Chapter 3 - "He's got much more of a reason to be scared than I do."

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They were stood in Shuri's lab, while Vision lay upon a table with both Shuri and Bruce stood over her. The others stood and watched the two geniuses do what they did best - which was think about solutions to impossible situations. Felicia watched as Shuri scanned the Stone upon his head, and watched as she studied the hologram.

"Whoa!" Shuri breathed. "The structure is polymorphic."

"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." Bruce explained to the woman on the process they went through in order to bring Vision to life.

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" Shuri questioned with a small frown, and Felicia spied that Vision looked towards Bruce, also curious of his answer to the woman's question.

"Because we didn't think of it." Bruce replied slowly.

"I'm sure you did your best." Shuri assured him as Felicia scoffed under her breath, causing everyone to look towards her. Felicia began to tap her chest as she let out a fake cough, causing Wanda to chuckle slightly under her breath as she looked at the girl fondly.

"Can you do it?" Wanda questioned Shuri as she lifted her gaze from Felicia to Shuri.

"Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here." Shuri explained to the woman. "One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." She looked towards her brother. "It will take time, brother."

"How long?" Steve asked.

"As long as you can give me."

Just then an alarm began to go off softly in the distance, and Okyeye's kimono beads grilled softly, and Felicia looked up and over to Shuri. Felicia then switched her gaze to the holographic form coming from the bead in her hand. "Something's entered the atmosphere."

"Well, shit." Felicia said softly as she ran a hand through her platinum white hair. "Seems like this is it."

"Hey, Cap, we got a situation here." The voice of Steve's friend, Sam, also known as the Falcon, spoke through the comms in their ears, as Felicia cut across the room to the window and peered out. Just as she looked out the window, something crashed into the protective dome around Wakanda.

"God, I love this place."

"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys." Rhodey spoke. "We got more incoming outside the dome."

Felicia let out a nervous breath as she watched them land outside the dome, she wondered if she was really ready for something such as this - an Avengers level threat. She had only gone against Liz's dad so far, nothing like aliens. She was very nervous to say the least, but she knew that Peter would encourage her to do this, and that he'd assure her that she was fine and that she's got this.

So she sucked in a breath, held it for a few moments, and let it go. "You've got this, Felicia." She whispered softly, just as she felt someone place their hand on her shoulder. She looked over and saw Wanda, and she gave the woman a weak smile.

"It's too late." Vision told them all. "We need to destroy the stone now."

"Vision, get your ass back on the table." Natasha told the syntheszoid.

"We will hold them off." T'Challa decided, as he moved to stand in front of Felicia. "Felicia, remember what Okyeye has been teaching you - it's imperative that you don't accidentally do something."

"I understand." Felicia nodded. "And I've got this." Both him and Okyeye walked off, and Okyeye swiftly nodded at her as she passed her.

"Wanda, as soon as that stone's out of his blow it to hell." Steve told the woman, who proceeded to assure him that she would.

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