Out Of The Ordinary

By ThatNerdyChickx

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(Sequel to "From Simple To Strange") She was gone, kidnapped for four months without knowing where she was a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Question/Survey Thingy!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Finale!)

Chapter 18

67 6 6
By ThatNerdyChickx

Hey guys! Hope you all had a good Halloween! I got some candy and I didn't even go trick or treating! Awesomeness... anyways, hope you like! :P

            I stopped at a door, waiting for a second before knocking. At a quick mutter, “It’s open,” I twisted the doorknob and wasn’t that surprised when I saw the principal of the school sitting at his desk, scribbling at something on paper. He looked exactly like every single other middle-aged, workaholic back home: the signature brown hair, the papers scattered all over the desk, the wrinkles, everything.

            “Um, Mr…” I took a quick glance at the name thingy on his desk. “Mr. Belliveau.”

            His head shot up, almost upsetting the mug on his desk before he stood up hastily, wiping his hand on a tissue.

            “Your highness,” he stammered, reaching out a hand. I took it and shook it before he motioned for me to sit down.

            “So, Princess-“

            “Kiera,” I interjected with a sweet smile. I swear, I was going to kill Luke for ever getting the whole ‘Princess’ title made to be said. I hated it. And even the principal looked a little confused. “I just hate being called Princess. The title bugs me.”

            He nodded in agreement, even though he didn’t look like he agreed.

            “Anyways, I have a question…” Here we go. “Um, I was wondering if I could go into a few of the classes and… say a few things?” Okay, that didn’t sound very convincing but it was all I had.

            Mr. Belliveau, fortunately, bought it and nodded with a smile on his face. “That would be great. We actually have a smaller class-“
            “Do you have a class with a Nick in it?” I quickly said before he could list off anything else. Mr. Belliveau looked confused by my request but nodded.

            “Yeah, we have a senior class with Nick in it… but I don’t think that he here today. So maybe-“ Once again he tried to get me to go to one of the other classes and I felt my patience wearing thin. It would be so much easier just to tell him about whom Nick was… but it was cause chaos and we couldn’t afford that.

            “Look, sorry for the interruptions but King Luke specifically asked me to see the class that Nick was in.” The lie slipped off my tongue easily and the man in front of me bought it with a smile on his face… was it just me or was that smile a little tight?

            “Well, if the King’s insisted, I’d be pleased to. Right now they have…” The principal ducked down and rummaged though one of the drawers in his desk before pulling out a folder with Nick’s name on it. I made a mental note to check that file out later,

            “Well, Nick’s class is in the gym right now- wait, Kiera?” But before he could say anything, I was out the door. I could sense worry and confusion behind me but I ignored it. If worse comes to worse, then I’d have to tell him. But until then…

            I made my way around the corner, not bothering to read the signs, even though I probably should’ve. It’d have saved a few minutes, at least.

            Bu then I made it to the gym and I prayed that they weren’t busy so I could give my ‘presentation’. Yeah, hopefully they’ll buy that.

            The, “Come in?” when I knocked on the door sounded more like a question so obviously the teacher wasn’t excepting someone. I came in anyway, ignoring the students-and the glare that I was painfully aware of- and heading straight towards the teacher.

            I looked up at him with a hopefully sympathetic look before I said, “Um, change of plans…”

*      *      *

            “So guys.” I looked to the class, trying to pick out any spies or people working with Nick. “Sorry for interrupting your gym class, even though I loved it when people stopped my gym class for something,” I quickly interjected, glancing towards the teacher.

            He didn’t seem to offending, instead just looking a little amused. Okay, I’ve got him on my side, now the rest of the class…

            “And this is pretty unplanned, but I’ve come to do a… question and answer kinda thing. You ask me questions, I answer.”
            “Any question?” a guy from the back of the crowd said. Great, I’m in a room full of perverts.  But I just smiled at him.

            “Well, there is a line…”

            “Can you draw it?”

            “How ‘bout I just tell you?”  I added a bit of threatening in the tone, but smiling at the people in the front of the crowd. They smiled back, not worried. Guess this guy wasn’t too popular with the ladies.

            “Okay,” I tried again. “So, shoot.” Immediately hands shot up and I was stuck on who to pick. Well, the front seemed like a safe bet.

            So I chose the girl in the front.          

            ”When and who did you train with?” she asked, looking at me curiously. To be honest, she looked a little freaked out and I realized that to some of these students, I was their princess, not someone they can just talk to.

            But I answered her question. “Well, I started my training almost immediately after I came here. My trainer-I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to be named, she’s weird like that- was absolutely…” I struggled to find a word that was both true and, well, nice. “She was very knowledgeable in fighting and powers.”

            “So that’s basically code for ‘it didn’t work out very well’?” the same girl said with a knowing smirk on her face. I laughed and nodded.

            “Yeah, sadly. She was really hardcore and eventually I managed to get Luke and even Alex training me; Luke for my powers, Alex for my actual fighting.”

            “And you seemed to pick it up pretty fast,” a voice came from the door. Looking over, I saw a tall guy coming through the swinging and I immediately got the feeling that this was the guy I was looking for.

            The teacher’s remark only proved it. “Nick, why are you so late?”

            Turning to me, Nick smirked, like he knew why I was here. I just gave him a subtle glare that, hopefully, no one else picked up on. “Well,” Nick drawled on. “I had some stuff.”

