Chapter 3 - "You don't say such things aloud!"

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Felicia decided to go to school earlier to avoid Peter Parker for a short while, she knew there was no avoiding him for the full day because they had the majority of their classes together. She was silently cursing Tony Stark's name for sharing her secret, that was a crappy thing to do. But she also understood that he wanted someone sensible to look after Peter because he didn't want the boy to get hurt. It showed that Tony Stark truly cared about the boy.

She was about to walk through the threshold of the school gate, when she was grabbed by the arm. She turned round and saw Carlos and Hunter. "What are you doing here?" She asked them. "Anyway, where did you disappear off to? I haven't seen you for months!"

"Well, you were seen fighting with the Avengers!" Hunter told her. "You're wanted by the government or whatever! What if we went out and you were caught, we could also be arrested with you!"

"We wouldn't want that!" Carlos added with a shrug.

Felicia glared at the two before she rolled her eyes. "Is there a reason you're here? If it's for a little catch up, I'm not interested and should get into school!" Felicia told them bluntly.

"We're here to ask you what do you think you're doing!" Hunter snapped at her.

"Your father asked us to keep you on track! One of his last wishes to us, Felicia. We thought it was going great until we saw you fighting with the goddamn avengers in that bloody airport!" Carlos told her angrily. "Your father wanted you to be a cat burglar, not some fucking superhero that's in league with the avengers!"

"You're bloody wanted now, Felicia!" Hunter told her with an unreadable expression upon his face.

"I kind of was wanted before!" She pointed out.

"By a few unimportant people!" Carlos told her.

"Not by the freaking government!" Hunter told her.

Felicia let out a small sigh and ran her hand through her brown hair. "Look, if you're just here to scold me, I'm not interested!" She told them. "I've got better thing to do than listen to you both scold me for a decision I made. I think I'm old enough to be able to make my own decisions now. I'm not a ten year old anymore, I'm almost sixteen." She snapped before she walked away from them and walked into the school, heading straight for her locker, where she would probably find Michelle nearby.


She closed her locker and was about to head over to where Michelle was, but it seemed the universe was against her today. "Felicia!" The voice of Peter Parker yelled. "Felicia! Felicia!"

She turned round with a forced smile and looked at the boy that was currently running over to her. "Yes?" She asked.

"Can we talk?" Peter asked her hopefully.

"We can after school!" She told him. "Not right now!" He gave her a look. "I promise!" She added before she turned on her heel and walked away from him, she was gonna have to leave early or just avoid him at the end of the day. She didn't want to talk about the fact that she was Black Cat.

Felicia made her way over to Michelle and leant against the wall right beside it. "Why was Peter talking to you?" Michelle asked with furrowed brows. She knew Peter had a small liking to Felicia, and was hoping that he had finally told her. Even though she had only known the girl well for a short while, she wanted the best for her.

"Oh, nothing!" Felicia waved her off. "He just wanted to speak. I told him after school!" She told her friend.

"Talk to him now, Felicia!" Michelle told her. "We have a short while until lessons start."

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