By arios2004

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"A Lannister and a Stark. They have no idea how dangerous that is." LION AMONG WOLVES SPIN OFF SEASON THREE O... More



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By arios2004

— 67. Love Over Power

  A few hours later, Annalys sat at a table in her chambers. She had a glass of wine in her hand, a robe covering her bare body. She remained silent, taking small sips of her glass of wine as she stared blankly at the flames of the candles in front of her.

It had been more than two months since she consumed wine, but she felt the need to have it in order to maintain composure while sleeping with a Greyjoy. A man she knew she'd never care for in the slightest.

She felt like her mother when she was wed to Robert Baratheon. She recalled how unhappy her mother used to look. The only times she looked somewhat happy was when she was spending time with her children. More specifically, Annalys.

Annalys also remembered the times where she witnessed Robert Baratheon strike her mother when Cersei defied him. She remembered the sound of the slap and the way her mother refused to cry out. She would stare up at the Baratheon man, not showing to be affected in the slightest.

Of course, Annalys knew she'd never let Euron lay a hand on her. She'd kill him if he even thought of doing such a thing.

"Gods, what have I gotten myself into?" Annalys muttered under breath, glancing across the room to see Euron getting dressed.

Euron placed his breeches on before turning toward Annalys, clearly not hearing what she had said from where he stood across the room, near the bed. Robb was right. The room was huge.

"So, how do I compare?" Euron suddenly asked as he started to walk toward where Annalys sat, "To the Cowardly Wolf King?"

Annalys tried her best not to snap at Euron, knowing damn well he was speaking about Robb. "You're insulting the father of my children." She reminded Euron, her voice remaining calm as she spoke to him.

Euron stopped walking when he was. standing behind Annalys. He placed his hands on the back of Annalys' chair, leaning toward her until his face was close to hers, "Are you offended, My Queen?" He mockingly asked her, much to Annalys' annoyance as he made his way toward the window.

Annalys took a large sip of wine before slowly looking toward Euron as he walked away from her, "Robb hadn't been with another woman before me. For years, he had been the only man I had ever been with. He was my first." She explained and Euron surprisingly didn't mention the fact that she didn't say anything bad about Robb.

Of course, there wasn't anything bad to say about Robb. She loved sleeping with him. She loved the way he let her take control when she wanted to. She loved the way he kissed her neck. She loved the way he felt inside her. She loved how he made her feel in general. No one would ever compare to him.

"What about the Bolton Bastard?" Euron questioned, causing Annalys to look toward him as she tensed uncomfortably.

"He was rough," Annalys simply stated, pouring herself another cup of wine when she found her glass to be empty.

"I could've sworn you liked rough." Euron jokingly commented, both of them knowing it was the truth after that night.

"Not when I'm the only one in pain," Annalys suddenly confessed, trying her best not to look saddened, "The scars on my back aren't only from my days fighting in war. They're from him."

Euron stopped when he reached the largest window in Annalys' room. He leaned against it as he turned to her, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What about the Kingslayer?" Euron suddenly asked, causing Annalys to freeze before her glass of wine could reach her lips.

Annalys' eyes widened at his question, taken aback by it. How many people actually believed that made up lie about her and Jaime? Why was she the only one who seemed to not have heard of it before Robb told her?

Perhaps it was because everyone had been trying their best to make sure she never found out about it.

She turned toward Euron and narrowed her eyes at him. Euron, however, smirked slightly in satisfaction after seeing her reaction. "I never fucked my father, if that's what you're getting at," Annalys responded coldly, glaring slightly at the Greyjoy man, "What my mother and father do with each other has nothing to do with what I do."

"Good to know," Euron replied and Annalys tilted her head slightly as she tried to read his expression. 

"You love risking your neck, don't you?" She found herself asking, realizing he took pleasure in such things.

"I do," Euron admitted, nodding his head in confirmation, "Life gets boring at times."

Annalys had to admit, he had a point. She thought the same thing most of her life. She enjoyed being reckless like he did. She took pleasure in the thrills of doing something dangerous. However, when she did something like that, it was in the name of being a hero, not a villain like Euron did.

She took pleasure in risking her life to save others, not to harm them.

"I'll admit, you're anything but boring," Annalys replied, breaking the silence between them.

Euron chuckled lowly as he made his way over to Annalys once more, "I could say the same about you." He replied and walked over to Annalys until he was standing in front of her.

  She slowly looked up at him as he stared down at her. Annalys had an unreadable expression on her face while he widely grinned. "Do I please the queen?" He questioned her in a low tone.

