Let Me Go (Book Four)

By MEHollinger

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With Lark's biggest secret revealed to almost all and Hydra still seeking out the Winter Soldier and Lark, ti... More

End It
Chapter: 1
Chapter: 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter: 16
Chapter: 17
Chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
Chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Thank you!
Alternate Ending

Chapter: 21

701 34 21
By MEHollinger

DAY: 275

Winter Soldier

I left Lark quietly. I didn't want to but I had to. No one said a word to me when we were being flown back to the Helicarrier. Once we arrived Fury set us to looking at every piece of information he had on Stephen Strange and the location we were going to be going to.

Stephen Strange was a reowned surgical doctor, who lost the use of his hands after an acident. But with the magic that he posseses he can use help him to use his hands, but only when he is actually using magic. He can do other things with his hands, it's just harder for him.

Hydra managed to snatch him when they first took over, recently was S.H.I.E.L.D. able to know his whereabouts and know his condition. But Hydra's lost their leader, Alexander and now they have to literally depend on themselves since no one is brave enough to step up and take the head. They're oblivious to the real world.

Jack had been found dead several days before, of what we didn't know but we had the notion that it had something to do with the Aether consumption. Alexander was killed. I didn't want to tell Lark about her father, nor how it was done or who did it. I wanted her to believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. still had him locked away, I didn't want to see her hurt or sad. But based on how she last talked to him I feel that she'd barley be moved by it. But I could have been wrong. Her brother and sister were aloud to live, since they were not the ones at fault and did not commit high crimes. But they will be admitted to a prison where they were carry out the remainder of their lives serving time in cells and in chains. They accepted their punishment without question.

Who knows how Lark would react if I told her about her brother and sister. She could fall apart and I didn't want to see her go through pain like that, especially not now.

I stood by one of the lockers, pulling on a bullet proof vest and then a thick jacket and some gloves. I pulled on a harness and loaded it with two guns, hiding the knives in the slits of the jacket and then another in my boot. I was preparing myself for the worst of conditions out there. Ensuring that I was packed with enough ammo myself and maybe another person. Steve was setting his shield onto his back and pulling his helmet out. He looked at it a moment.

"How long have you had to wear that thing?" I asked him.

"Few years, it still doesn't fit right." he said, he looked over at me. "What about you? The arm still in top shape?"

"You bet it is." I answered him with a grin. Steve shook his head with a chuckle,

"That thing still terrifies me. I still remember how it felt when you were crushing my skull in on the helicarrier."

"I remember that."


"Vaguley." I answered. Steve rolled his eyes and the both of us closed the lockers and walked on out to the bridge. Fury was waiting for us. Clint was leaning against the railing, eyeballing me with an arrow between his fingers. I ignored him.

"Where's Natasha?" Steve asked.

"With Lark, we sent her down there a little earlier than we expected after we were contacted by Thor this morning." Fury answered.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Lark just had a nervous break down but she's fine." Clint answered me. "Natasha'll take care of her, and if anything she'll contact us again for back up."

Hearing that made me feel nervous, like I had done something wrong leaving her there like I had. Distraught, wrecked, broken most likely. I knew she'd hate me for leavinging but I was hoping that when I returned she'd be happy too see me as I knew I would be with seeing her again. She's been on my mind the moment I let her go from my arms.

"We should get going with the team." Steve said. "We need to keep to the time if we're going to get there unnoticed."

"Right." Fury said, walking to the end of the bridge and pressing his hand to one of the screens. "We have exact location on Strange and the Hydra soldiers guarding him. Inside sources say that he hasn't been harmed and Hydra has actually been taking considerate care on his behalf. As we all know, this is fairly odd behavoir on Hydra's part. Now that they have no leader they're following the last set of orders that were given to them."

"Which were?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest.

"To execute him in the middle of the city. But since Alexander's out of the picture they're setting that date back a few days. But if we're to get him out then we need to act now." he added.

"So then why are we still here? Let's pack it up and go." Clint said standing and jumping over the railing down below to the computers.

