Obsession Of A Psychopath

By jazzybella15

393K 11.4K 3.1K

A cold sweat ran down my face as he aimed the gun at my temple and stared at me with a psycho grin. "Hunter w... More

Author's note
Chapter 1:The king
Chapter 2: Tainted
Chapter 3:Friend
Chapter 4: Movie
Chapter 5: Business
Chapter 6: Brother
Chapter7: New York
Chapter 8: The Date
Chapter 9:vixen
Chapter 10: steam
Chapter 11:Dark Trail
Chapter 12: Beating
Chapter 13: lesson
Chapter 14: Tea
Chapter 15: kiss
Chapter 16: Moring kiss
Chapter 17: His room
Chapter 18: escaping
Chapter 19: escaped
Chapter 20: Back Home
Chapter 21: Good night
Chapter 22: midnight drive
Chapter 23: Old times
Chapter 24: Secret admirer
Chapter 25: Skinned
Chapter 26: Anniversary
Chapter 27: Bevis
Chapter 28: Tractor
Chapter 29: Bullets
Chapter 30: Silver platter
Chapter 31:A vist
Chapter 32: Memory lane
Chapter 33: Brandon
Chapter 34: Payback
Chapter 36: Mom
Chapter 37: poster
Chapter 38:Bar
Chapter 39: Pacifier
Chapter 40: Sick day
Chapter 41: Darma
Chapter 42: Weak
Chapter 43: Shares
Chapter 44:Mall
Chapter 45: Childhood
Chapter 46: Mafia
Chapter 47: Beach house
Chapter 48: Romantic Night
Chapter 49: Crush
Chapter 50: Curse
Chapter 51: father trouble
Chapter 52: Expelled
Chapter 53: Mr Plummer
Chapter 54: Suicide
Chapter 55: Couple
Chapter 56: dress up
Chapter 57: The party
Chapter 58: Mid-night swim
Chapter 59: FBI
Chapter 60: hospital
Chapter 61: jealousy
Chapter 62: Nightmare
Chapter 63: special vist
Chapter 64: Pilots
Chapter 65: Monthasry
Chapter 66: Drinks
Chapter 67: Nina
Chapter 68: Surprise
Chapter 69: Kira
Chapter 70: House guest
Chapter 71: Aced finales
Chapter 72: Breakfast special
Chapter 73: Engaged
Chapter 74: Congratulations
Chapter 75: misunderstandings
Chapter 76: Explanation
Chapter 77: breakfast fight
Chapter 78: waiters
Chapter 79: interview
Chapter 80: Danger
Chapter 81: Blue
Chapter 82: Evidence
Chapter 83: house arrest
Chapter 84: Bait
Chapter 85: Research

Chapter 35: Dinner

3.6K 136 32
By jazzybella15

• Amanda's POV•

"dad you'll love Amanda's boyfriend, he's really cool"blue excitedly praised.

"You seem more excited than your sister. She actually looks like she's not looking forward to it"Dad spoke up.

We we're in the living room waiting for Hunter and Zack to arrive. I kept zoning out imaging what Hunter would do if he were ever to find out.

I wanted to hide away in a hole,I cursed myself and wish that entire day never happened. I wanted to go back in time and Punch Brandon for kissing me.

"Dad I'm not feeling too well but I'm really excited for you to meet him"I forced a smile.

"If you're not feeling too well go and rest"dad advised.

"I want to be here when Hunter arrived. he doesn't like noisy places so blue don't be too loud,I  know you tend to be loud when  you're excited and he might seem really Cold but he's really sweet, he's just a man of few words,so please bare with him"I gave a quick summary.

"As long as he keeps you happy and he's able to support you, I'm alright with him"Mom said which made me smile.

"Relax Amanda, nothing will happen"Mandie whispered to me.

"Thanks for being here with me"I whispered back.

"Ma'am, you're guests have arrived"the house help said making my heart triple.

"Oh they're already here, let them in"dad announced. I felt sick to my stomach.

He appeared in the door way with Zack.

Zack was dressed in a white t-shirts, black pants and white in sneakers. He was carrying a basket which contained three bottles of wine.

Hunter was dressed in a black button short sleeved shirt whose first few button were left open. He wore dark jeans.

I walked to them then gave Zack a peck on the cheek and a hug to welcome him. He hugged me using his free hand. I pulled away then gave him a nervous smile.

I moved towards Hunter. Before I got close enough,he pulled me by the waist and kissed me. He kissed me in a way he had never done.

His lips smashed against mine as if trying to flatten and destroy my lips. He held the back of my head as if scared I would push him away. He slid his tongue inside my mouth. He cupped my cheeks and deepeed the kiss.

I pulled away slowly, unable to face him,I kept my gaze to the floor. My cheeks were burning red from the kiss.

