-Always play- ||| Spinel x Re...

By LocalHoodlum_Mel

67K 1.8K 2.6K

Spinel will be more soft and sweet in this story, due to her change of heart. She will also have bad separati... More

Chapter 2
-Chapter 3-
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
-Chapter 6-
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
-Chapter 9-
Chapter 10
Facts about dating Spinel! And other stuff!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12- Friday pt. 1
Chapter 13- Friday pt. 2
Chapter 14- Friday pt. 3
Chapter 15- Friday pt.4
Waiting Gift
~!!CHAPTER 16!!~
The Beginning of the End (Chapter- 17-ish)
Simple but to the point
Just a treat
{Chapter-17} Not For Kiddies
Chapter-18 Something bad is coming
Chapter 19- Many feelings
The End Of An Era
Chapter 20- Saving Steven
Chapter 21- Like a happy Family
Chapter 22- Shopping and Dogs
Future Chapter Promos
Chapter 23- The Rescue
Chapter 24- A Trip
Chapter 25- Patching things up
Chapter 26- If We're Together
Chapter 27- Still So Much To Do
Facts about dating Spinel pt. 2
Chapter 28- Gifts
Chapter 29- One Day

Chapter 1

7.3K 124 353
By LocalHoodlum_Mel

Spinel. Oh sweet, crazy, little Spinel.

Spinel the gem you had warmed up to and you didn't know why.   After all she did, you found yourself here, with Steven Universe, on a galaxy warp.   You had convinced Steven to take you to Homeworld so you could see Spinel while he spent time with the diamonds.   Steven held your hand as the two of you were engulfed in white light, then you were there, in the palace ballroom.   You dragged Steven off the warp and looked around in awe at how stunning the room was.   "Steven?"   A calm voice asked, you looked up and there was Blue Diamond.   Steven smiled,   "Hi Blue!"   Blue walked closer to the two of you and kneeled down,   "Oh, I remember you."   Blue ruffled your hair with one of her huge fingers, causing you to almost fall over.   "Hi Blue...?"   Steven nudges you and you relax a little,   "You must want to see the others...?"   Steven nods,   "Yeah, oh and bring Spinel if you can!"   Blue grins and quickly walks out of the room.   Steven looks up at the four thrones, specifically Pink's,   

"So, do you think of her a lot?"   

Steven shifts his gaze to you,   "Well, not as much as I used to.. but I do think of her."   You nod and place a hand on a pillar,   "This place is huge."   Steven smiles,   "Yeah, but you'll get desensitized after you see places more shiny than this."   You laugh,   "Sounds spectacular!"   Just as Steven was about to continue the conversation, White Diamonds voice cuts through the room.   "STEVEN!"   Steven smiles, a hint of nervousness, however it fades when White starts to gush about how kind other lifeforms could be.   You look at the doorway expectantly, then Blue Diamond walks through with Yellow Diamond slightly behind.   

As you looked at yellow you could see how much more relaxed and happy she looked.   Then you saw something pink on her shoulder,   


Blue and Yellow kneel on the floor beside White so that they could see you better.   Yellow hummed and lowered Spinel from her shoulder, to the floor.   Both you and Steven beam,   "Spinel!"   At first Spinel just smiles, but she soon runs in and hugs the two of you after she couldn't contain her happiness.   "You guys are actually here!"   Steven ruffles Spinels pig-tails and she laughs rather maniacally, but there was only good intentions behind it.   

You envied how happy she was now, even after being abandoned for 6,000 years.   Spinel then releases the two of you and jumps around, shaping her legs as springs to get more leverage.   The Diamonds laugh clapping their hands from above, you copied them as Spinel continued to cartwheel, jump and spin.   She was made to be a court jester.   All she needed was a hat with bells and she'd be all good.   

