Since We Were Young {Asta x R...

By angestrashywrites

76.9K 2.2K 1.4K

{Disclaimer: This is a Fem!Reader}{As the title says, I update quite slowly. Please expect a chapter every 2... More

• Information - Please read before beginning story •
Extra: Where you would appear in the opening (1)
- A/N -
• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Three (Part 2) •
• Four •
• Five •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Birthday Special •
• Eleven •
• Announcement •
• Quick Thank You •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Thank you !! - 10k Reads! •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
• Twenty Two •
• Twenty Three •
• Twenty Four •

• Six •

3.2K 108 52
By angestrashywrites

Hellohello! Thank you for 100 reads! Wishing for many more! c:
Wow I just realized I've been spelling grimoire wrong this whole time I'm sorry
Abbreviations to know/
(Y/N) = Your First Name

"Then why am I sensing mana that could equal more to all of us in this room?" Everyone looked at you as if you were crazy.

  "What are you talking about, I don't feel-" Noelle was cut off as you heard a grunt coming from her very cousin. She had been sneak attacked by another magic user, most likely the person with the intense mana.

"What the hell?!" You shouted. You used your Sun Shield spell to delay any more incoming attacks before running over to Mimosa.

"Hey, you alright?" You asked in a panic. She didn't seem too badly injured.

"I'm alright. Go see what's happening." She nodded and casted a healing spell on herself. You stood up and went back over to the group, who already had their grimoires out and ready.

"Who are you?! Reveal yourself at once!" Klaus shouted out. When you saw the figure of your enemy, you stepped back a little. He was in his early twenty's, but he could have the strength of way more men his age. He was covered in a crystalline armor and had a two toned grimoire. Without another word, he began to rapidly shoot crystals in your direction, but you were just barely able to deflect them with your shield. One in particular slipped by you and scratched your arm. You ignored it though. You didn't want to waste all of your magic, so after he finished his first wave of attacks, you took down your shield, hoping everyone was ready for a mostly defenseless attack. Before you could really do anything, Klaus and Yuno were the first to jump into actual battle. They rehearsed and shot spells from their grimoire, but the enemy was easily able to defend himself from their attacks, either using defensive spells, or using attack spells to cause them to collide. You wanted to help them, but any time you tried to use a spell, they would tell you to stand back. You could tell they were becoming exhausted because they were slowing down their attacks. Just as you were about to forget what Yuno was saying, he was eventually cornered and on the verge of being struck by one of his largest attacks. You needed to understand why this man suddenly came in here and attacked you for no reason.

  "HEY, WHAT'S YOUR NAME AND WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" You shouted to him. He gave you a glare of annoyance as he spoke.

  "Mars." Was his only response. You watched as he controlled his crystal sword began to crash down onto Yuno. You screamed out his name, and started to summon your shield spell on him. But someone had beaten you to the rescue. This person would be Asta. You watched in awe as he launched forward with no hesitation in Yuno's direction. He pulled his sword out in mid air. Mars' magic must've been barely a foot away when Asta sliced through it in one go. At this point, Yuno no longer had the fighting spirit he once had a couple seconds ago. He stood there, dazed. You looked around to notice Klaus was injured, along with Mimosa who was being watched and protecting by Noelle. You decided that you weren't going to stand around doing nothing, and you had to help your fellow team member. You stood up, some blood dripping down your arm, and over to Asta.

  "(Y/N), what are you doing?" He said as if the answer wasn't obvious.

  "I'm not gonna let you fight this out alone, Asta." You prepared yourself for battle as Asta chuckled.

  "Crystal Creation Magic: Talos Puppet Cluster."

  Many réplicas of Mars were summoned by his side, to which they began to charge at your team. You yelled back at everyone to watch out, but you were in the middle of the main problem. While you weren't paying attention, Mars took this opportunity to unleash another one of his swords towards you. You had just enough time to get out of the way. That was until it changed direction while you were still in mid air. Because you couldn't control Zero Gravity, activating it wouldn't help you much. You crossed your arms in front of your face as you felt the impact of the creation smack into you like a truck, sending you flying into a nearby wall behind you. On impact, you coughed up a good amount of blood. You quickly fell to the ground, nothing there to cushion your landing. You sat there trying to regain your breath, but it felt as it your lungs had been crushed. Breathing at this moment felt like the hardest thing in the world. After a couple minutes, you slowly regained your consciousness, and tried to get over to Asta, who was in the middle of fighting Mars. Neither of them had noticed you were approaching slowly.

  "Galaxy Creation Magic: Starry Binding Chains." You managed to choke out. You held out your palms toward Mars as you shot your chains at him. He didn't react fast enough, so you were able to get the chains around his wrists, tying them back shortly.

"Asta no-" you tried to say, but you coughed again. He still was able to understand what you were trying to say though, because he leaped up with his sword ready to strike him. You thought it would finally be over, when some crystal shards summoned behind him. Asta hadn't noticed them until the last second, when all at once they shot over his shoulders. You watched as Asta was pierced on his torso, his shoulders, and arms. His body immediately went limp as he fell to the ground, causing it to shake as he fell from all those feet. Your eyes widened, and your pain no longer mattered. You sprinted at full speed to Asta's body, collapsing beside him. For some reason, you checked to make sure he still had a pulse before grabbing him by the shoulders. Tears had begun to cloud your eyes at this point.

"Asta...please...say something." You barely managed to get the words out to him. He slowly raised a closed knuckle and placed it on your forehead.

"Show em...what your made of." He shined that stupid toothy grin at you. You looked at Noelle. She nodded at you, telling you she would watch over him. You and her were the only two left who could fight, but Noelle couldn't even control her magic. You wiped the tears off your face. Some trickled down, mixing with your blood and clearing it off your face. At this point, Mars had created a giant armored titan for his extra armor. You opened your grimoire and rapid fired your orbs at him. Despite the effort, it had no effect. You heard a shouting from behind you.

