PIMP (Completed)

By writtenbytee

443K 29.4K 24K

dive in, to see what it's like to be a pimp's wife. More

the beginning
the beginning pt. 2
one: dreams
two: business partners
three: a good one
four: thinking about you
five: together we can
six: helping hand
seven: deeper issue
eight: heart to hearts
nine: pride aside
ten: thought of karma
eleven: the issue
twelve: where you at?
thirteen: verification
fourteen: the strategy
fifteen: lauryn
sixteen: counselling?!
seventeen: natural
eighteen: what you deserve
twenty: good guys
twenty-one: think like priya
twenty-two: get me out
twenty-three: not even blood
twenty-four: bosses' orders
twenty-five: second thoughts
twenty-six: art of manipulation
twenty-seven: christina
twenty-eight: new patient
twenty-nine: the one to watch out for
thirty: three shots
thirty-one: plea
thirty-two: my truth
thirty-three: the verdict is in
thirty-four: P I M P

nineteen: oh brother

10.4K 789 1.7K
By writtenbytee


"I'd love to say yes right now..." he smirked, rubbing my cheek with the pad of his thumb. "But... I this isn't you. You're clearly hurting and looking for a sense of relief but no, Priya." I held my head down but it raised it by my chin. "You've gotta allow yourself to hurt, that is the only way you will be able to figure out how to heal." He pecked my cheek ever so softly, then pulled me in for a hug. "Good night Priya." He whispered.

Staring out my mother's bedroom window; I felt like a complete wreck, I felt like I had lost all morale for myself over such a stupid situation. Don't get me wrong; Rohan was an amazing person, he deserved all the best and more and yes, the closer we got was the more attractive he became in my eyes. But I couldn't believe he had to be the one to draw the line, he had to reject me. As if I wasn't a married woman... as if I didn't have respect for myself. C'mon Priya... what in the world were you th-.

"I hope you aren't in here overthinking anything."

Startled, I turned to see Rohan standing in the doorframe, his eyes puffy from just waking up. "How'd you know?" I laughed.

"I had a feeling. The closer we seem to get is the more I figure out the way you move." Rohan walked over to the bed and climbed in next to me, while I turned over onto my side to look at him. "But that is exactly what I don't want you to do. what happened last night wasn't a bad thing, nor was it reckless on your part. I was just trying to show you; that you aren't the one at fault here."

"I appreciate that, it really changed my perspective on a lot."

"Truly happy to help. I promise not to talk about it going further. What happened in the past, stays in the past." I held up my pinky finger. "What's that for?'

"A pinky promise?"

"... are you being serious?"

"Dead ass, everyone knows that pinky promises are more serious than taking an oath in court."

"A big man like me... doing a pinky promise?"

"Oh, come on Rohan."

"Fine, but if this gets out of this room. It's me and you." he quickly wrapped his pinky around mine and I smiled. "The things a pretty face can make men do, is crazy." I popped my imaginary collar, causing him to chuckle. "I'm going to head out now... gotta go get my kids for the day."

"Aw, okay daddy..."

"Save that... for when the papers go through."

I shook my head, "whatever. You knew what I mean."

"I did, but just know I am not opposed to the idea of you calling me that for real. Just on different terms of course."

"Of course. I know you respect my marriage."

"Nah, I respect you and I know you got certain morals and standards for yourself. Sometimes those get clouded by the pain, but at the end of the day; you know who you are."

"Mhmm." I hummed, lowly. Rohan stayed preaching nothing but facts. "Thank you for that wake-up call once again."

"It wasn't nothing." He leaned over and wrapped his arms around my body to hug me. "Text me and don't forget that I'm here if you need someone to talk to."

"I won't." he kissed my forehead then climbed out of the bed. "Talk to you soon." I propped up on my elbow to watch him leave.

"Talk to you soon."

After Rohan had left, I took a bit of a well-deserved nap being as I hadn't really slept much before. Him telling me not to overthink was somewhat of the validation I needed. I spoke to Pierre before, just to let him know I was alive and just needed a moment; I figured that him hearing my voice would be good enough to get him to stop blowing up my phone. After I hung up; I finally dozed off.

I woke up around 11, then took care of my hygiene routine. I pulled my hair into the best bun I could possibly do and threw on whatever clothes I could find in my mom's drawers that could fit me. We weren't exactly the same size, but we were close. I was lucky enough to find myself some jeans and a regular long-sleeved top to sport for the day.

I order myself an Uber as I locked up, my clothes from last night under my arm. The driver pulled up at the front entrance and I hopped inside, verifying who I was. We drove through unnecessary LA traffic until I finally pulled up at Ang's salon.

