New Girl

By talroc

59.2K 1.6K 130

Hey. So recently I got really obssessed to Orange is the New Black. So obssessed that I decided to write this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

2.3K 70 0
By talroc

            "Shit Al, I'm cold." Piper said. She wasn't usually one to complain.

            Alex pulled of her sweatshirt. "Here," she said.

            Piper leaned over and kissed the brunette, taking the sweatshirt from her hands. "Thanks Al, you're the best."

            Just then, Piper's phone began to ring. She looked over at it and saw that it was her mother.

            "Hi Mom," she said, "What's up?"

            "Piper, I just wanted to know when you and your friend are going to be home. I was going to make some dinner."

            "We'll be home in like 30 minutes. Is that okay?" Piper said, looking down at her watch.

            "Perfect. See you in a bit." her mom said, hanging up.

            Turning to Alex, Piper said, "Al, you up for meeting my parents?"


            The two girls rounded the corner onto Piper's street at 5:29, a minute earlier than they said they would get there.

            "Al, just remember, my mom doesn't know -"

            "I know Pipes. Don't worry about it."

            They walked into the house and their mouths began to water. Whatever Piper's mom was cooking, it smelled amazing.

            "Hey Mom, we're home." Piper called out.

            Her mother's head poked out from the kitchen. "Great," she said, "The food just finished cooking."


            It would be an understatement to say that this was not the most awkward hour that Alex ever went through. She sat there with Piper's entire family while they fired question after question at her about her life.

            Alex felt as if everything she said was being judged by the entire family (except Piper of course), so she had to be careful about everything. Any little thing that could be interpreted in a negative way was not going to come out of her mouth. She took care to not mention the fact that her mother was never home because she worked four jobs, or that her father left them when she was little. Alex took even greater care to not mention that that she was gay.

            None of them knew about her and Piper... Except Cal. He kept glancing at the two of them sitting next to each other and would smirk each time he caught the two girls smiling at each other. Neither one of Piper's parents noticed.

            Saying that Alex was relieved when dinner finally came to a close was an understatement.

            "Thank you for dinner Ms Chapman. It was wonderful." Alex said.

            "Anytime Alex. You seem like a very nice girl."

            The two girls went upstairs. "Well they seem to like you," Piper said, obviously relieved. Closing the door to her room behind her, they walked into Piper's room and sat down on the bed. Alex looked around in amazement.

            "Pipes, your room is awesome." Alex said.

            Blushing, Piper said, "Thanks Al."

            The two girls began talking about all sorts of things, and before they knew it, it was after midnight. "Jesus Christ," Alex said, "how is it midnight? Wasn't it just eight??"

            "Well, you know what they say, time flies when you're having fun." Piper smirked.

            Piper and Alex both changed into sweatpants and t-shirts. Alex lay down on her side and patted the bed in front of her.

            "Come be my little spoon." she said.

            A small smile spread across Piper's face as she lay down next to Alex. Piper turned her lamp off. Alex put her arm around her, her hand resting on Piper's stomach. And that's how to two girls fell asleep.

            At some point after they fell asleep, Cal came in. He saw the two girls and smiled to himself. He was so happy for his sister. Alex seemed like a great girl.

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