Chapter 20

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Wow, we're all the way to 20!! Only a few more to go... :)

By the way, guys, this is set in Alex's POV and begins right after Kiera wakes up in chapter 18... so this is Alex's side of things while Kiera's doing her own thing...
Lol, hope that wasn't too confusing, I'm really bad at explaining things.. so yeah, enjoy! :P

(And sorry it's so short, ran out of inspiration 1/2 through...)

Alex’s POV

            After I heard whispers that Kiera was awake, I ran. Okay, so it was pretty cowardly, but I needed to. So I went to the training room. That was the one place that I could be myself, let out all the pent up anger.

            And so I went in, ignoring everyone and going straight to targets set up along one of the wall. Fortunately there was no one at this particular set, even though everyone around was staring at me. I was used to it, though, being prince and all. Not to be a snob or anything  Grabbing a knife and fighting the urge to chuck it at the spectators, I focused in on the target, going for the middle circle. It hit home and I immediately threw another one. It hit as well.

            I hid my light smile, not allowing myself to. Sometimes training like this was my punishment. Kiera was injured and that was all I could think of. She fell under my watch, whether she knew it or not. And even though I knew she was alright- awake, even- immense guilt flooded me.

            I reached out for another knife but was almost disappointed when there wasn’t another one. Grumbled about the unfairness of having not enough of knives, I quickly strode over to the gun cabinet and grabbed a random shotgun, going back to the targets.

            Okay, I wasn’t really supposed to be over here with a gun… but who was gonna stop me? They knew I was mad and this was the only to let out my frustration.

            This was the great thing about these guys. They never bugged me when I wanted to be left alone. It was… refreshing. Yeah, I knew I had to cherish Luke, mostly ‘cause he was the only family I had left, but he was pretty overbearing, like a protective parent rather than the cool, older brother.

            As I shot at the red bull’s-eye, I saw Kade walk up to the spot beside me. He looked nervous, as if coming next to me while I was holding a gun was a bad idea. It probably was.

The smell of gunpowder assaulted my nose as I shot a violent spray of bullets. Almost all of them hit home and I almost laughed when I heard Kade’s gasp. Well, if shocking was what he was looking for...

            I began to fire off a round of bullets, about thirty in less than five seconds. How's that for shocking? It was pretty good… but then Kade started up with his own weapon and then all you could hear was the sound of gun fire.

            After another ten minutes or so-which, in my opinion, was simply to show off- we both finally ran out of bullets. Kade then turned to me.

            "You're a nice shot," he commented, filling up his gun with more bullets. I did the same, just without talking. Yeah, I knew I wasn't the best for Kiera but I was still hoping… there was a part of me that was praying she wouldn’t see that and be with me. And now there's this guy.

            I replied with a, "Thanks," before lifting and firing home.

            "You know, I'm not all that interested in her anymore."

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