Chapter 3

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            Being completely honest, the faces of the two strangers in front of me weren’t really mad, more like… curious? Yeah, with a hint of amusement.

            I looked at them in confusion. Shouldn’t they be like, oh, I don’t know, going for guns or a phone or something? But with a kind smile , the woman began to speak.

            “Look, we aren’t going to call you in...” She was a bit hesitant as she continued. “In fact, if you don’t mind, we’d like to help you.”  Instead of giving her an actual response, I just gaped.

            “Uh, sorry, but I’m a bit lost… why would you want to help me?”

            “Not all of us are the same.” Behind the woman, the man spoke up, his height making him a bit intimidating, and the dark features not helping a bit. Unlike his wife, he was just a tad terrifying.

            Nodding, I glanced up at them warily. “And how could you help me?” It was silent for a moment, the ticking of the clock being the only sound in the room. I shifted uncomfortably. Gosh, what was with werewolves being so… this?!

            Hearing a chuckle, I glanced  up to see the woman hit her husbands shoulder before turning to me.

            “Well, we happen to have a portal that could possibly take you back to your own dimension… if you trust us that much,” she added at the end a bit fast. I nodded.

            “Sorry to ask, but why the heck would you guys want to help the enemy?” The glint in the woman’s brown eyes showed that I could trust her, and that she was… um, let’s just say capable  of very devious things… good to know I had at least three people I could trust.

            And so she led me into the room next to us, down a set of steep stairs and into a pitch black room. Great. Black rooms never lead to anything good.

            “And here it is!” the woman announced enthusiastically.  I couldn’t help but grin at her. Maybe she was right. Maybe I was just being a bit… unfair? Like the people back in the 1800’s with slaves, saying that black people weren’t good enough…

            I could’ve continued on in my mini-rant but I was taken from my thoughts by a wave of dust.

            “Oh, sorry ‘bout that, hun! Haven’t used this old thing in a while… now, how to get it started…” She hummed and hawed over the bulky piece of what looked like trash but was easily the size of my old closet back at Gabe’s house.

            “She’s always like this, don’t worry.” The man’s voice from at my shoulder shook me from my trance, causing me to jump. But can you blame the jitteriness? After all that’s happened to me in the past four months-or maybe more, depending on how long I was asleep- all I wanted to do was sit on my bed and relax.

            But sadly I didn’t get my wish and a flash of white light, as ironic as that is, caused my eyes to squint tightly shut. Sudden gusts of window flew around, my hair with it. Above the loud noise, I heard the woman yell for me to go through and for a second I thought I heard panic, but I pushed the suspicion away and ran into the light, hoping that I wouldn’t die as I did so-

            And landed face first onto cold ground. Blinking, I came face to face with a familiar looking tile. Wait a second….

            “Kiera?” a voice exclaimed from in the room. I groaned and turned on my back, staring at the tiled ceiling in Mr.Monroe’s room. How did I end up here, of all places? It was supposed to send me to the castle.

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