Adopted by the Jonas Family

Da justsochelsea

57.5K 906 77

Hi my name is Melissa Paula Sorrento-Jonas, and Im the sister of the Jonas Brothers. How is that possible whe... Altro

Update! When was Melissa's born? {Not A Chapter}
Chapter 1: Frankie leaves for College
Chapter 2: Caught In A Lie
Chapter 3: Melissa's Back Story
Chapter 4: Meeting Nick's girlfriend
Chapter 5: Dad and Daughter Weekend
Chapter 6: Mel gets her piercing
Chapter 7: The Internet
Chapter 8: Trust
Chapter 9: The Grandparents that came for dinner
Chapter 10: Winter Break
Chapter 11: True Colors
Chapter 12: Valentine's Day
Chapter 13: Boy Trouble
Chapter 14: Rumors
Chapter 15: Flashback | Melissa's First Punishment
Chapter 17: Where's Dylan?
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: Trouble Kid
Chapter 20: 4th of July
Chapter 21: Flashback to Pool Party
Chapter 22: Tough Love
Chapter 23: Flash Back to Sleepover
Chapter 24: Frankie gets cut off
Chapter 25: Frankie Comes Home!
Chapter 26: It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To
Chapter 27: Not so great Halloween
Chapter 28: Oh Brothers!
Chapter 29: Trouble with Gia
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Reality TV Show
Chapter 32: Melissa's Big Break!
Chapter 33: Shooting Stars
Chapter 34: Memorial Service
Chapter 35: Melissa's Struggles
Chapter 36: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
Chapter 37: Take a Breath...
Chapter 38: Never Had I Ever...
Chapter 39: Melissa's First Club
Chapter 40: Friends with Benefits
Chapter 41: Happiness Begins...
Chapter 42: Melissa's Quince *Final*
Author Note
New Book Update

Chapter 16: Messing With the Wrong Crowd

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Da justsochelsea

Chapter 16: Messing With the Wrong Crowd

Melissa and Harley walked into giggling, but stopped in the girls bathroom, when they see girls lighting up cigarettes.

Melissa: what are you doing?

The girls jumped and turned around and rolled their eyes when they realized it wasn't a teacher.

Girl 1: none of your business scrub, get out of here
Harley: you do realizing smoking cause lung cancer right Gia?
Gia *roll eyes* whatever scrub 7th graders are so pathetic, everyone knows that from Health Class
Melissa: then why are you smoking?
Girl 2: because it's cool and it's a joint
Harley: that's even worst!
Gia: wanna try some... oh right you probably don't wanna catch cancer

The girls laugh and Melissa said.

Melissa: no... my mom died from drugs (a/n: again she doesn't know the real truth)
That's why my dad doesn't let me smoke and get associated with people that do smoke
Harley: that's right Mel!
Gia: *roll eyes* alright, I forgot you're adopted, come on try one. It really does help take the edge off
Melissa: really?
Harley: Mel... don't... she's just pure pressuring you into taking drugs
Gia: what's the matter scrub, scared you might get cancer

The other girls giggled and Melissa huff and grabbed the joint.

Melissa: hit me up
Gia: atta girl
Harley: Mel... no...

The other girls lit Melissa's joint for her.

Gia: come on Harley, we know you wanna try some

Harley looked at her best friend to see that's she trying it as the other girls watched her take a joint for the first time. Harley sighs and does it as well.

Gia: excellent

The girls were smoking and didn't realize the time and they were laughing until they heard voices outside.

???: I smell smoking!
Gia: oh no it's the principal! Hide the stash.
Harley: *whisper to Melissa* oh no, my dad

The girls are trying their best to get rid of the joint but it was too late the principal caught them.

Principal: what is going on here?
Some of the Girls: n-nothing...
Principal: why did I smell smoking outside the hallway coming from the girls bathroom
Girls: nothing Principal Masterson
Principal Masterson: *shock to see his daughter and Melissa* Melissa, Harley?
Harley: *cough off the smoke she held in*
Principal Materson: *mad* Principal office! NOW! All of you!
Harley: *whispers* sorry I couldn't hold it in long enough

The girls sigh and followed the hand towards the bathroom exist.

Melissa's POV
The girls and I were sitting outside the office, waiting to be called in.

Melissa: *to Harley* so... how much trouble are we in?
Harley: big, we might get suspended for this
Melissa: awww man, my parents are gonna kill me
Harley: *whisper* my dad's gonna kill me
Melissa: *whispers back* he's gonna kill me too, he knows what drugs have done to my mom
Secretary: Shhh!

The girls be quiet until they were called in.

All the girls were waiting in straight line in the principal office as the principal checked the computer to mark this down.

Principal Materson: I'm disappointed in all 5 of you, you know smoking on campus is a big no, no. That's a big suspension

All the girls looked at each other and Gia said to her friends.

Gia: *whispers* I can't afford another suspension
Principal Materson: Miss. Gia, I'm sure this was all your doing, since this isn't the first I have caught you with smoking
Gia: uh...
Melissa: it was all of us sir, we took part in it
Harley: yea, right girls

We all nodded at him, and Gia smiled at me and thank me and I smiled back.

