| Innocence | {Sean x Reader}...

By H4rukq

8.2K 194 41

Y/N, an average 16 year old girl, was invited to your typical high school party in her hometown Arcadia Bay... More

1-The Backstory
2-The wolf brothers
3-Captain Spirit
4-Diaz Lobos
7-Distant and green
News For This Book

6-Until We Meet Again

1K 28 11
By H4rukq

The next day

Y/n woke up hearing Sean mumbling to himself.

"Fuck, that kid never listens."

Y/n stood up from the mattress she was sleeping on, curious on the situation.

"Hey what's up?" Y/n asks. Sean pointed on the sketching slate on the bedside table.

"Oh shit, we should get him back then..." y/n looks at Sean. Sean nodded, lost for words at Daniel's action.

Last night, after Sean and Daniel had found out of y/n's power, they went over the rules again. With y/n around, it was easier for Daniel to express what he was feeling with his powers to y/n as they both can relate.

Y/n warned Daniel to never show it to anyone. Sean, that night was still tripped out finding about y/n's secret but Finding out they're not the only one handling this 'thing' made them feel relieved.

"Alright, y/n help me get this brat back home." Sean says, sighing in disappointment.

Y/n nodded and headed downstairs, along with Sean.

"Claire?! Stephen?!"

"Wait Sean, Sunday morning.."

"Oh right...they must be at church.." sean let out a breath of relief.

As Sean walked to the front door of the house he suddenly stopped and looked at Stephens laptop.

"Sean, I know it's hard...but it's just safer this way." Y/n touches Sean's shoulder, reassuring him.

"I've survived long without it.." y/n mumbled.


"Nothing sean.."

Sean stares at the laptop again. "Ok, I'll just go on the browser...I won't log on any social media..I just want to see news about the incident."

"Ok, fine, doesn't sound too bad"

Sean walks to the laptop and going on google.

The conspiracy theories, for no apparent reason, made y/n internally chuckle. Knowing what happened, one conspiracy theory suggests about governments, experiments and that the event was faked.

After exploring the web, Both went outside,walking to Chris's house.

Sean stopped at the front yard, looking at the mini maze Chris constructed.

"Man...I thought Daniel was the crafty one." Sean says. Y/n smiles at boy, shaking her head and chuckling.

"Oh trust me...that's just the start."

Sean and y/n enters the household. Right when they open the door they see Chris levitating his toys.

"Daniel?! What the hells happening here?!" Questions Sean.

The toys immediately drop to the ground as Daniel stammers for a reason.

"Y/n! Guess what? I have a superpower... you guys saw me yesterday, I know you did!" Exclaimed Chris.

"I can move things,objects! With my mind!"

Oh no...Daniel, Chris could get seriously hurt...shit how do I break it to him?

"Oh? A superpower really?" Sean implies to Daniel as he looked down in regret.


"That's...really cool Chris...so you're like a superhero?" Asks Sean,playing along.

"But this is only our secret, nobody can know I'm the real captain spirit!"Chris proudly responds.

"And nobody will.."

Y/n shakes her head in disbelief, Sean mirroring her actions.

"Oh we should have a... team signal!" Chris crosses his arms together forming an X across his chest.

"Totally! I'm gonna be..super wolf! What your super name Sean?
Y/n?"questions Daniel.

"I already have one Daniel, super nova is the name!"

"How about 'silver runner' cool?" Sean suggests.


Time skip...

Un-fucking believable, Not only are Sean and Daniel hiding from the police but so am I! There are literally posters of me, asking to turn me in for questioning! But here we are on the way to the Christmas market..

Y/n's thoughts were spinning at this point.

Even though she's been with Claire and Stephen for months now, she always had an excuse for them on why she can't go outside, scared someone will see her.

Outside the house was fine but this far? y/n was terrified. 

After they arrived, everyone got out of the vehicle.

Daniel was about to walk with Chris but Sean stops him by grabbing his arm.

"Wha- hey!"

Chris and Charles turned their heads at the sudden noise.

"Hey we'll be right there, brother and friend meeting.." Sean reasons.

The father and son nodded in understanding and entered the Christmas market.

"Daniel! What the hell were you thinking! I can't believe it." Sean says sternly.

"Daniel..you cant lie to Chris okay? I know having someone your age is fun! But lying to them won't buy their trust nor their friendship...trust me." Y/n lectures.

"Ok, ok I'll tell him the truth..." Daniel looked down.