The Diamonds continued to enjoy Spinels performance while you and Steven went and ate some granola bars on the sidelines.   "She's really happy here, huh?"   Steven nods proudly as he takes a huge bite of granola.   You sip some water and look at Spinel as she finally stopped dancing and was sitting on the floor, similar to how a child would, while talking with the Diamonds.   "I'm glad she's happy here."   Steven nodded in agreement as Spinel got up and ran toward you guys.   "You guys wanna play a game or something!?"   Steven shrugs while you glance to the Diamonds,   "Uh, what about them?"   You gestire to the three and Spinel shrugs,   "They have appointments with members of their courts, so I need something to do!"   You look at Steven and then agree to play,   "YAY!"   You watch as Spinel runs to a pole and starts counting, you and Steven look around before settling on an area in the court with more pillars and curtains.   The two of you grin like mischievous children and sprint into the maze of shiny cloth.   Steven sits in a corner and gestures for you to do the same.   As soon as you sit down you hear Spinels voice echo from across the ballroom as she yelled,   "59...60! READY OR NOT HERE I COME!"   You and Steven stay silent and listen in anticipation, as the sound of Spinels squeaky footsteps wonder the open room.   

You and Steven peaked under the curtain at Spinel who was looking around corners and pillars, 

You ask, "How good is her hearing?" 

-and suddenly Spinel looks in your direction.   

Steven drags you back with a hand over your mouth.   Spinel then laughs and yells,  "I heard you Y/n! Where are you?"   

Steven lets you go and takes out a water bottle; taking a sip.   "So how long do you think we'll be here?"   Steven shrugs,   "Knowing Spinel, who knows?"   You nod and flop over onto the ground.   Steven then strikes up a quiet conversation,   "So, you wanted to come and see her?"   -   "Yeah, I don't know why but she grew on me and I enjoy her around. I just want to get to know her."   Steven rests his head in a hand as you continue,   "I wanted to talk to her. I just hope we can get around to it before we have to go."   Steven frowns,   "Do you need me to call off the game?"   You shot up,   "No, no! I'm having fun!"   Steven gets an insanely confused look,   "Then do you want to talk to her or not?"   You put your head in your hands,   "Yes..No? Ugh, I don't know. I haven't talked to her much and I'm nervous."   Steven puts a hand on your shoulder,   "Hey, I'm sure she'd love to talk."   -   "No, that's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried that I'll screw up and she'll hate me."   Steven gives you a side hug,   "No, she couldn't hate you.... well she could, but only if you leave her alone for thousands of years."   You laugh nervously, then the two of you jump when you her Spinel speak beside you,   

"You want to talk to me?"   

Her voice was gentle and quiet but it still made you and Steven yell in surprise.   Spinel steps back,   "Oh, I-I'm sorry I scared you." Steven relaxes and puts a hand on your shoulder,   "It's alright. But Y/n is the one who wants to talk to you."   You mentally scream at Steven not to leave you to survive a conversation on your own.  

 Spinel taps her chin and grins,   "Well how could I say no to a good friend?"   

Good friend? Yeah you've spoken to her before but not to where you could become a friend, let alone a good one.   Spinel pulls the two of you in the air with a hug, then she giggled,   "I still found you guys though."   You and Steven chuckle and Spinel puts you down, then turns to you,   "So, Y/n what'cha wanna talk about?"   You stand there awkwardly not knowing what to say, so Steven gave a basic answer of what you wanted to say,   "She just wants to know things about you and friendship, stuff like that."   Spinel nods in thought,   "Alright! That sounds nice!"   Spinel than wrapped her arm around yours with a bright smile, Steven was awwing at the two of you.   Spinel giggles and drags you along the ballroom Steven close behind, recording the whole thing on his phone.   Then he did something unforgivable..

   "Alright, I'm heading back. You two spend some time together!"   

Your eyes widen as you hear the galaxy warp activate and you were left in the palace with a practical stranger.   Spinel than holds you in front of her,   "C'mon let's go to my room!"

You're totally going to kill Steven when you get home.

Hope y'all liked it at least a little. 


-Mr. Clark Is Jerry?

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