
By Eren_TheWolf

130K 4.4K 5.2K

This is an Eren x Levi. Where Levi is the prince of Shoganshina and Eren is a simple servant. One day Levi de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 24

2.9K 105 141
By Eren_TheWolf

Eren P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I noticed was that I was on a comfy mattress and had a thick, warm blanket draped over my body.

The confusion hit me first, seeing as how I didn't remember my bed being soft and not mushy, but then I looked around and realized I didn't even recognize the place.

Someone opened the door and I looked over to lock eyes with a maid. She smiled and shut the door before I heard her footsteps fade away. I felt my cheek and sure enough, my fingers grazed the bandage on it. I frowned as I recalled the events from yesterday, and I sighed before pulling my knees up to my chest.

The door opened a few minutes later and to my utter surprise, it wasn't the maid. The princess walked in, a light blue sleeveless dress adorning her body and not to mention the glistening tiara she was never seen without. Her beautiful black hair was in her usual long pigtails dropping over her shoulders, and she was as beautiful as always.

Fear overwhelmed me and I backed up against the headboard."Please..." she whispered, making me stiffen. "Can I sit here?" She asked, pointing to the foot of the bed I was resting on.

I was completely and utterly confused but nonetheless nodded. She slowly sat down, dipping the mattress as she did so, and I heard her sigh and saw her shoulders droop."I..." she trailed off, and quickly composed herself. "I nearly died yesterday." She murmured, I nodded. "But you saved my life. Twice. Why?" She asked, and I frowned."It didn't feel right. If I had just let you die I would've hated myself and I couldn't live with that..." I slowly replied. She nodded."I see. Even after all I've done, you still risked your own life to save mine. That is quite admirable." She said, and I flushed red at the compliment, mostly because it seemed genuine."I came here to say a few things and get some stuff off my chest..." she paused and turned to look at me before she stood up.

Then she bowed."I'm sorry!" She exclaimed, and the shock that coursed through my body nearly made me gasp."When you came to the castle, you were so... kind, and pretty and you seemed incredibly smart and I just couldn't help but feel... jealous." She admitted, and I took a double-take.

A princess. Jealous? Of me?!

Then she stood back up and stared at me straight in the eyes. "And thank you. My life was spared yesterday because of your heroic actions, and I can't help but feel eternally grateful for your actions." She said, and I flushed again, but I smiled this time."It's not a big deal. Don't mention it-" she cut me off as she clenched her fists and shouted, "Yes it is!" I frowned as she looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears."I was so awful to you, and you showed me more kindness in a time span of ten minutes than I've ever experienced in my entire life! Just the very thought of how horrible I was to you brings me to tears, and you are the most caring and amazing person I've ever met and I just can't..." she trailed off as she spun around and sat on the foot of the bed again, burying her face in her palms.

I tilted my hand in confusion, not knowing how to react to this. "I guess I just..." she trailed off and sighed. "I never really got... affection... from father and mother, and I've never met anyone my own age, so when Levi showed up I guess I was kind of... clingy. I wanted to experience more love and hung on to him like crazy. It wasn't fair of me to put him in that position, but I didn't care at the time. Then I saw you... the way he looked at you... I was so angry that I blew up and insulted you and I even slapped you, and I'm so so incredibly sorry... it was wrong and I really do regret it. I can only hope you'll forgive me." She looked at me with blotchy cheeks and slightly messed up hair when she finished, making me flush red."I..." I trailed off, not knowing how to respond in the slightest.

"Levi doesn't look at me in any way that would threaten your relationship with him, I can assure you. And of course, I forgive you. I used to be just like you when I was younger... I wanted what I wanted and if someone got in my way they were on my hit list." This made her chuckle as she wiped at her cheeks. "And... I just did what was right. That doesn't make me admirable. I'm anything but a hero. I'm shy, clumsy, idiotic at times, and other things. I'm just... average." I said, and she looked at me shocked."You are none of those things, miss. Shy? Yes. Clumsy? I have seen no evidence of such a thing. Idiotic? Most Definitely not. You are a kind person and I am forever grateful to you and your golden heart." She said one final time before bowing again.

I bowed my head with a smile, and she returned it before leaving. Before she left, I called out, "Hey!"She turned around in confusion. "What's your name, your majesty?" I asked, and she smiled."Mina." Then she shut the door behind her, her footsteps fading away as she walked down the hall.


"Come in," I said as a series of knocks were heard from my door.

Levi opened, and quickly shut it behind him."Oh, how the tables have turned." I said, and he chuckled in reference to all the times I would knock on his doors and he would respond with 'Come in.'"How is your injury?" He asked as he sat on my bed."I think it hardly counts as an I injury. It's just a tiny scratch." I said with a nervous laugh.

