Legacy of the Remembered

By Arynneva

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Prince Eske wanted to turn his back on a world he could not trust, but it is out of his hands when he becomes... More

1. Disagreement
2: Reactions
3. Travel
4. Arrivals
5. First Day
6. Breach
7. Back and Forth
8. Ehvera
9. Unity
10. Preparations
11. Suspicions
12. The Unity Festival
13. Ruination
14. Betrayal
15. Aftermath
16. Alterations
17. Retrospect
18. Interrogation
19. Nearly There
20. Duty
21. Foreign Ground
22. Ties
23. A New Start
24. Old and New
25. Debrief
26. Alarm
27. Criticism
29. Damage
30. Protection
31. Trapped
32. Nevermore
33. Royal Audience
Authors Note

28. Ahlnar

46 7 2
By Arynneva

A few days came and went in Fumari. Neither Eske nor Ollyah left the manor in that time. For one, they had yet to feel settled in the kingdom. Secondly, murmurs continued to spread about the strange appearance at Muhnad Manor. Yzuan had explained he would rather allow time for easing the people in Ahlnar into the prospect of Ehverian foreigners. It was not every day someone from Ehvera stepped outside of their own soil. While he said it like that, it was clear to them that it was more for their benefit than the Fumarians'; they were not bothered by the presence so much as interested, and the possible crowds would not help the pair's comfort.

Yet, they were restless. Ollyah could see it in the way Eske continued to cross from his room to hers, never staying in either one for long. She heard his shifting form during the night, and she saw the dark patches under his eyes. They needed to step out of the walls preventing them from making any true assumptions of Fumari. Exposure to the source of their anxiety may be the best deterrent to the feeling's validity.

Ollyah as well found it hard to fall into a slumber. As much as she wanted to be optimistic about Ahlnar and its people, it was hard to forsake the feeling of insecurity coursing through her. This was the first time she ever slept outside of Ehvera. Even on the road here, she felt better. It was as though she was away from the present and all of its troubles. Now, however, she was back in the thick of diplomacy and politics. Or she would be, once the king agreed to see them.

She entered Eske's room after a gentle knock. He sat at the window, staring out with a troubled expression. Though he threw a look over his shoulder at her, it was a curious glance that was stifled within a second.

Her footsteps leading up to him did not jolt him into saying anything or looking away from the window. It was not until she stood at his side that she spoke, either. "I want to go outside."

"There's a garden." Eske's voice sounded quiet, tired. Her gaze dropped down to him, but all she saw was the same dead look he had worn for the past three days.

"I mean go out into the city." She waited, but he said nothing in response. She shifted to face him. "Eske. We cannot stay cooped up like this. It only makes it worse."

At that, he looked up and met her eyes. Though silent, she could tell he was considering her words. She expected refusal, so his reply surprised her. "Okay."

She smiled, bouncing slightly on her heels. "Really?"

His eyebrows shifted upwards, not in surprise, but in adoration. He nodded, a tiny smile of his own forming to match her glee.


Eske and Ollyah were given Fumarian clothing by Don and Basjin. She was excited for the change in wardrobe, but Eske hesitated. He went so long ignoring bright colors, only dressing accordingly for special events. Having white hair already made him stand out; he lacked any need for further call for attention.

The light clothing in his hands were not so bright and obvious. Basjin knew his prince, and Eske thanked him out loud for such forethought. Even yet, the soft greens and blues picked out for him contrasted with his usual style enough to make him uncomfortable. Wearing black would work against him here, and Eske recognized that. It did not make it any easier to accept.

When he did change into the new attire, more than the colors bothered him. Ehverian clothing included thicker fabrics, and his own style often fit his form perfectly. He could not expect average clothing not specifically tailored to him to be as well-done, but that was not the issue. It was the draping, airy style that gave him pause. Basjin managed to find something with long sleeves and pants, but Eske still felt open. Nothing but the waistline of his pants clung to his skin.

It was unusual.

But Eske remembered how easily taken by Ehverian clothing Yras and Yzuan were. As different as it was, Eske could not react poorly when the opposite had not been true. Besides, the clothing style was not bad. It just needed some getting used to.

The matter of his skin color was not an issue like he had first imagined; Ahlnar had enough foreigners visiting that paler skin tones were not so odd to see.

His hair was another problem. It remained braided, just like always, but the rarity of it needed no explanation. Only those associated with Jule had white hair. His identity would be outed immediately. Basjin had found a headscarf, but Eske had no idea how to wear it. Only his hair remained to disguise his identity.

Even if he minded little if people knew who he was, Eske had enough of people obsessing over his hair to still want it hidden.

