Dragon Prince- Various x Read...

By PutNameHere225

91.2K 1.4K 672

The Dragon Prince is a Netflix original about two groups that are in war with each other. The humans and the... More

Introduction and rules
1: Soren X Reader- Fluff
2: General Amaya X Reader- Fluff
3: Aaravos x Female!Reader- Lemon
4: Viren x Female!Reader- Smut
5: Runaan x Reader- Angst
6: King Harrow x Reader- Lemon
7: Aaravos x Female!Reader- Lemon
8: Aaravos X Reader- Spooky Fluff
9: Runaan X Female!Elf!Reader- Lemon
10: General Amaya X Reader X Janai- Fluff
12: Soren X Female!Reader- Angst/Lemon
13: Aaravos X Reader- Fluff

11: Aaravos X Female!Elf!Maid!Reader- Lemon

6.8K 123 140
By PutNameHere225

For @iheartadmin12
(Lemon warning!)

-Aaravos' PoV-

I watch her from my palace window, the beautiful maid who works so tirelessly at my castle always comes to the courtyard during her break to talk with the wildlife and embrace the nature.
She was the sole person that kept the plant and animals in the courtyard happy and healthy, it was wonderful to see how well she got on with the magic creatures.

"Excuse me My Lord, here is your tea." My butler announces, he places the cup delicately on my table and pours me the perfect brew of tea.

"So Sebastian, when is it you will be taking your time off?" I ask the butler, he had been planning on going on a trip to see his poorly mother. I have just the person I want to take up his duties while he is away...

"Not too long now sire, I should be leaving by the break of dawn tomorrow morning."

"I trust you have a carriage awaiting?"

"That is correct My Lord. I shall also be appointing Claude as your butler while I am away."

"About that..." The butler lifts his head as he hands me my tea and a slice of cake to enjoy.
"I would like to appoint Miss (Y/N) as my caretaker for the time you're away." I catch Sebastian's smirk as he nods.

"Of course My Lord I shall get Claude to teach her the basics, she shall be a working 'Butler' by tomorrow morning."


-(Y/N)'s PoV-

"He wants me to be his butler?!" I shout, the head Butler Sebastian had a scheming smirk on his face as he delivered the news.
"This isn't one of your tricks again is it?"

"Of course not, who do you think I am?"

"Someone who teases me often." It was an unfair advantage he had on me, knowing my infatuation on our Lord of the House. Especially when I have no clue who he crushes on! It's a one way trip to embarrassment.

"Well this time I can assure you that this is no joke, Claude will be teaching you the basics." I nod and look around me.

"What about the courtyard?"

"Claude will take care of that."

"Claude?! He hated animals! I'm afraid they might all be dead when I come back!" The Butler chuckles as he gracefully turns around.
"I shall be going now, Claude should be here soon."

"Stupid butler..."

-Aaravos' PoV-

Light sharply drills ion my eyelids as I hiss. Sebastian must be here to wake me up.

"Good morning My Lord." Wait... That's not Sebastian.
I turn around and open my eyes, training upon the young maiden who I had requested as my carer for the week.
"It's time to wake up. You have fou- three messages today and a meeting at 12 for 'Crumpet Club'... I have laid out your clothes and- uh...- brought tea." I smile at her delivery, she was tripping up so often it was adorable.

"Hello (Y/N)." I greet, she flushes and seems to let out a strangled cough.

"H-hello My Lord." I am going to enjoy this...

"Oh... Didn't Sebastian tell you? Just call me Aaravos."

"W-what...? Oh! Um, yes Aaravos." She's so cute!
I watch her prepare my tea as I walk behind the partition, I decide to strike up a conversation while I dress.

"So... (Y/N), how much has Claude taught you?"

"Enough to find my way around I guess, I'm a bit worried about my garden though..."

"Your garden? Why are you worried?" I ask, I'm glad she can easily talk with me when I'm not teasing her. Although I would like to test how long it takes for her to break...

"Well... Not that Claude is a bad butler but... None of the plants or animals like him. I don't want to come back to find it overrun by poisonous spiders."

"I'm sure it will be fine for the week, right?"

"No... It's a magical garden, it caters to the whims of whom cares for it. If Claude wished for spiders and petrified trees then that's what would become of it." That's not good, I enjoy peering down at the garden from my window from time to time. I would hate to see it overrun.

"Then can't you change it back later?" I ask, if it caters to ones whims then shouldn't it go back?

"Not exactly, Claude has a more powerful aura. It would take a lot of hard work for little old me to fix it..." As I finish dressing I walk out, buttoning up my shirt. She catches my eye and flushes red.

"Then how about every sunset, we both go down and you can manage your garden. I have been reading an enjoyable book that I can bring along."

