Pjo/Hoo Soulmate Au

By ChildOfHypnos

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When you are born you have a tattoo to represent your soulmate. More tattoos are added to it as your soulmate... More

Prologue: Tattoos
Chapter 1: School...yaaay
Chapter 2: Soulmates
Chapter 3: Matchmaking
Chapter 4: Lunch
Chapter 5: Lunch II
Soulmate Marks [Info]
Chapter 6: Party?
Chapter 7: Party! (Part I)
Chapter 8: Party! (Part II)
Chapter 9: Party! (Party III)
Chapter 10: Monday
Chapter 11: Love Advice
Chapter 12: After School
Chapter 13: Love Advice (again)
Chapter 14: Back To School
Chapter 15: Frazel
Chapter 16: Drew
Chapter 17: Games
Chapter 18: Date
Chapter 19: Caleo
Chapter 20: Love and Artemis
Chapter 21: Happiness
Chapter 22: Meeting
Chapter 23: Plan In Motion
Chapter 24: Truths and Lies
Chapter 26: Bonds
Chapter 27: Revelation
Chapter 28: Support
Authors Note
Chapter 29: Literally Just Filler
Chapter 30: Connections
Chapter 31: Peace and Love
Chapter 32: Filler (Not Sorry)
Chapter 33: The Calm
Chapter 34: The Storm
Chapter 35: Patience
Chapter 36: Amnesia
Chapter 37: Pain
Chapter 38: Healing
Chapter 39: Finale
Chapter 40: Epilogue
Important Announcements

Chapter 25: Light

5K 94 43
By ChildOfHypnos


She couldn't help but be nervous when she went to school the next day. She didn't know how she would know if the plan worked but hopefully Octavian had answers for her. She also wanted to ask him why he seemed so eager to help her. Piper didn't come home the day before so maybe Annabeth called her for comfort and she slept over at her house?

That would be a good sign that she and Percy broke up but she wouldn't know unless she opened the doors. Her hands shook as she grabbed the door handle, for some reason she couldn't find the strength to just push the door open. What was wrong with her? Why was she so anxious? She should be happy, excited. If this was a good thing then why did she feel so bad?

'Just open the door' She begged. Her hand just wouldn't move, she didn't know why or how to fix it. She was blocking the door for everyone else, one person even shouted "Hurry it up!" at her. Most of the other people just went through the other door or went to a different entrance.

She sighed, not knowing what was wrong with her. She should have been excited but instead she was hesitating...all she had to do was walk inside and she would have her answers.

Her hand let go of the school door, she couldn't do it. She made a run for it and bolted into her car, she couldn't hurt them. She drove home and ran up to her room, she frantically typed on her phone, not thinking about what she was typing before sending the message.

Her finger hit send before she could process what she had just done. She ruined her chances. She...she destroyed any chance she had of being with Percy. If that was true then why did it feel as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders? She felt lighter than any feather, she felt...happy.

It was strange, she didn't feel upset about ruining her chances with Percy. She was actually relieved that she may have salvaged his relationship with Annabeth. She smiled and looked over in her mirror, for once in her life she liked what she saw in her reflection. She giggled and messed up her hair, she wiped off her makeup and changed into a t-shirt and sweats.

She played music and danced around in her room, she felt so powerful and in control. She laughed and fell backwards onto her bed, sighing contentedly. "So...tired..." Her eyes slowly closed, she slept with a smile on her face.


Drew's absence made Piper nervous. She saw Drew outside the school that morning but after that she couldn't spot her sister anywhere. She wasn't in class and currently wasn't at her usual table at lunch. She decided to ask the mastermind about where her sister could be.

She walked over to Octavian and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, have you seen Drew? She was here this morning..." She wanted to gag as she acted like she didn't want to murder the boy in front of her.

"Haven't seen her, you're the one who lives with her, shouldn't you know?" She wanted to punch the stupid smirk off of Octavian's dumb face but she settled for cursing at him in her mind.

"I had a sleepover with some friends, I wasn't at home this morning. Thanks anyways." She walked back to the group, sighing.

Jason put his arm around her shoulders. "I'm guessing that he didn't know where she was."

"It's so weird, she is always with him and his friends." She leaned her head on Jason's shoulder. "I know I saw her this morning, should I call her? What if she's sick? Then she'd be home alone."


"Uh Pipes? Drew just texted me." Percy handed her his phone.

"Stop calling me that- wait what the-? She definitely didn't just apologize and tell you about her plan... why would she even do that? Oh my gods she totally is sick isn't she?" She gave Percy his phone back and pulled out her own phone. "I'm calling her." She called Drew's cell but there was no answer.

"That makes no sense, she just texted you- did she pass out? I have to go check on her." She put her phone away and started to get up but was pulled back down by Jason.

"Calm down, you need permission to leave school early. You didn't even drive here so you'd need me to take you to her. How about you fake an injury and I take you home?" She nodded to what her boyfriend said. He was right, she couldn't exactly run home, it was too far away.

Percy ruffled his friend's hair. "You're too nice."

"Tell us what happens!"

Piper smiled. "I'll keep you all posted." She pretended to lean on Jason for support. "Let's go."

They left the cafeteria and went to the nurse's office, Piper was faking a limp while Jason pretended to help her walk. "Ma'am, Piper tripped and I think she sprained her ankle."

"Oh you poor thing, take a seat and I'll call your dad. What was his name?"

"Tristan McLean."

"Okay, I'll get you some ice. Do you think you need to go home?" The nurse got her an ice pack and then began dialing her dad's number.

"Maybe, I have P.E next and coach will probably make me participate, I don't want to make it worse." She was a good actor, she pretended to wince and groan whenever her 'hurt' foot was touched, used, etc.

The nurse nodded. "I'm not getting an answer, do you have any other family that could give you a ride?"

"My sister is the only one left but she can't drive and she's sick."

Jason then spoke up. "I can drive her home." He winked at Piper when the nurse turned to look at her computer.

"That's fine, I'll leave her dad a message explaining what happened and I'll inform your teachers of your absence."

"Thank you ma'am." Piper smiled at the nurse and once more let Jason help her walk away. Once they were out of the school they bolted to Jason's car.

"I didn't know you were such a good actor."

"What can I say? I guess it runs in the family."


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