Since We Were Young {Asta x R...

By angestrashywrites

76.9K 2.2K 1.4K

{Disclaimer: This is a Fem!Reader}{As the title says, I update quite slowly. Please expect a chapter every 2... More

• Information - Please read before beginning story •
Extra: Where you would appear in the opening (1)
- A/N -
• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Three (Part 2) •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Birthday Special •
• Eleven •
• Announcement •
• Quick Thank You •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Thank you !! - 10k Reads! •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
• Twenty Two •
• Twenty Three •
• Twenty Four •

• Four •

4.4K 134 172
By angestrashywrites

Hello hello! Happy Sunday! Enjoy the rest of your week :3
Abbreviations to Know:
(Y/N) = Your First Name
(L/N) = Your Last Name
(F/F) = Your Favorite Food

As you stared at the exterior in front of you, you began to wonder how it was pretty much the same size as your home, although it didn't have that royal look to it. You were surprised, but not as much as Asta.

"HOLY CRAP IT'S HUGE!" Asta had sparkles in his eyes as he waved his arms around soon to slap someone if they weren't careful. You expected a reaction like this since you knew he spent his whole life in a church with only a few rooms.

"You planning on sleeping out here?" You heard a gruff voice say to you while staring you down. You just shook your head a little not moving a muscle. He waved an arm as he began to walk towards the hide out as if saying "Come on". You followed him and Finral to the door with Asta not far behind. Even being probably 10 feet from the door, you could already hear explosions from the inside.

"Uh.. don't worry about that. It's normal." Finral turned to warn you while scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah. Alright." You replied sarcastically pulling your lips inward. You had a feeling you were in for quite a surprise. Captain Yami opened the door to the hideout, and you noticed the complete havoc that was causing the noise. You saw a boy with a two colored hair Mohawk being chased by a blonde hair boy with hands and feet of lightning. There was a woman with long pink hair in just her underwear passed out on the couch as if she was drunk. A short girl with black hair up in a bun was munching on something at the table. In one corner of the room, there was a younger man with light brown hair looking at a picture while blood ran down his nose, which you thought was pretty creepy. Sitting at the same table with the munching girl was a guy with black hair and wore a hat with the Black Bulls logo on it. He had a pale face with what seemed to be black makeup around his eyes and lips, not doing anything out of the ordinary. Lastly, a large man stood in the middle of the room blowing smoke out of his mouth with a strange noise that sounded like a shooo.

"We're back. Here's the newbies you were all so eager to meet." Yami pointed at you and Asta while blowing out smoke from his cigarette. The chaos amid the crowd came to a halt and everyone's eyes were plastered on you. You didn't really know what to do, so you clasped your hands and just looked around the room trying to avoid locking eyes with anyone. The plan failed however when everyone stopped what they were doing to bombard you with questions, first coming from Blondy.

"Ooooo a cute girl! My name is Luck Voltia! You look really strong! Wanna fight me?" You blushed slightly at the fact that he had addressed you as cute. As he awaited your response, he had a huge open smile on his face and his sky blue eyes glimmered a bit.

  "Uh.. maybe later? I just wanna get used to this place first." You grinned awkwardly not knowing what you should say.

"Aww, Okay. I guess that makes sense. Hey Magna! Wanna fight?" He yelled to the next closest person which happened to be the boy with the Mohawk.

"Damnit Luck, you just chased me around for the last hour at least! Can't we at least say hello to the new guys without you wanting to fight someone!?" The so called Magna pointed a finger in his face, causing Luck to put his hands up in retreat and laugh.

"So.. your name is Magna?" You pointed at him.

"That would be me. The names Magna Swing." He crossed his arms. Asta seemed to be the more popular one, as everyone else was surrounding him.

"I'm not picking up any mana from you. You sure your up for this, kid?" The pink haired woman asked him, looking around him all over. You saw his face turn slightly pink and his body stiffened a bit. Probably because she was practically naked.

"You bet! I'm so sure, that I'm gonna become the Wizard King!" He loosened up and curled his fists by his face.

"The Wizard King? Whatever you say, kid. I know kids your age like to aim high, so I say go for it." She had stopped examining him.

"Alright! Before the final test, why don't we ACTUALLY introduce ourselves to the newbies?" Everyone nodded in unison. The woman with pink hair wrapped an arm around you and Asta.

"My name is Vanessa Enoteca, but just call me Vanessa, kay? You guys are gonna have a loooot of fun around here."

"My name is Charmy Papittson! Here have one of my munchies, they're suuuuuper gooood!" The short girl with the bun handed you a cupcake with pink frosting and some colored sprinkles. You smiled and thanked her. You were exhausted after today, so this would really help give you some energy.

"My name is Gauche Adlai. Have you seen my beautiful sister Marie? She's an angel." He flipped around the photo to show a small girl with blonde hair and purple eyes, smiling brightly into the camera. As you looked over the photo, Gauche's nose began to bleed.

