Adopted by the Jonas Family

By justsochelsea

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Hi my name is Melissa Paula Sorrento-Jonas, and Im the sister of the Jonas Brothers. How is that possible whe... More

Update! When was Melissa's born? {Not A Chapter}
Chapter 1: Frankie leaves for College
Chapter 2: Caught In A Lie
Chapter 3: Melissa's Back Story
Chapter 4: Meeting Nick's girlfriend
Chapter 5: Dad and Daughter Weekend
Chapter 6: Mel gets her piercing
Chapter 7: The Internet
Chapter 8: Trust
Chapter 9: The Grandparents that came for dinner
Chapter 10: Winter Break
Chapter 11: True Colors
Chapter 12: Valentine's Day
Chapter 13: Boy Trouble
Chapter 14: Rumors
Chapter 15: Flashback | Melissa's First Punishment
Chapter 16: Messing With the Wrong Crowd
Chapter 17: Where's Dylan?
Chapter 19: Trouble Kid
Chapter 20: 4th of July
Chapter 21: Flashback to Pool Party
Chapter 22: Tough Love
Chapter 23: Flash Back to Sleepover
Chapter 24: Frankie gets cut off
Chapter 25: Frankie Comes Home!
Chapter 26: It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To
Chapter 27: Not so great Halloween
Chapter 28: Oh Brothers!
Chapter 29: Trouble with Gia
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Reality TV Show
Chapter 32: Melissa's Big Break!
Chapter 33: Shooting Stars
Chapter 34: Memorial Service
Chapter 35: Melissa's Struggles
Chapter 36: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
Chapter 37: Take a Breath...
Chapter 38: Never Had I Ever...
Chapter 39: Melissa's First Club
Chapter 40: Friends with Benefits
Chapter 41: Happiness Begins...
Chapter 42: Melissa's Quince *Final*
Author Note
New Book Update

Chapter 18: What If?

735 15 0
By justsochelsea

Chapter 18: What If?

Melissa's POV
Ahhh end of the school year, means end of the 7th grade dance. I can't believe it's my last day of 7th grade and than it's 8th grade! I'm officially not gonna be a nobody anymore. Even tho everyone in school already knows who I am ever since the trending incident.

I've gotten a lot popular now, almost everyone wanted to be my friend. Which I don't want because the only reason my parents put me in a private school was to be away from that. If it gets bad, I'm gonna have to be homeschooled again and I don't want to do that to Harley and Dylan, even tho I will still see them a lot around the block, it just won't be the same.

So the school dance this time is when the girls have to ask the guys to the dance. I don't know who I should asked to the dance, I'm pretty sure all the cute guys are taken.

I'm not sure if my dad will even let me go. Usually around school dances my parents always ends up going away and I would have to tag along because they don't trust me to stay all weekend without supervision because of what happened last summer with Frankie when he threw a party. Thanks a lot Frankie!

I just thought of an idea, if my parents says no, I can stay over at Harley's place!

I went downstairs the morning to ask my parents. They were both in the kitchen, good...

Melissa: mom, dad, can I talk to you?
Dad: oh Melissa, just the person we wanted to see
Melissa: what's up?
Dad: we were planning on visiting Kevin and Danielle this weekend
Melissa: aren't the boys filming?
Dad: yes, but we want to see our grand babies
Melissa: let me guess I have to tag along too?
Dad: well we are not leaving you and Frankie alone together after what happened with the party incident
Melissa: but dad...
Dad: no buts Mel
Melissa: but their was this school dance this weekend, and I really wanted to go
Mom: oh I'm sorry honey, I know this is your first school dance, but we already bought plane tickets already. So get packing.
Melissa: what if I stay with Harley for the weekend?
Mom/Dad: no
Melissa: ugh! You guys are being unfair! You didn't even ask me if I wanted to go. I had plans
Mom: sorry sweetheart but we are not letting you home unsupervised after what happened last time we left you and Frankie home alone
Melissa: UGH! You guys suck! *stomps out of the room*

I went to my room angry and slammed my bedroom door. I can't believe my parents right now, they're being totally unfair. I picked up my stuff bunny on the bed and threw it across the room. My dog Monchi was in her tent and saw me fling the stuff animal and thought I was playing fetch with her so she went to grabbed it and hand it back to me.

I sigh and took the slobber bunny and wipe the germs off, man now I'm gonna have to wash this thing. I put it down on the table to was later and flipped down on my bed. Monchi jumped on my bed and came on my stomach and laid on me as I scratch her fur.

Melissa: Monchi, why does life has to be so unfair. Why can't things ever go my way? I wish my mom was still alive. I wonder if my life would be different if I never met the Jonas Family.

I took a name to think about this for a while.


I woke up to someone throwing something on my bed. I was expecting it to be my brother Frankie, but when I woke up I was no where in my room anymore, I was in old abandoned apartment on the coach.

???: Mel, get up. You're gonna get in trouble by your dad
Melissa: *groans* whaaaa *sits up* who the hell are you?
???: um... I'm Alexa, your dad boss. If your dad finds you sleeping on the job, he will kill you
Melissa: *rubs eyes* my dad? My father is in jail
Alexa: no he's not, are you okay girl?
Melissa: I'm fine... just tired I guess
Alexa: I would be after your dad made you do all that hard work last night
Melissa: what did he make me do?
Alexa: just some errand runs for him

Alexa beeper went off and she said.

Alexa: shit it's your dad, he's on his way in with some new recruiters get up
Melissa: recruiters?