I called Egypt once more, after him ignoring my many attempts last night. He unfortunately sent me to voicemail.

"I can't believe you're backing out already." She said, the moment she saw me.

"Long story. Very long story." I took a seat in the waiting area, noticing that she already had someone in her chair. There was a divider blocking the way so I couldn't see if it was any of the girls that I would talk to when I came here. Quite frankly I didn't care, because I wasn't really in the socializing mood.

"Let me just finish her up, then I got you."

"No problem." I reclined back, waving at the rest of the staff, before taking out my phone to kill the time.

"So back to what you were saying?" Ang prompted the girl. "My condolences by the way."

"No worries, I mean the baby was only 4 weeks at most. It was a painful experience to go through, but I believed everything happened for a reason."

"And you weren't upset with God or anything? I've heard many stories of people blaming him in situations like this."

"Not entirely." She shrugged, "I felt as though God knew best. I'm currently torn between two men right now and to be quite frank, I didn't know whose it was" my brow raised, and I tried my best to glance over the divider. I opted against it; it truly wasn't my business; I thought to myself before looking back down at my phone.

"Now that right there... is some tea!"

"My life is a walking drama series; I try my best not to even talk about it out loud because that's when I realize how much of a mess I actually am." She laughed, "but who would I be if I didn't put my hairstylist on game?"

"I know that's right. This chair always becomes a place for people to just vent. I should start charging extra for sessions."

"You should!"

"May I ask; Why you're so torn?"

"On one hand... you got the good guy; amazing, well educated, he's a dreamer, very supportive, takes care of me, knows how to pleaseeee a woman and please her good. Then on the other hand, you got the one that's already got it together, successful, charming, street savvy, respected, confident, motivated, a MAN's man, my first love, and yes, he too, knows how to please a woman."

"As good as guy number one?"

"Mmm, not as good, but good enough for me to be content."

"Ah, I see." Ang sighed, "I genuinely don't even know what to say... this is a tough one. I mean, I want to do the right thing and say to stick with the good guy, but I feel that if he was a good guy to begin with... you wouldn't have stepped out. clearly there's something missing that he can't provide for you. Not to mention if you've already gone this far... you've already made up your mind."

"Oh no doubt, guy number two all the way. We're going to have a future together, we plan to break the news to our partners very soon and then we can go on our merry way, finally being with each other."

"See there you go. Your mind if already made up." Ang chuckled, "I really do wish you the best with all of that."

"Thank you so much, I can't wait to actually be pregnant again for the one I truly want, without thinking about having to hide around corners and lie about dates. We've had so many blessings in the past that I had to give up for the sake of his current 'marriage'."

"I can only imagine." Ang looked over the corner at me, rolling my eyes. I shook my head and let out a soft laugh. "P, let Jen wash you up for me? I'm about to be finished."

"Got it." I said, rising to my feet and walking over to Jen's wash station. I tried to look over at who the person was talking but Ang had her face covered so she could spray the hair spray to set the curls.

I greeted Jen and sat in her seat, leaning my head back. Getting my hair washed had to be one of my favorite parts of getting my hair done and today of all days, I needed the complimentary head massage to somewhat take my mind off of things.

After getting washed and dried, by Jen I was finally able to sit in Ang's seat. She used her foot to pump the seat up, while she ran her fingers through my hair. "People aint shit." Ang said to me, in a whisper, signifying that the lady was still in the shop.

I looked over my shoulder and my heart basically dropped, seeing Alexis by the door, waiting for her ride I'm assuming. I noticed her about to turn but I quickly turned around before she could notice me. "Bye Ang! See you soon."

"Take care love," Angie waved and flashed her a fake little mine, once she was done, she looked in the mirror at me and rolled her eyes. "Bruh. She's been going since she sat in this chair. About everythingggggggggggggg. I'm so sorry, but do I got Dr. Phil plastered on my forehead?"

"From what I heard she got a lot going on."

"And you didn't even hear the half of it." Ang scoffed, "while you were getting washed up she told me that she was even contemplating between the second guy or his brother... apparently they got a lowkey thing going on as well."

My brows lowered and my eyes widened. "What?"

"ALLL of them are getting burned. What makes matters worse is both guy number two and his brother are married."

"What the actual... f-."

"I know. She actually just called the brother to pick her up. He's apparently the one who suggested me to her. Lucky, I didn't ask for no names, everyone knows I can't hold water." Ang shook my head, "that right there is exactly why I don't let my man have no type of female friends. These girls are something else nowadays."

"These guys are even worse! She doesn't owe anyone but her partner loyalty."