"Uh.. she is very cute. I believe your nose is bleeding though. Are you alright?" You tried to assist him, but he just walked away staring at the picture. You just shrugged it off as one of the "normal things" that happened there. You heard a loud shuuu and immediately knew who it came from. You heard Vanessa chuckle.

"That's Grey. He doesn't talk very much. He's a pretty good guy though." You slowly nodded wondering if he's ever said anything before joining. Luck seemed pretty bored already, so he went off to go jump around and stuff.

"Luck get your a- never mind him. I already told you, (Y/N), but my name's Magna Swing, and blondie over there is Luck Voltia. You'll have to get used to him asking to fight you 24/7." Just tell him no 10,000 times and he'll go away." You noticed to seem how Luck always looked so happy. You wondered what his backstory was like. You heard what just barely sounded like a whisper from the side of the room.

"Hello. My name is Gordon Agrippa. I hope we can be friends." Is what you only thought you heard. You just grinned back at him.

"My name's Asta. Hope we can all get along." Asta said with a toothy grin.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to meet all of you." You bowed slightly.

"Hey, you don't gotta be so formal here. We're far from it." Finral waved a hand in front of his face. The sudden shouting of Magna made you jump of out your skin.

"ALRIGHT! Let's start the final test of the night!" You were confused on this "final test part".

"What do you mean final test?" You asked him as you and the rest of the squad began to walk outside.

"It's a test to see if you're really fit to be in the Black Bulls. You guys are gonna fight me together so one of you doesn't learn my strategy and use it against me." It did make some sense, but wouldn't it be kinda unbalanced since it was 2 versus 1? You weren't gonna question it though.

  You and Asta stood next to each other while Magna stood a little farther away across from you. You watched as he summoned his Grimiore, which was grey with a large skull covering at least half of it. The clover was located inside the left eye of the skull. He pulled out a baseball bat engulfed in flames, while using his free hand to summon balls of flames.

"Whenever your ready." He said holding his bat across his shoulder and his flame ball in hand. Asta pulled his sword out of his Grimiore, and you summoned a couple of your orbs. You turned your attention to Luck when he laughed and yelled

"GO!" Magna shot one of his fireballs at you using the bat, and it came hurdling towards you at amazing speed. You didn't have time to dodge, so you shot one of your orbs at it, causing them to explode on impact.

"Heh, not bad. Good luck on this round." This time, he began rapid firing fireballs at you at an even quicker speed. There was little time to react, so you grabbed Asta by the arm.

"Galaxy Magic: Zero Gravity." You pushed off the ground and floated into the air with Asta.

"WHAAAAAAAA WHAT'S GOING ON??" He was flailing everywhere like a child at the doctors about to get a shot.

"Asta if you keep moving around I'm gonna lose my grip and drop you." He stopped right then. You saw Magna's fireballs begin to shoot up at you, so you cancelled your spell and landed on your feet, but Asta fell right on his bottom. He quickly jumped up when Magna began to shoot again. He grabbed you and pulled you behind him. He turned his sword so the flat part was facing him. The flames bounced off of the sword right back at Magna. You closed your eyes as you heard a large explosion. You coughed and tried to fan away the smoke. When it eventually cleared, you saw Magna in a hole on the ground on the verge of being unconscious.

"Nice one." You fist bumped Asta but then jogged over to a slightly crippled Magna.

"Good fight. Sorry if we went to hard though." You giggled and held out a hand. When you pulled him up, he stumbled a bit and fixed his glasses, even though they were cracked on the right side.

"Nah. I'm used to this kind of stuff. I guess I can say that you passed though. Nice job." He gave you a thumbs up, to which you returned. You walked over to wear Asta and the rest of the group was. You watched as Vanessa slipped the Black Bulls robe over Asta's head and sew the logo onto the other side of his headband. She the proceeded to put the robe over your head. She took your hair clip that was holding your half ponytail and put a small version of the logo on it. You smiled brightly, knowing this would be your new home.

{Small time skip}

"Hey (Y/N), what's your favorite food?" Charmy asked you as you went inside. You had to think for a minute, trying to remember all of the foods you've eaten in your life time and picking your favorite one.

"I guess if I had to pick, it would probably be (F/F). I've loved it ever since I was a little kid." You looked up in thought while you told her your answer.

"Good choice. What about you Asta?" She turned to him and asked the same question.

"That's easy! Mine is tatoes! The ones they make back home are amazing!" You noticed a confused look on Charmy's face, but she shrugged it off. She seemed like she would try her hardest to welcome a new teammate. You all sat down at the table, Asta on your right and Finral on your left, the rest of the members spread out randomly. Charmy stood up from where she was sitting.

"Cotton Magic: Sheep Cook!" Two sheep appeared when she recited her spell and immediately began cooking at an intense speed. It only took a few seconds before a whole feast was laid out from one end of the table to another. The (F/F) you requested was laid out on a platter (or bowl) in front of you. Your jaw dropped at the scene. All of this food could last you a month, with breakfast lunch and dinner. Finral raised his glass to the middle of the table.

"To our newbies, Asta and (Y/N). May they achieve great things while working within the Magic Knights." Everyone else put their glasses together.