He only nodded and turned to look at me. I stared back, and we locked eyes again. His stone-cold blue eyes were shadowed with worry, and mine was just staring back in curiosity as he looked at me.

Then I remembered what Mina

had told me."... the way he looked at you..."I flushed red, and he noticed because he seemed even more worried."Are you sure you're feeling okay?" He asked, and I quickly nodded."Of course, of course. I'm fine. Oh, by the way, sorry for that awkward breakdown yesterday. I just got way too into thinking about my mother and it hit me hard. S-Sorry." I said with a nervous laugh and a scratch to the back of my head. He nodded. "It's fine. Not a problem. Just try not to do it again." He said, and I gave him a thumbs up. "No problem Levi~Sama."I froze.

Did... I just...

Levi looked at me in shock, and I'm sure I looked the same."Did... Eren~kun just... Eren~kun did!" I panicked and sprang out of the bed in a nervous fashion. "What's wrong with Eren~kun?!" I cried out in worry, and Levi only stared at me.

"Help Eren~kun, Levi~Sama!" I yelled, and then I watched as his face turned a deep red, mine doing the same out of embarrassment."This is terrible! Eren~kun can't talk normally!" I cried out, and that made him flush even more.

"Levi~Sama!" I shouted, and he snapped out of it before rapidly shaking his head."Right. We gotta get you to Hanji, and quick. This probably has something to do with your ears and tail." He said, and I latched onto his arm. "Just take Eren~kun to them, Levi~Sama!" I cried out, and he turned red again.

He nervously coughed and looked away. "You should stop talking." He said and grabbed my wrist before taking me to a magicks user.


Levi laid a series of knocks on the door, and it was quickly opened by a very excited looking Hanji(so just normal Hanji). She wore her trademark goggle-like glasses and her hair was in it normals messy ponytail. She smiled crazily at him and bowed, her brown tail and ears bowing as well."Good morning your highness~. You finally came to visit me!" She jumped in excitement, and Levi quickly rolled his eyes."No, I think his ears and tail are effecting his speech." He said as we walked inside, the now sulking Hanji shutting the door behind her.

"Oh," she said sadly, but then as if a switch was pulled she went back to her normal self "That won't do. Let me see what I'm dealing with!" She exclaimed and I poked my head out from behind Levi, locking eyes with her for the first time since our arrival.

"I don't bite, cutie." She joked, and I gave a weak smile before stepping out behind Levi, who gave out a slight growl.

"Eren~kun can't talk normally, and Levi~Sama," I watched from my peripheral vision as Levi turned a slight tint of red, "told Eren~kun we should seek your help," I explained, and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Ahh so CUTE!!, Alright. I see what's wrong. Give me a few minutes and I think I'll have something for you, orrr we could keep it like this?." She said with a wicked smile, I shook my head vigorously. "Suit yourself, but I think you should" she winked before turning around, her belt making clinking sounds from all of the bottles strung to it.

She motioned towards a table in the corner of the room where we could wait while she made her potion, and to my surprise, there was a chess table on it.

It was quiet before I moved a pawn two spaces. Levi looked at me from the corner of his vision and rolled his eyes. I then gave him puppy dog eyes, tilting my ears down as I did so.

His face flushed a cherry red before he quickly looked away. Then I watched his hand move and he placed a pawn of his two spaces forward. My face beamed and we started playing.


"Checkmate." He said with a smirk as he trapped my king between his queen, a bishop, and a knight. I pouted and rolled my eyes. "Freaking chess master..." I murmured, and he chuckled."And... done!" Hanji exclaimed, snapping Levi and me out of our daze.

She walked over with a purple liquid and sloshed it around in the glass before handing it to me. I looked at it hesitantly before turning to look at Levi. He nodded in approval, and I shrugged before placing it to my lips and gulping it down."How does it feel?" She asked as I handed the bottle back to her. "Eren~kun doesn't feel any different. I guess I just-" I stopped as I realized I had just said 'I'.

"Oh, my Freckled Jesus it worked!" I exclaimed in relief. Hanji beamed and took the bottle back to a sink."That outta do it." She said with a smile, and Levi nodded."Yeah, thanks." Levi said as he stood up to leave.

I fiddled with my tail and then scratched my ear at a sudden itch. Then I purred.

I freaking purred.

I flushed red and held a hand to my mouth as Levi whipped around. "Oh! That's normal, I can assure you." Hanji said beaming.