"You're right with that, but still. Especially if you know someone's relationship status and you still pursue them. You're just as bad."

"Yes, but I still believe that if she isn't my friend but he's my man... I'm pressing the shit out of him. He's the one that owes me an explanation."

"Facts." Ang began to part my hair, "are we doing those lemonade braids?"

"Yes please,"

"Perfect. I've been waiting to try these on you." she smiled, "but yes, anyways. Let's not talk too much about this. You got your perfect husband, I got my lil boo from Slauson, let us not focus on the nonfactors in our life."

"Mhmmm." I hummed, let us not.

As Angie went on to ramble about her day, being as she thought we were fairly close and always kept me in the loop of what was going on with her; I tried my best to keep my anger at bay. I went from being sad to being enraged. The thought of a pregnancy... made me want to basically blow up the house we lived in. I was ready to say fuck the plan and just stab him in his sleep to be quite frank, the old Priya was beginning to enter the chat and I hated that... because I knew, she was destined to stir up something that no one would be ready for.

I needed to release this tension, and to be honest; last night I got a taste of the only way I thought would work.

Pulling out my phone, I noticed a message from Egypt.


Moving on or trying to at least, feels so foreign to me.

But. What do you think of my choice?

Just testing out the waters.

I smiled; it was good seeing him explore his options. Egypt was a good guy and I knew he'd have no trouble at all moving forward in life.

I sent him a quick little heart eye emoji, told him to be careful then went to finding the contact I was originally looking for. And an inch of care, I sent the message.


Forget about my morals... send me your address.


"You wanted to see me?" Rohan knocked on my office door, pushing his way inside.

"Yeah, come in." I waved him over and closed the medical folder I had been looking at. Being that some of my girls were down and out with Chlamydia, I figured it was time to check everyone and check them closely. Priya used to take care of this job and unfortunately, with her being gone; I allowed it to slip through the cracks.

I was allowing the girls to mix and mingle with clients out of order, causing me to lose track of who the source was and when they contracted it. Something that would never have happened if she was here. I was most definitely the money man, but Priya grew to be the brains that knitted everything together.

The more she became absent both around here and at home, I was beginning to realize how much I needed her in my life. Just going to sleep last night was a challenge, I literally had to sleep on the couch because the bed was far too lonely. Going to sleep without her around, without hearing her voice or feeling her soft skin was like torture and to be quite frank; I deserved it. If anything, this was a visual representation of where my actions were leading me and I didn't like it, at all.

"What's up?" Rohan came closer, looking at me with caution.

"Have a seat." I gestured.

"Nah, I'm good on that." he shook his head and said. "What was so urgent that you needed me to come over here for?"

"I wanted to apologize." Rohan scoffed, "nah, I'm being serious."

"You don't even know the meaning of a genuine apology. You believe you're always right."

"Yes... I know I have some flaws, but I'm working on it. starting with apologizing when need be." I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, "I called you over here so we could have this chat one on one. Brother to brother, without the whole gun raising and cussing at each other. Brother's fight but we gotta make up at the end of the day."

"You're right." he nodded, "brother's fight. But what happened between us is enough proof that there is no blood between us. What you did to me is something you'd never do to Pharrell because you respect him. This situation allowed me to realize that the respect aint mutual."

"Rohan. You really have messed up far too many times."

"Nah," he shook his head. "It's just that I wear my mistakes on my sleeve because I'm human and actually want to fix them, you paid me to hide yours." He added. "All those times when I told you that you were doing the wrong thing, you persisted and in turn threatened my way of income... knowing it was the only thing I got. Knowing that I gave up everything to roll with you." he squinted while looking at me, "I sat back and reflected on this situation, realizing that I was real to two of y'all and y'all didn't care about nothing but yourselves. If this was to go down, I'd be the one that the two of you point your fingers at."


"Don't lie to me, Pierre. I know you. I know your movements... the bigger you got was the more you realized that you needed someone for this to fall down on if it failed. You've never push Pharrell under the bus, so you needed me on the sideline as your 'just in case'."

"You're thinking into this too deep."

"Nah I'm finally at a place in my life where I can sit back and piece things together. The treatment, the leaving me out of important things, the giving me the bottom of the barrel bullshit that I dealt with for years. was you stringing me along till you felt like you no longer needed me." Rohan smirked, "we grew up together and I must admit, aint nothing changed over time. you're just as much of a slime as your father was, so this aint shocking."

