Mizu: A Tale of a Kunoichi (R...

By MerliahOcean137

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As if life wasn't hard enough for (Y/n) Moon as a mermaid princess of the Seas and Oceans, she also had to tr... More

Chapter 1 - My First day in Norrisville
Chapter 2- Last stall on the left
Chapter 3 - Got Stank
Chapter 4 - So You Think You can Stank
Chapter 5 - McFist of Fury
Chapter 6 - Gossip Boy
Chapter 7 - House of 1,000 Boogers
Chapter 8 - Monster Dump
Chapter 9 - Attack of the Killer Potato
Chapter 10 - The Tale of the Golden Doctor's Note
Chapter 11 - Dawn of the Driscoll
Chapter 12 - Night of the Living McFizzles
Chapter 13 - Viva El Nomicon
Chapter 14 - 30 Seconds of Math
Chapter 15 - Monster Drill
Chapter 17 - Stank'd to the Future
Chapter 18 - Wave Slayers
Chapter 19 - Sword Quest
Chapter 20 - NuKid on the Block
Chapter 21 - Weinerman Up
Chapter 22 - Evil Spirit Week

Chapter 16 - Silent Punch, Deadly Punch

379 13 6
By MerliahOcean137

In the Blue Nomicon

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

(This outfit is for every winter episode)

I was in the blue nomicon, eager to learn about the Art of Illusions. I said to Nomicon; "Okay, what do you have to teach me?"

Suddenly, a human appears in front of me. I said; "What am I supposed to do with him?"

I turned my head towards a board, as it was written To get what you need, you need to get it.

Wow, so useful. I said; "Still don't get it."

Arrows were pointing towards him as he was holding a snowglobe with my family's castle in it. I said; "Hey, how did you get that in your hands? That mine."

He looked at me and shook his head. I said; "I'm gonna ask you again, politely. Can you give it to me, please?"

He thought about it and shook his head again. I said; "Alright, that's it."

As I was going to use my water bending powers, my hands were covered in hand chains. (like Elsa in Frozen during prison) In shock, I said; "Hey, what's the meaning of this?"

The nomicon didn't answer. I said; "Come on. What am I doing wrong?"

There are different types of illusions. As part of the nymph species, you are granted different aquatic illusion powers. Like a pearl, you are granted the power of the different water nymphs by learning them through different layers. The first layer is the natural ability of the mermaid.

The nomicon said. Alright, this must be a challenge. How am I going to get my snowglobe back? Hmmm, the natural ability of a mermaid is swimming, right? But I cannot expose myself as a mermaid. Ugh! How can I do this without exposing myself? I looked back at the water.

Suddenly, I started to remember that I'm not just I am as a mermaid, but I am a kunoichi too. And what do I have in my suit? Smoke bombs. I can use something to illusionate the figure of a mermaid, while using a smoke bomb to hallucinate him. Perfect!

The nomicon released the chains off me. I wore my Mizu suit and turned to Mizu. I started to find stuff to make a figure of a mermaid sitting on a rock. I said; "Now all I need are some Smoke Bombs!"

As I was searching in my suit, I couldn't find any smoke bombs. I said to Nomicon; "Uhm, that's weird. I have no Smoke Bombs. How come I don't have any left?"

I remembered some flashbacks of the guys taking smoke bombs from my suit. I said; "Oh, right."

I asked Nomicon; "Uhm, do you know where I might get more smoke bombs by any chance?"

The Nomicon swooshed me out of the book.

In the girls' bathroom stalls

As I schloomped out of the book, I went out to find the guys, with my blood boiling with anger, and also every water pipe unit.

Norrisville High, In the halls

As I was walking, I saw them. Madly, I said; "Howard Weinerman! Randall Cunningham!"

They were concerned as they were a bit scared of me. I heard Howard say; "Uh-oh! She sounds like my mum whenever I don't clean my room."

"Because of you guys, I have no more smoke bombs and I couldn't finish my lesson with Nomicon." I said. Randy said; "Same here. I was just saving Bucky, but when I needed to disappear, poof, no smoke bombs. Well, not poof exactly, I had nothing to poof out of there."

"Come on." I said as I pull him in with me to the girls' bathroom.

In the girl's bathroom stall

As Randy and I are in a stall, the Nomicon turns red. The Nomicon opens and schloomped both of us in.

