Michael Myers x Male!Reader

By not_so_british_

374K 9.9K 8K

||I am currently rewriting this story (working on chapter 4), so please don't get confused if something doesn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas special
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Christmas special 2

Chapter 32

5.7K 148 43
By not_so_british_

Leigh opened the door to his car and let Michael in. It felt odd for both of them to be alone together and both of them didn't want to share a word with the other, even though Leigh's head was full of questions he wanted to ask. He knew that it was inappropriate and he knew that he needed to deal with this situation like a professional and not let his feelings take over. But oh, how hard it was for him to keep his mouth shut.

"Why?" This question slipped over his lips so easily, even though he had tried so hard to hold it back.
But this single word wasn't enough for Michael ro understand what he meant. And even though his head screamed at him to just play it off and shut his stupid mouth, he asked again. But this time he was being more specific.

"Why y/n? Why did it have to be him and not someone else? Why didn't you kill him when you had the chance to? Why?" His head started to hurt. His mind still screamed at him to close the fucking door and leave Michael in the car. But he brushed it off. He wanted to hear Michael's answer. And even though he knew that it wouldn't please him, he wanted to hear it from Michael, so the part of him that was so curious about everything that happened between them would finally be satisfied.

For a moment Michael just stared at Leigh with wide eyes; he didn't expect anyone to ever ask him those questions and he definitely didn't know how to answer them. A part of him still couldn't understand why he let y/n live, why he let him get so close.

"I don't know. It just happened. But I swear, what I felt for him, no, what I still feel for him is real." He said, staring into the sheriff's eyes. Leigh sighed. "Are you sure about that?" Michael's expression stayed cold, but his eyes showed Leigh everything he needed to know; Michael seemed to be staring through him, as if he wasn't even there. As if he was slowly fleeing into another reality. "I am." He said, and Leigh believed him. His voice sounded quiet and soft, but still stern. It didn't fit to the man he was supposed to be; a psychotic murderer with no sense of humanity. An emotionless monster, or how Loomis loved to put it, 'the reincarnation of evil'. But right at that moment, Michael looked more fragile than anyone Leigh had met before.

He decided to leave their conversation there (it didn't seem to be healthy for Michael to continue it now) and closed the door of the car, his eyes staying on the man with his hands in cuffs for a while longer, before he decided to go back into the house and call back-up.

In his head he already went through everything he wanted to tell y/n's parents. How the hell could I tell them that I couldn't keep the promise I made. It'll break your poor mother's heart, boy. And, Jesus Christ, what about your father? They will surely send me to hell for this. He was scared of their reaction. He knew how hard it was to lose a child and he never wanted them to experience something like that. But there was nothing he could do now and as much as he hated to admit it, he knew that there was nothing that could have been done in the first place.

As he reached out, to open the door, someone on the other side suddenly swung it open; if Leigh hadn't reacted fast enough and hadn't taken a step back it would have hit him in the face. Loomis, who now stepped outside, stared at him wide-eyed. "Once again, I did your job and called back-up. They'll be here soon so you should better get into your car and take that sonofabitch back to Haddonfield. I'll stay here and deal with their questions and shit."

Leigh raised a brow at that. Normally he would have waited until the authorities arrived but this time he had to agree with Loomis. He was tired. And he definitely didn't want to talk to anyone, even though it was his job. I bet it won't take long until some reporters find out and arrive here as well. I really don't want to deal with those vultures.

"And you think you're sane enough to do that on your own?" Leigh asked with a serious face. Loomis expression darkened, but his voice sounded calm as he answered with a quick 'I am'.


The drive back to Haddonfield was quiet. Leigh didn't dare to say a word. Michael didn't, either.
The sheriff felt quite uncomfortable, but he knew that it would be best to just leave him alone for a while. He'd get put under a lot of pressure, anyway, as soon as they'd get to the courthouse. I bet the whole town will be there.

