Peter Parker Oneshots

By Lovergirl11223344

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Peter Parker's life is pretty crazy More

In which Peter has a brother, and is British Part 1
Peter Lokison part 1
Peter Parker: the Deaf spider
Peter Lokison part 2
In which Peter has a brother and is British pt. 3
In which Peter has a brother and is British pt. 4
He's who's godson?
He's who's godson? part 2
His who's godson??? Part 3
Peter Parker; Trainee of S.H.I.E.L.D pt. 1
3 Times Peter's ADHD Got the Best of Him
Plane Crash Memories
5 Times Peter Had an Asthma Attack In Front of People (Part 1)
Peter Parker Goes Back in Time After Endgame
Rouges Meeting; Peter Stark, Tony's... Brother?
He's who's Godson? PART 4
Genius Brains and Hard Decisions

In which Peter has a brother, and is British part 2

11.6K 281 257
By Lovergirl11223344

 "oh, please, come on in! Welcome to our home. would you like me to bring down the children?"

Tony just nodded, and the woman rushed inside. 


Happy, Tony, and Peter all followed the woman inside the Orphanage 


They heard rustling coming from upstairs, then twenty children came rushing down the stairs.

at the sight of Mr. Stark, all the children froze.

"is that Tony Stark?", Peter heard one of the girls ask

"I don't know", another responded. the girl then turned to Tony and asked, "Are you Tony Stark?"

Tony let out a small laugh, and replied, "Yes, I am. This is my bodyguard Happy, and my Intern Peter"

All the kids turned to look at Peter, and once they saw him, their eyes widened. Peter looked at them all pleadingly hoping to get the point across that he does not want to be recognized. 

the kids seemed to get the point, and all lined up against a wall, ready to introduce them selves.

"okay, please introduce yourselves to our guest, one by one.", The woman said

The children nodded, and started introducing themselves

"I'm Jeffry"

"Im Harlow"





"I'm Emma"


"Hello, I'm Nathan"








"I'm Sophia"


Then, Peter saw a face that he never thought he'd see again. A face he had missed every day since he had moved to America. A face he could never forget. A face that looked so much like his own,

The last boy stepped up and said, "Hello sirs, I'm Jude Parker"


Peter was frozen, he couldn't move a muscle. 

Standing right in front of him was his twin brother, his best friend, his partner in crime, his look alike. Standing right in front of him was someone who Peter had only prayed and wished on stars to see again.

Tony just stared at the two, not being able to wrap his head around the current situation  

Peter didn't tell me he had a brother

At first, Tony thought that the kid was Peter because they looked so much alike.

Tony looked in between Peter and Jude. the twins were just staring at each other, seemingly having a silent conversation with their eyes

The entire room had gone silent for two minutes, everyone watching anticipation at the two reunited brothers staring at each other, still as rocks

suddenly, startling everyone in the room, Jude reached forward, grabbed Peter's arm and pulled him out of the room.


Peter's POV

Jude reached forward and grabbed Peter's arm. Peter suppressed a flinch at the sudden touch, and allowed himself to be dragged out of the room.

Once the two were alone, Peter was the first to speak.

"J-j-jude?", Peter asked,  slipping back into his London accent "Is that really you?"

Jude let out a watery smile, and said, "Yeah, Peter, its really me, no need to cry"

"what?" Peter asked, furrowing his eyebrows, "im not crying-" 

Peter reached up to feel his face, but instead of feeling the normal dry skin, his hand came back... wet

oh, he was crying

Jude didnt say anything else, just stepped forward, and took his brother into his tight embrace, before letting his own tears fall into his brother's shoulder

The siblings stayed this way for a while, neither wanting to leave eachothers arms

after a full thirty seconds, they finally pulled away from the hug

"Y-you don't have your hearing aids any more.", Jude observed, wiping a tear from his eyes

Peter let out a dry laugh in-between sniffs, 

"yeah, I was bitten by this spider while on a field trip. It gave me all of these freaky spider powers. like, I can climb walls, I have enhanced senses, Im like really strong now, I can run and jump faster, I have a healing factor, oh yeah, and I can't get drunk"

Jude looked quite taken aback (like any normal human being would be after figuring out their brother has powers).

"im sorry, lets rewind for a second. you have powers!? man, you were only gone for like two years!", Jude laughed

Peter offered a chuckle, nodding along, "yeah, a lot has happened in the past couple of years"

after a moment of silence, Jude spoke up, "So, do you have all of your hearing back now?"

