It's A Cliche

De lolipopnerd

515 130 363

Hey kids. Do you love watpadd? Are you tired of cliche's? Do you just want to read something funny? Well here... Mais

Author's Note


14 7 6
De lolipopnerd

Zara Larson - Ain't my fault

CHIN UP AND A CASUAL STROLL that's how I entered the school that day. Sashaying in wasn't a problem for me, It didn't hurt also that I had Cara next to me and right now she was looking like she could give one mean punch to anyone who bothered us, exclusively me.

The stares and whispering did bother me a bit. As I strode in students all around me would look at me for a bit the bend their heads to whisper to their friends as if I had just escaped from area 51, subtle much. Yes, that part that was unnerving.

Did I lay down and cower in fear?

I don't think so.

The school wasn't much different than I remembered it, maybe a few minor changes. I don't want to get into the boring details and description of my school, it's like any old regular private school o can tell you that. So, just a bit like a normal school with a few fancy details.

I even saw some lower school students in their uniforms staring at me. Wow, I'm famous. You know what they say no publicity is bad publicity. Besides, it's just a head injury guys, it happens to a million people everyday so get your life.

As I start to go to the locker I remember as mine. Cara grabs me, rolls her eyes and starts directing me to my actual locker. Boy am I glad I have her here. I lock eyes with one of the Juniors as I pass by remembering the time I had to wear uniform. I sure I'm glad I'm a senior. From eight grade up no one wears uniforms to school. We rarely even see the lower schoolers here. Only from time to time.

Cara delivers me safely to my locker and tells me she's going to get some things from hers. She gives me direction to my first period since we don't have the same one wishes me good luck and tells me to text her if I need absolutely anything. Sometimes I think she's too nice.

So here I am standing alone at my locker. I thought getting into my locker would be a problem but I decided to try out my old locker combination and alas! It works. I'm so happy I never change anything. You know, except standard stuff like clothe and under wear. Uh... Et cetera.

I take an unecessary long time to grab all I need from my locker and put my special lunch and medication in there. Mom made Bart pack it for me I guess as I found it in my back pack.

I take my time with my locker stalling turning around and meeting the overly curious and sympathetic eyes of my peers, I also dread walking alone to class. Knowing my classmates they probably think I can barely remember my name. Wonder how long it took for the news of my domestic accident to spread in the school.

I sigh, preparing to turn around and just face it.

"Hello, my love."

I hear a familiar melodic voice say from behind me. With probably the goofiest smile ever I  turn to the direction of the voice and see Alai standing right next to me.

"Ali!!!" I squeal as he wraps me in the Squishiest bear hug ever.

"Cough cough," For the first time I notice Tristan standing next to Alai. Oh oops. I feel kinda guilty not noticing my boyfriend there. Who says cough cough by the way? Tristan just rolls his eyes and shrugs like whatever go ahead. Awww...

I glance back at Alai who seems not to have noticed our telepathic eye communication. Wow, little Alai's all grown up. He looks so adorable I could just eat him up his red hair was even curlier than I remember and damn those brown eyes. Awww, I didn't think he'd grow up to look this good, his tan skin and cheekbones all seemed to work for him. I also noticed he outgrew his freckles. He used to be so self conscious about them and his curly hair but now. I don't think he has anything to be self conscious about. I give him one more squeeze for good measure and out of the corner of my eyes I see a muscle twitch in Tristan's jaw. Huh... Must be reflexive or something.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't come over. It's just been really busy for me lately and coach has been riding us hard these past few weeks. You should've seen what he did to Tristan this morning for missing practice." He starts talking still holding onto my hand.

"Hmm, sounds sexual," I reply laughing as he facepalms.

"So how are you, my queen?" He says kissing the back of my hand a hundred times.

I laugh. Just taking in how overly confident Alai has become I mean he was always really confident but this was really funny.

"Okay, give her some space." Tristan says shoving him away. "You need to learn how to treat a lady Alai, she doesn't need love, ew. You know you need to protect her," Tristan says jokingly to Alai.

"From what." Alai asks.