He shuddered, forcing away the feeling of hands carding through his hair.

In the end, he left his room with the scarf in his hands, needing someone to aid him. He wanted someone to instruct him, not do it for him—no more people touching his head. Yet, he had no idea whom to ask. He was not comfortable among the servants—strangers that they were. Everyone here was a stranger.

Ollyah exited her room wearing similar garb. Her colors were not so different than what she normally wore—lavender and pale blue, teal mixed in. Her own hair fell down her back with minimal waves, let loose rather than pulled up like normal. Her shirt looked similar to his, though she wore a long, flowy blue skirt where he had pants.

She smiled. "You look nice. What's that?" She nodded at the scarf in his hands.

With slight embarrassment, he told her his plight.

"Let's ask Huhnan."


"Yras' friend," Ollyah said with excitement. "Remember? He said she would be joining us."

Now that Eske thought about it, Yras had said that. Yzuan would be staying here, but Yras had already promised his friend a visit. The compromise meant that she would tag along.

Ollyah continued. "She has long hair; I'm sure she knows how to wear it like that." She gestured at the scarf.

Huhnan was a stranger. Eske would have rather asked Yras for help. He had long hair too, though not nearly as long as Eske's.

Yet, when they went downstairs to meet with the others, they saw the woman he assumed to be Huhnan already wearing her hair wrapped up in a scarf, making her the clear go-to for advice. She wore a white dress not unlike Ollyah's outfit, while Yras kept to his usual sleeveless shirt and loose pants.

Her gaze moved across them. "So, these are the Ehverians." Her expression gave no hint at mood.

Ollyah did not hesitate to cross the distance, Eske lingering near her. She struck out her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Huhnan shook it. "Lady Huhnan Ashmar, I presume?"

Though Huhnan did not smile, her tone sounded lighter when she responded alongside a nod. "Princess Ollyah Ahlveyr of Ehvera. And you," her attention turned to Eske, "would be the younger brother. Prince Eske, correct?"

Her pronunciation was perfect, he noticed. "Nice to make your acquaintance."

She studied him for a moment, then turned to Yras with an amused look. "You're predictable."

He cleared his throat. "Not the time."

"It's always the time."

He rolled his eyes and she snickered. He stepped forward, somewhat blocking her off, to which she responded with a light smack on his arm, but his attention was on the other two. "I'm so happy to show you around. We'll have lunch, maybe catch a performance—remember the fire dancing? Oh, the professional dancers are an absolute must-see."

Eske had to admit, there was something charming about Yras' adoration when speaking of his home. It startled Eske only a bit to know that he was looking forward to what the other man promised.

When Ollyah nudged him, Eske remembered the scarf. "That sounds fun. It—yes, I'm looking forward to it. But, well, I could use some help." Somehow, through his stuttering, he managed to make his question known.

Huhnan peeked around Yras, who had already begun gesturing for her. She smiled in a way that said something was confirmed, but Eske had no clue what that could mean.


Regardless of the awkward process involved in helping someone unknown with their hair, it did not take long for Eske to be ready. Ollyah beamed as they left the manor. The streets in Ahlnar were narrower than those in Janheim. The buildings kept to single stories, some of the taverns adding a second when necessary. Roofs were flat, the lack of rain to blame for that. People crowded the streets, chatting and going about their business with a welcoming feeling Ollyah seldom experienced within her own town.

Of course, it was inevitable that their troop would garner attention. On his own, Yras would most likely earn a few glances his way. Ollyah assumed the same of Lady Huhnan. It only made them more popular with the Ehverians among them.

Yet, despite the eyes and curious looks their way, Ollyah did not feel as though she were being made the center of attention. Though she kept such curiosity to herself, it made her relax. Being here, in the capital of another nation, made Ollyah swell with excitement. She did not want her day to be ruined by nosy strangers.

Beside her, Eske fiddled with his sleeves. His gaze swept over the Fumarians, a tense look on his face. She smiled at him, nudging his side to earn his attention. Though he gave her a half-hearted smile of his own, he did not relax as much as she did. All as well, she thought. With his hair and pendant hidden behind fabric, no one would know his identity.

It must have relaxed him somewhat to notice the light-skinned people meandering the streets with the citizens; it made them stand out less. Ahlnar caught the interest of many people, foreign and native alike. Unlike Janheim, Ahlnar welcomed tourists and immigrants wholeheartedly. Ollyah remembered Yras telling them their skin color would not be too out of place. In all likelihood, people would expect them to be Bellish, possibly Panjuunese. Their facial features were different from the latter, but most people did not get close enough to observe that.