"R-really? If it's not too much to ask..."

"Don't be ridiculous sweetheart. I do enjoy your garden and I'd hate to see it ruined." She smiles at me gratefully and I suddenly start to feel warm.

-(Y/N)'s PoV-

It had been a few days now, working for Aaravos. I can't say I found it as difficult as my mind made it out to be at the start. Aaravos proved to be unimaginably easy to talk to, despite all of his flirting.
In the mornings and afternoons I would care for his needs and keep him on track with his duties, he was incredibly distracted by the littlest of things.
But then in the evening, after dark had settled, he would accompany to my garden where I would tend to the already rapidly changing environment due to Claude's desires. He would read while I would work, often asking about different gardening techniques that I was partaking in the time.
It surprised me how interested he was in the craft, nearing the end of our time together he would sometimes join me, planting out small deciduous trees and the like. I noticed his influence changing the garden like Claude had, however this change was a welcome one.
The plants had gone silver, almost glowing. Tillandsia moss hung from every tree branch like beautiful curtains. The pond had cleared away, allowing the most beautiful of swans to arrive and make a nest, all the trees had become silver birch to follow the theme.
He may not notice the change but I definitely have, and after his keen attitude towards the garden I can't help but feel sorry to see him go.
Sebastian arrived home today, he took up duty in caring for the eccentric Lord, leaving me to go back to my garden. Not that I'm complaining of course...

It was dusk, I was just finishing up with misting all of the tillandsia to give them a drink. If I can keep anything from Aaravos's time here I would love it to be the epiphytic Moss. It had a lot of character that I just couldn't say goodbye to, much like my own feelings towards Aaravos.
As I put the misting bottle away I heard heavy footfalls coming from behind me. I turn around in haste to see him, Aaravos, running towards me. Soon enough he stops, a hairs breadth away from me, his chest rising and falling at a fast tempo.

"Y-you haven't started without me have you?" He grins, my heart races at his question. Does he really plan on making this a thing?

"N-no, not yet." He lets out a relieved sigh and leans forward, engulfing me in a warm embrace. I could feel the trembles of exhaustion in his back as I wrap my arms around him.

"Good... I needed to get away from Sebastian anyway." He mutters as he pulls away, for the first time in a while I notice a deep flush on his cheeks.

"Are you okay Aaravos?" I ask, he turns to me with a confused gaze.

"I'm perfectly fine darling, why?" I mumble under my breath and lean up, placing my hand on his warm forehead.
The temperature rises and I gasp.

"You're not okay!" He almost chokes and starts to laugh.

"Sweetheart... If you keep acting cute like that I'm going to have to punish you..." His wicked smile spreads goosebumps across my bare skin and I have to stop myself from getting too worked up. Instead of falling for him more I instead decide to laugh. He's always joking like this, what makes this any different.
His face twists, I realise only then that my hand was still on his forehead. As I pull away his own hand grips my wrist.
I almost jump from the connection, his touch on my wrist also makes me aware of the arm wrapped loosely around my waist from the previous hug. He watches me for a moment, seemingly judging my reaction before seeming it suitable for whatever reason as he leans in.
"Now (Y/N), I hope you understand what I'm about to do." He hums in a delighted tone.

"U-uhh... K-kiss me?" He chuckles.

"As you wish Princess." The connection could've have arrived faster. His soft lips glide on my own as we share my first kiss. I have to say I'm not disappointed. He pulls away and smirks at my flushed complexion before moving down my neck.
We start walking backwards towards the plush chair lounger that Aaravos has implemented for his nighttime readings. Only now am I able to see why he seemed so comfortable, sprawled like a cat, when he lays me on it. My gardening garbs are removed in haste as his long nightgown easily slides off from my expert fingers.
He would often tease me to help him undress from the same robe to its 'difficult' knots.
Soon we are both in the nude, hidden from the world in the enchanted garden with the draping tillandsia moss hiding all views. His hands trail down to run over my labia, his lustful gaze softens as his long finger tests my right hole.

"A virgin, my love?" If it wasn't for his kind gaze and the pleasurable ministrations going on downstairs I probably would've felt embarrassed.

"Y-yes Aaravos..." He tilts his head as he slowly pumps his fingers into me, gradually adding another digit or so.

