Chapter 10 - "Oh, stop with this stupid charade, Ned!"

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Felicia had just finished getting ready, and was currently analysing herself in the mirror. She brushed the random brown strands from her hair, as she applied a new set of lip gloss. Felicia guessed that maybe she should hurry up or Liz might bite her head off for being late. She opened the door and found MJ waiting for her patiently.

"You know, last night was fun!" MJ told her with a small smile. "We should do it more often. Maybe one day you can invite everyone over yours?" She asked, and MJ considered everyone in the Decathlon her closest friends, and found that hanging out with them all was actually quite fun.

"Oh, I don't know about that!" Felicia trailed off. "But, I'll think about it!"

"Also, you and Flash were actually friendly with each other as well!" MJ spoke up. "What was that about exactly? You're both always either arguing or at each other's throats! It was weird with you both smiling and laughing with each other!"

Felicia placed some hair behind her ear and shrugged. "We were all having fun and letting loose, so we both collectively and silently agreed that we'd toss aside our differences and pretend that we didn't hate each other for a few hours! It worked, and today we're obviously back to normal!" She explained as they both left their room, and MJ closed the door behind them.

"I just wonder why Peter didn't join us!" MJ spoke up, and Felicia looked towards her.

"Well, he was probably busy studying like Liz said." Felicia shrugged nonchalantly. Felicia was a bit curious as to why he left in search of the guys from the other day without her when they were supposed to be a team just this once. It made Felicia become aware of a sobering fact.

That maybe herself and Peter weren't truly friends and weren't a team - like she had thought. That they were just working together on this because of circumstance - that maybe he was assigned to keep her in line by Tony Stark. It hurt her feelings to understand that he just didn't want her help and that she was nothing more than someone to help aid him during the times he chased the men from the other night to him, and it made her feel stupid.

She had given up on what she was doing, what the whole Black Cat burglar gimmick was made for, to help him. And yet, he had the audacity to leave her out and to go on his own. It also made her angry.

However, as they headed to go, Ned began to head over to the both of them, he smiled at them both. "Hi, MJ! Hi, Felicia!" Ned greeted them with a nod. "Could I borrow you for a quick second, Felicia?" He asked her politely, as he glanced between the two girls nervously. Felicia frowned and nodded slowly, and began to follow Ned back to his and Peter's room as MJ continued on.

Felicia entered the room with a sigh. "So, what is it?" She questioned him as she looked around the room, and found that Peter wasn't in the room.

"Peter hasn't come back from chasing those guys!" Ned told her.

Felicia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "This is a joke, right?" She asked Ned. "Peter wants to, what, try and worry or guilt me into forgiving him for chasing the guys without me - even though we're supposed to be a team on this! Well, sorry to say, it's not going to work!" She looked out at the room. "Nice try, Peter! But I'm afraid I'm just not that worried, but I must applaud you on involving Ned!"

"What?" Ned asked in confusion.

"Oh, stop with this stupid charade, Ned!" Felicia said in annoyance. "I'll see you both in a bit!" She told Ned, before she pulled open the door and left it. Felicia was now angry and annoyed with Peter. In reality, Peter would never try a stunt like this, but Felicia wasn't thinking straight as she was angry and annoyed. Ned looked at the door in despair, the only person who was any help had just played it off as a joke and had left.

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