In the red Nomicon

As Randy and I fall from the sky, we both land on different clouds. A scroll hits Randy's head and he catches it, which also fell from the sky. He opened the scroll and read load; "The ninja smoke bomb is a tool of strategy, not a toy for show."

"Come on! Smoke bombs not for show? Have you seen how Bruce I look? I'm all, 'Smoke bomb.' Then I'm like, 'Kaboosh!'" Randy said. Suddenly, the clouds that here letting us floating on air disappear as we fall. I said; "You just couldn't keep your mouth shut!"

Both of us crash on the ground. As we stand up from the ground, I grab him from his jacket and said; "Listen, I need those smoke bombs as much as you do, or maybe a little more. Got it?!"

"OK, smoke bombs are for strategy. Just tell us how to restock." Randy said as he stood up. Much better. A ninja appears from a distance as he plants what seems to be a pinecone in the ground. Using his healing powers, the pinecone turns into a pine tree. He takes out his sword and opens up a bit of the tree to let some sap come out of it and put it in his pouch. The nomicon shows us words from the tree as I read out loud: Only from the sacred sap of the skunk pine can a ninja craft bombs of smoke.

"A-ha, a quest! There is no better way to kick off winter break. Winter break!" Randy said. The drawn Ninja throws a smoke bomb at us, schloomping us out of the Nomicon.

Outside Norrisville High

Randy and I walked out of the school as I was holding an open umbrella above my head. Good thing I also wear snow boots cause of the whole tail situation. As we were walking towards Howard, Randy said to him; "Little change of plans for tonight."

Howard looked at him. Randy said; "Before we get our movie marathon on, we've got to take a quick trip to the forest. See, there's this tree."

Howard said: "But-"

"I know, you hate nature, but the sap is the only way to make smoke bombs. Don't worry. We have 12 more days of winter break. Winter break!" Randy cuts in. Howard said; "I said I can't hang out tonight. I have a previous engagement?"

He sounded unsure. I said; "'Previous engagement'?"

"That's hilarious! Wait, are you serious? What, What you up to?" Randy asked him. Howard said; "Nothing! It's just, uh, a family thing?"

"Oh, OK, yeah. Uh, I guess I'll, um, I'll see you tomorrow." Randy said to him. Howard said; "Uh, yes! Tomorrow."

Okay, this just got awkward . As Howard was walking away from us, Randy said; "Call me!"

I said to him; "Hey, we can hang out, can't we?"

"Yeah, I guess you'll do." Randy said. He's lucky I have to come with him to find this tree and get some sap.

In the Snowy Forest

Mizu's P.O.V.

The Ninja and I were jumping from one tree to another. The Ninja stops as he says; "I think Mother Nature just ripped one."

I said; "Come on, we gotta find that - OOFF!"

I hit a tree, which smells horribly wrong. I fall down the tree and land in the snow. I said; "Found it."

"Hello, skunk pie." Ninja said. He jumps down from the tree and lands next to me. The smell is getting horrible. Randy said; "Oh, it's awful! But sacred, sacredly awful. Ninja sap tap!"

As he was about to slice a bit the tree to get some sap, claws came out of a floating device grabbing the tree. As it place the tree on it, I said; "Huh? What the seaweeds?"

As soon as I noticed the now familiar aircraft, Ninja and I said; "McFist"

"You just snaked our smoke bomb tree!" Ninja said as he grabbed me and threw a chain sickle towards the aircraft, as we fly with it. I held onto the Ninja tighter as I looked how far away I am from the ground. Ninja said; "You scared?"

"No, it's just my hands are freezing and I'm trying to warm them." I said. I lied.

McFist Industries

As soon as the aircraft stops at mcFist's house, he lets go of the aircraft and we land on the glass ceiling. As we looked down, it seemed that there were people celebrating this festival called Christmas. Suddenly, as the tree fell down through the ceiling and it closed, the tree was decorated in a blink of an eye. I said to Ninja: McFist killed a 800-year-old sacred ninja tree for his holiday party?"

"I did not see that coming." Ninja said. As the Ninja slides near an air vent, I said to him; "No way McFist is dumb enough to leave these things - "

Sudenly, he managed to remove it as I said; "unlocked!"

"Oh, McFist, you need to ninja-proof your house." Ninja said. We slide down the opened air vent to wherever it leads us.

