Checkmate - RATED R

By Love_Bri94

2.1M 74.5K 59.8K

She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. More

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


19.7K 844 552
By Love_Bri94

Chapter Fiftynine
Los Angeles, California

Chris drove down the highway, nearing his psychiatrist office. After everything that has went on this was greatly needed. He sent a text to Mya last night about joining him. But she never responded.

Their relationship was holding on by a thread and if she wasn't willing to work toward some type of solution, he didn't know how things could get better.

Hitting his exit, his gray Lamborghini sped down the Street, before making a left then another into the parking lot. Seeing a white Lamborghini truck sitting near where normally parked, caused him to perk up. Chris claimed the spot next to the truck and quickly climbed out. He walked over to the driver side. He could see the light from Mya's phone. Gently Chris knocked on the window, causing Mya to jump.

When she saw it was Chris, she exhaled then grabbed her purse and opened the door. He immediately grabbed her hand and helped her out the car. He looked at her outfit. She was dressed comfortably in an oversized crew neck and some biker shorts. One of his hats on her head.

Mya intertwined their fingers as they walked to the door. This was the most affection any of them have felt in the past 3 weeks.

"I didn't think you'd come." Chris said.

"If it's going to help us, I'm all for it."

Chris nodded before opening the door for Mya to walk in.

When they got inside of Chris's psychiatrist office, they both took a seat on the leather couch, but kept a gap between them. Even though Chris was happy about her coming there was still tension between the two.

A few minutes went by before the psychiatrist walked in the office. "Hello Chris." He said. "And you must be Mya."


"I'm Dr. Thompson, how are you?"

"I'm good." Mya said while shaking his hand.

"And how are you Chris?" Dr. Thompson asked while taking a seat.

Chris shrugged. "I'm okay...I guess."

Dr. Thompson could tell that Chris wasn't okay and he'd soon find out why. All feelings will be exposed. "So what brings you two in? It has to be something serious, you asked me to clear out most of my morning."

Chris chewed on his bottom lip before looking over at Mya. "The last few weeks have been hard for us." He finally spoke up.

"Hard? Why has it been hard?"

"Me not thinking before making decisions."

"And my anger issues." Mya said.

Dr. Thompson's eyes shifted towards Mya. He remembered Chris mentioning Mya having to take anger management. That not helping could only mean that her anger stemmed from deep rooted problems. "I'm guessing that Chris's decisions caused your anger to rise."

They both nodded.

"So what happened?" Dr. Thompson asked.

They looked at each other.

"Mya found out about her sister staying in my house." Chris responded.

"The sister that she had the altercation with?"


"And what happened after that Mya?"

She exhaled, then looked down at her fingers. "We argued on the way to my house. He told me to get out of his car because of something petty that I said and out of anger, I pushed his head.....hard."

Dr. Thompson tried to hide his concerned facial expression but it didn't work. "Okay.....okay. Here's what we're going to do, I'm going to give you both a sheet of paper and a pen. And just write down what you love about one another and what you strongly dislike about one another." He passed over a piece of paper and pen to the both of them.

It took no time for them to write down their likes and dislikes.

Mya tried to glance at Chris's paper but she couldn't see due to the way he held it.

"Mya, you can go first." Dr. Thompson said. She honestly wanted to snap and ask why but she held her composure and did what he asked. "What do you love most about Chris?"

"Well....his strength. A lot of things came just way to tear him down but he always prevails. I admire that, something I hope to have one day."

"And what do you dislike?"

"........he's a people pleaser." Hate laced her words. You could feel the tension grow.

"Why do you think that?"

"The company that Chris keeps is no good honestly."

"They no good but you always in they face laughing and sh—." Chris started.

"" Dr. Thompson said.

"All I'm saying is she should keep that same energy."

Mya's head quickly turned towards him. "See what I mean? He don't even take up for me like that! It's nice to see you have somebodies back for once."

"I always have your back."

"How?! The woman that tried to put me in jail is living in your house."

"You shouldn't have hit her with a bottle."

"No! No! We're not about to do this." Dr. Thompson raised his voice, seeing this helped him understand why Chris had him to clear his schedule. "Both of you take a few deep breaths and relax." He waited until they both seemed less tense before starting up again. "Chris your turn."

"She's genuine."

"Explain that."

"She's never switched up on me. I have never had to worry about what she's in this for. I know it's because she loves me and genuinely cares about me."

"And your dislike?"

"Her anger issues and how defensive she always gets. It takes nothing to piss her off and it's gets so bad to the point that physical harm comes to play. And I really can't afford to play like that."

"I push your head once and this the shit you try to pull." Mya said.

"Don't fucking touch me, at all. You ain't even had the decency to apologize."

"I text you and said I was sorry."

"A text message? You serious? I deserve more than a text nigga." Rage was all over Chris's face.

"You two need to stop....seriously." Dr. Thompson said. "This right here isn't going to solve anything. How can you two work on your issues without having a civilized conversation? This is something I'd expect out of teenagers, not you two. Mya can you move over to that end of the couch and Chris you move over."

They did what he told them.

"Now." He continued. "I want to ask you both questions and while one of you is talking, the other needs to stay silent. Chris how do you feel about Mya calling you a people pleaser?"

"She's always felt that way, I'm not shocked but that shit ain't true. I look out for the people I care for and that why she feels like I'm a people pleaser. If that's the case then she's one to. She's taking care of her family. Her sister lives with her, shit her brother at my crib, is that problem? No! If I'm not doing what she wants that's when she feels this way."

"She mentioned that you never have her back."

