Chapter 7 - "Though, I'm not quite sure why that matters!"

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Felicia was peacefully sleeping in her bed, when her phone began to ring, waking her up. Felicia groaned and rolled over in her bed, and grabbed her phone and lifted it to her face to see Peter's ID. "This boy is so annoying!" Felicia muttered to herself bitterly before she slid the icon and lifted to phone to her ear as she sat up in bed. "Peter, do you know what time it is?" She asked him. 

"No!" He replied. There was whispering in the background. "Though, Ned says that it is 10:45!

"Well, it's not that late. But I was still asleep either way!" She informed him matter of factly. "So, what's so important that you interrupted my sleep for?" She questioned him with a sigh. 

"I need a favour!" Peter told her. 

"And how does that relate to me, Peter?" She asked him. "Besides, who said I was going to help you with whatever this favour is! You interrupted my sleep." Felicia told him as she climbed from her bed with a heavy sigh as she walked across the room and put her bedroom light on. 

"Because we're friends?" Peter asked hopefully. Felicia stayed absolutely silent. "Oh, Felicia, come on! Please, please, please help me out with this. It's about and relates to the guys from the other night - you know, the ones who tried to vaporise me!" 

Upon hearing that Felicia sighed as she gave in, after all she was tasked to helping the boy with whatever he was doing by Tony Stark. And she was helping him, because she would feel guilty if he were to get hurt doing this on his own. "Okay, Peter!" She told him. "What do you need me to do?" She asked the boy. 

"I need you to convince Liz to let me come on the trip to DC. You see, I put a tracker one of those guys when I followed them in our school, and they're doing something in Maryland. It's obviously something suspicious, so I need to follow after them. But Maryland is quite a way away from Queens, but DC? It's not that far!" Peter revealed to her. "You're good friends with Liz, you can convince her to let me get back on the trip!"

"I'm good friends with MJ, I just talk to Liz." Felicia corrected the boy. "But, sure, I'll see what I can do. I'll e-mail her-" 

"No, no, no!" Peter interjected. "You need to call her, that way you can get the exact answer, and then you can tell me!" 

"You owe me, Parker!" Felicia told him before she ended the call on him, and began to scroll through her contacts to find Liz's ID. 

The phone rang a few times, before Liz answered the call. "Hey, Felicia!" Liz greeted her kindly. "What can I do for you?"

"Liz, I'm calling about the decathlon trip to DC-" 

"You're not bailing on us, are you?" Liz asked in slight panic. 

"Oh, no, no!" Felicia assured her with a small chuckle. "I was wondering if Peter could join us. He text me just saying he could make it now. But we both know Peter very well, he'd just arrive on the day without any notice. I thought I'd do the logical thing and let you know before!" 

"Oh!" Liz said softly. "Yeah, he'll be able to join us. Though, I think we both know Flash won't be very happy!

"When is Flash happy anyways?" Felicia asked, and both girls laughed, before they bid each other goodbye, and Felicia ended the call. Felicia turned her light off, and climbed back into her bed as she text Peter letting him know that Liz had told her that it was fine, and that he could come to DC. She placed her phone back on her bedside table, and slowly drifted off back to sleep. 

However, before she could fully fall asleep, her door was pushed open. She rolled over with an annoyed look on her face, and she found Jared and James standing there. "Well?" She asked them impatiently. 

"We need you to pick up Michael and Aemon from the airport tomorrow!" Jared told her. "And to stay here with them for the day, just until we come back from school!" 

Felicia shook her head at them. "Yeah, I can't!" She informed them. "Tomorrow is my decathlon thing, I'm going to DC. I can't do anything of the sort. Can't you just take time off school?" 

"We can't!" James told her. "Just...pick them up and take them with you to DC. It can't be a problem!" 

"Are you serious?" She asked. 

"Yeah!" They nodded, and she lay back down on her bed and groaned as she stared up at the ceiling. She really didn't want to take them with her, she wasn't even sure if they would be allowed to come with them. But she decided she'd have to deal with it tomorrow, and she hoped that everything went well. 


The next morning, Felicia was running late to the airport - which only meant that she was going to be slightly late to school as well. She had taken her step-dad's audi, and she quickly sped down the way, and parked up to where she spotted her cousins, and an extra person. She wound the window down. "Get in quickly, I'm running late!" She told them. 

Michael and Aemon got into the back, while their friend got in the front next to her with their bags in the back. "Felicia, I believe you've met Ben!" Aemon told her, as she began to drive, and she looked to the side at the boy that was sat beside her. There was no way the boy sat beside her was Ben, her old friend, a friend she hadn't seen since she was very young. He had grown rather mature over the time she hadn't seen him, and she wasn't ashamed to admit that the guy beside her was attractive. 

Felicia looked back to the road. "It's, urm, great to see you again, Benjamin!" She greeted him kindly with a nod. "But it'd be great if you could take control of the wheel for a second, I need to get my blazer on!" The boy nodded and took control of the wheel as Michael handed her her blazer, and she pulled it on. 

She took the wheel again and sped up on the road, only going a little over the driving limit. "I'm not sure if James or Jared told you, but we're not going back to mine - not straight away at least. I'm actually going on a decathlon trip to DC, and you're going to have to drive back to the house yourselves. I can give you the key!" She explained to them all. 

"DC?" Benjamin asked in mild interest. "I've never been there before, be sure to tell me all about it when you get back!" He told her with a small and charming smile on his face. "We always talked about travelling the world together - only this way I'll be travelling through you vicariously." Felicia chuckled lightly at the memory of their deal they made when younger. Her and Benjamin were very close when they were younger, he was her first kiss and her childhood crush - they never dated since he moved away. They were once extremely close and they stayed in contact, until she met Flash and she fell in love with Flash. 

"Is Flash going to be there?" Aemon questioned, making Felicia roll her eyes and Benjamin shift uncomfortably - he knew Flash was the boy that he lost Felicia to. But none of them other than Felicia knew she was no longer dating Flash. 

"Yes, he is!" She replied. "Though, I'm not quite sure why that matters!" 

"Oh, it doesn't!" Michael told her quickly. "He was just wondering. We haven't seen the boy in some time. Is he still a dick?" He questioned her. 


"Why you ever started dating him is a complete mystery to me, Licia!" Benjamin told her matter of factly. "From what your cousins have told me - he's a bully and a dick!" Felicia rolled her eyes and simply stayed quiet, she wasn't going to go into a long conversation with them about Flash. Especially when she was running late, and was almost at her school. 

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