Black Cat

By Jade14x

22.9K 644 24

Felicia Hardy is a 15 year old girl who had been trained in every way possible since she could walk, by her f... More

Part 1
Chapter 1 - "And get distracted and get bad grades? I don't think so"
Chapter 2 - "What's everyones obsession with calling me Darling?"
Chapter 3 - "Black Cat! I would say it's nice to meet you, but it isn't."
Chapter 4 - "What was that about 'James Merrowoff can do it all, hunny!"
Chapter 5 - "I can't have that. I have school!"
Chapter 6 - "Wonderful! Why should i care!"
Chapter 7 - "I was supposed to do a Spanish, Biology and Calculus test!"
Chapter 8 - "Though you may have to define crazy!"
Chapter 9 - "Damn, i wanted to be the only cat in this fight!"
Chapter 10 - "I trust you both 100%, it's the snow that's gonna kill me!"
Chapter 11 - "Wait, why did your dumbass self land all the way over there!"
Chapter 12 - "I should, but i ain't!"
Chapter 13 - "My step father will handle it!"
Chapter 14 - "God, Steve! Trust me. I have a plan!"
Part 2
Chapter 1 - "Please, anyone but him!"
Chapter 2 - "I thought i said no takeaway!"
Chapter 3 - "You don't say such things aloud!"
Chapter 5 - "You've never been in a girls room, have you?"
Chapter 6 - "I will kill you."
Chapter 7 - "Though, I'm not quite sure why that matters!"
Chapter 8 - "Speaking of dicks..."
Chapter 9 - "Don't give me that look, MJ!"
Chapter 10 - "Oh, stop with this stupid charade, Ned!"
Chapter 11 - "Ugh, I feel...sick!"
Chapter 12 - "Not an amputated leg or something!"
Chapter 13 - "Yeah, and I'm a fairy princess."
Chapter 14 - "Oh, god!"
Chapter 15 - "I'll do it myself!"
Chapter 16 - "I do what I think I should do."
Chapter 17 - "Top points for your observational skills."
Chapter 18 - "But that's no excuse!"
Chapter 19 - "Well, this was fun!"
Chapter 20 - "Nice to meet you again, Your Majesty."
Chapter 1 - "That'd actually be amusing to see, actually!"
Chapter 2 - "None of us are exactly alien experts, right?"
Chapter 3 - "He's got much more of a reason to be scared than I do."
Chapter 4 - "The raccoon talks?"
Chapter 5 - "That...that's bad, right?"
Author's Note

Chapter 4 - "I'm not about to get shot for some random guy!"

369 17 3
By Jade14x

Felicia decided not to go to the party, she'd be way out of her comfort zone as she didn't really like massive parties, that weren't at her own house. Instead, she had told James and Jared that she'd go to a shop to go get loads of food for their movie marathon tonight. Surprisingly, James had let her borrow his deep red Aston Martin. He only went out in it when they were going on trips to places like New York and California, so Felicia was clearly surprised he was letting her drive to the shop for food with it.

She was also surprised he let her drive since she was still on her lessons, her brothers had been teaching her, and she hadn't got a license yet. But she was pretty sure she was very close to getting a license, and anyway she pulled up and parked not so perfectly and headed into the department store for things her parents would usually get them whenever they had a movie marathon.


Once she came out of the shop she put the bags on the car seat next to her own and closed the door. When suddenly, she saw a blue explosion out in the distance, and she wasn't going to investigate what it was she was just gonna go home and start that movie marathon. Going to investigate would be stupid and she wasn't a stupid 'superhero' like Spider-Man, or Peter.

But then, she realised Peter would be headed for that explosion right now, and the only reason Tony Stark came to her and shared her secret was because he didn't want the boy to be stupid and get himself killed. Tony Stark wanted her to look out for Peter Parker, he believed she could be trusted with such a job, because honestly, Peter Parker was like a curious five year old and would launch head first into any sense of danger.

She growled in anger and got into her brothers car and started it up, she just really hoped the car didn't get destroyed. James would probably kill her without hesitation if he found out she destroyed his car, his car was his baby. But then, she'd have to explain how his car got destroyed and then he'd find out she was Black Cat, and loads of dilemmas and predicaments would follow after that.

Felicia then began to drive out of the car park and stepped on the accelerator and put her main focus on driving in and out of cars, but not enough to be caught by the police. Her other main focus was to keep in mind which direction she was headed in, as she wouldn't want to be racing around for ages, only to find out she was going in the wrong direction.

She'd be royally pissed if that was the case, and she tried not to get even a scratch on the car. James noticed everything when it came to his car, and it was unbelievable. She remembered back a few months ago she accidentally got ice cream on his car, how she had no idea, but he proper flipped out and ranted on about how she had to be more careful around his car or he'd murder her. Not that he'd be able to, she was way faster than him, she knew that. So, it'd be a bit of a fail if he tried to kill her.

Felicia knew the next turn would make sure she was heading in the right direction, but she was aware of what an awkward turn it would be since she was going so fast. Felicia took a deep breath before she jerked the steering wheel to the left sharply and the car drifted round the corner and sped down the road, where she went in and out of different cars.

Felicia let out a small laugh at how well that turn worked, but figured it was just luck. Now she was on the freeway, and she had to head off of it to get right where the spot was, but she was stuck behind two very slow cars, and she was slowly loosing her patience and slammed her hand on the horn.

The driver to one of the cars leant out the window and flipped her off. She rolled down the window. "Fuck you!" She screamed out the window as she saw an opening to the other side  of the free way and mentally prepared herself. Felicia reminded herself she just had to go to the opening after this one, then she was at the exit of the freeway, then she'd be there.

