Chapter 9

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Yes, I know it's short! But I started school and ugg, it's so much work! On the first full day of math, I got four pages of math homework. I hated it... So yeah, how's school going for you guys?

I know it's short and it sucks but on a brighter note, I've started a new story and I'm working on that one... trying to get it actually completed before uploading so I'm not stressed out about it all.

Anyways, enjoy! :P

Alex’s POV

          It all happened in the blink of an eye: one moment she was there, the next… just gone.

            “What happened to her?” I distantly heard Luke ask someone –presumably Eli- but I couldn’t really focus. All I could think about was where the portal could possibly lead to.

            There was always the other dimensions, but the portal… well, I wasn’t around many as I always ended up teleporting, but this one hadn’t looked like any I had ever seen. And that wasn’t a good thing.

            “Prince Alex? Your highness?” a guard that had been restraining me asked. For a second I just wanted to slap him but resisted the urge. It wouldn’t lead to anything and no doubt my brother just would throw me in the dungeons until Kiera was rescued. That time frame could consist of a few minutes… or never.

            Sometimes it sucked having your brother as a king.

            Turning to the guard, I responded. “Why the heck did you hold me back? I could’ve saved her, or at least gone in with her so she wouldn’t be alone in… in who knows where!”

            I concluded my one-sided conversation and stormed out. If they weren’t going to anything about it, I would.

            It took a moment –a moment longer than I expected- but Luke ran after me, yelling at me. Ignoring him, I strode down the stairs, taking two at a time and planning to go to the library downstairs. There had to be something in that massive, musty room… right?

            Or maybe it was just hopeless.

            “Alex!” Luke finally got sick of me not responding and grabbed my arm, forcefully pulling me to him. He met a scowl firmly planted on my face but that didn’t faze him whatsoever.

            “Look, I know you’re mad for not going with her. But what could you have possibly done? Kiera’s capable, she’ll get through it… Whatever it is.”

            “I know that she’s capable, even though we have no clue what is over there,” I said, adding the last bit as a side note under my breath. “But at least if I had gone with her, she wouldn’t be alone! Luke, we have no clue where that portal took her, so we have no clue what she could be facing.”

            After my rant to him, we had a mini stare down, not unlike the ones we used to playfully had as kids.

            But now we weren’t kids, we were grown men. Well, fifteen is close enough, I guess. Either way, even if it was pointless, I would still hold my ground.

            After another few seconds of this, Luke came to the conclusion that it was futile and backed down, sighing.

            “Alex, we have people working non-stop, you don’t need to break your back as well searching for her.” But even as Luke said that, I was mentally shaking my head at the fact that even I could tell he doubted I would listen. He knew how hard-headed I was.

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