Checkmate - RATED R

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She wasn't what he was used to....he had finally met his match. Daha Fazla

Before It Ends❤️
Decision Day


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Love_Bri94 tarafından

Okay, I'll keep the drama I had prepared tucked away since everybody feels like they've had enough.

Chapter Fiftyeight
Chris Brown
Two Weeks Later - Tarzana, California

Chilling on the couch, my eyes were glued to screen. Law Abiding Citizen was on and this my shit so this had all my attention.

The sound of the front door opening caused my eyes to break away from the TV for just a minute, then I went back to the movie. Soon a car seat was sat next to me. I looked over at Landon then up at Tim.

"Special delivery." Tim said while tossing his diaper bag.

"You watching him or something?"

"Mya told me to bring him to you, she said she got stuff to do these next few days and Mariah can't keep watching him."

"Are you serious? I got tour rehearsals and shit, how she expect me to watch him?"

"Nigga call yo mama or something. This yo son you gotta make it happen."

"Whatever man." I took Landon out his seat.

"You haven't seen him in two weeks I thought you'd be hype as hell to see him. Guess I was wrong."

"It even like that, I just got a lot going on too. Shit way more than her. The fuck is she doing? Nothing!"

"Aye chill on my sis. She making money moves to make sure your son always straight."

"If you say so."

"Why the fuck y'all beefed out? Shit was just all good now y'all back at each other throats. All of a sudden I became the spokesperson for the both of y'all."

"Your sister tripping like always. Nothing new."

"Tripping about what? I'm not about to let you tell me bits and pieces."

Exhaling I relaxed more into the couch. "She found out that Kayla stays here with Hoody."

"Nigga WHAT?!"

"Yeah. Her and Syren."


"Hoody asked and I said I didn't care.....I didn't think it would've been that big of a deal. It wasn't like I was chilling with them. They were just here."

"It don't matter bro. This woman almost ruined your girl life. She wouldn't have been laying up in my shit. If Hood wanted them to have some place to stay he should've got them a place.....damn man."

"Yeah...She was tripping about that and when we were on our way to her house after a photo shoot, we arguing about it and I'm trying to apologize but she wasn't trying to hear it. So when I get to her crib I told her to get out. I guess she ain't like that and the next thing you know, she hits me.....well she pushed my head and she did it hard as hell. If she would've hit me just a little bit harder, my head would've went into my car window."


"Like why put me in that situation, Mya knows what I've been through. This shit really has me pissed off. She had to put her hands on me because her sister was staying here? And after I apologized."

"Mya crazy as hell man, and she love to fight. I see her anger management didn't really work."

"Obviously. I'll admit Kayla and Syren shouldn't have been here, that was dumb on my end."

"It was but it still ain't no reason for her to hit you."

"That's not even why she hit me, honestly. She hit me because I told her to get out my car."

"Why you put her out the car?"

"Because she started saying stupid shit, talking about how she about to chill with trey and other people I don't fuck with, being petty. So I told her to get out."

"Still ain't no reason to hit you."


"Ima talk to Mya man. You was wrong and you admitted it but she good for taking shit the extra mile when it don't even gotta go that far. You should've smacked her ass back."

I quickly gave him a straight face.

"Oh shit my bad." He laughed. "I forgot who I was talking to."

"I'm just keeping my distance."

"That's not gone help. You gotta talk to her about it."

"I day."

"Naw man don't wait. Y'all just got back together, shit was just good. It's already been two weeks ain't no need to wait much longer."

"I gotta see her in a few days for a shoot we'll talk."

"That ain't the time or place but alright." Tim got up. "I'd love to stick around but I got a little chicken head that promised to do something strange for a piece of change."

"You gone catch something fucking around with these LA hoes."

"Probably nothing a little antibiotics can't kill...I'll holla." Tim left out. That nigga nasty.

Exhaling I sat back on the couch then lifted up Landon. "Guess it's just you and me tonight bud."

I am upset that Mya didn't give me a heads up about Landon coming but I don't mind. I messed up by not seeing him for these past two weeks but I have text Mariah to check up on him. And besides I've been busy with this tour.

Grabbing his bottle, we headed upstairs to my room. Lately I've been thinking about moving. My house ain't really kid friendly and everybody knows where I stay. Even though I'm protected by a gate and my crib sit on top of a hill, somebody can still manage to get in here. I should move with Mya crazy ass.

Man she crazy as hell but I love her more than anything. I'm just not with that hitting shit. She know how sensitive that is to me. I could tell by the look on her face she didn't mean to and wanted to apologize but instead she just got out the car.

Maybe we need to do a counseling session together. I need to see if she can talk about why she's always so defensive and aggressive. Situations will always become out of hand because of her reaction to things.

Hopefully she'll be down for it.

Mya Anderson

Pulling into my driveway, I let out a long exhale. I've been up for almost 24 hours and my brain is about to explode.

So one of the chicks that one was at Chris's photo shoot liked how I dressed Chris for his pictures and is a upcoming model and this guy she knew was looking for a stylist for this promo shoot he was doing. It was with ten girls and he wanted them to have a certain look. Well she referred me and I guess he liked how I dress and the things in my stores so he called and made an offer I couldn't refuse.

I don't know why I thought trying to dress 10 women would be easy. They wore my ass out. I think I'll just stick to being Chris's stylist only, even though his ass stresses me out too.

Speaking of Chris, I haven't made the effort to apologize. I just don't know what to say. I feel really bad about what I did, I reacted without thinking. I never want to put him in that type of situation. I know I need to stop procrastinating and apologize but for some reason I'm nervous.

