared at the watch on her wrist. "10:45." Hawks sighed. Everyone got serious. "Twice, make the clone. Dabi and Keigo, you stay here until we get back. Do you understand?" Toga smiled when they nodded. She looked back at the four people, stopping again at the little girl. "Keigo. Come here." The girl whimpered and tried shuffling out of Toga's grasp. She was completely unsuccessful. "Yes?" Hawks growled as he stood in front of Toga. "Don't touch her. I don't care about anyone else, but do not touch her, or I will rip every last feather off your wings one at a time do you understand?" Toga chirped. Hawks nodded glumly, and stared at the girl for a moment. "I didn't think you'd have a soft spot for kids of all things." He smiled and watched Toga send a warning glare at him. "Relax. I won't do anything to her. You have my word." Toga smiled bitterly and turned away, walking towards Twice. "Now that we've lost 5 minutes..." Toga started walking, and Twice followed. Hawks and Dabi sat in silence for a long moment before Dabi finally spoke. "Hawks..." Nothing. Again, Dabi called his name. Hawks growled. Dabi raised a brow. "What's wrong? You seem off." He felt unsettled as Hawks quickly rose to his feet and started walking towards the exit of the alleyway, beckoning for Dabi to follow. "I'm gonna be irritated if you guys run off. So stay here. Since blonde doesn't want us doing anything to the girlie over here, I don't see a reason to hurt you guys either. Don't make me regret that. Got it?" Dabi smirked as the three nodded. The girl just stared ahead, completely unresponsive. Fear had clearly worn her out, so staring into space was the best she could do. Dabi turned and walked towards Hawks. He looked expectantly at him for an explanation, only to receive a cold glare. "Don't call me Hawks anymore. Keigo is fine." Dabi looked confused. "Why? Aren't they gonna die anyways?" Hawks almost slapped him for that stupid question. "Will they die? No. Not yet. We're keeping them around for me. Toga wanted me to show you something and I'll need them for that. Don't ask. Anyways, there's a slight chance one could get away." Hawks shot a glance of curiosity at the girl, seeing that she hadn't moved. "Specifically that girl. Why did Toga react that way?" Hawks looked Dabi in his eyes for the first time, and Dabi's blood ran cold. Hawks eyes were empty. It was like staring into water. "Keigo," Dabi paused after a moment. He opened his mouth, closed it, then swallowed. "Toga just has a thing for kids. She's grown up around them so she gets kinda attached. That's all." Hawks frowned. Then nodded. He turned and went back to the four. He sat in front of the little girl. "Hi." He smiled. The girl shifted her gaze to look at him, but didn't respond. "Scoot over. I'm sitting here." Hawks motioned to the other three, who gladly scrambled up and away from him, burying themselves in the other corner of the alley. Hawks sat and wrapped his wing around the girl. She tensed but the softness of the wing and the soothing sound of Hawks' breathing slowly calmed her. "I gave my word that nothing would happen to you, so relax." Hawks smiled again. He looked down and saw that the girl had fallen asleep. (Fun fact: stress is consuming. Also, in the specific case in the story, this kid's been scared shitless for about and hour at least. Just 30 minutes under that kinda stress is exhausting. She needed a break.) "Not smart, but due to the circumstances, I'll allow it." Hawks grumbled to himself as Dabi walked over and stared down at the girl. Before he could say anything, Toga and Twice came jogging towards them. "Alright. Kurogiri! Open up!" The purple mist slinked out from the corners of the alley, and opened up. Toga grabbed the three people and chucked them with ease through the portal. Twice hopped through after them. Toga looked at Hawks and the girl sleeping in his arms. She smiled, gently picked the girl up, and walked over to Dabi. "Light it up. There will be no survivors." Toga whispered and stepped through the portal. Hawks rose to his feet. "When you're done, meet me in the basement. Nothing fancy. But do wear something dark, and whatever happens, don't scream." Without any further explanation, Hawks slipped through the portal, and he too, was gone. Dabi looked at the mist for a moment, then shook his head. He walked out of the alley, activated his quirk, and strode towards the hotel. The screams were relatively short. (Fun fact #2: You don't last long in a fire strong enough to cremate anything almost instantly. 🙃🙃🙃) With that, Dabi left back to the alleyway, hopped through an impatient Kurogiri, and headed for the basement. Toga watched him go, the girl still asleep on her lap. He has no idea. She almost giggled. This is gonna be interesting. "Don't you think child?" Toga grinned as she looked down. The girl was slowly regaining consciousness. "Hello dear. I need you to stay here." The girl looked up. She rose quickly and saw she was in a bar. She looked at the blonde girl, who was still smiling at her, and slowly nodded. "Good girl." Toga patted her head and slipped off the couch. She paused for a moment. "Cover your ears. Don't uncover them until I get back." Toga didn't wait for a response, and skipped off to the basement. Dabi's gonna freak. This is gonna be great. A quick giggle later, she was in the basement, slinking back into a dark corner with Dabi, waiting for their show to begin.

*unholy reees in the background*
Thanks for 2k reads!!! 😊😊😊

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