"That's pure cap! Just because I let her know she's wrong doesn't mean I don't have her back or because I won't just tolerate her fighting every time somebody looks at her wrong, doesn't mean that I don't have her back. I love Mya to death and will ride with her through whatever but right is right and wrong is wrong...period."

"Mya, what do you have to say? Why do you feel like he never has your back?"

"Because he doesn't. It's not him telling me right from wrong, it's him making me the problem. Everything is my fault. People pick at me and start shit with me and I defend myself. NO, fighting is not always the answer but some times you gotta knock a bitch head between the washer and dryer so she'll understand not to fuck with you."

Chris laughed and shook his head. He's just accepting that she'll never grow up.

" Mya how do you feel about Chris stating that you're angry and defensive."

"I don't walk around grumpy all day but when I'm pissed, I'm taking off and that's something I'm not ashamed to admit. And it is something that I need to work on. I got from 0 to 100 instantly and most likely I'm out for blood."

"That's not okay Mya."

"I know."

"Why do you think it's so easy for you to just attack someone?"

"That's just always been me. All my life I've had to defend myself. All my life somebody felt the need to pick on me and just be messy. I'm always on edge, the minute somebody tries me, I'm ready to fight. I don't want to be this way but it's just how I am." Tears fell down Mya's face, making Chris wanting to pull her into a tight hug. "I'm a mom now, and have way more to lose. I'm tied to Chris's name and they already love to call him crazy and abusive and whatever they can come up with, how is it going to look if his sons mother is always in some altercation."

"How long were you bullied?"

"Pft.....seems like all my life. And it was always about my skin tone or my weight. I've gained a lot of weight since having the baby and it's bothering me so much. I feel like every time I walk past somebody they're mentioning my weight or something. They always love to mention my skin tone when they comment about on me social media. This box that they put dark skin women is disgusting. Why do we get treated like we're a different species or something? I just hate...I hate it all. Til this day I'm shocked that Chris chose me."


"Because I look in the mirror and I don't like what I see most of the time, and I can't understand why he likes it. He has had some of the most breathtaking women in his bed." She started getting choked up even more. "Why me? I think that's why I over sexualize myself. If I'm pleasing him one way, my looks won't matter. And when he cheated...that took that small bit of confidence I had away. It gave me the confirmation that I wasn't enough."

"Can I say something?" Chris asked and Dr. Thompson nodded. "'re the most breathtaking woman I've ever had. Yeah you have your issues but we all do. But out of anybody you've got the purest heart. You love me, for me. You don't want anything just to make me happy. And the first time I saw you Mya, my heart skipped a beat. It was like only me and you were in that hallway. You're beautiful baby, don't ever think for a moment that I don't think you are and if I have to tell you everyday just for you to know, I will. I love you...I'm in love with you. Don't question why I'm with you. There's nothing to worry about, trust me."

"I love you too and I'm sorry for everything. I'm going to work on my anger, I'm going to fix this, because I don't want to lose you. I'm so sorry."

Chris quickly stood up and pulled Mya into his arms. She cried in his chest. He always thought that Mya was one of the most confident woman that he's ever met. Hearing all this kind of broke his heart. To know that the woman he thinks is amazing, thinks she's close to nothing was terrible. And it just meant that he'd have to do more to make sure she knew her worth.

Once Mya calmed down, they took their seats.

"It's obvious that you two really love and care about each other, you just need a little guidance. If you allow me to, I'd love to help you become the couple I know you can be. Mya I want to talk more about the issues you hold on to from your childhood and Chris I agree with Mya and the people pleasing. From the conversations we've had, your friends hold a great burden on you. Maybe you need help realizing that."

"Okay." They both said.

"I'm going to let you two leave for today. I know you're preparing for tour Chris but I'd love to meet with you two before you leave."

"Okay." Chris said.

"Okay....well it was nice talking to you...go out and enjoy this beautiful day."

They both shook hands with Dr. Thompson then left out.

When they got to Mya's car, Chris held onto her waist. "Would it be cool if I came and chilled with you and Landon today?" He asked.

Mya chuckled. "Yes Chris."


"We need to discuss how I can fix this wedge between us. What do you want me to do?"

He rubbed his goatee. "I think you really need to learn how to keep your hands to yourself."


"Saturday, meet me at my house at around.....6. We'll discuss what you can do to make that up to me."

Mya's eyebrow arched. "Okay, you're making me nervous."

"Don't be." He kissed her forehead. "Race you to the house."

"Remember what happened last time you tried to race me."

"That's because of the car I was driving, that's different this time. You about to eat my dust baby."

"Mmhm, loser cooks dinner tonight."

"Let's go."

Mya quickly jumped in her car. Chris rolled over his hood and climbed into his drivers seat. Mya was already out the parking lot by then.

"CHEATER!" Chris yelled while speeding to catch up with her. But it was no hope she won anyway.

"Ah haaaaaaa! You lose AGAIN." She said while dancing.

"You cheated man, I should win by default." 

"Nope, next to be quicker getting in that short ass car with your tall ass."

"You don't play fair, that ain't cool."

"Life isn't fair." Mya wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'll cook dinner since you think I cheated."

"Think?! You did cheat."

"Blah...quit crying and kiss me."

Chris smiled before placing his lips on hers. They shared two sweet kisses. "I love you....we gone be alright Mya."

"I love you too and I know. We just need a little tweaking that's all. But no relationship is perfect."

"You're perfect."

A huge smile peeled across her face. "Thank you baby."

"You're welcome, now let's head inside so I can see my big head baby."

"Chill on my son."

"He get it from you so it's cool."

"Haha, forget you."

Chris laughed then kissed her again then they headed inside.

Even though things aren't perfect right now, they both knew that they would be soon.


We're getting closer to the end 😢

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