Then I hesitantly raised a hand to my ear again and scratched. It tickled the slightest bit, but it triggered my vocal cords to start working.


Levi flushed a very very intense red before turning around. He wasn't looking where he was going and hit himself in the face by a bookshelf. He fell backwards with a thump, and to my utter shock, a potion fell off of the shelf and onto his head.

Green and orange smoke surrounded the poor man as Hanji and I coughed into our arms, trying to wave the smoke out of our faces in fear of what it would do if we breathed in too much.

"Levi! Are you alright?!" I called out, but he didn't respond. I sighed and waved the smoke around before stepping forward. Then I lightly nudged something with my foot. I couldn't see what it was through the smoke, so I bent down and gently picked it up.

I was holding

He had Levi's robe hanging from him very loosely, but he had Levi's steel grey-blue eyes and midnight black hair.

That's definitely him...

"Oh no, heh heh." The Hanji awkwardly laughed from behind me.

Then she looked at the spilt potion and sighed in relief. "I can't reverse it, but luckily, it wears off in half a day give or take. You just have to take care of him, and tomorrow he won't remember a thing!." She told me, and I stood shocked."Why do I have to take care of him?!" I exclaimed as the baby boy made giggling sounds and reached for me.

I held him closer and he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck before burying his head in my hair."Because he's your boyfriend~." She said, and I flushed red."My- I- wait- I- what?!" I exclaimed. "He's not my boyfriend!" I cried out in protest, and the child started to whimper.

I quickly faltered and pat his back as I lightly shushed him."Whatever you say, sweetie, whatever you say~. Now, it's not that hard. Just spend the day with him. That's all. I promise I'll make it up to you." She said with pleading hands.

I sighed and nodded."Fine, I suppose I don't really have a choice." I said "NOPE!" Hanji replies and I looked at the child before wrapping the robe around him and grabbing the rest of Levi's clothes.

Hanji opened the door for me as I stepped out, and I walked out."Good luck" she smiled as she manically waved, I nodded and returned the smile before walking down the hallway, not ready for today


"Levi! That isn't food!" I cried out as I struggled to take my book out of the baby's mouth.

I was successful and tried my hardest to wipe the slobber off before putting it down on a nearby table. Levi looked like he was about to have a breakdown, and I quickly scooped him up in my arms in worry before parting his back."No no no no, don't cry. It's alright shush..." I kept whispering, and he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck again before playing with my hair.

I grumbled as I felt him knot it even more before walking around so he wouldn't cry if I stood still.

It was nearing sunset, and all I had to do was tire him out.

Easier said than done.

I yelped as he had managed to grab my tail and the little boy yanked on it. I quickly pushed him away from my neck, with some struggle because he was a strong baby, and rubbed my tail.

He then started bawling his eyes out, his mouth opening to reveal two tiny front teeth and two even smaller bottom teeth. I gushed at the sight before picking him up again and hugging him.

He eventually calmed down after what felt like an eternity, while I rubbed his back, and he nuzzled into my neck again. I grumbled incoherent words before feeling him stir in my arms. He started whimpering again and I quickly set him down on a blanket I had laid out on the floor before rushing to grab applesauce or something he could eat.I

grabbed a jar of sweetened applesauce and a spoon before rushing back to the room, where Levi sat happily ripping pages out of the book I had put down earlier. I yelped in surprise and ran towards the boy to make him stop.

I eventually grabbed the book from out of his hands, and he started tearing up. I sighed in exhaustion before sitting criss-cross applesauce in front of him and offering him a spoonful of applesauce. He stared at it for a minute before he made the cutest little 'ah' sound and chomped down on the spoon.

So cute!

I smiled as he seemed to enjoy it before taking the spoon out of his mouth and putting it back in the jar to get him some more. We did this for about ten minutes before Levi eventually refused to eat another bite. I grumbled in relief before screwing the lid back on the jar and setting the spoon aside.

Levi outstretched his arms as if beckoning me to hold him, and I did so as I hugged him to my body. He wrapped his arms around my neck before cuddling into my neck, cute little breaths leaving and entering his tiny nose. Then I realized he had fallen asleep.

I sighed in relief before standing up and walking to his bed, him still in my arms. As I leaned down to place him on the bed, I became quite confused as he wouldn't let go.

I don't want to wake him and deal with him again... what do I do?

I looked down and sighed."Don't want you falling off the bed." I muttered before carefully sitting on his mattress and leaning back into the pillows that lay against the headboard. He stirred in my arms but cuddled into my hair again before falling back into his slumber.

I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes before drifting off myself, seeing as how this was probably the most exhausting day I've ever experienced.


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