Just then, the man I never thought I wanted to see came through the door. Alexa stood up straight and gave me the look to the same, and I did and my dad eye the two of us.

Dad: what have you two been up too?
Alexa/Melissa: nothing daddy/dad

I looked at Alexa strange and said.

Melissa: *whispers* why are you calling my father, daddy?
Alexa: *whisper back* because to him he's everyone daughter, that's what a pimp does
Melissa: *whisper* my dad's a pimp?
Alexa: yes, you don't remember?
Melissa: apparently, there's a lot of things I don't remember

I only remember what my bio father looked like in pictures, I was never allowed to see him from prison. Now that he's not, Im not sure if I want to see this side of him. Maybe Mom and Papa J we're right about him. Speaking of my mother, it would be good to see her again, might as well make the best of this weird dream I'm having.

Melissa: where's mom?

Both of them froze and I looked shocked and he said.

Dad: *angry* do not speak of that women in this house !
Melissa: *gulps* yes sir

Just by the tone of his voice, I knew not to pissed him off.

Alexa: *whisper* your mother ran out on your dad
Melissa: *whisper* and she left me with him?
Alexa: *whisper* you told me that your mother didn't want to take you because she felt like a burden to you. We looked everywhere for her, but their was no trace of evidence
Melissa: oh....
Alexa: you really don't remember anything about you? Do you?
Melissa: the problem is, I'm not your Mel. I don't know what this is, but I think I'm stuck in parallel universe. You see I made a wish of what would it be like if my mom had stayed with my dad to raised me. I didn't realize she would abandon me. My universe, my mom got cleaned and we moved in with the Jonas Family
Alexa: your mom knew the Jonas Brothers? I doubt that
Melissa: it's the truth, her mom and the boys father mother were best friends. I guess in this world, they never became friends or I wouldn't be stuck here
Dad: what are you two talking about?
Alexa: nothing daddy
Dad: did you two do what I asked you today?
Melissa: *confused* what did you ask me to do?
Dad: what did you say little girl?
Melissa: uh—-
Dad: do I need to teach you a lesson in the  other room?
Alexa: no sir, she did do the assignment
Dad: good girl, daddy very proud of you *kiss top of forehead*

I don't know why, but that send me chills. It felt different then when Papa J does it on me.

Dad: I'll let you two have a few minute break. Then it's back to work
Alexa/Melissa: yes sir

My dad leaves, and Alexa said to me.

Alexa: what were you thinking?
Melissa: I'm sorry, I didn't know what else to say!
Alexa: just leave all the talking to me, will figure this out
Melissa: why do I get uncomfortable around my dad?
Alexa: you don't remember what he did to you, do you?
Melissa: *shakes head* no
Alexa: well the Melissa I know, hated her father. She wish she could run away too.
Melissa: why can't I?
Alexa: you tried to, but your dad had a tracker on you. He found you easily and beat you up once for running away. He raped you when you didn't finish the assignment for him on time
Melissa: what?! Why would he do that to his own daughter?
Alexa: I told you that man is a sick man. I couldn't do anything about it, I'm sorry I still feel guilty about it
Melissa: it's okay, I forgive you. I can't believe I ever wanted to see that man. In the first place, in my universe he's in jail for murdering my mother. I don't know why he murder her tho, I always blamed myself because my mom went back to the pool house to get something for me, my foster dad never told me the truth. He is the main reason why I called him my dad because he helped raised me.  I wanted to keep in contact with him because I never learned the real truth, but he didn't even want to get to know me. It turned out he never read those letters I sent back to him.
Alexa: you will know the truth in time
Melissa: what does that mean?

Just then Alexa snapped her finger and we found ourselves in my old pool house back in Dallas, Texas before we moved to North Carolina.

Melissa: this is the place I grew up in, why are we here and who are you?
Alexa: hi I'm your angel, granting your wish, we are in a dream, and I'm showing you, your past and present and future
Melissa: why?
Alexa: you were questioning a lot of stuff about your past, so now I'm gonna reveal it all to you today
Melissa: really? Is this some kind of joke?
Alexa: no it's real, just don't wake yourself up yet
Melissa: can you show me everything?
Alexa: of course

I knew everything about my past, present and future, that my mom and Papa J refuse to tell me about. Now I understood why, they did this all to protect me from my dad.

Someone was shaking me up from my sleep and I groan and turned over and said.

Melissa: go away
???: come on kiddo, time to get up. Did you oversleep again?

I look down at myself to see that I was still in my day clothes.

Melissa: I guess I did dad *rubs eyes*
Papa J: well get to packing today after school, we leave tomorrow
Melissa: can I please stay with Harley
Papa J: Melissa...
Melissa: pleaseeee? This is my first real school dance and I really want to go
Papa J: well I have to discuss this with your mother first-
Melissa: why? You're the one that signed the papers for me, it's your decision to make not hers
Papa J: young lady! Where is this attitude coming from?
Melissa: *blush* sorry dad. I know how much Mama J has been apart of my life too
Papa J: yeah, and you better not talk down about my wife like that again little girl
Melissa: yes sir
Papa J: I have told you many times that Mama J is not gonna replace your bio mother, she love you just as much as her own children. You know she always wanted a daughter
Melissa: yes I know, I'm sorry dad. It will never happened again
Papa J: I love you pumpkin
Melissa: *smiles* l love you too daddy! *hugs him*

After we hugged, I got ready for school, mom and dad talked and decided to leave me with Harley for the dance, and I was so happy that they changed their mind about it!

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