Annalys smiled up at Euron, despite it being fake, "I've never met someone so reckless and blunt as I was before. Until you." She informed him before her voice became a low whisper, her tone slightly shaky, "I like that."

Just as Euron was about to lean forward to kiss her, Annalys turned away from him and took a large sip of her wine. "But I'd like to be alone now. I've had a long day." She responded, clearly proving to Euron that despite what he may have wanted to do at that moment, he wasn't the one in charge. She was.

Euron bent down slightly, placing a hand on Annalys' belly. She began to tense up slightly at his actions, watching as he leaned closer to her, "I'm going to put a prince in your belly." He whispered to her softly, his hand still on her belly.

Annalys turned to look him in the eye, maintaining composure as she smiled up at him. They exchanged one last look before Euron pulled his hand away from her and left.

Annalys watched closely as he left, cradling her stomach with her hands. Once the door closed, she quickly stood up, gulping down the rest of her wine.

With that, she headed out of her room, making her way toward the room Robb was staying in at the castle. It was his last night in Casterly Rock. She needed to tell him the truth, before it was too late. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if Robb never knew the child was his.


Only a few moments later, Annalys entered Robb's room, wearing nothing but her robe. Her hair was down, which was something Robb hadn't seen much lately on her. It always seemed to be up, in braids at least. The only time he had seen her with her hair down since arriving at Casterly Rock was when they were sleeping with each other.

The last time they had done that was more than a week ago. Lately, they had been trying to be nothing but formal with each other, knowing it was for the best.

Robb turned to face her, holding a cup of wine in his hand. He would be lying if he said Annalys standing before him at that moment wasn't the most beautiful thing he had seen his entire life.

It had been taking everything within him not to rush to her room and beg her not to be with Euron. It broke his heart to see her leave the throne room with that man. He knew it was necessary, but he would be lying if he said it didn't hurt him to know the woman he loved was with another.

It led him to drink. To drink far more than what he was used to.

"I must warn you, I'm not in the right mind to have an actual conversation," He informed Annalys uneasily, placing his glass of wine on a nearby table, "I've had quite a bit of wine."

"Trust me, so have I," Annalys confessed, a soft smile at the sight of Robb standing before her. His face was all she could picture in her mind when she bedded Euron, "It's the only reason I was able to endure tonight with a straight face."

Well, that and the thought of Robb. She wasn't going to admit that, though. She couldn't let Robb know that he that much of an effect on her.

Robb remained silent for a moment after hearing Annalys' confession, knowing she meant sleeping with Euron.

"Shouldn't you be with him, then?" Robb found himself asking Annalys, a slightly saddened look on his face, "He is to be your husband in due time. Your king."

"Euron Greyjoy will never be my king," Annalys argued, a smile forming on her lips as she shook her head.

"Why, because you refuse to bow down to any man?" Robb questioned Annalys mockingly, having a feeling Annalys was going to say along those lines to shut him up.

"No," Annalys suddenly replied, causing Robb to frown in confusion as she moved closer to him, "I will never bow to any king. None but one."

"And who's that?" Robb questioned sarcastically.

Annalys, annoyed, lightly slapped him on the chest as she stood in front of him. "You, you idiot!" She shouted at him in annoyance, causing Robb's eyes to widen since he didn't expect her to answer with that response, "You were my king for many years, during the war, Robb. I swore my sword to you and despite what's happened, you will always be my king. The only king I'll ever bend the knee to."

Robb watched in shock as Annalys slowly opened her robe, revealing her bare body. Robb eyed Annalys up and down before looking her in the eyes. "We said we'd stop what we were doing. I'm supposed to leave tomorrow," Robb complained to Annalys in a low tone, "Why are you doing this?"

Annalys stepped forward, placing her uninjured hand on Robb's chest as she pressed her lips firmly against his. Robb placed his hands on the small of Annalys' back, pulling her closer to him. He immediately kissed back, despite a part of him feeling as though there was something up with the way Annalys was acting.

Suddenly, she pulled away, ready to answer Robb's question, "Because I'm carrying your child and I refuse to keep any secrets from you any longer." She whispered softly to him, their faces just inches apart.

"W-What? Are you certain?" Robb asked in disbelief, his eyes wide.

"Yes," Annalys replied quietly, tears welled in her eyes since she had the feeling Robb didn't understand that her pregnancy wasn't going to change what she planned to do.