My jaw clenched, but I chose not to address his comment. I needed his help around here, help that I didn't have time to train or even figure out if I could trust. Rohan knew the ropes and Pharrell even mentioned that we needed him back, out of all of us; he had the closest mind to Priya's, and his charm made the girls trust him more than they trusted Pharrell and I. So, I knew that the nicer I kept this speech the easier it would be, to get him back. "I didn't call you over here for this. I really called you to apologize and say that I overreacted and wanted you to come back. Like I said before, you're my brother, I look at you as if you were blood. Yes, you made mistakes but that's fine. You're the youngest of us and it's my job to look out for you, not turn my back. Your father raised Pharrell and I better than that, and for a moment in my anger; I lost sight of it. So, I'm putting my pride aside and letting you know you're a vital part of this team and I need you to make this thing successful."

I rose to my feet and walked over to him. "I made an honest mistake bro and I appreciate you always being there to let me know when I'm wrong. A lot has been going on lately and all I can think about is you constantly giving me lectures about treating Priya right, you're always on me about getting my loyalty intact and at first, I didn't see it until now. she is worth what you've been telling me this whole time and I get it. I'm planning on changing everything for the better of us, and I believe that change will cause this business to expand in ways I have only dreamt of. With that being said, I'm going to need you." I outstretched my hand, "once again, I apologize... do you accept?"

Rohan glanced down at my hand, then up at me. He was hesitant and first but soon dapped me up. A smile crept onto my face. I knew that with him back in the works; it would elevate my stress and even give me an avenue to go on this couples retreat that we needed, at this point. "You're right when you said you made an honest mistake" Rohan laughed.

"I know man, and I'm sorry. I was really in the heat of the moment."

"Tryna act all tough, pulling out a gun and shit."

"Man, I had to do what I had to do. Couldn't be up here looking all weak."

"You and I both know, you aint no shooter."

"I have my talents, that may be at the bottom but I still no how to pull a trigger."

"Yeah, iight." Rohan chuckled. "But in all honesty, I gotta say this... I aint coming back."My brows knitted together, while I examined the grin on Rohan's face. "I'd be the stupidest nigga if I was to sit here and actually agree to coming back to working for you after everything I just said. I don't even trust you." he scoffed, "It was a nice speech and all, but you can miss me with that shit."


"Nah, we aint brothers... we aint nothing at this point in time. Snake me once and that's it. I sat up in this office and begged you to change your mind, but instead you did me dirty and I will never forget it. like I mentioned before; I was able to piece things together and I realized that this aint what I want nor is it what I need. Now, if you could write me that final cheque I'll be up and out of here."

"You being serious right now?"

"Rohan Alexander Mills..." I gave him a confused look. "Oh, that's the name I need you to put on the cheque for me... last time you wrote it, you were also missing a zero."

I stared at him, in nothing but utter and complete shock realizing that he, indeed was being very serious. I exhaled slowly then walked over to my desk for my cheque book, I wrote it up, folded it and slid it across the table. I couldn't help but notice him checking his phone; his face lighting up from whatever he read.

"That right there is why you'll never make it. you're always so busy with your head up some girl's ass to focus on the money."

Rohan looked at me, the picked up the cheque, he nodded once he saw the amount then slid it into his pocket. "trust me, this one right here... is different. A man fumbled chance and I'm about to give her what she deserves."

"I genuinely don't care to know about which hoe you're sleeping with this time around." I sat back into my seat and waved him off. "Come back to me when you're actually ready to settle down."

"Soon and very soon, just gotta wait for the divorce papers to go through."

"There you go again, chasing afters someone else's belongings..."

"Well, if he aint going to treat her right. I don't see why not." He slipped his phone into his pocket then, the door behind him opened up, Alexis popped her head in first; once she saw who it was, she continued to walk inside.

"Do you knock?" I asked.

"It's only Rohan." She answered and stepped around my desk to try and kiss me. I moved my face away, "Like I said before, it's only Rohan... stop acting like he don't know."

"Ima head out anyways, you guys do you." Rohan gave me a wave, "all the best brother..."

He left and I groaned, looking up at Alexis. "Why are you even here? I didn't call you into work today."

"I wanted to see you." she turned her face up, "damn, why so grumpy?"

"I'm not grumpy. I'm frustrated."

"Wifey problems again?"

"No. work problems." I huffed.

"Well you know I can't sit here and watch you suffer. Let me help with the tension."

"... I can't" I shook my head as she got down onto her knees. "Honestly Alexis, Priya could pop up at any time."

"Then all we gotta do is close the door." she gazed up at me with eyes filled with seduction. I felt as if the longer I stared into them was the more I wanted it, although I knew I should.