Principal Materson: *sighs* I'm disappointed in all 5 of you. A week suspension, also paddling from each of you

The principal got to the paddling and told us all to line up and bend forward to grabbed our ankles, but we had to take our skirt and underwear off and put them to the side because we wouldn't be needing them.

The line went from Gia, her other two minions, Harley and then me dead last, which I was grateful for, but then everyone would have to hear me cry and scream which I also wasn't to please about. But we all get to hear each other cry and scream anyways.

By the time he reached me, everyone bottoms were red and they were all crying and still standing in position but standing up instead with their hands about their head. I was the only one in knee buckle position. Harley had it worst tho and I feel so bad for her.

When it came for my spanking I waited for the impact and it started. I started crying at the swat after swat from the paddle. The principal told us he was giving us all 100 strokes from the paddle and we were all sniffling and crying at the end of it.

Our parents came to pick us up after our spankings and Harley had to sit in her father's office until the day was over.

Dad and I sat in silence in the car ride back home. I can tell he was super angry because his knuckles were turning white as he held it stern on the steering wheel. I tried to sit comfortably, but the spanking I had received from the principal was making it hard to sit. I already know I'm gonna get more when I get home too because if I get in trouble from school, I get in trouble at home too.

When we reached home, the booming lectured started.

Dad: I can't believe you Mel! After everything we talked to you about, you still went a head and did drugs?!
Melissa: I'm sorry dad
Dad: be quiet! I am still talking!
Melissa: *quiet voice* yes daddy
Dad: ooo... you're in so much trouble this time little girl. And it's gonna be a long time before you ever see the outside world again. I'm gonna make sure you work your butt off at home while you're on suspension, do you understand me!
Melissa: yes dada

I haven't called him dada in a long time, I was hoping that would soft him up a bit, but that didn't work.

Dad: go in the corner
Melissa: dadddddd
Dad: corner Melissa

I wasn't going to let him treat me like a child so I refused.

Dad walked over to the couch and said to me.

Dad: fine, you want to be disobedient, why don't you come around here?
Melissa: hmmm
Dad: come right here, get right over here and turn around
Melissa: is this a trick question

Dad sighs heavily and turned me around himself and I had my arms on the back of the couch as he hold me around my waste

*Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!*Smack!* *Smack!*

Melissa: ow!
Dad: what did I just tell you, what did I tell you to do just now
Melissa: go in the corner
Dad: right

*Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!*

Dad: stand still. When I tell you to do something from now, you do it right away, you don't question me. Do you understand?
Melissa: *whimpering* yes daddy

*Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!*

Dad: so when I get done here, where are you going?
Melissa: go in the corner
Dad: that's right, how long are you staying there
Melissa: until you tell me to leave
Dad: that's right

*Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!* *Smack!*

Melissa tried her best not to move at each swat and her dad said.

Dad: now... do you want to go walk to the corner on your own or do you want me to bring you there

Melissa still felt her dad hand on her butt so she knew this was a trick question and that if she didn't answer respectfully she would be getting more swats.

Melissa: I will go there on my own
Dad: now get in the corner right there *points over to the corner*

Melissa walked over to it pouting with her arms crossed facing the corner not to upset her dad.

After corner time dad called me back and told me what I did was inexcusable. That I should know better because of what drugs did to my family. I told him it was just one puff of smoke but he told me that's what my mother said before she started doing more.

He sat on the couch and pulled me over his knees and pulled my skirt and underwear down revealing my already sore bottom that got earlier at school.

Melissa: daddyyyyyyy!!! Noooo!!!
Dad: yes. I have told you many times to stay away from those stuff and you keep defining me. Do you want to mess up your life?
Melissa: *says in quiet voice* no... ow!

Dad said swatting my butt when he didn't get a better response from me.

Dad: no what
Melissa: no sir, daddy!!!! Noooooo!!!! I'm sorry! IM SORRY!!! Owwwww!!!
Dad: yeah, you will be sorry when I'm through with you

Dad kept bringing down the belt hard on my already sore butt, he landed on the back of my thigh too and my sit spot to make sure that I have trouble sitting.

Dad: are you going to do anything like that again?
Melissa: no daddyyyy!!! Never again!

By the end of my spanking I went limp over his knees sobbing, I wasn't gonna sit down for the rest of the week and I'm sure that was dad idea so I can be motivated to do my list of chores he was gonna assigned me. For damn sure I will never take another drug on my hand ever again after this spanking.

When dad was done spanking me, he said I could do my chores later, right now he has to take me back to the restaurant with him and help him out because he didn't trust me right now to be home by myself. I had my phone taken away and everything else that I own.

My brothers found out through the internet because I may had put it on my Snapchat when I was chatting with the girls online, and now they had banned me from Snapchat for a month. After they found out I have been hiding them about my Snapchat account.

I had to write 100 times during my suspension that "I will not post anything online with out my brothers permission" and for dad I had to write him "I will not take drugs at all" counting that all together it was 200 words and I had to finished it by the end of the week or I would be getting another spanking for not finishing it on time on top of all the chores I will be doing, which totally sucks btw. By the end of the week, I had learned not to post stuff without my brothers permission and sneaking things behind their back. I also learned that drugs were bad and that I wasn't supposed to do it anymore, and I never did after that.

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