Climbing out the car, I made my way to the door. Before I could get my house key out, my phone buzzed. Pulling it out my purse and putting in my passcode, it unlocked and my text messages opened.

It was Tim.

I wanted to ask why but I knew it wasn't for a crazy reason. Closing out my messages, I opened Instagram and went to her page. She had so many unnecessary stories that I didn't want to look at.

When I got to the end, I saw that she was at Chris house, even though he promised to kick her out, I kept clicking and when I got to the end it's like somebody set me on fire because I was hooooooooot.

She's holding my son!


Rushing back to my car, I jumped in and sped off to Chris's house. That 20 minute drive was cut in half. I could barely put the car in park before I got out and rushed in.

Chris was sitting in the kitchen.


"Don't come in here with that shit."

"Fuck all of that. First you got her staying here and now this! Are you crazy?!"

"Why the fuck do you think everybody gone Mya? Hoody had him and gave Landon to her and I cussed them all out and told them to get the fuck out!"

"You know what, just give me my son so that I can go."

"Man watch out, he not going nowhere."

"Chris give me my fucking son."

"I said no! You wanna leave then do that but you had Tim bring him here and that's where he staying until I'm ready for him to come home."

"I'm not about to argue over my child." I started walking around looking for his stuff, tossing whatever is in my way.

"HE MY FUCKING KID TOO! Dawg what the fuck is yo problem?!"

"You haven't thought about Landon in two weeks but now you wanna play dad of the year."

"I checked on my son every day."


"Ask Mariah nigga."

"It's just something about you and my sisters huh?"

"Naw I just didn't want to talk to your ignorant ass. You can stop packing his stuff because he not leaving. I'll drop him off when I'm ready for him to go."

I went and tried to reach for Landon but he pushed my hands away causing me to push back, making him stumble. Chris rushed into the living room and when he came back, Landon wasn't with him. Before I could blink he had my face and I was being pushed up against the wall.

"So this how you want me to be huh?! You want me to be crazy right along with yo stupid ass? HUH?!" He was so mad he was red. "You so fucking ignorant all the time! I'm sick of this shit Mya!" Chris let me go and backed away. "I can't even explain what the fuck went on before you barge in here like a maniac. Did you really think I was going to let that bitch hold my son, knowing the shit she said about him and you? You need to start fucking thinking!"


"It ain't nothing for you to say to me Mya....just go. I'll bring Landon back when I'm ready to."

"Baby I'm s-."

"LEAVE!" He stormed away.

And I just stood there looking like a lost puppy. Eventually I went and picked up the mess I made, then left out.

The whole car ride home I just cried.

I have to get my anger together or I'm going to lose Chris for good.

Two Days Later

I've been stuck in my room, the past two days. Just sad and lonely. Feels like nobody will talk to me. Chris is mad, Landon is with him. Tim text me and told me I was stupid and now he won't respond to my texts. My parents are so busy getting ready for their move here, they can't talk. Eva is working, I don't know where Munchie is. EJ....well I might as well kiss that friendship adios. Mariah is busy with the store. I tried to go up there one day and it got crazy so I do all I can from home. I want to focus on my new locations and the kids line but Landon keeps me a little tied up. I guess I'll wait a couple more months. Besides with the online orders and the two locations I have I'm making really good money. It's looking like last year profits will look like chump change when these numbers come in.

Sitting up in bed, I grabbed my phone and was about to FaceTime Chris but was interrupted by the door opening. I listened to the footsteps and sure enough, it was a man!

Excitedly, I jumped out of my bed and rushed downstairs. Only to be greeted by Tim. "Oh it's just you."

"Yeah and yo big head ass baby!"

"Chill on my son." I went and got his car seat. "Hi Pooh! Hi Boogie." He was fast asleep but I'm glad he's here. "Why didn't Chris bring him?"

"Now you know that nigga don't want to see you."

"Well damn, rip the bandage right off why don't ya." I said as we sat down.

"Aye honesty is the best policy and since I'm being honest, Mya your anger is going to ruin a lot of shit."

"I don't wanna talk about that right now."

"Ask me if I give a fuck? You put him in a fucked up situation, knowing that people love to pin domestic violence on him. That's fucked up man."

"I know."

"I heard he had to snatch yo little ass up. I bet that made you think twice."

"Yeah and it made me horny."

"Can you stop being a hoe for like two seconds....sheesh."

"Fuck you."

"All jokes aside Mya, you got to figure out a way to fix this. Him having Kayla and Syren at the crib was fucked up, but he apologized. I know she was there again and she had Landon but Chris claim he didn't know she was there until he came back downstairs after passing the baby to hoody. He saw Kayla had him, he went off and then he put everybody out. I don't know how true that is but the last two days I been there, it's been a ghost town. So make this shit right MyMy. You can't blame it on the energy California has, or whatever you been saying. This shit is on you bro."

"I know." Tears dropped down my face. "Ima fix it."

"Good. I would suggest anger management but obviously that shit don't work for you. Maybe you need an exorcism with yo evil ass."

"Shut up."

"I'm for real. Chris changed for you, now it's time for you to change for him. Going from 0 to 10 in two seconds ain't always necessary. Alright?"


"Cool, now go cook me and Landon some food." He took the baby out my arms.

"Be lucky I like you right now." I got up from my seat and went into the kitchen. Before I started looking for something to cook, I text Chris.

I'll give him more time to cool off while I figure out how I'm going to make things up to him.

Gotta get this relationship back on the right track.

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