If James knew what she was doing with his car, he'd probably want to snap her neck, and she wouldn't blame him since what she was about to do was so crazy, and she'd probably have to admit herself to a mental hospital for insanity, especially since she was only a learner driver. But it was probably crazy enough that it would work, and her eyes were extremely good, so maybe it would work. In the famous words of Captain Jack Sparrow 'If I wasn't this'd probably never work.' Meaning If she wasn't slightly insane, this wouldn't work the way she imagined it would.

Felicia took a deep breath before she turned into the other lane, where the cars were driving towards her. So, to the best of her ability she dodged each car that was driving towards her, and ignored all the car horns that were being beeped at her non-stop. Felicia found it a bit rude that they would consistently honk their horns at her.

Felicia let her eyes travel to where the next opening was, so she could get out of this lane and off the freeway. It wasn't that far away from her position right now, and when her eyes landed on the way she was going she saw the car coming straight for her and widened her eyes. She held her left hand out and green energy surrounded the car in front of her and made it fly up in the air and crash to the floor behind her.

Finally, she got off the wrong lane and off the freeway and had parked up nearby, and let out a shaky sigh. That was one of the scariest moments in her life and she would never forget it. She parked the car both hidden and out of the way, and locked it. She then ran the rest of the way and stayed hidden very close to them and under the kind of bridge above them. The man shot the weapon at an object near the trees and she widened her eyes at the weapon, it was very intense.

"Now this is crafted from a reclaimed sub-Ultron arm straight from Sokavia!" The dealer explained to the dark skinned man beside him. "Here, you try!" He offered the weapon out to the man beside him.

The man took the weapon out of the dealers hands. "Man, I wanted something low-key, like, why are you trying to upsell me, man!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" The dealer told the man. "I got what you need, alright! I got tons of great stuff here." He took the weapon out of the man's hands and walked over to the back of the van. "One sec! We got, uh, black hole grenades, Chitauri rail-guns.."

She couldn't hear the man behind the van all too well when the other man began to speak to the guy looking for a weapon. "Look, times are changing. We're the only ones selling these high tech weapons!" The man explained.

"Look, I'm just looking for something to stick up somebody, I'm not looking to shoot them back in time!" The buyer told him, just as the dealer at the van's back found a weapon he believed the man wanted.

"Anti-grab climbers?" The buyer asked as he walked towards them, but all of a sudden an atrocious ring tone went off and she looked up to see Peter hanging upside down in his spider man suit. But here she was, only in her clothes, a pair of heels and a black scarf over the bottom half of her face. She watched as the man raised a gun to the other and she walked out as Peter dropped to the floor almost landing on her.

"Hey, come on, if you're gonna shoot at anybody, shoot at us!" Peter called out to them.

"Excuse me?" Felicia asked as she faced Peter with narrowed eyes. "I'm not about to get shot for some random guy!" She told him seriously.

"Alright!" The man with the gun said, but before he could shoot at either of them, Peter had shot a web out at the gun and had it thrown to the floor. She walked forwards and thrust her hand out and the man who Peter was about to fight was thrown backwards.

However, the guy in the back of the van shot at Peter with a weapon and he went flying backwards into the stone pillar and he dropped to the floor as the two men raced to get the van started, so Felicia raced back for her car and started it. So she could drive after them.

Felicia was following them and turned a corner and squinted at the van ahead of her, and she saw a figure being dragged behind them. "Wait, is that...Peter?" She mumbled to herself as she sped the Aston Martin up and got closer, and her eyes landed on the weapon he had pulled out and she sighed, just when she thought she'd get away with not destroying her brothers car.

She rolled the window down and wedged her heel on the accelerator and steered the car the best she could with her thighs and knees as she pulled herself out of the window and waved her hand, a ball of green energy racing for the van, but all it did was collide with the energy he shot out, which caused a chain reaction and blew the vans door off.

She watched as Peter got thrown into some bins and was about to go help him, when she saw something fly off the van and land on a grassed area and she turned her car around and drove onto the field and got out of her car and grabbed it. She held the object in her hand and found it was glowing a luminous pink.

Felicia then realised that Peter was still racing after the van and she retreated to her car and threw the weapon on the seat and raced back after the van, and soon it was only a metre and half in front of her, and she saw Peter fall towards the top of the van, but a flying mechanical thing with green eyes caught him and flew off with him.

Felicia wondered if she should go after him or not, but in the end she decided she'd have to as if he got dropped, how would he survive as he couldn't fly and his suit couldn't fly, so she stepped extra hard on the accelerator and raced after where she believed he'd fall or where he'd drop, and just hoped she'd get there.


Felicia stopped the car as she saw him fall into the water and shrugged to herself. He could get himself out, he was Spider-Man, and that's when her phone began to ring. "Hello?" She greeted the person on the other side.

"Lia, where the hell are you? You've been gone a hour? He first Pirates of the Caribbean has almost finished! Hurry your ass up, little sister." James said.

She had completely forgot how her brothers were waiting on her. "Oh!" She said. "I'm almost home, the traffic is horrendous!" She lie to her brother and she started the car again and drove away just as the Iron Suit went into the water. "Be patient!"

"We have, and you better not have messed my car up!" James warned her.

"I mean, there was a slight crash not too long ago, and I drove on the wrong side of the road, there's scratches all over it!" She told him with a small snigger before she ended the call on him and drove back to her home, deciding that she'd take the weapon home instead of giving it to Peter.

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