"I already have a team of soldiers waiting on the runway, head out and complete the mission. You've already heard enough talk from me." Fury said. "I'll keep an eye on Lark, if something happens I'll be sure to tell you."

I nodded to Fury. Both Steve and I leaped over the railing and dropped to the floor, quickly following Clint to the runway. Where we boarded a jet, once on board I pulled out a large gun from a rack full of them and placed it on my back, attaching it to the back of the harness. The jet ramp lifted up and the lights dimmed from red to clear white. We stood there waiting a moment as the jet jolted forwards and we grabbed onto the handles on the walls.

"Yo, Bucky, you got a call." Clint tossed me a com link from the cockpit of the jet.

"From who?"

"You know who." he said, turning back. I put the com in my ear and pressed it, hearing static then clear silence.

"Hello?" I said, sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Bucky? It's Natasha."

"Natasha, what's going on?"

"Not much, hanging out with your girl here." she said. "But hey, no time to chatter. Fury's allowing us a few minutes, well you and Lark, a few minutes to talk before you hit the drop zone. She right here if you want to talk."

If? Did I? I didn't have a clue about if it felt right talking to Lark. I don't know why I was skeptical on it. Lark was probably worried about me, but I was more worried about her. Leaving her alone with Natasha and Thor just made my insides tighten with the thought her sitting there having to deal with those two.

"Put her on." I said after a moment. I leaned my elbows on my knees and sat forwards, looking at the floor.

"Just a sec." Natasha said. On the other end I heard mumbling voices. Then I heard Lark's voice and my heart began to race.

"Lark?" I said.

"Bucky?" she said. I smiled hearing her say my name.

"I'm here."

"Where are you? Are you with Fury?"

"I'm on the jet. We're heading out." I answered her. I could hear the worry in her voice, the unease she held with each word she said to me.

There was silence for a moment.

"Clint had me worried when he said that there was com for me from Natasha." I said to her, everything about this felt awkward. "I thought something happened to you."

"Natasha almost scared the living daylights out of me when she said someone from S.H.I.E.L.D. was on the line." she said, I thought I heard her laughing a little bit. "I miss you."

"It's only been a day, Lark." I said.

"I know but i just miss you like crazy. It's not the same here without you, everyone's just too concerned and they don't want me going anywhere without anyone. It's too-"


"Exactly, yes, too crowded." she said, I could hear some sort of smile in her voice, though I could have been completely wrong. Lark had a way of making one person think she's in a good mood when really she's the exact opposite, that's why she hates it when people try to control her or tell her what she can and can't do. But it's one reason why I loved her so much, why I cared. She always had that spark.

"I miss you, I haven't stopped thinking about you." I told her. "I wish I was there with you."

"Any chance you could jump out of the jet and find your way back here?" she asked. I laughed a little.

"No, sorry. I think we're too high and over the ocean by now."

"Bucky, nearing the dropsite." Steve said. I stood up.

"You've got to go." Lark said. She could hear everything. "Be safe, okay? Promise me you'll come back?"

"I promise." I answered her after a moment. "I love you both, take care of yourself alright?"

"I will. I love you too, Bucky."

I wanted to say more to her but I couldn't, there wasn't enough time for me to say everything I wanted to. I pulled out the com link and set it aside, Steve handed me another com link and then Clint walked over to me, holding out something I wished he didn't have.

"Fury thought you could use it to your advantage, since most of Hydra still thinks you're a part of their side." he said. "Especially the people we're going to see."

"Might be a good idea." Steve added. "How's Lark doing by the way?"

"She's fine." I answered, I took the mask and put it on over my mouth.

Clint shook his head and turned away. "Yeah, that thing still scares the shit out of me."

We didn't use parachutes, well me and Steve didn't, Clint had too along with the other soldiers. We hit the water pretty hard but it was easier to swim through it than we though. When we made it to shore we ran in through the trees that were dusted with a light covering of paper white snow. Everything was quiet and serene. We didn't speak, we used hand signals to communicate, which I was well accustomed to but also annoyed with. Clint seemed to be in some sort of zone where his face was solid and unchanged no matter what someone did. Steve and I were just relaxed about it, sticking close by and not setting ourselves to far apart.