Inside McFist Industries, where the party is held

As we slide down the air vent, the Ninja lands on a robo-ape as I land next to it. He drags the now broken, non-headed robo-ape towards the conveniently nearest exit, the ninja takes off his mask and starts undressing himself. I turned around as my face turned red and said; "Why are you undressing yourself in front of me?"

"In order to blend in with McFist's guests, we need to play the part." Randy said. I said; "Oh, right. Of course."

I looked around and saw another robo-ape. I said to Randy; "You go ahead. I'll catch up with you."

As Randy wore the tuxedo, I throw my scarf towards the other robo ape and pull it next to me. As I knock it out, I take its clothes from it and rearrange it. As I took off my mask, I took out my sewing kit. Good thing I carry these in case of emergencies, and the fact that my lady-in waiting taught me how to sew.

After around 5 mins of rearranging the pants to use a leg part as a skirt, the shirt and grabbed (rather stole) a pair of Marge's heels and redid my hair, I was finished from my, as the humans say the outfit of the day, or is it the night.

(Tonight's outfit)

As I walked out, I saw Randy hiding from Hannibal and Marge, behind a fruit salad. As they walked away, I walked next to him and said; "The salad bar must be that good to dress up as it."

A big egoistic guy just pushed both me and Randy as he said; "Shrimp-ba-ba-ru-ba!"

"Howard?!" Randy and I said in unison as we recognised him. Randy said: "What the juice are you doing here?"

Howard was shocked as he said: "Oh, Cunningham, Ocean! Hey! Great to see you at this party which I am also attending."

"You said you had a family thing." I said. Howard said; "It is a family thing! My dad's company was bought out by McFist's company. We're a McFist family now. Yay."

"What? Your dad works for our arch-nemesis?" I said. Randy said; "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because I knew you'd be all "What?!" Look, it's really not such a big deal." Howard said. Randy said; "Being lied to by your best friend? That's the biggest deal."

Suddenly, we heard McFist talking from the speakers as he said; "Attention, everyone! Our security system has detected an intruder."

"I bet it's that guy." Howard said, pointing at the creeper. I said; "No, you fish bait, he means us!"

"Please display your McFist bands for the robo-elves, so we can find the uninvited guest and eliminate him! Eh, nicely." McFist said as he was heard through the speakers. We look next to us and saw the robo-elves telling McFist's guest; "Show me your McFist band or be destroyed. Merry Christmas!"

"I'll give you mine. That'll totally make up for me lying to you." Howard said. Randy said: "It totally won't."

"What about me?" I said. Randy said; "We gotta get to that tree."

Randy pulls me from my wrist to get to the tree. As Randy and I were sneaking around to get to that tree as the robo-elves were asking for wristbands. I wanted to go to conceal mode, but there are too many people to use my powers, plus I can't just go invisible with Randy next to me while I'm without my mask next to him. Me and my secrets. As we were hiding, Randy said; "Ah, I'm totally shoobed. The ninja smoke bomb is a tool of strategy, not a toy for show."

"Show? Strategy? What if, sometimes, the show is the strategy?" I said to Randy. Randy said; "Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

McFist Industries, hall, where the Santa Claus area was

Mizu's P.O.V.

As Ninja and I came out from the chimney and said; "Merry Christmas, everybody!"

"He just came out of that chimney! The ninja is Santa Claus? The ninja lady is ms Claus! You're a fake!" Bash said, sitting on Santa Clause's lap. I walked over to the tree and said to McFist; "Oh my, what a glorious tree."

Yeah. She's a real beaut. So, what are you doing here, Ninja and Mizu?" McFist said. Ninja said; "Oh, we just stopped by to see Norrisville's most beloved gazillionaire."

"But, while we're here, Ninja sap attack!" I said as I tap the tree with some sap coming out, using my reusable bag to carry it around. McFIst was smiling but said to me and the Ninja: "Not sure why you're doing that, but I am not going to let it happen."

"Really? In front of all these people." I said to McFist as I showed him his guests. Ninja said; "Merry Christmas, McFist. And to all a good ninja!"

McFist Industries, the next room

As he was talking, Ninja and I went behind a door behind the tree. I said; "I can't believe that worked."

As we turned around we see a bunch of festive robots. I said; "Oh fiddlesticks. Almost worked. It almost worked."