Sucking my teeth, I realized that yes, I was frustrated, and it wouldn't hurt if I didn't exactly have sex with her. The retreat wasn't until a few more days, so until then... I might as well, get off while I can.

"Close the door." I said.


I looked over Priya's text once more, while walking down the steps from Pierre's office and over to the exit. I waved hello to some of the girls, trying my best not to be too friendly. Knowing good and well they'd get the wrong impression.

Once I got outside, I noticed Pharrell stepping out of his Lexus, with his phone pressed against his ears. "Iight, I love you, by baby." He hung up and smiled once he noticed me. "Why does it feel like it's been forever?!" he greeted, dapping me up.

"Feels like I aint been here in forever."

"Did Pierre talk to you? you coming back?"

"Nah." I shook my head. "I'm off this."

"You serious?"

"Yeah, I got bigger things to look towards right now and I just can't get caught up in all this anymore. What Pierre did, really messed my trust up and I wouldn't feel comfortable rolling with him the same."

"You know how he gets when he's angry. He talks out of his ass."

"I guess, but everything happens for a reason and I'm glad it did. I got cashed out and I'm good. I'll find something soon; I didn't go to school for nothing; right?"

"Right." Pharrell nodded then blew out a sigh. "We're still good though, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"You know what I mean when I say... good?"

"I know what you mean bro, you got my back and I got yours."

"Appreciate that man, you know it's complicated for me. but I thank you for holding it down."

"Until you're ready." I nodded, "plus I owe you for covering my bro from that charge."

"It aint nothing." He said, "I'm gonna get inside now," he reached into his pocket and pulled out some cash, putting it into the palm of my hand. "That should be enough for the child support. Tell Megan and Allana, I said soon."

"Got you." I nodded, tucking the money into my inside pocket.

"How are they by the way?"

"Good, really good. Kids are growing up."

"Starting to look like their pops?" he laughed.

"Unfortunately, your genes are strong as shit. I don't know how long I'm going to be able to cover this up for you with their features."

"Damn," he shook his head and laughed, "soon, soon and very soon. I just can't hurt Tahira like that, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." I nodded. "Well like I said, I got you, whenever you're ready just say the word."

"Will do."

"I see you're still trying push Alexis on him, even without me being the pawn."

"Bruh, I need Priya out of the picture and fast. I'm trying to sell the company over; it's causing nothing but trouble as you can see; I got two baby moms out of these girls." He chuckled, "everything's just becoming too much. I'm ready to move on with my life and get rid of this and the only way I can do so is if he sees it falling. Priya has been holding it up for too long and as long as she's in his life, he will find no reason to let it go."

"Have you tried talking to her? to see where her heads at about it? Maybe she wants out too?"

"Nah." He shrugged, "there's no need. I also forgot to mention the fact that if she leaves, she takes all of his share. He'll probably have to sign over his rights to whoever we sell to, being as he won't have nothing. Leaving the rest of rights in my hands."

"And that's a good thing..." my brow raised.

"Yeah, of course." Pharrell scoffed, "you aint the only one tired of seeing Pierre at the top, should've been my position to begin with... but once he loses everything, he won't have a choice." He gave me a look, "I'll hit you soon."

"Iight, bro."

I opened up the door of my car and slid in, watching him enter the warehouse. Once he was inside, I placed my head back against the headrest and gathered my every thought.

I saw this being a potential problem, holding in this secret for so long has been hard enough but at the time, I was doing my own thing, didn't care for no one; didn't owe anyone answer. However, now I was getting close to Priya, she was opening up to me and I... wanted to open up to her and actually be real about things that I've been hiding for years.

I just didn't know how she'd take to the news, that the story I told her last night about my baby mother's... wasn't actually my story, they were Pharrell's. The only reason I even took it upon myself to hold it down for him was because he had my brother's back a while back, bailing him out from a potential rape charge; I knew he didn't do it but as a man of color, he was destined to be the perfect suspect.

Pharrell took care of business and that charge disappeared before anyone had to find out. Leading me to owing him a favour... he covered my ass, so it was only right for me to cover his. That being with Allana, Megan and his two illegitimate kids. I played this part sooo good to the point where I was basically raising them and indeed look at them as my little blessings. I felt that they deserved more than just getting child support, they deserved a figure and I didn't mind playing the role until he could. The kids did nothing to deserve being left on the back burner.

I started my engine and pulled off, still with it on my mind.

I never really have been out of the loop of Pierre, Pharell and I. So I never really thought about not being loyal to them. I always had their back to the fullest an holding this in before was easy for now, but now it was a whole different story.

I had to come clean, Priya let me in and there's just no way I could do this and start us off on a lie... I had to tell her the truth


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