She knew her presumption was right when Robb began to smile happily, "Then, why are you marrying Euron!" He exclaimed, pressing a quick to kiss to Annalys' lips before grabbing her hands. He held them in her own as he dropped to his knees in front of her while staring up at the woman he loved, "We may wed, Annalys. We can be husband and wife again. You're carrying my child. Nobody can tell us otherwise. Marry me."

Annalys looked down at Robb, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "I can't, Robb. I can't marry you. I'm promised to Euron Greyjoy." She replied sadly and Robb frowned as he rose to his feet, looking hurt, "I love you. I'll always love you, no matter what happens. But I can't break this alliance with Euron. Our first marriage nearly cost us our lives. I won't risk that again. I won't risk you again. I refuse to be the cause of your death. I also need Euron's fleet of ships to take the Iron Throne."

"Then, don't take the Iron Throne, Annalys," Robb responded, sounding like he was begging her, "Simple as that. You've told me yourself. You don't even want the Iron Throne. You just want your family to be safe and they are," He explained, cupping Annalys' face in his hands as he stared down at her, "Be my wife, Annalys. Become the Queen in the North once more. We can combine our kingdoms. The North, the Riverlands and the Westerlands. We'd be more powerful than Stannis could ever be. We can rule beside each other once more. As king and queen. Can't that be enough?"

Annalys stared at Robb, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she shook her head.

Noticing Annalys' actions, Robb looked absolutely devastated as he pulled away from her, "You dare choose power over love, after everything we've been through?" He asked Annalys, looking to be on the verge of crying.

"I have to, Robb," Annalys told Robb softly, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "I've gone through all of this to take the Iron Throne, I can't turn back now."

"You mean to take another one of my children away from me and raise him as a Greyjoy?" Robb shouted at Annalys, tears finally beginning to fall from the woman's eyes, "A Greyjoy, Annalys! A Greyjoy!"

Robb began to walk toward Annalys, who cautiously began to back up, not knowing what he was going do. Of course, Robb wouldn't ever lay a hand on Annalys, he just wanted her to feel intimidated, "For months since I left Winterfell with you to travel here, I have kept my mouth shut. I agreed with you on everything, I followed you, I did everything to please you and make you happy. I agreed to things that I didn't even actually want to do. I did it all for you, all to keep you happy because I hoped it would be enough to convince you to be with me again. That it would be enough for you to finally forgive me for what I've done in the past," He explained in a furious tone, "I've tried everything to make up for what I did with Eleanor Mallister and what I did in King's Landing, but nothing seems to please you. Nothing!"

Annalys flinched, noticing how close he was getting toward her and after backing so much, she ended up being blocked by a table from moving away any more, "I shut my mouth about what you did with Ramsay. You blame it on me, but you're the one who decided to do it. You're the one who decided to bed him and you're the reason why he gave you all those bruises. You decided to sleep with him, all in the name of getting your 'father' back. You and I both know you just love the thrill of danger and use saving people your excuse in doing so. That's the real reason you did it," He continued to snap at Annalys, who looked devastated, "I shut my mouth about Euron Greyjoy and your betrothal to him, even though it disgusted me to know that you were fucking a man twice your age to get a fleet of ships and planned to fuck me, too, as if it were normal. It isn't. In truth, it makes you just as power hungry as your mother," He ranted, immediately noticing the tears in Annalys' eyes, but that didn't seem to stop him from continuing, "I followed you in everything you did in the Riverlands. I watched you kill a half a dozen men in an inn and smile as you stabbed a man loyal to House Lannister through the throat with my sister's sword."

Robb suddenly let out a humorless laugh, thinking of yet another thing that pissed him off, "Which exactly proves my point!" He exclaimed and Annalys was almost scared of how hostile and furious Robb was being, "You claimed we went into that Inn to get Arya's sword, but that was a lie. You did it because you wanted to put yourself into danger. You did it in the name of being Arya's hero, but it isn't true. You did it because you're a selfish, heartless, madwoman of a queen who takes pleasure in killing and ensuing violence," He shouted at her, hatefully glaring at Annalys, "I gave up my plans to avenge my father by killing your parents because I wanted to have you back more than I wanted vengeance. I did everything to please you and it still wasn't enough. You'll always be Jaime and Cersei Lannister's daughter, a woman who cares for none but herself. You'll always choose power over a peaceful life with your children and the man you love. No matter how many times you claim to be a hero, you're not, Annalys. You never will be. You only do things if it benefits you."