"And you say it's my big mouth." Ninja said. Really, now?! I said to the robots; "In the spirit of the holidays, any chance we can just skip this fight?"

The snowbot threw it's sharp, metal hat towards us as we dodged it. Ninja pops his head and said; "So that's a 'no.'"

"Get them." The snow-bot said. As all the elves charge their guns at us, they started to attack us with lazers and snowballs. Ninja said; "Ninja dodge!"

As we jump over the seahorses of the land, (reindeer people, it's reindeer) Ninja said; "On Dasher, on Donner, on Dancer, on Blitzen."

Who are these random people? As the snow-bot shoots snowballs at us, the Ninja uses his sword as he spins it to slice the snowballs. The Ninja said; "And a snowball slash."

The snow-bot was out of snowballs to shoot at us. As we smirk at it, he takes out a snow shovel and smacks us with it as we shoot out of the room and land in the other room.

McFist Industries, hall, where the party is held.

As we land on the floor, the snow - bot rolls over to us, crushing and spilling our sap. I said; "Our sap!"

"Destroy the ninja." the snow - bot said. Everyone heard McFist say; "Destroy the ninja! Yes!"

Obviously, McFist tries to get away with it as he said; "I mean, no! Wow! Oh, the robots, they have gone crazy! Everyone, please exit the room in an orderly fashion."

Everyone starts panicking as they run all over the room. The ninja and I are fighting the snow-bot, one on two. We managed to stop it from using it's hands. Until a tiny snow-bot pops out of its hat, with a metal mallet. Ninja said; "Oh, boy."

The tiny snow-bot hits the both of us and sends us flying to the other side of the room. McFist said; "Give that snowman a raise."

As we crash on the buffet table, Howard said; "I got my wristband off!"

"A little late, buddy." Ninja said. I said; "If only one of us had a smoke bomb."

"Didn't you find your smoke bomb tree?" Howard said. I said; "Howard, that is the smoke bomb tree."

"Wait a minute. The smoke bomb tree! You're a genius! Although I'm still mad at you." Ninja said. I follow him as he jumps up. I asked him; "What are you going to do?"

"You destroy the robots, I'll handle the tree." Ninja said. McFist said; "If you let them escape, Christmas is cancelled!"

As the robots were about to attack the Ninja, i saw an ice sculpture of Marge. An ice sculpture hu? No time to melt the ice. I grabbed the ice sculpture and hit the snow-bot with it. As the ice sculpture breaks into pieces, the robo-elves and the reindeer - bots ccome charging at me. I manipulated the broken ice pieces by lifting them up and throwing them at them. As the icecicles got stuck to them, I jumped up high and started having bad thoughts to melt them, which malfunctioned them. As I jump up high, I grab onto the ninja, who was zip - lining with a candy cane and said; "I've been waiting all night to say this."

Suddenly, as his suit turns red, it started to burn my hands. The ninja said; "Smoke bomb!"

Outside McFist Industries

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Randy and I were back in out party outfits. As we saw red smoke coming out of the building, everyone started to leave. I looked up and said; "The smoke bomb tree."

"It's gone." Randy said. Howard came next to us and said; "Listen, I'm sorry I lied to you. But what if I got you a present that made everything all better?"

Randy said; "There's no thing you could get me that would possibly make up for - "

Howard shows us the pine cone of the smoke bomb tree. I said; "Except that."

In the Snowy Forest

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

As I was wearing my winter clothes, I was standing next to Howards as the Ninja plants the pine cone into the snow. He said; "Now I hit it with some art of heal."

As lasers come out of the ninja's hands, the pine cone already started to grow a bit. As the Ninja removes his mask, Randy said; "Couple days we be dripping in smoke bombs."

"Thank you, Howard." I said. Howard said; "Merry Christmas, Cunningham and Moon."

"I did not think this is how we'd be - kicking off winter break." Randy said. Howard said; "Winter break!"

"Winter break!" Randy said. The guys looked at me. I said; "Alright, Winter break!?"

"We can build up on that." Howard said. Randy said; "Listen, I know why you didn't tell us about your dad working for McFist, and I just want you to know we're best friends."

"You can tell us anything. I said. As we start walking away, Howard said; "Cool! 'Cause I've been meaning to tell you.I've been borrowing your underpants for, like, months."

"Ooh why would you tell me that?" Randy said.  

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