USM One Shots

By TheSeaSpider

36.6K 634 306

So I just had a bunch of ideas for single stories, so, yeah here are so random ideas I had! There might be a... More

If I went into USM
Group Chat
Back to Old Habits
Daughter of a Goddess
You know em, you love em! (I hope)
Pegasus Adventures (YEET)
Hey MJ
What Happened? {Pegasus Adventures: Epilogue}
Scars to Your Beautiful
New York Echo
Broadway, Here I Come!
7 Reasons Why

Nobody's Perfect

7.6K 80 60
By TheSeaSpider

Hello my beautiful people! So I was thinking, and I realised that some of my friends think Spidey's perfect! I had to think about it for a few minutes cause I couldn't believe it! So yeah, here's a one-shot that I like to call 'Nobody's Perfect'! Also, Ben has a little secret uwu. I hope you enjoy, gente guapa!


Swinging through the city always calmed me down. Maybe it was the air gliding along side of me as if I were its guide. Or even the tourists looking up in awe, as if they had never seen a hero before. I don't think I'll ever know why I enjoy it. 

I land on a billboard, smiling down at the New Yorkers rushing through the streets as if it were their last day alive. Before I could take a whiff of the cool New York air, J. J. Jerkface yelled, "That web-slinging menace! Why won't he ever stop hurting the innocent people of New York?!" which made me fall off the board, but luckily I caught myself with a web before I went splat of the ground.

Before I realized it I was swinging through the familiar city, almost as if I was one with New York. Up ahead I saw Ava and Danny finishing beating some robbers or drug dealers or whatever up. I landed next to them, remarking, "You headed back now? 'Cause the crime rate seems pretty low today."

"Yeah, these guys were the only bad guys I saw in, like, half a mile. So, yeah, we're headed back," Ava says. 

Danny nods, adding, "Good things take time. But today, good things have come our way."

"Yup. But remember, never trust your luck. There might be some creeps hiding in the shadows you just haven't seen yet," I say, gazing between them both, my arms crossed.

"Wow, you actually said something genuine. I'm surprised! Are you sure you're the real Spidey?" Ava asks sarcastically.

"Hardey-har-har." I chuckle, turning around and swinging away. 


I walk into the classroom, and Venom upon seeing me perks up, and chants, "Hey Spidey! How was patrol?"

"Good! There was hardly any crime today, it was weird," I chirp, happy with today's little crime. 

"Isn't that just perfect. Perfect Spidey had a perfect day. Ha ha," Ben grunts, clearly mad at something. 

"Pfft? Perfect? Me? Yeah, right," I mumble, though I still try and display a bit of positive emotion. 

Ben just grunts to my response, while he focuses on a notebook. 

"What ya got there?" I question, walking over to try and look at the notebook Ben tries so desperately to hide. 

I'm usually not the type to intrude, but I wanted to know what he was doing. He closes the book, then looks at me and barks, "Nobody looks at this, punk."

I step back, surprised, and joke, "Sorry dude, I didn't realize you had a scrapbook full of porn! And you don't even want to share it with us!"

Oops. Maybe I SHOULDN'T have said that. Every head in the room stares at me with total confusion, and Danny and Ava join to, though Peter didn't notice them come in. 

I grunt, deadpanning, "C'mon guys, it was just a joke."

Ben gets up shaking his head, walking out. 

Sam looks at me, and adds to my joke, saying, "Dude. there are kids in the room."

We share a momentary glance before we burst out laughing. Everyone else is quick to join us, but Venom just gapes at me. I guess he thought I was being serious. I don't really care, I just keep laughing. 

Once the laughing dies down, everyone just goes back to doing their normal routine. I decide this is a good time to call Aunt May. I head down to the dorms so I can be alone, but Scarlet is sitting on his bed doing stuff in that weird book again. I just ignore it, pacing on the ceiling while my phone rings. 

Scarlet, mad, mumbles, "Stupid, perfect Spider... I can't do anything right!" and then he crumbles up a page from his notebook, throws it in the trash, and walks out of the room.

Aunt May picks up the phone, asking, "Peter? Are you there?"

"Yeah! I was just calling to say Hi and I love you! So yeah, I have to go, something came up!" I say quickly, hanging up before she has the chance to say anything. 

I hop down, and grab the paper from the trash. I carefully unwrap it, making sure it doesn't rip. I stare at the paper, shocked. It's a drawing! Of me! I had no idea he was such a good artist! Wait, what's that caption? It says... perfect Spidey. Me? Perfect? Yeah right. He thinks I'm perfect? We're discussing that later. I'd be damned if I were perfect.

>That Night In The Dorms<

Everyone's gathered around in the dorms, chatting or reading. I walk over and sit next to Ben, and ask, "Hey what's with the whole I'M perfect thing?"

"Um, cause you are perfect? You've got a perfect life. Nothing ever goes wrong for you," Ben says.

I let out a small chuckle, and say, "Me? Perfect? Yeah right."

A few people have caught onto out conversation, and Squirrel Girl says, "Scarlet has a point. Your life is perfect." 

"Nobody's perfect. Everyone makes mistakes," I say, a bit annoyed that they think I'm perfect.

"Yeah, but when you make mistakes, you just ignore them like they never happened. When you make 1 mistake, you cover it up with a good deed," Nova says, which surprises me.

Now everyone's in on the conversation, agreeing with Nova. I let out a small humph, and Agent Venom speaks up, "Yeah. Sorry, Spidey, but your life is perfect. My life on the other hand is not. I used to bully people. And yeah, most of the kids have forgiven me, but because of my actions, bad things happened. My house was blown up because of it."