He could already see the headline of the newspapers. 'The Haddonfield Monster finally caught' or 'Myers after 26 years finally sentenced to death'
Everyone would want to see the guy who killed his sister at the age of six and managed to get away twice from the asylum. Everyone would love to see him, only to yell at him, curse him and wish him the only punishment there was in their eyes; the needle.

Leigh turned his head slightly to look at Michael, before he concentrated on the road in front of them. He could already see the green sign in the distance, on which nearly unreadable and once white letters spelled 'Welcome to Haddonfield'.


Leigh first drove to the police station, where he got out of his car and opened the backdoor for Michael, to let him out, too. They didn't share a word. They wouldn't even look into each other's eyes. They just got inside the building, ignoring the officers that came towards them and asked questions.

Michael obediently sat down in one of the cells and Leigh locked it, putting the keys into the pocket of his jacket. He hesitated, but then looked at the man behind the bars, who finally got the courage to look at the sheriff as well.
"I'll be back. Don't talk to anyone. If you want, I'll call you a lawyer, but that has to wait until I'm done with what I've got to do, ok?" Michael nodded, lowering his head again to stare at the tiles on the floor.
Leigh sighed as he turned around and left the station again, keeping the next place, he had to go to, in his mind; y/n's home.


It was only about ten minutes away from the station, but right then it felt longer for him. He hesitated a long time before he finally knocked at the door; he still didn't know what to tell the boy's parents, but it was too late for him to turn around and walk away now. Paul, y/n's father (and Leigh's friend), opened the door. His eyes were widened and a smile was spread on his face, but it faltered when he noticed Leigh's serious and sad expression. "God, no. Please say you have good news for me. Please say that you found him." He pleaded, getting his wife's attention. Dianne hurried out of the kitchen and joined her husband, putting a hand on his shoulder as she first looked at him and then at Leigh.

Jesus Christ, please let me get out of this situation. His head started to hurt again and he needed a moment to get his mind clean. "Paul, Dianne, I'm sorry." His voice was quiet, but not quiet enough for them to not hear it. Their eyes widened and a loud sob escaped Dianne's lips as she held a hand in front of her mouth, tears already dwelling in her eyes. Paul needed to hold onto the door frame, his legs were shaking so badly that they nearly gave up on him. His face was pale as he stared at Leigh with disbelief in his eyes.

"This can't be true. Please, my dear friend. Please, tell me that this is just some kind of bad joke and that my son is here." He said with a shaking voice. He peeked over Leigh's shoulder to look for y/n, just waiting for him to jump out of the bushes. But he didn't.

After denial comes anger; Paul's expression darkened and he pushed Leigh away from him. "How dare you come to my house without my son. How dare you break the promise you made." He screamed into the sheriff's face. Leigh didn't move a muscle. He didn't even flinch when Paul slammed the door shut in front of his face, the sound of sobbing and crying following as soon as the door was closed.

Leigh turned on his heels and left, not daring to look back. He just got into his car and took a deep breath; he needed to be calm before he would go back to the station, to prepare for everything that would be coming. All he wanted to do was go home, into the loving arms of his wife, forgetting about everything that had happened. But he wouldn't forget. Even if he wanted to, he just couldn't.
This would haunt him forever and it would give him many sleepless nights. But no matter what was coming, he had to do his job. And he would make sure that Michael would get a fair trial. Though as his thoughts drifted to Loomis his mood changed quickly.

Fucking sonofabitch. I'll make sure that you'll get what you deserve. He shouldn't hold a grudge against the doctor, he knew that too well. But oh, it was not like Loomis would care anyway.
I still wonder who the real monster is. With those thoughts he started his car and drove off.

Only one more chapter to go.
I finished writing it already but I want to wait a bit before I upload it. I originally wanted to release it on October 29th, because on that day, in 2018, I started writing this story.
But I don't want to let you guys wait for too long so I'll release it on October 8th (my 18th birthday btw xD)

Hope you guys like this chapter
I'll see ya in 11 days!

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