"Target in sight, Bucky you want to take this one?" I heard Clint whisper.

"I don't have a visual yet." I said. I flipped around and lowered myself down to the ground on my knee, looking ahead in the direction everyone else was since I had somehow fallen somewhat behind. Ahead there were eight soldiers, each one was sitting around a fire except for one who was standing by a tree. At the base of the tree a man sat there, he was chained and hand cuffed in place. It was Stephen Strange and he looked to be in no pain and didn't appear to be injured.

"Locked, what do you all want me to say to them? Cause I've got nothing."

"Tell them you're part of Hydra, like I said."

"You really think that'll work? I'm sure the news of me escaping over and over has reached these guys by now." I said.

"Dude, seriously, just try it. It could still work on these losers, look at them, they're freezing."

"They could be smarter than they look, you know Hydra's not full of idoits who pride small weapons over a big picture."

"You guys can go to couples therapy later, right now we have a job to do." Steve hissed at us, I rolled my eyes and looked ahead.

"Fine. But these guys have more experience with random people popping up in one place than we do. They'll know that I'm lying they'll know that I'm not part of Hydra, just based on my appearence here. They're not stupid."

"We have to try something to get their attention off of Strange." Clint said. "But seriously, if you don't do something then I will, and I'm not afraid to get up there and kick some ass."

"Fine." I lept to my feet and pulled a knife out of my vest, hiding it in my palm. I walked forwards.

"Bucky what are you doing?" Steve asked.

"What you guys want out of me."

I ducked under the tree branches that hung low and heavy with ice and snow. Following the tracks the men made and pretended to appear lost as I stepped into their view. The men rose to their feet, raising their guns.

"There you guys are." I said. "Do you know how pissed off I am that I had to hike up here to find you?"


"Who are you?"

"Do I really need to answer that question? I'm Bucky, Winter Soldier." I answered them. "Alexander's waiting and he's got some words for each of your station and progress. It's not pretty. Bring the prisoner and follow me."

"How do we know you're actually him?" one of them asked as they slowly lowered their guns.

I unzipped my jacket and shrugged my arm out of my sleeve, revealing the metal and the weapons I had on me. The men took one look and quickly saluted to me.

"Hail Hydra!" they shouted. I didn't move, nor salute them back, and I normally didn't when I worked for Hydra.

"Hurry up, Alexander'll have all our asses." I said. They untied the man from the tree and put out the fire, quickly collecting their things. I was hoping that Steve and Clint and the other men would be prepared for this.

I turned and kept my senses alert, leading the way through the snow in the direction of the Steve and Clint who I could just barley make out in the dull light. I stopped and turned my back to the trees, pointing them in the direction that they need to go, they kept moving. But as Strange neared I looked around and caught Clint waving at me, he pointed to himself and then at Strange. I nodded to him, ever so slightly, even though I had no clue what he was trying to say to me or show me.

I let the knife slide down my palm and I grasped the handle in my fingers, as soon as the last soldier past and Strange was about Clint shot an arrow straight in front of him. The soldiers turned back, Steve jumped out and knocked one of them down. The soldiers were surprised but quickly knew what was happening. One of them tried to fire their gun at my chest, but with one swipe of my hand, the gun was out of his and quickly in mine, I shot his leg and he collapsed to the snow yelling from the pain. I shot the others that were still standing, all in their legs or in their thighs. That took them out quicker.

Steve and Clint both stared at me and I turned around, tossing the gun aside. I used my knife and cut Strange loose from the ropes around his wrists.

"I take it by this grand spectical that you are all here to rescue me?" he asked.

"We need your help." Steve said.

"Ah, I see. Well, before I start sharing secrets, which you so obviously need, you will have to take me to a secure location. There are still many out there who do not favor me entierly." he said.

"This way." Clint said. "We need to hurry, we're on a time clock."

"What is your hurry?" he asked as we all took a formation around him and started walking. I stood in the back, Steve and Clint took the front.

"We'll explain once we get to your 'secure' location." Steve answered him.