"(Y/N), harness your magic! You can expand it!" One voice yelled.

"I believe in you (Y/N)!" Another stated.

"We believe in you!" Shouted another.

You closed your eyes and tried to focus on the mana flowing inside of you. That royal mana that will be the key to saving all of you. You envisioned it surging throughout your body, to every muscle and tendon. Without realizing it, you activated Zero Gravity, but it felt easier. Why?
You could control it.

You opened your eyes. You were face to face with Mars and his titan. In the blink of an eye, you flew out of his sight. When you were behind him, you shot your chains at him. It didn't get him the second time. Because you had a firm grip on them, when he sent them flying, it took you with them. Before you could hit the wall again, you canceled the chain spell and used your levitation to stop you. You used said wall to propel yourself and get an extra boost. You flew over his head and shot an orb at him, to which hit him on the head. He summoned at least 30 crystals pointed in your direction. They shot your way. You were focused enough to be able to fly around them and dodge them. You may not have been as fast as Luck, but you were still going at an unpredictable speed for an average person. You started to get careless, so you didn't notice his sword from above. You saw him smirk before he sent it hurling down towards you. You didn't even have a moment to guard yourself before you were sent hurling towards the ground. You skidded for a few seconds, finally stopping a few feet away from Asta. You couldn't move your body an inch. You could only gaze around you. You were facing Asta, so you saw his face. You have never seen him more mad in your life. Not mad at you, but mad at Mars. Mad at himself for not being able to help you. Noelle was your last hope, but she couldn't control her magic enough to be able to do anything. "This is it" you thought. All seemed it would go for the worst at this point. You had no energy to even crawl. You shut your eyes hoping this would all be over soon. The room was quiet for a moment, which is when you heard the small noise of footsteps on the ground. You didn't acknowledge it for a while because you just assumed it was Mars coming to finish you off. You heard him yelling, but it was far away. You didn't know who he yelling at or why he was, but you could make out some of Asta's voice, although it was quite raspy. You were trying to listen in while on the verge of falling unconscious.

  "Like hell I'll lose to someone like you!" Asta was able to speak up to him.

  "You're in my way. Begone, pebble." You heard Mars say softly as you heard the crunching of his magic being lifted into the air.

  "I may be just a pebble...but I'm a pebble who shatters diamonds!" Asta yelled. You heard the impact of his sword slashing into Mars' magic. He let out a cough as he fell to the ground, causing it the shake for a moment. You were able to turn your body slightly to get a better view at what you just witnessed. Asta stood there collecting his breath. He was injured with cuts spread around his body and his shirt being ripped in half. Nobody said anything, so you were the first to speak up.

  "As..ta." You let out in a soft and broken voice. He must of heard it because he turned around and stared at you, examining your injuries. You were in worse shape than him. Blood was pouring from your head. Gashes, cuts, and bruises scattered your body, and a strap of your romper had ripped off, leaving it to hang there, while another tear went straight across your torso. At the mere sight of you, Asta ran over to you. He dropped his sword and fell to his knees, carefully grabbing your delicate self. You slowly felt yourself about to fall into a deep sleep. Your vision blurred and most of his words were cut out.

  "Hey (Y/N)! Can you hear me?! Do anything! Make a sound, move a finger, smile, do something!" You wanted him to know that you were gonna be okay. With the little strength you had left, you spoke whatever words came into your mind.

  "That was...amazing." After saying that, you slipped into that darkness you were thinking about.

{Time Skip - Two days later}

  You woke up in a simple room with white painted walls and a large bay view window. On your left, there was a nightstand with some flowers in a vase. There was a person sitting next to you on your right. You slowly turned your head to see whoever was next to you. No surprise whatsoever, it was Asta. He was staring out the window as he sat in one of the chairs. You weren't in as much pain as you were during the fight, but you were still sore, so you kept your movements slow. He didn't notice that you had woken up yet until you spoke.

"What happened?" He turned to you as soon as you took your first breath. His eyes widened at the sight of yours. He still had a lingering sadness inside of him. You noticed this after he looked away from you and scrunched up his face.

"Asta what's wr-"

"I'm sorry." He cut you off as you spoke. He had no reason to be sorry. You all fought your hardest and tried to protect each other no matter what.

"It's not your fault I got hurt. It was me. I wasn't strong enough to take him on. I should be sorry that I couldn't protect you. You took action and fell first, so I should've been there for you. If I had an actually good healing magic, I would be fine right now. Please don't blame yourself Asta. I'm glad your okay." He turned back to face you.

"When we were little, you and Yuno were always the people to save me because you had such good magic. I was never there to save you if you needed it. It was Yuno. It should've been me who saved you and kept you from getting hurt." He sounded so hurt inside, more than you.

"But who was the one who actually took down Mars? If it weren't for you, we probably would've been dead. Your stronger than you think you are Asta." He just shrugged. You sat up slowly, ignoring the pain in your ribs. He looked at you concerningly. Without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around his neck, causing him to jump back a little.

"I'm not saying that stuff to make you think I have to, I mean it. I know you have potential to become the Wizard King. You know how I know this?" He was confused at your sudden outburst.

"Uh (Y/N)? What are you talking about? How do you know what?" He started to panic a little.
"Its because I love you, Asta."

~~~~~END OF CHAPTER~~~~~
Total word count: 2,375

I cringed a little writing this. I realized the fight was no where close to the one in the anime. It was pretty much the great value version of that fight.
Any feedback is helpful, whether it be compliments or criticism. I want to make sure you enjoy the story!

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