Chapter 19

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Here you go guys, hope you like... and it's in Luke's point of view! Has that ever happened before? Maybe once... but I liked it.. :P

Luke’s POV

            The call with Kiera ended pretty quickly and she left without another word. It made me wonder if she was okay. Well, if she wasn’t in too much danger. I mean, we had just gotten out of a battle and with an unknown spy on the loose, you never who’s on your side… or theirs.

            “Um, your highness?” a guard asked from behind me. I held back a sigh, turning around to face the man. Normal, really. I know that was pretty cruel to say but that was sorta what we looked for when getting guards. Nothing special, just someone to be a messenger of sorts. They might be good at fighting or have another minimal skill but nothing much.

            “Sire?” he asked again, looking at me curiously and there might’ve been some concern in his thoughts but I nodded for him to tell me whatever the heck was wrong. There was always something wrong, especially in times like these.

            “Sir, there’s a…” The man struggled for words. “A commotion downstairs in the courtyard.”

            “But isn’t Alex down there?” I asked the guard. Shaking his head, the guard just left me where I was. I knew I was king and all, but would it really hurt just to walk with me?

            That was the downside of being king. I was treated like royalty. Okay, in my defense, I didn’t really say anything against it, not like Kiera did, but I was used to it. I grew up in it. But still… I wouldn’t mind a friend that was someone other than the people I fought with and the people who were just around me all the time.

            But pushing my thoughts away, I strode to the courtyard. I didn’t know where Alex was, even though he was supposed to be down here, but right now I couldn’t worry about that now. Right now all I could focus on was the circle of soldiers in the courtyard, cheering and rooting for something in the middle.

            “Hey, hey!” I called out loudly, trying to be louder than the rest of the yells. Not being successful, instead I walked to the middle of the circle.

            What I saw shocked me. Two guys were there, one of them being one of the best, Lucian. In normal standards, he was easily one of the most obedient soldiers I had in the army. That may sound pretty bad on my part but having obedient soldiers was key in an army, especially one so small.

            Lucian was on top of another man, who was just lying there limply. For a second I thought he was dead until I saw that his eyes were open.

            “Hey, Lucian!” I yelled louder. By now, most of the men had noticed that it was their king standing beside them and not another comrade.

            So they parted, giving me room to step forward and yank Lucian off. The other guy needed help up but in a minute, they were both standing in front of me. Lucian looked raging mad while the other looked guilty.

            I looked between them. “Okay, what the heck was that?” My voice shook as I yelled. Yeah, I was yelling. These guys never seemed to get it. Sure, they rocked on the fighting side of things and most of them were pretty good, but out of the whole bunch of them, there was a fair amount of guys who, while they respected me and the others in authority, they seemed to go on their own path.

            “Lucian?” I asked. He looked mad so he seemed to be the most likely to say something.

            “Well, this man right here.” He looked towards the man standing beside whom I’d now recalled to be Micheal. “He let my son be killed.”

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