
By Eren_TheWolf

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This is an Eren x Levi. Where Levi is the prince of Shoganshina and Eren is a simple servant. One day Levi de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 23

2.9K 115 131
By Eren_TheWolf

Eren P.O.V

Today was one of the days that Levi had a meeting.

I was tiredly standing in the corner of the meeting hall as Levi conversed with the king and princess at the head of the table.

A group of diplomats, rich snobs, and other people with power also attended, and Stohess has such an... interesting... style.

A woman walked by and plucked a wine glass from my tray, a set of small monarch butterfly wings on her back, a huge yellow rose on the side of her head, and a giant yellow tutu that was over her black fishnet tights. She walked away as she sipped it, and I grimaced at the abnormally large bow on her lower back. Her black heels clicked against the ground as she hooked arms with a man wearing a black suit and a neon purple undershirt and red tie.

A few more laughs and conversations were shared before they all sat down at the middle table, jokes and laughs aside.

The princess sat down beside Levi and scooted her chair closer to his as they settled in, making me flush red in anger. I quickly composed myself and continued to hold the tray, only two glasses of wine remaining."Thank you all for joining me today. I know the trek here must be long and tiring, but I am pleased that you've all taken the time to join me and talk about his country." Then he delved into many different topics; from foreign relations to the army, they talked about anything and everything that involved Stohess.

I couldn't help but feel myself want to fall asleep, yet I couldn't, so I had to try my hardest to stand up straight and wait it out.

He went on and on and on and on about the political issues currently effecting Stohess, and a woman chuckled as the king joked about poverty, and I only internally grimaced.

All they talked about was politics and wars and money and rich people struggles and other boring crap like that. It was the most tiring thing I think I've ever had to sit through.

This is torture...

Then a clap made me snap out of my daze, and I saw that it was the woman from earlier. I quickly hurried over to her and reached my tray out for her, to which she grabbed a wine glass and started sipping from that one as well.

Alcoholic much?

I sweat-dropped and went back to where I was originally standing, watching the woman intently.

I'm getting a bad vibe from her...

I shook it off as paranoia, yet I didn't lose my wary aura. I adjusted bow tie out of boredom and fiddled with my waistcoat as a way to pass the time.

It proved fruitless as this conversation went on for another hour before I heard another clap. It took me a second to find out where it was coming from.

The princesses hands were still raised from after her clapping, and she gave me a sceptical look as I felt my face heat up, suddenly feeling very small in her intimidating gaze.

I quickly shuffled over to where she was and held my tray out to her as I did so. She rolled her eyes and grabbed a glass before taking a sip, her black hair waving as she turned her head.

She took a small sip before holding the glass over the floor. She loosened her grip on the cup and it went falling to the floor, wine and all. The sudden shatter shocked everyone at the table and their attention turned to the princess and me as well.

My face flushed an almost impossible red as I realized all their attention was on me, and I quickly looked down."Oh goodness, such a clumsy servant. Oh well, clean it up." She said as she waved me off.

I sighed and bent down, mentally stomping down my anger as I did so. I grabbed a glass shards before I heard the slightest shuffle.

It sounded like ruffling fabric. I quickly looked up and noticed that the woman with the butterfly wings had moved her hand behind her back."Why are you stalling, servant?" The princess asked, her attention on me as she bent over the armrest of her chair to look at me with disgust.

I ignored her and subtly watched the woman, her red hair swishing as she moved her arm. I squinted my eyes as she fiddled with her bow.

I wanted to shake it off as her just adjusting her dress, but something urged me to keep watching her."How dare you ignore me?!" The princess bellowed, yet again I didn't even look at her.

Then I watched with wide eyes as the woman stood up, her arm still behind her back. Then, as fast as a lightning bolt, she pulled a dagger out of her giant bow and flung it at the princess. The princess's eyes widened in fear as she watched it near her, death awaiting her as it sliced through the air.

"Protect others with your life, even if their soul is tainted, it doesn't mean people won't change." My mother said as she pat my head. I smiled and grabbed her hand as we continued to walk through the marketplace, my smile never fading.

With quick thinking, I grabbed the tray and leapt in front of her. The knife stabbed through the thin metal, barely an inch away from my face.

I grit my teeth and as if it was a frisbee, I flung the tray out of my hand with laser accuracy and watched as it hit the woman in the side of the face.

She stumbled to the floor, and guards ran to apprehend her. She let out a roar of frustration and started kicking and punching the guard's armour.

Surprisingly, she managed to push them away from her as all of the esteemed guests struggled to leave the room. The woman quickly realized they were escaping and punched one final guard in the face before running towards the group of horrified rich people.

The princess's eyes widened as she fell to the floor because of her long dress and stilt-like high heels.

Then, the woman leapt at her, a dagger in each hand and her arms raised above her hand, ready to stab the girl's eyes.

Again, I jumped in front of the princess and manoeuvred my body between the woman's two outstretched arms before twirling and roundhouse kicking her while she was still in the air.

I hit her square in the stomach with the bottom of my right foot. She went flying backwards and hit the wall with a loud 'thud' before crumbling to the floor.

With quick feet, I ran by a fallen guard and as I was about three feet away from his body, I slid across the floor.