"And I'm done. I'm done with you and all the chaos and heartbreaks that comes with being with you," Robb whispered, taking a step away from Annalys, a single tear falling down his cheek, "Time and time again you've used me, claiming to love me, but I don't think you actually do. I think you believe you do, but you don't. It's all in your head," He explained, pointing to his own head before glaring hatefully at Annalys, "Enjoy your marriage with Euron Greyjoy, Annalys. I hope he treats you well. Something tells me he won't, though, but at least you'll know that I was the one who warned you and you were the one who claimed you could control a madman who killed his own brother to become king. Perhaps you'll kill him. You've committed regicide before, I wouldn't be surprised if you did it again."

Just then, Robb turned to leave the room, which concerned Annalys, "Where are you going?" She cried as she grabbed ahold of Robb's arm to stop him, "You aren't leaving until tomorrow."

"I've changed my mind," Robb replied, refusing to look Annalys in the eye as he roughly tugged his arm out of her grip, "Goodbye, Annalys."

Annalys watched helplessly as Robb fled the room, leaving her to cry in the dimly lit room.  She knelt down on the ground, clutching her belly as she looked down at the hand to see the ring she wore. She began to tear up at the sight of it, feeling nothing but pain. He was right about most of it and she was devastated that she never realized it. The only lie about his rant was the fact that he claimed she didn't love him. She did. More than anything in the world.


Annalys laid naked in her bed, her head laying against Robb's bare chest. She smiled as she eyed the ring that had been placed on her finger by Robb. "Don't get angry, but it's made of dragonbone," Robb suddenly said, causing Annalys' smile to fall as she looked Robb in the eye.

"Where did you get dragonbone from?" She questioned Robb, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"The dragonbones in the dragonpits of King's Landing," Robb informed Annalys, who immediately realized the meaning behind her ring, "I didn't want to have the ring made out of something ordinary. You're far too special for that. I recalled the story you told me about you learning to fight in those dragonpits with your father. I also know how fascinated you've always been with dragons. I decided Dragonbone to be the perfect material for a ring that reminds you of how much I love you." He explained, a large smile on his face, "I want you to remember that when I leave. That I love you, despite whatever happens."

Annalys smiled softly, nodding her head in understanding, "If you're giving me your parting gift now, I suppose I should give you yours." She commented, causing Robb to give her a confused look as she climbed out of bed.

He watched as she quickly placed his tunic on before walking toward the table closest to the bed. She lifted a sword that was still in its sheath, the leather of it covered in what looked like direwolves.

Annalys unsheathed the sword, just before turning to face Robb while holding the sword in her right hand. "This used to be Joffrey's," She informed Robb, who smiled in amusement.

"Where did Joffrey get a Valyrian Steel sword?" Robb found himself asking Annalys, knowing it would also answer how she and Jaime had gotten one.

He always wanted to ask Annalys that, but never knew how to start the conversation.

"Your father's sword. Ice," Annalys suddenly responded, causing Robb's eyes to widen in horror, "My Grandfather had been the one to take your father's sword after his death. He called upon a blacksmith from Volantis who could forge Valyrian Sword. Turns out, Ice was able to be forged into three different swords. Widow's Wail. Lady's Wrath. And my father's sword."

Annalys walked closer, holding out Widow's Wail to Robb as he sat up, "This is Widow's Wail. I was going to give it to Lyanna when she came of age because she is my firstborn, but I believe you should have it," She explained to Robb, who cautiously took the sword into his hands, "After all, it was your father's sword. Ice was supposed to go to the Lord Winterfell after Ned's death. That means you."

Robb slowly looked up at Annalys, his eyes wide in shock, "Don't think I'll hand over Lady's Wrath, she's mine," She argued before Robb could speak up, but that was expected.

Robb examined the sword, noticing how it was studded with jewels as it used to be, but instead of having a lion as its pommel, it was now a wolf. Instead of the handle being gold, it was now silver.

"I sent a raven to the same blacksmith who made it into a lion. I convinced him to come to Casterly Rock and forge it into a direwolf." She explained, a large smile on her face, "Do you like it?"

"Of course, I do," Robb confessed, a smile forming on her lips, "Your family took the sword as your own. Why give it back? If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have even known it was forged from my father's sword."

"Because I refuse to lie to you about anything anymore," Annalys confessed to Robb, smiling slightly, "If we're ever to fight in war, whether it be on the same side or opposing sides, just remember that the swords we carry are one. We're connected to each other. Always and forever."

Robb smiled up at Annalys, letting out a small sigh, "It's going to break me, you know. Having to leave you again." He confessed, a saddened look on his face, "After I leave, you'll be marrying Euron Greyjoy and I'll be marrying a woman of a wealthy house."