"Good you better, enano he could get hurt thinking he can make shit fly...you got to trust us, okay?"

"Ok... can I go see Chris now?" Daniel said impatiently.

"Go ahead"


Y/n spots Sean seated at one of the tables, focused on his Sketch book.

Y/n sneakily glances at it and gasped at the art.

Wait that art style...

"No fucking way, Sean Diaz..." y/n thought out loud.

Sean turned around slightly embarrassed.

"Uh Yeah..?"

"I remember! Before you even knew about me I used to follow you on Facebook, crazy story but I found one of your art and thought it was cool." Y/n remembers.

Sean's eye widens. "No way! Seriously, so you were like my fan?" Asks Sean.

"Pretty much! I love your art style."

Both turned away and blushed, turning beet red.

Destiny? They both thought in sync.


Y/n walks around the market. She sees an object that caught her attention. It was white bear, Sitting on a chair.

I think Daniel will love this.

Y/n buys the bear, looking around if Daniel or Sean was present.

One thing also caught her eye.

It was a bracelet with a Wolf for the charm. Y/n thought it was cute and bought it for Sean.

Sean's POV

Sean scanned the area for Daniel or y/n.

He walked around looking at different stuff to give Daniel and y/n.

He came across a snowman looking toy and thought that Daniel will love it.

He bought the toy and continued to walk around.

Sean saw a charm bracelet that contained a Fox for a chain.

This will look cute on her.. suits her too fierce and fearless.

Sean shakes the thought away, blushing as he bought the item.

No one's POV

Y/n spots Sean talking to a girl with purple hair who was holding a guitar.

This made her stomach turn and her facial expression to drop.

Geez, keep it together

Y/n walks over to them, eyeing the girl.

Sean was a stammering mess which made a pang of jealousy stab through

"Oh hi!" Y/n waves.

"This is my fiend y/n.." Sean introduced.

Just a friend...pfft

"Well ain't you a pretty one?" The girl compliments y/n.

"You don't look too bad yourself." Y/n winked playfully.

"Name's Cassidy." She introduces.

She seems like a nice person, don't judge a book by its cover I guess. Y/n thought.

Daniel walked over to them and as soon as she saw Cassidy he started bombarding her with questions.

Sean and Daniel introduced themselves to Cassidy.

Soon a guy with brown hair and a dog soon walked to them.

"Hey pups!" He greeted.

Y/n waves to him as she notices Sean started to scoot a bit too close to her.

Cassidy and the guy soon bid there farewells and left.

Soon, they came across a guy who started arguing with them as they argued back.

"Why did they fight like that? I don't get why he was being mean to them, we should kick his ass Sean!" Exclaimed Daniel.

"Whoah whoah Daniel a little too demonic don't you think?"

"See that snow on the booth Daniel?" Asked Sean.

"Yeah what about it?"

"Maybe we could give this guy a shower ... you know to cool him off?"

"Sean, that's a bit irresponsible don't you think?" Y/n says.

Sean hid Daniel as he focused on the snow and it fell on the guy making him growl in discomfort and anger.

The two brothers laughed together and y/n couldn't help but laugh as well.

"Cmon y/n! Live a little!" Encourages Sean.

"Ok, ok have to admit that was funny!"y/n giggled.

After the pranking  event, everyone went back to vehicle and got on, driving back to their house.

After they arrived y/n helps Daniel and Chris to get down form the back.

She plays with both of them, running and throwing snowballs.

Sean smiles, finding it cute that y/n gets along with kids well.

"I'm so glad that y/n is here to take care of Chris... it's just my wife Emily she died two year ago.."

"Oh..I'm sorry man" Sean looks at Charles in sympathy.

"Yeah..it's been tough on Chris and on me... especially trying to be a good dad.."

"Your trying your best...Chris has a big imagination.."

"Yeah Chris does have talent... he's a story teller."

"So I see the way you look at y/n? You like her?" Questions Charles.

Sean turn red nervously playing with his hands.

"Uh...I don't know..she's a nice girl...I think so"
Admits Sean turning full on red.

"Hey don't be embarrassed it's fine, just tell her before it's too late" suggest Charles.

From the outside of the car y/n glances at Sean wondering why he's taking so long.

Y/n sees Sean all red.

Wait is he sick?!

Sean exits the vehicle.

"You ready to set up the Christmas tree?" Charles Asked.

"Yeah!" Responded Chris, his eyes showing excitement.

"Bet I can beat you there with my dad mobile!"

"No way you can beat captain spirit!" Chris smirks.