As I passed his form, I grabbed the sword from out of his scabbard and quickly popped back up onto my feet before running towards the assassin. The woman regained her breath and went running towards me, her daggers ready to slice and dice me into tiny pieces. I grit my teeth as we clashed blades, each of us struggling to not fall under the weight of the other.

Then finally, she stepped backwards, my sword slicing through the air and hitting the floor. My eyes widened as the woman raised her daggers again and brought them down on my body.

I dropped the sword and stumbled backwards, thankful to Freckled Jesus that her daggers only grazed my cheek. I quickly stood back up about ten feet away from her, and an idea formed in my head.

I'll pull the same move mother did when that guy tried to pickpocket her...

I smirked as she growled at me and charged again. I quickly got into position before jumping forwards in the air. I arched my body and did a front handspring. Seconds after I used my arms to push against the floor, I manoeuvred my legs and managed to wrap them around her neck while I was still suspended in the air.

Then, as she took in what I was doing, I twisted my body around, my legs still wrapped tightly around her throat. She gagged and her entire body flipped around with my legs as I spun her before I slammed my legs down onto the floor, her head slamming into the hardwood.

I quickly somersaulted away from her before getting down on one knee and watching her body for signs of movement.

Her legs stayed in the air for a moment before they fell backwards. She laid there limp on her back, staring up at the ceiling, unconscious.

I let out a breath out of belief before standing up and wiping my hands together, as if saying 'done'. Then I placed my hands on my hips and turned around.

There were a dozen or so incredibly rich and powerful people, Levi included, watching me in absolute shock.

I quickly felt my face redden and I looked down in embarrassment as guards rushed in and took in the scene.

An injured maid.

Their most powerful king huddled in a corner in fear.

A woman unconscious on the floor with daggers in her hand.

A completely chaotic dining hall.

And three passed out guards.

I bowed to them, their shocked faces never wavering, and I stood there in the middle of all the madness, my shy and timid side taking over.

Oh boy...


Hanji gently placed a rag on my cheek where the woman had cut me, and I flinched as the alcohol settled in."Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow..." I trailed off as she raised an eyebrow.

"You just did some awesome backflip butt-kicking stuff, and this hurts?" Hanji said, I just nodded.

"Haha your definitely a weird one Eren!"She exclaimed, with a massive grin.

Levi watched me intently from the chair in the corner of the infirmary, and I tried my hardest to act interested in the bland wall as I avoided eye contact at all costs.

Hanji nodded in satisfaction before placing a bandage on my cheek.

"All better, sorta!" She smiled at me before looking back at Levi.

She bowed her head. " you can leave now" Levi said emotionlessly.

"Awww come on Levi~, let me stayyyy, I haven't seen you in so long!"Hanji wined. "No, now leave shitty-glasses"Levi replied, and Hanji sulking out the room.

Nooo please don't leave me!

There was an awkward tension surrounding us.

I continued to stare at the wall, my hands folded in my lap as Levi stood up and walked over to me.

I continued to stare at the incredibly intricate, note the sarcasm, kaki wall before he stood in front of my view.

I quickly looked down at my lap as he spoke."What was that?" He calmly asked, but I could hear the anger in his voice.

I didn't respond, my eyes filling with tears at the memory. "Answer me." He added, his anger rising in his voice.

I grit my teeth to keep the sniffles out as a tear fell from my eye as the pain and sorrow hit me all at once. Levi stopped for a moment and he was quiet."Are you..." he trailed off and I saw a hand enter my vision.

It went under my chin and my face was tilted upwards. Levi was watching me with concern when my tear-filled orbs meeting his steel blue ones."... crying?" He stopped and I shot towards him.

I collided with his chest as a sob left my lips, tears pouring down my face. I felt him stiffen before his arms shifted and he held me close to him as I cried."I-I just..." I choked on a sob. "I miss her so much!" I cried out as I let my tears flow down my face and I crumbled to the floor.

Levi did so as well and kept holding me as I cried.

She was so kind... when she smiled, I immediately felt twenty times better. She made me smile when no one else could!

When I was drowning in sorrow she pulled me out of my ocean of doubt and gave me a reason to live! She was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me...And she's just gone.

I know it's been years but I've never really thought about it like this... her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her kindness, her jokes, just...... her. She's gone and she'll never come back...I finally thought about it unlike before when I just accepted it when she actually died, and then I just kind of reminisced in the fact that I'd never see her again...

The thoughts sent me a fresh set of salty tears and I dug my fingers into Levi's robe as I cried, my tears seemingly never-ending.

He only held me and stroked the back of my head in a protective way, making me feel safe and comfortable in his arms.

I clung onto his body incredibly tight as if he'd leave if I held him loosely.

Fortunately, he stayed by my side until my tears subsided, and by then I was tired beyond belief, seeing as how it was well past midnight at this point.

I fell limp in Levi's embrace, and he seemed to understand. " Damn brat if you wanted Hanji to stay you could have said," He said in a joking manner, causing me to chuckle.

"Thank you... so much..." I whispered as my eyes fluttered closed. I heard him whisper something, but I couldn't hear what it was because I was already in sleep.

I know it had three syllables though...


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