Chapter 15 - "I'll do it myself!"

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Felicia knew that Peter was in for it with Tony, which was another reason why she immediately left, she didn't want to be in that awkward situation. But now she felt even more guilty, and was pacing in her room, she knew that Peter was only trying to do what was right, so she was going to go do what was right as well. She was going to head on up to the new Avengers facility upstate, and take the blame for the ferry situation.

After all, better her blamed for it than Peter, who was only just trying to prove that he was worthy of the suit he wore. Felicia also knew that Tony couldn't do anything to her, and with how she felt during the ferry situation, she wouldn't be around for him to do so. She wanted to go back to being a cat burglar. So she quickly grabbed a pair of boots and her jacket, before she made her way to Jared's room. She knocked the door lightly, before going in.

"Hey, Jared!" Felicia spoke as she popped her head into the room, and she found her brothers, cousins and Benjamin all sat around the room, and they looked at her like a deer caught in headlights. Almost like they had been caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing, and she spied a large piece of paper in front of them, but she had bigger things to worry about.

"What is it?" Jared asked her curiously.

"I need to borrow your car, or someone's car." Felicia told them.

"After your concussion?" Jamie asked. "I don't think so!"

"That happened more than a week ago!"

"Still, it happened!"

"Someone let me borrow your car, and I won't inform anyone of what you're doing in here." Felicia told them. All of the boys looked at each other for a few seconds, before they all decided to give in.

"Okay, but you better be back in three hours, because that's when they get back, and we're supposed to be looking after you." Jared told her sternly. "And we also need to know where you're going with my car exactly."

"Not that far." Felicia shrugged. "It's in New York."

"Where about?" Aemon asked.

"Just in New York." She shrugged, and each of them gave her a pointed look and she rolled her eyes. "Near Brooklyn." She lied, and they all told her that it was okay, and to be back before their parents got back home. With where Felicia was really going, she doubted that it would be achievable to get back before they got back. She just wished her parents were delayed once again for some reason.

Felicia then quickly grabbed the keys from his outstretched hand, flashed them all a smile, before she hurried to get into the car, and she set off. She was just glad that she had accompanied Clint to retrieve Wanda that one time, else she wouldn't have known where it was.

Finally, she reached destination and was approaching the closed gates and slowed her speed, she knew they probably wouldn't open the gates for her, so she put down the window and leant out of it. Felicia held her hand out and concentrated on the gates ahead, and narrowed her eyes at the gate. The green energy appeared at her hand, and she directed it towards the gate. The energy surrounded the gate, and pushed it open for her.

Once the gate was open, the green energy disappeared, and she drove further onto the property. Felicia probably knew if people in here knew that she was Black Cat, they'd probably try and arrest her because of the whole airport situation. Instead, she parked up somewhere she deemed out of the way, and headed for the entrance, and walked inside.

People were moving things in and out, and she looked around to try and find someone she could speak with on finding Tony, and she was about to head on and find someone when someone tapped her on the shoulder. "Can I help you?" The voice asked, and she turned and found the War Machine standing there - though he was suit-less.

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