"To Asta and (Y/N)!"

It took all of you about an hour to finish the food and drinks, which of course ended with Vanessa being half naked and wasted. You got to know the rest of the squad and you were able to tell stories about your family and your time at the church with Asta. You felt your eyes begin to droop, when you felt someone poke your arm.

"You doing alright, (Y/N)?" Asta continued to poke you as he tilted his head.

"Yeah I'm just tired is all. Today was exhausting. I just wanna sleep." You flicked his finger away since you were annoyed of the poking. He nodded his head in agreement. A little while later, Finral showed you and Asta to your quarters where you would be sleeping. Your room was only a couple down from Asta's, so visiting him could be pretty easy. After you settled into your room, you noticed a note on the door to your closet.

Hey, I got you some clothes ahead of time so you wouldn't have to waste your first payment on them. Think of it as a welcome gift.

You opened the door and saw a few different outfits. One was a casual t shirt and sweatpants, most likely for pajamas. The next one was a more elegant dress. It went down to around your knees and was black with a silver belt that wrapped around your stomach. It cut off at your shoulders but continued down to your wrists. The last one was a romper slightly similar to the one you had on, but there was a gap at both of your hips revealing them openly. The legs ran down to your mid thigh. You slipped on the t shirt and sweatpants and took down your hair. You brushed it and just let it hang. You remembered that you wanted to ask Asta about his magic, so you trudged down the hallway and knocked on his door.

"Come in!" He yelled from inside. You cracked the door open and peeked inside. The room looked no different from yours. Asta was wearing the same clothes as usual, except now he had removed his little jacket and his headband was on his nightstand. You noticed his Grimiore on his desk, which it's secrets were about to be revealed to you.

"Hey (Y/N)! What's up?" He stood up to come greet you. You stepped in the room and closed the door behind you.

"I wanted to ask you about your Grimiore, like how you got it and what it does and stuff. I mean if you don't want to tell me it's fine, but it would help if I knew about it." You had your hands clasped as you stared down at the floor.

"I don't mind telling you. Here." He walked over and grabbed his Grimiore. He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to him, telling you to come sit. You did so, not taking your eyes off of the book until he started speaking.

"That evening the day that you got your Grimiore, I noticed that I hadn't seen Yuno for a little while. I went out to go find him. It took a little traveling, but I finally found him when he was tied up by a guy who used chain magic. He said his name was Revchi, and that he was going to take Yuno's Grimiore for himself. I tried to fight him, but was basically useless since I didn't have any magic. That's when Yuno declared me as his enemy, and that's when my Grimiore suddenly appeared before me. I was able to defeat him and get Yuno free. So yeah, that's pretty much the story." It seemed so confusing, but it began to make more sense after rethinking it in your head.

"So how does it work?" You took it from his hands and examined the rusted and dusty book.

"It's called Anti-Magic. Basically my sword, can cut through and nullify magic. It can even remove spells off of other people, and make it seem like it was never there. It's pretty cool." He seemed like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Can I uh.. can I hold it?" You wanted to experience the high and mighty Anti Magic sword.

"I don't think it would be a good idea. It'll probably suck a lot of your magic power away." He shook his hands in front of his face.

"It's night time. I can just replenish it back while I'm sleeping. C'mon pleeeease?" You were pretty much begging him at this point.

"Okay okay fine! Don't blame me if you pass out on your way back." He opened his Grimiore and pulled out his sword. It was huge, probably almost as tall as him. He handed you the sword, but when you grabbed it, you almost dropped it.

"Holy crap, this things heavy as hell! What do you lift to be able to hold this thing?" It must of weighed 60 pounds, and for a sword, that's pretty fricken heavy.

"Huh. I've worked out so much that I guess the weight never applied to me. It doesn't feel that heavy. You looked at him dumbfounded. You could feel your mana dropping quickly. You stroked a hand down the flat side of the blade, then put a finger on the sharper side. It wasn't as sharp as it looked though. Just after 10 seconds, you felt yourself getting dizzy. You quickly handed him the sword and you put your hands on your head, trying to regain your consciousness.

"What did I tell you?" You tried to hit him, but you missed because you still couldn't see straight. This caused him to laugh at your clumsiness. He swung his sword once before putting it back in his Grimiore. You were able to stand without stumbling like a baby first learning how to walk.

"Thank you, Asta. I should probably get to bed now. Have a good night." You waved to him and left the room, quietly shutting his door, and tiptoeing back to your room. You didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. When you made it back to your room, you took a glance outside to see the thousands of stars and a full moon shining through your window. You climbed into bed, and fell asleep faster then you could say the whole alphabet.

{Noelle's P.O.V}

"The last member of the (L/N) family. This should be interesting."

~~~~~End of Chapter~~~~~
Total word count: 3146

Ah, another week of boring school filled with boredom and homework. It took me pretty much all day to write this since I kept stopping for breaks, but I'm just now finishing it at 10:45.
Any feedback is helpful, whether it be compliments or criticism. I want to make sure you enjoy the story!

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