A jet came and found us while another went to find all the bodies in the forest that we had left behind. Strange was taken aboard, examined, tested and then secured in one of the chairs. I leaned against the wall on the far side, keeping out of the useless chatter.

"Welcome aboard, doctor." Fury said, imerging from the head of the jet.

"Fury, I expected to see you later than sooner." he said, they both shook hands.

"Well, we're in a situation that's been long over due for a finish." he said, taking a seat a few chairs down from where I was standing.

"And what would that be?" he asked, sitting back in his chair.

"Aether." Fury said, Strange sat forward slightly. "I am aware that you know about this and that you have done studies."

"I have." he said, nodding. "But the Aether has been a known threat and all have turned down my efforts and help. Why this sudden reason for asking me this now?"

"We need your help to save the life of a woman named Larkin Treadwatter." Steve said.

"Larkin Treadwatter, I have not heard that name in a very long time in deed. The daughter of Alexander no doubt, how is the girl if I may ask? Last that I heard she was expecting, am I correct?" Strange looked to all of us.

"Yes, you are." Fury answered before I could. "Which is why we are on a ticking schedule. Lark's due any time now, the Aether's been in her system for about a year now."


"Fever, cold sweats, depression,  high anxiety, grey ash marks that appear on her skin, power surges with self defense, weakness." I said. "Doesn't really eat or drink, lays around, sleeps. Sometimes enters a coma like state if strong enough."

"These are highly developed, advanced symptoms. I have heard of the grey patches, depression and power surges but not of the others. How strong are these surges of power, where do they come from?"

"Her hand, usually very strong. Capable enough to blow out the windows of a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier." Fury answered.

"You said a year?"

I nodded.

"Most people I know do not live up into a year, a few months less than that mostly. Very few last as long as a year."

"She's recieved treatment over the past several months for it. From antidotes, serums and trials. She's seen it all with the medicine." Clint said, chiming in. "We're all a little surprised that she's held on this long."

"She's young, so is her body. Has if affected her child?"

"No, no signs that it has." I told him. "We've kept an eye on that."

"We've?" Strange looked over at me. "May I ask your relation to Larkin?"

"I'm the baby's father." I answered. "I live with Lark."

"Ah, I see. Then I will need to speak with you most of all about the Aether."

Fury, Clint, Steve and the soldiers busied themselves with other things aboard the jet. We would be landing in a few minutes. Strange sat a few seats away from me and he had begun to ask me questions about the symptoms, how strong they were and what part of Lark they seemed to affect the most. Strange wrote none of it down, he just listened.

"You said that she has had the symptoms for a little over a year, did she have them when you met each other?" he asked.

I shook my head no, "She was fine, healthy." I answered him. "Not a speck of grey, no anxiety or depression that I was aware of. She was active, she ran when I ran. There wasn't any trace of Aether in her body."

"Do you know when she was infected? Can you tell me when the symptoms started?"

"When we were being brought to the Helicarrier for the first time." I said.

"Can you tell me what happened?" he asked, I looked up at him and paused myself, waiting a little.

"We were aboard a jet, much like this one. I had stepped away from her for a minute. Heard a noise, I ran back there and found a guy, he had his hand over her mouth." I started to tell him. "There was a mist that fell out from his palm, it was greenish I think and it looked like steam. Instantly she started convulsing on the floor, she went pale, she looked like she was dying and she was hardly breathing. We had it tested, it was Aether. We knew very little about it at first but luckily Thor was on hand."

"Ah, Thor. A good man, admitted but he can be a handful."

"But he's a loyal friend, I trusted him enough to leave him with Lark while I came out to get you from Hydra."

"You left her to get me? I would have expected someone who cares for a woman like that to stay with her, especially since it is almost her time."

"I'm Hydra intelligence, I was the only one that could have walked up to the camp and gotten you out. Far fewer casualties."

"Well, I thank you for helping me out of that place. They had terrible cooking skills and were not the best with keeping prisoners." he said. "And I can make this promise to you that I will do everything in my power to try and help save Lark from the Aether, from the fate that it gives her. I will do my very best."

"Thank you. Any help is far better than none."

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