Chapter 30 (Finale!)

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Wow.. sure didn't think I'd get to chapter 30, but here we are! Yeah, I know, it's short, but the last few chapters have been long! :P

"So, remember how before the battle, I'd tell you something after the battle?" I asked Kiera as we stood up in my tower, watching over the kingdom. Everything was being re-built and so far, even after only a week post-attack, it was looking pretty good.

"Um, that was so confusing…" she trailed off and smiled. I just smirked and hit her shoulder. "But I know what you mean," she added in.


She waited a couple seconds of  silence before asking, "Um… so, what is it?"

My heart started beating just a bit faster and I'm sure, with the smirk on her face, she could tell I was having a small panic attack. Okay, well, a pretty big panic attack, but whatever.

"You already know what I'm asking!" I accused her, pointing a finger as she laughed.

"Well, the whole mind and emotion reading thing is  a big advantage, you think I'm gonna give it up?"

"Yeah, I do expect that?"

It was silent for a minute and the awkwardness returned before I cautiously asked the question. "So… what's your answer?"

The wind picked up a bit, rustling her hair. Her face lit up a bit more as she turned to me, but maybe that was because the sun shot down.

It took a second, a second of pure agony, but she finally opened her mouth and leaning in to my ear. I was frozen as she whispered, her hot breath on my neck.

"What do you think?" She didn't move and neither did I. Instead I asked another question; a stupid question, albeit, but nonetheless, a question.

"Uh, that's why I'm asking you."

She pulled back and burst out laughing, not stopping as I stood there like an idiot before looking back at me.

I was about to say something but before I could, she leaned in again, this time more to center of my face. My heart sped up even more.

And then her lips were on mine. It was all of what I'd been dreaming of and more. Even better than what I imagined. And yes, of course I dreamed of this moment. I had been for a while.

Her lips were like satin on mine, so soft and… perfect. Yes, I know it sounds cheesy, but it was completely and utterly true.

It only lasted a second but it felt like eternity. Soon, all too soon, she pulled back and looked me in the eye.

"Was that all you imagined?" she asked cheekily with a smirk on her face. She knew how good she was at that and of course she was going to kill me in doing so.

But I just smiled, leaning in to whisper in her eye. I heard her breath catch but she tried to make it with a cough. I guess we were both playing games today.

"And much, much more," I said, trying to add a sexy sort of appeal into my voice. She was silent for a second and I thought that I'd failed at that part.

Instead of hitting me, instead she hit my shoulder and ducked her head… In attempts to hide the blush that I couldn't help but notice was forming on her cheeks.

"I saw that," I said, pulling back and raising my eyebrow at her. She just looked away, instead at the ground beneath us. I joined her.

It honestly astounded me at how great our people were. I mean, who else would bounce back so completely from a full-scale battle? I was proud of them, to say the least.

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