            “Stuff better than being at school, learning?” the teacher demanded.

            “Oh yeah, way better.” Nick winked at me and I fought the urge to go and punch him in the face. Instead, I took a deep breath and continued my speech.

            But after a few minutes, the tension in the air dropped and I knew something was up. Trying to look into Nick’s thoughts, I came up blank. Jared must’ve taught him to block his mind. Great. Now I didn’t know what he would do or if he had others on his side in the room as well.

            “Yes?” I pointed to a guy in the front row, my attention divided between him and Nick.

            “Uh-“ And the guy’s question was cut off when two boys from the second row jumped up, followed by a few others, Nick included.

            Since I wasn’t ready for the attack, I flew across the room as an invisible force pounded against me. Crashing into the cement wall about twenty feet away, I groaned, falling to the ground.

            What these idiots didn’t know is that it wasn’t that bad. Okay, it was bad, but not so much that I couldn’t give them a surprise attack. The only bad thing is that, while I had my power pretty much restored, it was, like, five on one. Me being the one.

            “You know, I though Kiera Jones  would put up more of a fight. Jared warned us about you… but I gotta say, you don’t really live up to the legend,” Nick taunted. Looking up carefully, still pretending to be in pain, I noticed four other guys behind Nick and the rest of the class and teacher were as far away as possible.

            “Aww, you think of me as a legend?” I coughed. “Well, I hope these meets up to your expectations.”

            Okay, yeah, it was pretty stupid, going at them head on, but what choice did I have?

            So I struck out, using my telekinesis to shove the back two into the wall. Turns out my powers were a bit stronger that Nicks-wow, shocker- so they flew back and didn’t move again.

            Nick looked at me and the block on his mind went down for just a second. But a second was all I needed.

            Nick looked to his guys. “Okay…” And then a knife flew in my direction and I only had a second to duck before it slammed into the wall. They were on me in an instant, two of them pinning me to the floor.

            Nick loomed over me, a smirk on his stupid face. “You know, Jared has something very special for you…” he taunted.

            “Oh, yeah?” I retorted. “And what would that be?”

            “Your brother.”

            And that was the worst card he could’ve played. I felt winded, like someone had just punched me in the gut. I just stared up at him.

            “You’re lying,” I said after a second, but even I wasn’t so sure. This guy either had lying lessons from the master or… or he was telling the truth. Either way I couldn’t afford to let my guard down.

            But it was too late. Before I knew it, Nick had a gun in his hand and was pointing it an my face. There was a sick smile on his face.

            “Well, too late for you, Princess,” he sneered. “No one to help you no-“

            And then he was gone. My arms and legs were set free and I quickly got up, ready to fight. Yet there was nothing to fight. All that stood was a boy surrounded by three-hopefully just- unconscious guys.

            “Wha-“ I began but then stopped, looking at the guy who’d saved me. He glanced up, his face serious.

            “Thanks,” I said plainly, still looking at the people on the ground. There was no blood or anything… so how did this guy manage to best them?

            But eventually I turned back towards the class, who were simply staring in shock, confusion and even fear. Not that I could blame them, though.

            “Um, you guys should probably go,” I told them. Unsurprisingly, it took them about a second and a half to leave. The guy who’d saved me started to follow but I grabbed his arm.

            “What’s your name” I asked, looking him in the eye. He looked pretty normal-definitely not like the type of person who would step in on an attack- and I recognized him as the guy who had been sitting in the front row while I was talking to the class.


            “Okay, Travis… why’d you help me?”

            It took him a second to answer and looking in his head, I knew that he was trying to say the right thing, the thing that wouldn’t get him killed.

            “Well, you are my princess… and besides, no one would-“ And then he stopped. “Um, well… I sorta heard something…”

            “And what’s that?” I motioned for him to continue, getting a little impatient. His golden eyes flickered nervously, even though I could tell that he wasn’t normally like this. He wasn’t afraid of what would happen if he said anything-I could tell that much- but I couldn’t exactly pick up on why he wasn’t telling me.

            “Well…” He sighed. “I just happened to be listening in on these guys.” He motioned to the three on the floor. “And I got a little curious when they mentioned something about you.”

            “They were talking about how they were… corrupting the students of the school, I guess you could say. From how they were speaking, I think that they mostly consisted of rage that was sort of directed towards you. I was about to leave when I heard them say something about Gabe, and how they-Jared and his men- had Kiera Jones’ uncle locked up in a cell at HQ… Do you know what that means?”

            But I couldn’t answer him. My mind, already processing what he said and how- if  it was even possible.

            I didn’t even answer him when I made up my mind on what I was going to do. So I grabbed Travis’ arm, pulling him out of the gym and then up towards the castle.

            Jared obviously took Gabe for a reason, either to use him as bait or to just get under my skin, but no matter what, I was going to get him out of there. Even if it killed me.


This was a fun chapter to write... Honestly, when I was originally planning out the story, Travis was supposed to come in wayyyyy before now and he would've had a bigger role than what he's really going to get... mostly because I really liked him.. But hey, he'll still be in there!

And oh! Did anyone else see the number of reads on their stories drop yesterday? I noticed on this story (it was at 200 something) and then I checked FSTS.... It was down to 5K and I cried! Thank Wattpad that it's fixed otherwise I would've been so mad...

Anyways, once again, remember to:




-Follow me! (I was at 800 and then it just kept going down...)

Thanks for reading, guys! :P

-Me x

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