Because Yras is a lord, he deserved a decent guard when going out. "I normally try and escape them," he had admitted before leaving. "But, it's an excuse to make sure you both are well-protected."

Ollyah remembered Eske letting out a quiet sigh of relief upon hearing that. He had even said thank you, loud enough to be heard. Just the memory of that lit up Ollyah's day.

"This way," Huhnan suggested, sparing them only a quick look before turning down a sidestreet.

"Where are we headed?" Eske asked from Ollyah's side. She held in her surprise at his interest, because his tone definitely suggested true intrigue.

Yras seemed to notice that as well, for his smile was warm when he looked back at them. "There's a park this way that Huhnan and I like to spend time at. There's also a lot of food stands. Should be a good first look at the city, in my opinion."

He spoke with such pride and eagerness, Ollyah tittered.

Eske sped up to walk in step with Yras. "What kind of food?" Though he sounded more comfortable now, he still eyed the people around them. They looked back, but not with malice. Some even waved, both to Yras and to his clear guests.

Yras beamed at the question. "Oh it's delicious. What are your thoughts on seafood?"

"We don't get it much in Ehvera. The sea is too far."

Ollyah thought about pitching in her own thoughts, but she was too overjoyed that Eske was mingling with Yras to break the moment.

Somehow, Yras looked happier. "Then this will be a first! We are close enough to the oceans to have a lot of fish. It's really good for you, you know. There are so many types." He started listing off species of fish, most of which Ollyah had never heard of until then. Eske nodded along, not smiling, but the tension in his shoulders diminished.

"What've you?" Huhnan asked Ollyah, sliding back into step beside her.

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't said much." Her tone did not sound accusatory, but curious. "You've been here a few days now. Is it up to your Ehverian standards?"

Ollyah blinked back her confusion. "I don't really know what my standards are. But it's different. In a good way, of course."

Huhnan only seemed amused by the slip. "Different is good. We wouldn't be Fumar if we were the same as every other land."


"Fumari. Another name for it."

Yras turned around. "Don't confuse her right off the bat."

But Ollyah just pretended to understand it and waved it off.

"It's an accent thing," Huhnan added, leaning into Ollyah for a moment as if sharing a secret.

Someone bumped into Eske, who flinched at the action and shifted closer to Ollyah.

"Let's get to the park," Yras said. "There'll be more room there."

She threw him a grateful look, to which he smiled before turning back around.

Ahlnar was too populated, Eske decided. From the narrow streets to the busy bodies, all spending their free time outside rather than indoors, it was a bit too much. He tried to focus on his group, but once the conversation petered off and there was no distraction, it became too difficult to reform that ignorance.

Not that Yras had not tried. He kept reinstating conversation, pointing out buildings where people trained to use fire magic for combat and for entertainment. And they were marvelous buildings at that, domed and wide with more space surrounding them should anything happen inside that threatened its neighbors.

Eske wished he could stand to see more of Ahlnar. Because it was better this way, viewing it with the freedom of a tourist rather than the restriction of a prisoner. He never did get to see much of Queto; most of his year was spent inside. This should have been fun. It was, at first. But the idea of going back to the manor sounded more and more inviting by the minute.

His hand grasped at the front of his shirt, which was when he realized that he was trying to grab his pendant. He lowered his arm, grabbing at his other elbow just for something to do with it.

They moved into an open area, though Eske only felt a tad bit better. There were still buildings on all sides, and people bustling throughout the space. Benches and tables were claimed by people having a meal or chatting among each other. Wagons of food lined the perimeter, vendors selling produce and hot meals alike. Eske noticed some using their fire magic to heat meat on the spot.

It was loud and it was crowded, and he wanted to draw comfort from it, but there were so many people he did not know or trust, and there were so many voices from people both already here and entering or leaving the place, and the exits all looked the same.

He knew what this was; it was not the first time it happened. When Ollyah began to assess him, as it must be obvious given his frozen state and wide eyes, Eske broke his stance and looked at her. Just focus on her. Just her. It did not work that easily.

"It's too much," he admitted, feeling the guilt coursing through him. Of course he had to ruin this day for her. She was the one who wanted to explore Ahlnar; he was a weight.

Ollyah looked to Yras. "Is there anywhere quieter we can go?" She did not elaborate, but he must have understood.

"This way." He directed them to their left, along the walls of buildings and past the vendors. Eske held onto the thought of escape, the notion that they were leaving, despite the fact that he could not see it yet. He tried not to listen to all the voices around them still buzzing in his head. Were they all looking at him? Were they talking about him? It felt like it.

