The Dead Officer's Truth OR F...


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What happens when the person you thought to be dead from the past 2 years stands alive in front of you...? We... Еще

Introduction of characters
Part 1- The Well Deserved Sleep
Part 2- New Day. New Shocks
Part 3- Reality turned Nightmare.
Part 4- A new bond found.
Part 5- The untold past
Part 6-The revelation
Part 7- Waking Sleeping Beauty Up
Part 8-It's Time...
Part 9- Home Sweet Home.
Part 10- Peaceful Sleep
Part 11-Back To Work.
Part 12- Unpleasant First Meet
Part 13- Confrontation
Part 14- The Meeting
Part 15- The Escape
Part 16- Plan In Action
Part 17- Monsters From The Past
Part 18 - Friends?
Part 19- To New Beginnings
Part 20- Knock From The Past.
Part 21- The New Case
Part 22- The Trap
Part 23- Let's Propose Her
Part 24- Planning Plotting
Part 25 - The Rathores
Part 26- The Chief's Bride
Part 27 - You Sure?
Part 28 - The Patch Up Plan
Part 29 - The Surprise
Part 30 - Bad Day ?
Part 31 - The Big Brother
Part 32 - The Wait
Part 33 - Changes
Part 34 - The Kapoors
Part 35 - The Hook Up Plan
Part 36 - The Bachelor /Bachelorette Party
Part 37 - Gauri Pooja
Part 39 - Let's Talk
Part 40 - Sangeet Time
Part 41 - Mehandi - l
Part 42 - Mehandi - ll
Part 43 - Haldi & Preps
Part 44 - The Wedding
Part 45 - The After Wedding
Part 46 - Decisions
Part 47 - The Aftermath
Part 48 - Normal ?
Part 49 - Plan B
Part 50 - New Beginnings New Home
Part 51 - An Awkward Start
Part 52 - A New Routine
Part 53 - Realization
Part 54 - Conversations

Part 38 - Distance

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Part 38


Surya Uncle??????????????

Could it be ???

Can it be???

Please don't let it be.....

It's been years since I've seen him..

I know lately I've been trying to be the old Arjun, but this...

This is going to be a little more extreme than I had expected.

No ...

No , I'm not really..

I'm not really to face that man..

That man who happens to be my father.

The man who never trusted me.

The man who never trusted my capabilities.

The man who disgraced me each time I scored poor marks in schools.

The man who did not support me a single time when I said I wanted to join the police force.

The man who did not miss a single chance to tell me who immature I was to not takeover his well-established business.

The man because of whom I had to stay away from my mother.

Still rooted at my place with my eyes fixed on wall, i finally look at the 'Surya Uncle' whom Riya was so happy to see only to make myself uncomfortable.

There he is.

The one I didn't expect to see again in my life.

Suryakant Rawte.

He's looking expressionless at Riya who's busy talking to him happily. Seems like even he recognized the saree that Riya is wearing.

What the hell is he doing here.?

Who even called him here.?

Someone please just tell him to leave.!

But looking around, I soon realise that what I'm thinking is not going to happen because Baba Saa speaks ;

" You came late Surya.... You were supposed to arrive before the wedding ceremonies begin. But you come after the first one ended.!!!!! For once can't you be time ?????? "

Baba Saa says as he goes near Mr Suryakant Rawte who happens to be his best-friend while the others look at them.

" Be happy that I at least arrived... You know me very well, I would have just called to announce to that due to emergencies at office, I won't be coming. So stop complaining...!!!!! "

" And I would have been extremely upset with you if you would have pulled out something like that..!!! "

Maa Saa adds as she greets him.

" I know that....

That's exactly why I came, through a little late but I did understand that family comes first..!!! "

He says as he looks at me.

That's it..

Not even 5 minutes he's here and I'm already done with his drama.

" Family comes first..!!!!!!!!! "

You've got to be seriously kidding me on this one.

I know very well what is your priority Mr Suryakant Rawte.

The day I left home was the last day I had spoke to you.

Neither once you called me nor tried contacting me a single time.

Not once did you try to know how I was, where I was, did I even succeed in my aim nor not.?

After mom's death, I had to live like an orphan despite having my father.

Though even before her death I lived life like a fatherless child.

If Roshni hadn't been with me at that time, I would have been completely alone.

And now all of a sudden he's have had a change of mind.

But sorry though I'm trying, I can't forget all the things that happened so quickly.