He pulled me into a tight embrace and I swear I heard him whisper the word "mine" into my ear.

When he pulled away,it took all the strength in my body to face my family. I locked hands with Hunter.

My heart was beating really fast, I could feel his intense gaze on me and pretended I didn't notice. I was so afraid he found out everything.

"Mom, Dad this is Hunter Craver. My boyfriend,the man who stole your daughter's heart" I introduced. I finally looked at Hunter who stared at me with a formal look.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Hunter. My daughter has told me alot about you"dad said as he shook hands with Hunter.

"It's nice meeting you too Mr and Mrs Miller"he gave them a grin as he shook my mother's hand.

"Zack,it's good to see you again"dad greeted Zack.

"Like Wise"Zack greeted.

The help came and took the wine ,the two men brought with them.

"Dinners ready"she announced before walking out.

"Shall we continue in the dining room "Mom inquired with a smile I've never seen before.

Everyone started making their way to the other room,I too was about to walk to the dining hall but Hunter wouldn't allow,he kept a firm grip on my arm.

"Hunter let go" I forced a little chuckle.

"I'm your boyfriend ain't I,if I feel like touching you I can"he stated then turned me around so my back was facing him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and He rested his chin on my head,he let out a sigh of relief.

"Hunter are you alright"I asked, noticing he was acting more werid than normal.

"What happened on campus today"he asked making all color drain from my face.

I stood there unable to move or do anything. My legs felt weak,If he were to let go I would have fallen.

"Oh no,he knows"

"No Amanda he wouldn't be treating you with so much love if he did. Calm down"

"What do you mean"I managed to get out.

"My driver said you looked really Disturbed and upset when he picked you up,did something happen"he asked.

I sallowed hard and shook my head.

"Nothing happened"I lied making his grip tighten.

"You're lying"he blurted out.

"Hunter actually bra-" ok I really wanted to tell him but blue appeared and interrupted.

"Wow, having a romantic moment. Everyone is waiting"she stated.

I got out of Hunter's hold and rushed to the other room. He followed suit. He pulled out a chair for me before he sat right next to me.

Everything was quite for a while before dad broke the silence and began interrogating Hunter and Zack.

"I'm quite surprised how such young men as yourselves mare such a name"dad chuckled.

"It was all through hard work"Hunter remarked.

"Do you two have any surviving family"dad asked.

Hunter never liked talking about his mother or father for that matter. I placed my hand on his lap and he turned to me before answering.

"No, I'm an orphan"Hunter answered.

" So am I. We only have each other in this world"Zack spoke.

"Listen since childhood I've raised my daughters well. I hope you are capable of spoiling her with everything she might need"Mom blurted out.

"Mom, he's my boyfriend not an ATM"I defended.

"Amanda,I just wanted to make sure he's able to provide you a comfortable life" Mom said.

"You don't have to worry, I'll make sure she doesn't lack anything. Her future is secure"he assured.

"You're very confident, you sound like you are going to marry her"Dad teased.

"I've loved your daughter for a while now and I'm sure I want no one else as my bride"Hunter spoke,which made me blush.

"Marriage? Hunter I hope you are serious. Considering you're way older than my daughter,I expect you not to joke about this"Mom intervened.

"Mom-" Hunter cut me off.

"The age Gap doesn't matter, after all age is just a number"he said,in a rather dark way.

I began praying,he wasn't thinking of killing anyone at the table.

After that,dad Zack and Hunter started talking business.

We were in the living room again, Hunter shameless cuddling me like my parents weren't in the room.

I looked over at Mandie and she was practically laughing at me joined by my sister,they kept giggling and sending texts to my phone, saying we should get a room.

I calmed down and managed to put off the Brandon issue for a while and just enjoy Hunter's company,I made up my mind to tell him what happened. He loved me and he did promise never to hurt me physically,that man always kept his promises.

We were watching TV when dad suggested we watched the 8O'clock news. Dad never missed the 8O'clock news,come what may.

The room fell in a tense atmosphere as headlines we're read.

"Today's headlines local citizen was brutally killed in his house tonight. Neighbors said they didn't see anyone entering or leaving the house,a call was received at the police station reporting the crime. According to the police the time of death was between 5to 6 o'clock. The victim was identified as Brandon Smith,a fourth year college student.........."I couldn't hear anything anymore,all I saw was the woman's lips moving.

A picture popped up on the screen which made me shed tears.

Brandon hang on the wall,naked. Various body parts cut off,he had knifes piecing each part of his body. His face barely unrecognizable. The living room was flooded by his blood and just above it was a message written in blood.

It read " my beloved V you just never learn do you"without looking at Hunter,I rushed out of the room.