Somewhere along the way, Huhnan split off from the group. She mentioned food, but Eske was trying to focus on where he was going, despite the difficulty. Ollyah walked at his side, looking like she was pretending not to be worried. He wanted to reassure her that he was fine, that they would still have a nice time out, that he just needed a break, but he was not sure how true that was. He hoped it was true.

Finally the crowd thinned, and the streets, still narrow, became less popular stops for those passing by. Yras led them to an alley between two long buildings that Eske did not know the purpose of. The shade, the quiet, the lack of people—he felt calmer. Not perfect, but better. Easier to focus here.

He turned with his back to the wall, Ollyah standing in front of him. His guilt over ruining her day increased, and he looked down at the sandy ground.

"I'm sorry," he said. "Give me a minute and we can go back."

Ollyah shook her head. "No, I get it. Trust me." And that little waver in her voice made him look up. She was still pretending not to be bothered, but he realized it was not just about him. The crowds were getting to her, too.

Yras was standing a bit to the right, not too far that he could not hear them, but not smothering and close. "It's all right if you'd prefer to head back. We can come out again another day." His tone, his smile, it was all so sincere.

Eske stepped over to him. He remembered snapping at him just a few days ago, and though it was hard to trust that Yras really was just trying to be helpful, it was harder to think he was lying.

"Thank you," Eske said, managing eye contact for only a short moment.

Yras waved his hand. "Really, I understand."

"Not just for today." He had to get this out before he lost the courage. Eske looked back up at Yras, who seemed uncertain. "I never thanked you for helping me. Back then. With Xuun."

The absolute bewilderment on Yras' face was almost adorable. He blinked, looking lost for words. Eske felt guilt at that. Had he not expected a thanks? Was that the impression Eske gave off? Perhaps it was hard for him to work up the effort to talk, but like it or not Yras saved his life. He had to thank him for that.

Maybe Yras was right to be surprised. Maybe Eske would not have said anything had they parted ways much earlier on. He would not have considered it. What was wrong with him? He had plenty of opportunities leading up till now to say something, and yet he had not. He had shied away from every chance at talking. He had assumed the worst—still did, a part of him called. Don't trust him. But frankly, Eske was tired of living in fear.

So he looked Yras in the eyes and smiled.

Eske was aware of Ollyah with a hand over her mouth just beside him.

Yras found his words, a glimmer in his eyes that only meant he was happy, and Eske would not allow himself to think further than that. "It's, uh, no prob—it's no problem. Your Highness. You're welcome. Um."

The silence that fell upon them was not uncomfortable for Eske, who observed Yras' uncertainty with a sense of relief. Since day one, he had always worn his heart on his sleeve. It felt, to Eske, like he could finally convince himself that it was not a fluke, that Yras was indeed that kind.

"So this might not be something you can answer," Yras began, and Eske immediately quelled the alarms set off from that statement. "But what does that pendant do?" He pointed at the Tear of Jule hiding under his shirt.

Was he supposed to keep it a secret? Probably. It had been so long since someone asked about it that Eske forgot how much was meant to be kept quiet and how much was just his paranoia telling him to keep quiet. He shared a look with Ollyah, who shrugged with a "why not?" expression.

"It's a limiter," he began, holding the gemstone in his hand. Even in the bright sunlight, he could still see the faint glow. "It stops me from using magic. Jule made it after...an accident." That was putting it lightly, but remembering the catastrophe that was her losing control only reminded him of the time he did the same.

Yras' innocent wonder morphed into confusion. "Wait. She made that? How?"

Eske had spared little thought for the gem's creation; he cared enough to know that it existed at all. "I'm not actually sure."

A grunt and the wisp of a crossbow interrupted further contemplation. Eske reached for Ollyah on instinct just as someone dropped down behind her. Her scream drowned out the sound of footsteps around them. Arms grabbed Eske from behind as he shouted at the prior perpetrator to let go.

With a jolt of realization, Eske drained the person behind him of enough of her energy in order to give him a chance to slip away. It was a short victory as a burst of wind slammed into him. His back hit a wall hard, and he lost his breath from the impact. His vision went dark for a moment from the blow to his head, and he was vaguely aware of fire heating up the air around him.

And then he couldn't breathe. His hands shot to his throat, but there was nothing to fight. A wind mage was restricting access to air, creating a vacuum just around him that shifted when he moved. He tried to stop them, but he was too dizzy to focus enough for his magic to work.

He registered Ollyah falling beside him, and another thump just ahead of him, but it was all he could consider before he fell unconscious.

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