"And it better not be Margaery Tyrell," Annalys ordered, causing Robb to begin laughing, "If it's Margaery Tyrell, I might never forgive you."

Robb smiled, clearly taking Annalys' comment as a joke. He held Widow's Wail in his hand and Annalys found herself smiling, "What are you going to name it?" She questioned Robb, who slowly looked back up at her.

"Lionsbane," Robb replied without hesitation, earning a confused look from Annalys, "The first part of it is in honor of you, Lyanna, and Eddard, since you are all part Lannister. As you said, you planned to give this sword to Lyanna when she's older. The name of the Sword should have something in it that refers to the Lannisters. Lions. And bane is for the word Wolfsbane. Not to mention, the word bane means something that causes someone great distress and annoyance," He paused, looking toward Annalys.

Annalys found herself feeling offended by the last part, knowing he meant that she was the one who caused him annoyance. She scoffed, only to smile as Robb placed Lionsbane to the side before causing her to fall into his lap.

Robb smiled, securing his arms around Annalys as he held her in his arms. Annalys wanted nothing more than to tell him that she loved him, but decided against it, knowing it would pain her too much in the long run. Instead, she leaned forward, pressing her lips against Robb's.



  Recalling her and Robb's last good moment together, Annalys' sadness was converted into rage. She quickly placed her robe on before standing up. She screamed out in rage, flipping a nearby table. Once doing so, she made her way toward another table in the room, which had a glass filled with wine on it. She quickly picked it up, gulping down the entire drink before pouring herself another. What had she done?


Trying her hardest not to cry, Annalys made her way down the hallway, wanting to go to Jaime's room. He seemed like the only one she wanted to talk to at that moment, the only one she felt like she could tell the whole truth to.

She stopped in front of her father's room, about to open the door when she stopped. She frowned, hearing a woman moan inside his room. She was about to weakly smile, happy that her father had finally someone new, only to realize that it was, in fact, her mother.

Annalys found herself crying once more, realizing that the night was becoming worse and worse by the second. First, she had to sleep with a man she hated. Second, Robb left her after she chose the Iron Throne over marrying him. Now, she learned that her mother and father were still seeing each other, despite them both claiming months before that what they had was long over since it risked their daughter's rule.

Did they seem to forget what was at risk while they were doing so? Annalys already got enough backlash from being a bastard born from incest. If people learned that Jaime and Cersei were still involved, Annalys would be the one suffering. She was the one who would face the real consequences from their affair, not them.

Annalys covered her mouth, trying her best to conceal her cries as she made her way down the hall. She stopped before she turned the corner. She placed one hand on the wall and the other on her chest. It hurt. Not just emotionally, but physically as well.

Everything seemed to be getting worse and worse and it was all her fault. Was the Iron Throne worth it? Was is wise of her to break things off with Robb?

"Your Grace?" A voice spoke up, causing Annalys to turn to face him.

The tears welled in her eyes caused Annalys' vision to be blurred, but she could still make it out that it was Edric standing before it.

"Are you alright?" Edric asked her in concern, taking a step toward his queen, "What happened?"

Annalys stood before him and as much as she tried her hardest to hold back her tears while standing in front of the Dayne man, she couldn't. She ended up letting it all out and began to loudly sob in front of him, "It's all my fault. Everything in my life has been ruined and it's all my fault. I lost the man I love to marry a Greyjoy that I hate more than anything. I gave up the North, the only place that ever truly felt like home. I made a claim to the Iron Throne, something I never truly wanted. And for what?" She asked him, covering her mouth as she began to cry harder, "A lifetime of misery and sadness? What have I done?"

Edric remained silent as he stood before Annalys, taking in her confession. He didn't know what to do. Yes, he was her subject and a member of her kingsguard, but as far as he could tell, they were also friends. A friend would have been hugging Annalys at that moment, but was it wise for him to do the same?

Sighing in defeat, Edric immediately stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Annalys. Annays began to cry even harder, hugging Edric back as she buried her face into his chest.

At that moment, Annalys felt like she'd never be happy again. Not with all she'd done to make matters worse. She lost the man she loved, she wore a crown she didn't want, her father, the person she cared for most, was sleeping with her mother, even while knowing it risked his daughter's reign. What was next? Would she ever be happy again?


Oh shit!! Annalys totally fucked up. Just as they were becoming on good terms, Annalys went and ruined it.

I feel like what Annalys is doing is kinda like the term she wants to "have her cake and eat it too"

She wants the Iron Throne (power) but she also wants Robb (love) and in the end, she chose power.

Do you think Annalys made the wrong decision?

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