"not really", Peter responded, fidgeting with his shirt a bit "the spider gave me back a bit of my hearing, but it still isnt that good. so, I went from deaf to hard of hearing."

"Then why don't you have hearing aids?", Jude asked, confused, still staring at his brothers ears

"I-i- I can't really afford them", Peter admitted, slightly going red in embarrassment 

Jude shook his head exasperatedly, and rested a hand on Peter's shoulder, "Bro, you know Tony Fricken Stark! Just ask him for some money"

Peter just shot him a blank look, "Yeah, but I've only known him for a few months. im not going to ask him to spent hundreds of dollars on hearing aids..."

Jude chuckled, rolling his eyes,"okay okay, fine, i guess that makes sense, but you are smart enough to make some, so you better do that"

Peter's lips brought themselves into a small smile, "Yeah, okay, I will. promise."

"Ready to go back out into the real world?", Jude joked, pointing his head in the direction of the door

Peter snorted and responded, "no, not really"

"great, let's go!", Jude yelled, pulling a protesting Peter out of the room


No ones POV

Jude pulled Peter into the main room where everyone was talking 

Mr. Stark turned to Peter, who seemed to be shrinking into himself and asked slowly, "So, kid, is there something you would like to tell me?"

Peter looked down at his shoes in embarrassment. he could practically feel everyones eyes on him.

"uh-uh yeah", Peter started, still looking at his shoes, "I kinda have a twin brother, I lived in Britain, and I lived in an orphanage"

Tony rubbed his face this kid is going to give me grey hairs 

"why didn't you tell me kid?", Tony snapped at him, voice hard, as he glared at the kid

Jude had had enough. this man cannot snap at Peter, "Excuse me, sir, but why the heck would Peter tell a grown man who he only knew for a few months his entire backstory?"

"Jude, its fine", Peter whispered, face going even more red

Jude just ignored Peter, and took Tony out of the room

Jude turned to Tony and glared at him

"Kid, i get you're protective your brother an all that jaz, but I have every right to be frustrated right now. I planned on taking Peter on a normal trip to Britain to donate to this orphanage, but as soon as we get here, I find out that he has been lying to me about his past all along", Tony explained, slightly annoyed

"HE HAS NEVER LIED TO YOU!", Jude yelled, feeling a sudden serge of annoyance, "Tell me ONE TIME that Peter said that he was American, that he had no siblings, and that he had never lived in an orphanage."

Tony stared at Jude, not able to come up with a response the kids right

 "yeah, alright kid. is there a reason you took me back here, or are we just having a play date" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow at the smaller boy

"I just said the reason, Mr. Stark. Peter has gone through way too much from previous homes we were in to have to put up with a man who yells at him for being rightfully closed off. he was scared of you when you snapped at him!", Jude growled

This got Tony's attention, "Past homes? meaning?"

Jude turned around to look at Tony, eyes no longer angry, just sad, "why do you think we ran away to the orphanage in the first place?"

Tony looked at Jude in the eyes and saw a look of absolute defeat, of pain, of brokenness. all of which should not be seen in a fourteen year old kids eyes. Tony then realized that he had seen the same look in Peters eyes. 

Tony was going to murder whoever hurt these kids.

Tony put a hand on Judes shoulder, causing Jude to stiffen a bit, but otherwise show no reaction

"How would you like to come to America with Peter and I?", Tony asked, making an impulsive decision that he was pretty sure he'd regret later, but if it made Peter happy...

Jude's eyes snapped up at tony, "wha- really!?"

 "why else would I ask you?", Tony asked, awaiting an answer

Jude just shook his head, "but, where would I live?"

Tony thought on this for a moment, "Probably with Peter and your guys's aunt, but if not, then we'll figure something out"

Jude looked taken aback, "r-r-rreally? you would d-do that for me?"

Tony crossed his arms awkwardly, "alright, kid, this is getting emotional, and i dont do emotions. Final answer, is it a yes or a no?"

Jude nodded, eyes growing wider by the second

"alright, lets get back out there"

Jude nodded once more, and lead the way out of the room.


End of part 2. Part three should come within the next week, Please comment any ideas for Oneshots!

Oh yeah, and this chapter took a really unexpected turn, I didn't even mean to make Peter have a brother, or an an abusive past. I don't actually know how that happened, but I like it, so I kept it in :) 

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