"For starters handsy weirdos like you. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take her to class. We have geography first period and..—"

Squeal. I don't hear the rest of what Tristan says or is about to say as I squeal as my feet lift of the ground and I'm picked up by some macho giant.

"Devon, what are you doing you're scaring her!" I hear Alai say in a matter of fact tone.

How did I not hear someone as big as this sneak up on me. My face was some inches away staring down at hazel gold eyes.

"Put her down, Devon." Tristan tells him and thankfully he does.

"Y'all need to chill. It's Aria this is our thing." He says like it's no big deal that he just lifted me like I weighed nothing.

I looked at the caramel skinned tall hunk that decided to try to use me as a cardio equipment. I could just slap some sense into him but I'm sure a good explanation will come from this.

"No, it used to be your thing." Tristan argued then lowered his voice as though saying something forbidden as he asked Devon. "Don't you remember the accident?"

"Oh..." He moans as realization clouds his features. "I am so sorry. You probably don't remember me and think I'm crazy." He quickly tries to apologise.

I just nod. Still trying to regain my composure.

"I'm Devon Johnson." He continues holding out his hand for a handshake. "We hung out a lot before you know." He tries to demonstrate possible what he thought was how the accident happened but just ended up looking like a monkey hitting a vending machine.

"Hey, I'm sorry I don't recognize you. We seem to really know each other." I reply with a grimace.

"It's okay. Not your fault. Here," He grabs my back pack out of my locker and swings it on his back. "I'll carry your back pack for you."

I laugh as Tristan takes it from him shaking his head.

"It's okay, I'll take her, since she is my best friend and you guys are weirdos who are not to be trusted." He says dramatically. " Now if you'd excuse us." He takes my hand in his in a surprisingly gentle manner considering how extra he was being and guides me out of their midst as I shoot them apologetic looks.

I was secretly a bit relieved to have left, it was all getting a bit overwhelming and sending my brain into overdrive.

I allowed for a comfortable silence for a few seconds after we left them. Then I turned to him with a mischievous look in my eyes. "Possessive much."

"Don't even try to tease. I have to protect what's mine, you know not everyone knows about us. Practically no one else but us. And I you know... Everyone just want to touch you and lift you, and I just kind of want to punch them in the face, you know."

Yeah, I nod as though I totally understood. Listening to the sound of his yeezys and my trainers on the tile. I wondered why no one knew. I remember always saying that if I got a boyfriend I was going to flaunt him and everyone was definitely going to know cause they've been running their relationships in my face.

But that was younger me. I guess I've matured. Hmm, good for me. I'm the best.

We reached the class just as the bell rang and I turned to give him a little kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for being such a posessive dork."

Then I turned and entered leaving him stunned at the door of the class. This version of me hasn't yet matured and I will kiss my boyfriend anytime I wanted.
I was getting used to this boyfriend thing and I definitely didn't hate it, I liked how he got a teensy bit jealous seeing me with Alai and Devon.


Aria Jordan to the principal's office.

The voice came again. As everyone on the table had various curious looks on their faces. I for one didn't know why I was being summoned. We were having lunch outside at the little garden at the side of the school. When we heard the call. Well, I guess that's my cue to leave. I was kind of relieved about that not because I was weirded out by the people or something. No. We were sitting with a bunch of Tristan's team mates. I gave Devon part of my special lunch as a peace offering, I felt kind of guilty not remembering him and all. He didn't seem to mind though. We hit it off in literature, he is actually really smart. You wouldn't really expect that given his physique and the stigma TV writers have put on people like that. You know all body and no brains... He was definitely all beauty with a lot of brains.

I was currently sitting next to Tristan and across from Devon as he munched his lunch and Tristan tried to force me to take the pills Bart put in for me... After he forced me to finish the juice put in there which I'm pretty sure was spiked with my meds, I just didn't think I could go on to take anything in. But as I have said before he is very persistent and just wouldn't take no for an answer, so in hindsight I was sort of glad about the interruption.

I got up, to leave the same time Tristan stood up and I just knew what he wanted and I was glad for the support.

We walked side by side to the principal's office.