"I made mistakes, too, you know," I say in a mumbled tone. Everyone is staring at me now, surprised by my tone. I look around at everyone, not sure if I'm prepared for what's about to come out of my mouth. "Have I ever told you guys my backstory?"

"Yeah, you got bitten by a spider, your uncle died, and you became a hero," Ava says, confused by my question.

I snort, jumping up to sit on the ceiling. My happy place. "Yeah, well how about I tell you the full story. When I first got my powers, I didn't become a hero right away."

Everyone is staring at me now, completely surprised by my comment. I sigh, and start with my story. 

3 years ago, it was just like any other normal field trip. Except, it didn't go as planned. I got bit by a spider that had gotten radioactive chemicals or something like that on it. Then, upon realizing I got powers, I had no idea what to do with them. Until one day, when I was walking to school, and I saw this wrestling paper that said it would give you $600 is you lasted 3 minutes in a match with a guy called Bonecrusher. 

I pause, unsure if my friends are ready. I look down, and they all look patient. I sight, and continue.

I was only 15 when I got these powers, so I was still naive. I decided I would try the wrestling, because of my new found strength. I would later find out I could lift about 15 tons. So, I went to the match with a red sweater with a spider on the center of it, and a ski mask. When I got there, the guy laughed at me and told me, "All right kid. If you can last 3 minutes with Bonecrusher I'll give you $600."

I had Bonecrusher pinned in just under 2 minutes. The guy gave me half the amount, and when I asked why I didn't get the full $600, he said, "You didn't last 3 minutes. You had him pinned in less than 2." 

Then, he told me he couldn't wait to see me next time. A week later when I went back, he had a costume made for me.

I make an action of gesturing to my costume. Everyone's looking at me, in complete surprise. The sad part is, that's not the worst thing that happened.

I went over and over again, helping my Aunt and Uncle with the bills secretly. They were worried about me though. Almost every night I came home with cuts and bruises. After about 2 weeks, I had invented my web shooters to help me out. They even gave me a stage name.

I look around, holding my breath. I ask, sadness in my voice, "You know what they called me?"

Everyone shakes their heads, afraid I might explode or something. I sigh, rubbing my eyes, saying, "They called me Spider-man. The Amazing Spider-man. Yup. That's how I got my name." Everyone gasps. I can't blame them. I continue with the story, tears welling up in my eyes.

One night when I was walking home, I went to a store to get some bandages. When I was buying them, the man at the cash register said, "Awe, did someone get a boo-boo? Grow up, kid."

Walking away, a man was running out of the store, and passed me by. He was carrying a bag of  stolen money, and you know what I did? I stepped out of the way and let him pass by. The cashier yelled at me, asking, "Why'd you let him go?"

I smiled and quoted, "Awe, did someone hurt you? Grow up, dude!" 

Then I ran away. 

When I passed the corner, I heard a gunshot. I sprinted over to see a group of people gathering around a old man, while I saw the guy who shot him run away. I pushed through the crowd, and the man laying on the ground looked strangely familiar. I went and crouched down net to him... It was... my uncle.

I look down at my hands to see I was stabbing my palms with my nails. I loosen my clenched fists, tears running inside my mask. Ava looks up at me, sadness in her voice, and says, "If you don't want to continue you don't have to." 

I sigh, angrily saying, "I want to do things right now. The first is to punch the living shit out of something, and the second is to continue the story."

I was yelling for someone to call 911, but I already heard sirens in the distance. I was mumbling his name, crying my eyes out. 

When the cops were rapping him him into a body bag, with my enhanced hearing, I heard a cop say that the killer was in a warehouse in midtown. So, I went and got into my costume, and swung over to the warehouse. 

I snuck into the warehouse through the skylights, to find the killer. He was hiding behind some boxes, and he didn't know I was there until I punched him in the face. He was down, shocked, and I just kept punching him, over and over again.He was crying, begging me to stop, but I was merciless.  I was going to murder him. I had my hands wrapped around his throat, and I was going tighter, and tighter. His face was purple, and he was still crying. But then, I dropped him. I didn't kill him. I just webbed him to the floor and left.

I'm crying now, and everyone's staring at me, completely shocked. Ben jumps up, angry, and snaps, "Why'd you stop? You could've got revenge."

I sigh, sadness overtaking my tone, and say, "I saw his face. It was the same guy who robbed the store. The guy I let go."

Everyone stares at me, with a look of pity. I sigh, rub my nose, and mumble, "When I let him go, I remembered something my uncle always told me. With great power comes great responsibility. I had the power to let him go, but I didn't. I was responsible for my uncles death." 

Everyone starts apologizing, but I ignore them. I hop onto my bed, but decide I don't feel comfortable, so I create a web hammock, and lay there thinking about the most random things I could be thinking about. 

Everyone is quiet now, staring at me while I silently lay here. I have nothing to say, and neither do they. 

Eventually everyone has fallen asleep, and I crawl over to my bed. I wonder what they will think about me now. What do you do when it's time to sleep, but you're not tired? I just lay there, thinking. Or not thinking. Not thinking is safer. Less to cry about. Anyways, goodnight.


Wow. This took a lot longer than expected to write. The other one-shots probably won't be as long as this was, but anyways, have a good day/night! Also, this was inspired by OfficialUSMWriter :3

11/5/20: So, it's been about over a year since I wrote this. Do I have much to say? No, not really. I just edited over a few things, made it more readable. It was okay to begin with, but there were just too many mistakes to overlook. Now, I won't do the same with other chapters too, so if you could tell a difference, even by a bit, please tell me, reassure me my writing has gotten better.

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