Chris bid his farewell as he flew his way back to his house.

"Cmon boys, let get in.." the three walked back to the front porch as they shake off any excess snow and enters the house.

"Hello? Hello?! Claire? Stephen?!" Sean yells out.

"Looks like grandma and grandpa haven't come home from church yet!"

"Good or they'll freak knowing we where just out. I'm going up.." y/n says as she goes up to their bedroom.


Y/n was reading a book when she hears a key clicking on a doorknob.

She walks up to the front  of her room's door and saw Sean and Daniel entering who she assumed was Karen's room.

Shit, Claire is going to lose her marbles if she finds out about this...

Y/n enters the room seeing the bright stripes on the walls.

Sean and Daniel was sitting on the bed reading what it looks like to be a note.

"What do you mean? She cares about us!"

"Oh yeah? Total bullshit." Sean scoffs. Y/n frowns knowing that he's still quiet hurt about his mother leaving.

"Maybe she changed her mind! We can try to contact her.." Daniel suggested.

"You don't even know her ok?! Don't get the wrong ideas.. we stick to our plan, we go to puerto lobos.."

Maybe...I can go with them?! But what do I say to Claire and Stephen?

"Can I read it again?" Daniel Asked.

"Yeah..but we have to go-"

"My goodness what's going on here?! Except visibly, ransacking through our stuff while we're at church?!" Claire yelled.

"Claire calm down...but-"

"Nobody has ever told you that anything you say after a 'but' has no value?! And from you
Y/n I expected better!" Claire was furious.

Y/n looks down and Sean got mad at Claire's comment.

"It's not our fault if we were curious about her! It's not y/n's fault!"

"I can't hear this.." Stephen said as he left the room.

Y/n left the room as well feeling a bit overwhelmed about the situation.

"She hasn't changed! She just feels guilty!" Claire shakes her head.

"Listen Sean, going through our stuff while where at church shows that you don't respect us, we could go to jail just for helping you! And this is how you pay us back?" Claire lowers her volume of voice. "Well, things are going to change around here if you want to stay!"

"Man! I see why mom left now! She can't up with your stupid rules anymore!" Sean says.

Y/n's POV

Dang, I had the chance to stop them...but they were just curious I don't blame them.. I kinda was too..I just-


A scream erupted from downstairs.

Everyone ran down to Stephen's office to see him pinned down below closet.


"Stephen no!!" Yelled Claire.

I guess I have to...

No ones POV

Sean looks at Daniel and at y/n.

They knew what this implied.

"Do it! Y/n, Daniel! Now!" Sean pulls Claire away from Stephen.

"Do what?!"

Daniel raises his hand up and the closet started to levitate but only halfway.

Y/n took this as an invitation to help out Daniel.

She focused and raised her hand and the closet levitated higher this time.

Sean was able to pull out Stephen. Y/n's stamina was running out pretty fast, Same with Daniel.

Both dropped the closet gently as they fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

Y/n smiles at Daniel as he smiled back.

That what I call teamwork!

"What in god was that all about?! What are you Daniel and y/n?!"

"They save me Claire it's all that matters.." Stephen touched Claire's hands reassuring her.

"Maybe it was a miracle, thank you lord" she praised.

The doorbell rang which made y/n, Sean and Daniel shoot their heads toward the door.

Claire looks out the window and gasped.

"It's the sheriff!"

"Claire, Stephen? Open up, its about your grandsons and one girl we have to ask you about."

Sean looks at y/n suspiciously.

Shit,shit,shit no way!!! If they find me they'll...fuck!!!

"Sean...we didn't call them!" Whispered Claire.

"We know they've been here they were spotted at the Christmas market."

Oh Fuck!!! Y/n started to have a panic attack as her breathing got heavy.

Sean took notice and grabbed her hand to calm her down.

"Go hide in the garage!" Suggested Stephen.

"No! If they search the house that make you guys accomplices!" Cried Sean.

It was all going to fast and y/n ran upstairs packing her stuff.

Shit hope this is the right choice...back on the road again...

After a few minutes she sees Sean enter the room.

"Why are you.. packing your stuff?" He questions.

"I'll explain to you guys later I promise but you heard what the police said right? They're looking for me too.." y/n explained, stuffing things in her backpack.

"Wait what?! Why?!"

"Later Sean, I promise"

Y/n wrote a quick note for Claire and Stephen to leaving it on the jacket pocket of one of Claire's clothes.