"You are surprisingly wet for this being your first time." His husky whisper seems to invoke a reaction in my core, tightening around his fingers. He nods and pulls out his fingers, giving them a prolonged lick before he positions himself at my entrance.
"Now darling, be aware that this might hurt. Do you trust me?" I watch him from above me, his long silver hair grazes over my cheeks and I nod. Of course I trust him, I love him.
He takes a moment to take in my answer before slowly pushing himself within me. The slight force is enough to bring tears to my eyes, that of which he brushes away instantly as he waits. I feel bad at how long it seems to take for me to be ready but when my body relaxes he couldn't be more eager to start as his toned body starts rocking.
His wandering hands sends shivers all over as his gentle thrusts allows me to slowly build up a higher need.
Our lips meet once more as I feel his thrusts gain speed, he was also just as hot as I was it seems. The roughness couldn't come quicker. Although I'm not feeling pain I'm definitely enjoying my first time with this man, too encumbered with pleasure to focus on the bigger picture. It still hasn't crossed my mind that Lord Aaravos is having sex with me right now. When the thought crosses my mind it actually makes me even more wet.
The rhythmic bolts of pressure from his hips sends my mind spiralling as our moans are covered by the strong breeze.
He hums as he looks into my face.

"What... are you thinking of, love?" He whispers breathlessly, his hips not stopping for no one. I have no idea how he is able to speak under these circumstances.

"Y-yo-ahh~. Y-yo-u." He smiles softly, his hair shifting across my cheeks with every pounding movement.

"What about me...?" He seems to get cocky as his tone suggests, I return with a half-assed smirk of my own.

"Y-you look gre-at up there..." His laugh rumbles throughout his chest, pressed flat against my own.

"And you look great down there my love." He thrusts a more powerful motion into me at that sacred word, making me cry out in bliss.
"Tell... me." I look up into his eyes, he looks almost worried, a contrast to his previously devilish grin.
"Do you... love me too?"My mind focuses on his choice of words before I reply. Too? Meaning he loves me back?
I feel my tears return at fast pace and he wipes them away again. His hips pause a moment, I almost want to whine out for him to start again.
"My apologies, (Y/N). I believed we were of the same mind..."

"W-What do you mean...?" He pulls out, still with an erection that hasn't been satisfied, and sits back on his legs, almost kneeling. I can see the sheen of slick on his manhood and riding up his midriff. I did that.

"I believed that you wanted this for the same reason. However I was mistaken, I'm sorry." He looked like a kicked puppy, with a raging boner...

"R-reason...?" I mutter, sitting up and crawling closer to him. He seems to shift away much to my displeasure.

"I don't want you to think I'm preying upon you. I've wanted to express my feelings for a while." He explains, I tilt my head and he sighs.
"I'm trying to say that I love you." There it is again, I can feel myself smile.

"Are you trying to say I don't love you?" I decide instead to toy with him, like he has done with me many a time.

"What? Of course not... Do you?"

"I became a maid here because I admired the Lord whom was charitable towards many struggling causes. I read once that he had donated half of his entire income to an orphanage in which he spent three years of his life at during his darkest days. Then when working here I got to know him and soon that admiration became love. Why did you think I made my garden here of all places? I remember you once saying how boring it was looking outside your window. I knew every time you were watching and made sure to put on a good show because I wanted to impress you. Tell me, Aaravos. Do I love you?"
Chest to chest now, he gazes into my eyes, his own wide and searching. Half of my mind wants him so feel better, wants him to know how much I care and appreciate his presence. Whereas the other half is deadly aware of my own discomfort, the aching in my loins is crying out for finish. With the rapidly arriving orgasm being diverted at such a fast pace my hormones still haven't quite calmed down. It seems like Aaravos is having the same issue, if his continuous twitching down below is anything to go on. Aaravos is quiet so I decide to take the lead, this needs to be done before anything else heartfelt can be said.
I stretch out from sitting on my heels into a kneeling position that brings me higher than Aaravos's stature. Due to our close proximity it's easy to manoeuvre myself onto his lap and slide him into me. I feel the shudder in his breath as he grabs onto my waist.
My body starts to bounce, I'm already close to finishing because of the previous ministrations. He buries his face into the crook of my neck and bites down gently, in attempts to take control of the situation once more. I don't let him as I continue to move up and down in a quick pattern as the coil in my stomach starts to twist, begging to unravel. I can feel Aaravos's grunts and growls in my neck and through our pressed chests. He's been working on the spot on my neck, making it bruise and then kissing it again to calm down the flaring sensation.

"You're mine, love. Nobody will be able to get you when they see this." He growls out, his tone sends my bliss skyrocketing as I feel myself finally reach the breaking point I was looking for. My orgasm rips through my body in waves as Aaravos let's out a loud groan, finishing inside of me. Our pants fill the serene garden as he pulls out of me, his arms wrapping around my waist in a warm embrace. As our heartbeats slow back to a quiet murmur I sigh in contempt. Watching the breeze sway the curtain like moss, enjoying the quiet moment.
Who knew a maid like me could get with a man like him?

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