He's still looking at me and I just start walking away.

I head towards my room leaving everything and everyone behind. Right now I need to calm myself down.

I enter my room, take off the kurta I'm wearing and change into some more casual and comfortable clothes.

Then I sit on the bed with my pen, twirling it like I always do.





The entire day has passed by and neither Surya Uncle nor Arjun Sir havvvvvvv forget meeting, none of them even said a word to each other. I know that there are differences between them but I didn't think that it will be this serious.

We are right now in the hall after having had dinner where we are preparing for the sangeet performances. Most of the preparations have been done by my not so dear grandmother, her son and his wife under the supervision of Chotu, Shree and Sakshi.

I thought after seeing his father, Arjun sir would explode out of anger or something like but miraculously he did not. And even when Sakshi went to call him to practice for the sangeet, he came along with her though I did not expect him to. For the time being, we're all practicing as all of our performances have been decided and organized at last minute. I'm right now dancing with Abhay while Arjun Sir is dancing with Sakshi, the bride and groom are also together with us and Samraat is handling the music.

Though none said a word, all of us understood that Arjun Sir and Surya Uncle are father and son. Not willing to make the situation any awkward, all of us decided to behave as if we are completely ignorant.

After all who the hell is mad enough to awake the sleeping lion.

He may behaving more calm and casual than normal but it still does change the fact that he is still the very Same Hot-Headed Arjun Suryakant Rawte.

We're still practicing when our elders enter the hall. As soon as Arjun Sir sees Surya Uncle, he stops dancing and heads out after excusing himself. I get look at him going out as I know and understand as well that dealing the past can be very exhausting and tiring at times. At times we do need some alone time to be able to cope up with the happenings and lately we have all seen how Arjun Sir has been trying to make things normal between him and Sam Bhai. Hopefully with time, his relationship with his father as well will take a better turn.

As I watch him heading out with Sakshi going after him. I look at Surya Uncle who looks dejected. Baba Saa places his hand over his shoulder and Surya Uncle speaks with sadness in his voice :

" Didn't I tell you Damsingh... It's too late... I'm too late... Arjun .... Arjun went soo far away from me that I can't get close to him no matter how hard I try..!!!!! "

And then Surya Uncle walks out of the room without giving anyone to say anything. We all look on at the direction he walked.

" I thought maybe by bringing both if them under one roof, may at least reduce the bitterness in their relation, but if both of theses two continue behaving like this then ............................. "

Baba Saa says in a discouraged voice.

" Baba Saa...

We both knew that this was going to happen..

After all Surya Uncle and Jun met after such a long time gap. It will obviously take some time for them both to accept each other. Let's just give them some time Baba Saa..!!!!! "

Sam Bhai says as he tries to console his father.

" Excuse me.. !!! "

I say as I get away from Abhay who questions me ;

" What happened Riya??? "

" Nothing.. I just remembered something.. you continue practicing, I'll be back after some time. "

And I rush out of the room before he can say anything.

I look in the surrounding and neither Arjun sir nor Surya Uncle are anywhere to be seen. I start walking and I see Sakshi returning.

" Is Arjun Sir okay, Sakshi..??? "

I ask as I approach her.

To which she replies as she nods her head and says ;

" I don't really know. Arjun went straight to his room. No matter how loud I shouted his name, he didn't stop once. And locked himself in his room.


It was quiet shocking for me when Damini Aunty introduced us to Suryakant Uncle and then said that he's Arjun's father. And all this time I thought that Arjun was an orphan since he never talked about his family at all....

But how come you know Arjun's father???

You seemed to be at ease with him when you met him..!!!!! "

Sakshi voices out the question which I saw in many eyes today.

How come I know the man who's own son didn't even acknowledge his prensence.

" Actually....

When Sam Bhai sent me here for my treatment years ago, then only I met Surya Uncle who also stayed here few days because of some business deal. And then Maa Saa told me a little about his and Arjun Sir's unstable relationship... "

I tell Sakshi remembering those days.

" Oooooooo............

That's how you Arjun's father..!!!!

Anyways I don't think Arjun is going to come out of his room any soon, I guess I should go and practice with the rest for the sangeet as well....

Let's go Riya.... "

Sakshi says, to which I reply ;

" You go on, I'll join you later .... I've something to take care of... "

Sakshi walks away after saying okay, and I go to the kitchen.