I climbed the flight of stairs and run straight to my room. Once inside I fell to the ground in a coner, hugged my legs and began to cry.

He knew all along. I was really scared thinking what he would do to me. I never wanted any of that to happen,if I could I would turn back time and punch Brandon.

I loved Hunter,I loved him very much,and I didn't want to lose him to anything or anyone. Hunter was probably the best thing that happened to me in such a long time and I really fucked up.

He probably thought I was a shameless whore.

I continued crying and didn't hear the door open.

"You're seriously crying for him"I heard a masucline voice spoke.

I looked up from my lap and quickly stood up. I looked up at Hunter,he held no emotions what so ever.

"Hunter I'm sorry,what happened was a mistake"I pleaded.

"Do you love him"Hunter asked. I quickly shook my head.

"No, you're the only one who I love"I replied.

"Then why did you kiss him"he barked.

His expression turned furious. He took long steps to get to me and I unknowingly started backing up. He got to me then pined my hands to the wall.

"How many times should I remind me who you belong to. I don't like sharing"he growled in my ear.

"Hunter I'm sorry"I whispered.

"You have no idea the things I want to do to you right now. I feel like killing you right now. All the bad thighs I wish I could do to punish you right now"his eyes were darker as he spoke. began shivering in fear.

"Hunter-"he cut me off.

"Amanda I love you alot and I'm starting to realize that that's becoming my weakness. If it were any other person, they'd be dead by now but I can't seem to find it in Me to hurt you"he said with a sweet little smile which made me more scared.

"Why did you kiss him, don't I make you happy"he questioned.

"You do,you make me really happy"I answered.

"Is it because I'm not normal, I can't offer you what a normal man can. I've got voices in my head,I kill people,you take my love as obsession"he chuckled bitterly.

"When I was coming here tonight,I decided to punish you so seriously,you wouldn't dare so much as look at another man but I don't like seeing you in pain. My love only I can make you happy"he wiped my tears then joined our lips. The kiss was soft and gentle.

When he pulled away he cupped my cheeks and said.

"Everyone keeps on telling me I'm not meant for love,no one will ever love me but I ignored all that because of you,I thought you were different but I guess I was wrong"he softly spoke then backed away from me.

"No please Hunter let me explain"I pleaded.

"Explain what"he questioned.

"That it was a mistake,I don't know what happened to me but Hunter please believe me when I say I love you and only you"I confused. He shook his head and turned away from me.

He harshly gripped his head and started talking to himself.

"Shut up,shut up"he kept chanting.

"Hunter please believe me"I pleaded.

"As much as I want to believe you right now I can't,the image of you kissing another is still so fresh in my mind and no matter what you say right now,I won't be able to believe you"he spoke. He ran a frustrated hand in his now messed up hair.

"I have to go before I do something to hurt you"he spoke then started for the door but I blocked him.

"Hunter-" before I could say anything he tried to push me away.

"Get out of my way vixen"he commanded.

"Hunter no I won't let you leave"I replied standing between him and the door. He looked really pissed.

"I said get out of my fucking way"he boomed raising his fist.

I closed my eyes thinking he was going to hit me but instead he went ahead and punched the wall next to me, leaving a dent.

My heart was beating out of my chest as I opened my eyes and was met with furious blue greenish eyes which looked so unfamiliar.

"Don't you dare get in my fucking way again"he boomed. He started talking to himself again then stormed out of the room leaving me shaken.

The man I just saw wasn't the Hunter I knew,he was a complete stranger.

I gathered all my strength and walked downstairs in hopes of seeing him downstairs but no,I was met with Zack.

"Zack, Hunter he-"I tried to construct a sentence with tears in my eyes.

"I know,he told me everything before leaving. He'll cool off soon"he assured.

"Where is he"I asked.

"The one place he goes when ever he's extremely sad, depressed or heart broken..... he's gone to visit his mother's grave"he stated.

"I really fucked up"I spoke to myself.

"You're more than my best friends girlfriend, you're a very good friend of mine and I know you didn't mean what you did. I have to go keep an eye on Hunter, take care" he gave me a quick hug before leaving.

I continued walking till I reached the living room.

"Mom and dad headed over at Brandon's mom's house"blue spoke as I sat down.

Mandie and blue rushed to me.

"What happened,we could hear screaming"Mandie asked. I began crying again.

"I told him about me kissing Brandon and he was pissed. Now he thinks I don't love him and I don't know what to do,I don't want to lose my Hunter"I sobbed.

"I'm sure things will be better tomorrow"Mandie comforted.

" I don't think he'll ever forgive me"

I cried the rest of the night, Mandie and blue never left my side. They took care of me.

I know I was being childish,I mean I wasn't the type to cry over a man but in this case I don't know what happened,I felt as if I lost something very dear to me. His trust in me.


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