Forever My Love boyxboy (Sequ...

By IggyScones

9.3K 438 213

*This is a sequel to my USUK fanfic "Forever My Hero" but does not pertain to USUK! This is about their son... More

Forever My Love boyxboy (Sequel to Forever My Hero)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

401 23 24
By IggyScones

"This is stupid."

I chuckle at Marie's statement, and I snuggle further into James's side. He tugs me closer, and I stick my tongue out at her. "You're just mad, because you're losing," I mock, making her glare at me.

"Oh, I will be winning soon," she warns, ice in her voice. It almost sends chills up my spine with the amount of venom in it.

"It's just a game, ve~" Feliciano says, swaying back and forth with a bowl of chips clutched in his lap.

He somehow found my old beanie, the one with car ears on it, and he's refused to remove it. Ludwig has tried to tug it off of him, along with Lucy, too, but he used magic to make it stay. He even made another for Ludwig out of magic, making him wear it, so they match, much to his mate's distress.

Lucas and Lucy are too busy sleeping to notice what's going on. They may be pretty different, but they both love to sleep (just like their cat hat-wearing dad). They're snoring away in the corner of the floor, surrounded by empty bags of potato chips and beer bottles. It's kind of a funny sight.

Marie, Ludwig, Feliciano, James, and I are all playing Apples to Apples, and I'm winning. Oh, and Peter is laying across the kitchen table, still unconscious from a few hours ago when he fainted. After a quick diagnosis that determined he was okay, we decided to play a game together.

"Ludwig, sir, you are judging...pretty," I say with a laugh as I turn over the green card. How ironic is that?

"I don't understand what's so funny," the German states, his accent thick and heavy. All it does is add to the effect, sending James, Marie, and me into a huge shared fit of laughter. 

"Okay, okay, everyone put a card in," I state as my laughter slowly dies back down.

We all shuffle through our hands, looking for a card that fits the category, and soon, we all place one in a small pile. Ludwig grabs the pile and starts to look through the cards, his face changing hilariously as he does.

"Why would someone put 'Sweaty Socks' in this category?" he asks in disbelief, and I burst into laughter. That may or not have been my card...


We all turn in surprise to see Peter sitting up on the table with wide eyes, an old french fry from some fast food place is stuck to his cheek. Oh, it looks like he finally woke up.

We all give him confused looks as he smacks his lips tiredly. "I want food," he murmurs, and then, he gets up and heads over to the fridge, scratching at his rear end while he does so.

"That's my roommate," I say dryly, returning to the game as I grab another card to replace my last one.

As Peter is walking back with a sloppily made sandwich, Lucas snatches his leg (still completely asleep) and takes him down to the ground as he starts to cuddle with the poor Sealander's appendage. He's a touchy-feely sort of guy, so that could've happened to anyone. Peter, the poor boy, falls to his stomach, but he somehow manages to keep a hold on that peanut butter and jelly sandwich of his. He looks to Lucas in tired confusion before shrugging the action off and taking a bite of the sandwich, smiling in tired satisfaction at the taste.

"What the actual fuck?" Marie murmurs, laughing quietly to herself at the interaction.

"He likes sandwiches," I murmur, shrugging. "He's like a little kid."

"That kind of reminds me of those weird Swiss kids in our Freshman year math class," the fiery girl states, a smile growing on her lips.

"The ones that always brought the same homemade sandwiches everyday?" I ask, laughing at the memory. The girl was sweet, but the guy was a little odd.

"Yeah. Were they brother and sister or in a relationship?" Marie asks, pondering the thought with a finger tapping at her chin.

"You think I know?" I ask sarcastically, chugging some tepid tea as Ludwig looks distressed over the cards he's judging.

I totally forgot that we're playing a game right now. 

"None of these fit the category," he says, looking utterly distressed. This succeeds in making Feliciano fawn over him noisily. They're kind of cute when they're not suffocatingly adorable.

"Hey," Marie calls as she starts digging through the small storage closet near the bathroom. "I know what'll be hilarious to play," she says, and I can already tell that there's an evil grin on her face.

"Oh, God. I'm scared," I whine, causing James to raise an eyebrow at me. 

"Let's play Monopoly!"

"Oh, this is not going to end well," I whisper, making James look rather worried (for good reason).




"I didn't think that this would be this bad!" Marie whispers as we both watch James argue with Ludwig over the price he's charging him. My mate is one brave soul. Then again, he's probably just stupid.

"It's just a game. Why are they getting so upset?" I whisper back.

"They must both be really territorial," she whispers, causing me to burst into a small fit of laughter.


The two of us laugh even harder as Ludwig starts yelling about everything. Not to mention, Lucas has started drooling onto a sleeping Peter's leg. Lucy has taken to his abdomen, drooling on that as well. God, that's really gross.

I hear the door open, and the rest of the pack files in -- chattering amongst themselves. They stop short when they notice the utter chaos happening around the room. Ludwig and James are in a heavy argument, gesturing wildly to the board (with Ludwig still wearing the hat his Italian mate conjured). Feliciano is making it rain, literally sliding it out of his hand as if he were at a club or party while wearing a hat with cat ears on it. He seems to be having a great time, too. While that's going down, Peter and the twins are collapsed on top of each other and snoring away. It'd be adorable if it weren't for all the drool that's getting everywhere, and Marie and I are rolling around (literally) laughing at the entire situation.

"Bloody hell, we need to watch them constantly, don't we?"


Heylo, my lovely little nuggets! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! This was my fail attempt at a crack chapter! LOL XD Don't forget to leave comments and such, because I love to read them! Anyway, I'll see y'all nuggety readers in the next update! Until then, have an absolutely fantastic and fabulous day! Bai!!! >:3


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