Claire and Stephen,

Thanks for the last few months for taking care of me. I promise to the same with your grandsons.
It's my choice and it's for the better..I'll explain more when we meet again.


Tears ran down y/n's cheeks while she wrote it but knowing this was the only choice for her to do.

The three ran out the backdoor into Chris's backyard.

"Y/n? You're coming with us?!" Asked Daniel.

"Yeah..I'll explain later promise"

They stepped over the fence and spotted Chris seated on his swing.

"Oh! Hey!"

"Hey Chris...erm sorry but we gotta go.." Daniel apologized.

"I knew you wouldn't stay.." Chris says disappointingly.

"Y/n you too?!" He frowned and looked down.

Y/n hugged him as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Chris..I'll visit you ok? I promise"
Y/n sniffed.

"Wait hold on.." Chris takes off his cape and hands it over to Daniel.

"You deserve it...you're the real superhero.."

"That's really cool Chris..like you" Daniel sadly smiles.

"Oh! Take troll forest as a shortcut they won't spot you there!" Chris suggested.

"Chris...you're awesome" Sean says as he touches Chris head.

"Goodbye Chris!" Y/n and Daniel says in sync.

"Bye! The spirit squad will stay united forever!" Chris ran up to his tree house.


Daniel spots Chris on the treehouse doing the team signal. He returns the signal and catches up to y/n and Sean.


"Chris was so disappointed when I told him.." Daniel frowned.

"So,y/n? Why did you come with us..." questions Sean.

Y/n breathes out. " I-just...It all started at my hometown Arcadia Bay,the one that was wiped out by a tornado. I was invited to a party that was only for the popular people at school,so I thought 'freaking amazing' even though my friend warned me...I didn't listen and it turned out to be a set up prank." Y/n sighed as her voice got shaky.

"Like Daniel's, my power triggered and released a big force..and I don't know if I killed everyone that day or..if they're still alive.." y/n cried as tears flowed like waterfalls down her cheeks.

Sean felt sympathy, relating to the feeling.

"That day...my emotion was somehow attached to the weather..or something, I was so angry..then without notice my power created a big fucking tornado that wiped out my town..."

Sean hugged y/n as she cried on his shoulder.

"Y/n..me and Daniel know the feeling...that day of the incident, it was all an accident. You had no total control over it... and me an Daniel would love to help you control it? Right enano?" Sean draw patterns on y/n's back to calm her down.

"Yeah y/n! Sean's a great teacher...sometimes" Daniel giggles.

Y/n laughed at Daniel's little joke.

"See there's that smile" sean says putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yuck Sean! Seriously stop flirting in front of me..I'm too young!" Daniel said as he cover his eyes.

The three laughed and the mood was lifted from being depressing mood from the previous conversation.

"Oh! One more thing..." y/n searches through her bag.

She pulled out the toy she bought for Daniel.

"For you super wolf" y/n hands him the toy.

"No way!! Thanks y/n!" Daniel ran up to her tackling y/n to a hug.

That's cute,glad they're getting along...smiles Sean.

"Don't worry Sean I didn't forget you!"

"Y/n seriously you didn't have to-" y/n pulls out the bracelet which made Sean gasp in awe.

"I love yo-it! I love it! Thanks.."Sean blushed,smooth Diaz.

Sean rummages through his bag and pulls out a snowman toy.

"Merry Christmas enano.."
Greets Sean.

"No way! Thanks Sean!" Daniel did the same thing as he did to y/n,tackling his brother into a hug.

"Y/n, here it's not much.." Sean hands y/n a bracelet with a fox charm .

"Are you kidding?! It's perfect! Thanks Sean.." y/n kissed Sean's cheek. He turned all tomato after that.

Daniel made a disgusted face, making you laugh.

Daniel pulls something out from his bag.

"Merry Christmas big brother and y/n!" He exclaims.

Daniel hands them both a drawn portrait of themselves that Daniel drew.

"Aww thank you soo much super wolf" y/n hugs Daniel as he giggled in response.

"Yeah, enano this is awesome thank you." Sean ruffled Daniel's hair.

Choo Choo!

"You hear that?!"

"That's our ride."

The three slid down form the hill onto the train.

They ran along with it and tried to find a safe space to sit on.

They soon found one and got on.

Y/n laid her head on Sean shoulder as he smiled.

Maybe this wasn't so bad after all...

A/n: soo that's the end of episode 2 and now to episode three which I will be thinking of modifying a bit.
Hope you enjoyed it
-peace out

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