Chapter 5 - "You've never been in a girls room, have you?"

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The movies the three siblings had watched were all over and it was very early in the morning. "Boys, would you like to go to Wakanda?" She asked her brothers as she stretched her joints out.

"Come again?" Jared yawned over obnoxiously, making James roll his eyes at his brother.

"Wakanda!" Felicia told them. "Some time soon, would you like to go see Wakanda?"

"Isn't that some poor place in Africa?" James asked his sister with furrowed brows. "Why would we want to go see a very poor country? Like, where's the logic in that, little sister?"

"Please?" She asked with a sweet smile. "Please, Jamie, Jay! It'll be fun, I promise! We'll go like, next week or something! Please?"

James and Jared looked at each other, and then back to their slightly younger sister. "Okay, we'll go to Wakanda with you!" Jared nodded at her, and she grinned.

"But, we're going next month and you have to pick us up from school for two weeks straight!" James told her.

"But, I haven't got a licence, and I haven't got a car, and you finish before me!" Felicia pointed out as she gave them a very unimpressed look.

"Darling sister, we know!" Jared nodded. "So, we're gonna get you one, you can borrow one of our cars until then."

Felicia furrowed her brows at them both, she was slightly confused. "But, isn't it easier you just driving to pick me up?" She asked them both.

"Yeah, but it really is frustrating when you have to drive straight after school!" Jared told her with a small smile upon his face. "You'll find that out for the next two weeks. You'll have to see how we feel!"

Felicia rolled her eyes before she left the two of them in the living room and went upstairs to go to sleep, since she was pretty tired. As she reached her room, her phone began ring and she lay on her bed as she answered the call. "Yes?" She asked tiredly.

"I need you to give me the glowy thing!" Peter's voice told her.

"What?" She asked as she lay on her front on her bed. "You do realise what time it is right?" She asked him. "If not, look at a clock!"

"I know what time it is." He told her. "But I want, I need that."

"I'll give it to you at school." She told him.


"Don't 'Felicia' me." She told him with a sigh. "I am, like, exhausted. I'll give to you at school tomorrow. Not before, now excuse me while I go to sleep. I'm supposed to be up in 6 hours, and it's recommended you get at least 8, so..."

"I can come to your house in the morning." Peter suggested. "Then your brothers can take us both to school, and I'm just nervous with it in yours hands."

Felicia sat up. "You're assuming that Jared and James are kind to their little sister." She told him. "They're not, not that much anyway. Besides, they won't want to wake up early in the morning, their private school is shut tomorrow something about repairs to the science lab or something." She explained.

"You can drive us?"

"And take my brother's car?" She asked. "I don't think they'll let me. Tonight was a one off thing." She paused. "And even if they did, you have no idea where I live."

"Mr Stark told me earlier." Peter told her.

"He what?" She asked. "Me and him are gonna be having words. He can't just give my address out."

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