The secretary wouldn't let Tristan in with me. As I walked in and saw both my parents my heart fell into a frenzy and I realized that it wasn't a trivial matter or Bart dropping off more pills for me. What could be so important my parents had to come in? I mean dad left work to come, this ought to be interesting and very scary.

Immeadiately I walked in the conversation stopped as all eyes in the room turned to me. Nervous I started to gnaw on my lips immeadiately like reflex I thought I had dropped this bad habit.

"The secretary said I should come in but I can wait outside." I made for the door quickly for an escape. I don't know what I did wrong but, I didn't think I had done anything wrong since the accident. Had I?

"No, Aria that wouldn't be necessary." Principal Graves says.

Then they continue talking this time more frenzied and I can barely understand what is going on.

"Where is he now?" My mom asks in an annoyed tone.

"It is an unfounded accusation. Normally we would've called Aria for confirmation but given this peculiar situation. You had to be called in."

"Unfounded!" This is sexual assault." My dad outbursts staring daggers at principal Graves.

"I know, I understand your concern. But there is not confirmation, no proof just her word and his." Principal Graves tries to reason with him.

"Where is he? I will beat the truth out of him so help me God." Mom says with clenched fists.

Wow, they never lose it like this. What is going on?

"Calm down, Mrs. Jordan. Now I'll ask you again if she mentioned anything like this to you, by chance?" Principal Graves asks.

Both my parents shake their head and my mom turns to stare at me with so much concern in her eyes. "No." She finally says.

What is going on?

"There was a day she came back late at night though, she didn't call before hand or anything. So unlike her. She said she was with a friend, but she seemed rather shaken up and she was crying. She said it was nothing. Hormones. I dismissed it as maybe teenage drama but... Oh my God." Mom breaks down and starts sobbing and dad tries to comfort her.

My mom never cries ever.

"What the hell is going on?!" I ask enraged. What's making my mom cry? What are they arguing about? Is it the accident? It has something to do with me but why is it so upsetting? My head swarmed.

The room was instantly silent as every eye snapped up to me. My mom immeadiately stopped crying as though just remembering I was still here. It's nice to know I've been remembered now they will tell me what a this is about.

"What is this about?" I demand.

"Sit down, Riri." My dad says so I slowly lower my self to an empty chair.

"The principal called us to... Uh... There was ... There is... An allegation against one of your teachers." He pauses and I relax oh so this is just a friendly debate that mom took to heart nothing to be worried about.

"Are you familiar with Mr. Cooper?" He asks tentatively as if trying not to trigger me.

"Yes..." I answer slowly as his eyes prompt me to say more. "I mean the whole school knows about him." Well if this is about him then I'm not surprised, he has a notorious reputation. What does this have to do with my parents and me?

"Hunny is that a you remember?" My mom asks. I look at her in a well... Duh expression as I rub my head where the injury is. My bandage got removed just recently and it still feels tender. Tears pool her eyes and she looks away.

"Well, the allegations are that well the girl he assaulted is you." My dad just tries to casually drop that bomb.

Me!!! I start to hyper ventilate. Sexually assaulted I don't feel sexually assaulted I... No it's not true it can't be.

I start laughing hysterically. Surely try must be joking, they all look at me like I've grown three heads on my butt and I realize they are serious. Suddenly the air in the room feels too little for me as I start gasping for air and mom rushes to my side. Trying to calm me.

"Hey, it's okay. Calm down. I'm here. I'm here. Don't even think about it. It's not confirmed you're okay." She says trying to soothe me as I frantically shake my head.
"Yes, you are. You are fine. You are not harmed."

"It was Caroline McPhee who came to us. If she was making this up do you know any reasons why?" Principal Graves asks me.

"Why would anyone make this up?" My mom turns a cold stare on him.

"It's okay. Let's calm down. Aria, look at me. You're fine." And I was, I sudden was. Whatever Caro is up to... I don't know. If she's telling the truth but I couldn't just break down based on some unfounded accusations. I am going to find out whatever the truth was.

I suddenly stood up and dramatically walked out. I couldn't go back to class of course. I was out. I saw Tristan waiting and I saw the discernment on his face, he knew something was wrong he didn't ask he just followed as I got into my car and drove off.

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