Chapter 18

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Hey guys! Hope you all had a good Halloween! I got some candy and I didn't even go trick or treating! Awesomeness... anyways, hope you like! :P

            I stopped at a door, waiting for a second before knocking. At a quick mutter, “It’s open,” I twisted the doorknob and wasn’t that surprised when I saw the principal of the school sitting at his desk, scribbling at something on paper. He looked exactly like every single other middle-aged, workaholic back home: the signature brown hair, the papers scattered all over the desk, the wrinkles, everything.

            “Um, Mr…” I took a quick glance at the name thingy on his desk. “Mr. Belliveau.”

            His head shot up, almost upsetting the mug on his desk before he stood up hastily, wiping his hand on a tissue.

            “Your highness,” he stammered, reaching out a hand. I took it and shook it before he motioned for me to sit down.

            “So, Princess-“

            “Kiera,” I interjected with a sweet smile. I swear, I was going to kill Luke for ever getting the whole ‘Princess’ title made to be said. I hated it. And even the principal looked a little confused. “I just hate being called Princess. The title bugs me.”

            He nodded in agreement, even though he didn’t look like he agreed.

            “Anyways, I have a question…” Here we go. “Um, I was wondering if I could go into a few of the classes and… say a few things?” Okay, that didn’t sound very convincing but it was all I had.

            Mr. Belliveau, fortunately, bought it and nodded with a smile on his face. “That would be great. We actually have a smaller class-“
            “Do you have a class with a Nick in it?” I quickly said before he could list off anything else. Mr. Belliveau looked confused by my request but nodded.

            “Yeah, we have a senior class with Nick in it… but I don’t think that he here today. So maybe-“ Once again he tried to get me to go to one of the other classes and I felt my patience wearing thin. It would be so much easier just to tell him about whom Nick was… but it was cause chaos and we couldn’t afford that.

            “Look, sorry for the interruptions but King Luke specifically asked me to see the class that Nick was in.” The lie slipped off my tongue easily and the man in front of me bought it with a smile on his face… was it just me or was that smile a little tight?

            “Well, if the King’s insisted, I’d be pleased to. Right now they have…” The principal ducked down and rummaged though one of the drawers in his desk before pulling out a folder with Nick’s name on it. I made a mental note to check that file out later,

            “Well, Nick’s class is in the gym right now- wait, Kiera?” But before he could say anything, I was out the door. I could sense worry and confusion behind me but I ignored it. If worse comes to worse, then I’d have to tell him. But until then…

            I made my way around the corner, not bothering to read the signs, even though I probably should’ve. It’d have saved a few minutes, at least.

            Bu then I made it to the gym and I prayed that they weren’t busy so I could give my ‘presentation’. Yeah, hopefully they’ll buy that.

            The, “Come in?” when I knocked on the door sounded more like a question so obviously the teacher wasn’t excepting someone. I came in anyway, ignoring the students-and the glare that I was painfully aware of- and heading straight towards the teacher.

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