In the few days that I spent in Surya Uncle's company at that time, I came to know that he has spent most of his life alone after his wife's death and also like Arjun Sir even he is a tea addicted person. I may not be an excellent tea maker but I can manage to make drinkable tea. So why not make such of his talent.

I prepare tea as I know. Fill it in a cup of tea and walk out of the kitchen.

I walk around as I reach Surya Uncle's room, I enter after knocking only to see Surya Uncle sitting on the sofa there holding his head. I go near him and say as I put the cup of tea infront of him ;

" I think you need this Surya Uncle...!!! "

Surya Uncle looks at me and then says with a weak forced smile as he picks the cup ;

" You know if he sees you with me here, he may burst at you..!!!!! "

Seating on the sofa across him, I say ;

" That's okay.. As it is he hasn't scolded me from a long time..!!! "

Surya Uncle smiles at my answer and the takes a sip, after a pause I speak ;

" Are you okay Uncle..??? "

Sensing the concern in my voice, Surya Uncle looks at with a blank expression for few seconds and then talk ;

" I..... I don't know......

I mean, this kind of reaction from Arjun is completely justified because I know deserve it, but still..... It ..... I.....

Oh god...

I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling right now...!!!!!!!!!! "

I listen to him talk patiently as he struggles in put his tangled emotions in words.

" Then why didn't you ever try talking to him??? Now that you have realized where your mistake was, why didn't you try to clear up things between the two of you??? "

I ask trying to simplify Surya Uncle's feelings.

" It's not that easy Riya...

Especially for a person like me...

It's not easy for me to express myself..

You remember the last time we met and I changed the topic when Damini talked about Arjun and my relationship... "

He says as I nod in a yes remembering and he continues after a small gap ;

" That's completely because I was not ready to face the truth. I was running away from the results of my own actions. "

Keeping down the empty of tea, Surya Uncle continues ;

" All of this started the day Arjun said he wanted to join the police force but I had been waiting for him to complete his studies so that he can help me in my business so that I can later pass him the reigns of my company. But he was never interested. I wanted him to have the best things in life and for that I thought that one needed money, a lot of money..... and for that one needed the best opportunity. Which I had in my hands to give him. But he clearly refused to join my business.

He said that he wants to serve his country. At that time, I thought he was being completely irrational, so I left no opportunity to discourage him. I even threatened him to throw him out of our house the day he announced that he got selected for the police force. I thought he'll be scared and will back out. But on the very contrary, the following he himself left the house for the police training camp. Said that he has had enough of me dictating his life and that he needed some space.

That time I thought it's his obsession and once he'll face the difficulties of being a police officer, he'll return back to me. I kept on waiting for one and a half year but he never came. He used to call home but only spoke to his mom,didn't say a single word in case I picked the phone. And this had hurtme, infact my ego to be more precise.. So even I didn't talk to him nor calledhim. Like this slowly and steadily,We got completely cut off.

One day I saw an article about him in the newspapers. Relating how a brave inspector risked his life and caught some notorious gangsters and even had to shoot one of them dead to save a pregnant lady. And happy by his work, the police department promoted him to an ACP.

When I realized that the officer here was Arjun.... My son Arjun... I can't tell you how proud I felt at that moment..!!! And when he introduced himself as Arjun Suryakant Rawte, I was utterly shocked. It was the first time I had the feeling that maybe I was wrong in thinking that only business can make one happy in life and that self-satisfaction is important as well. I thought that maybe now things will get better, seeing the change in my behavior , my wife Rashmi decided to bring us closer. She left to meet Arjun who by now had shifted to Mumbai from here. She stayed few days with Arjun as she said that Arjun needed some time as well as someone to guide him. During her stay, Arjun also introduced Roshni to Rashmi and expressed his wish to marry her as well. They had bonded very well. While Rashmi was there with Arjun, I stayed here with Damsingh and Damini who knew about me and Arjun, they insisted that I should not stay alone at my place.

But then came the day where everything changed. The day our destiny went from bad to worse..... "

I see Surya Uncle eyes starting to tear up, but still he wouldn't let thoses tears fall. I just sit still at my place and wait for him to continue ;

" That day Damsingh and I were in his office discussing something about our businesses and all of a sudden, Damini precipitated inside holding her phone and shouting .............

Flashback Starts


" Suryaaa.. I was thinking to renovate our hotels here so as to attract more guests. It's been along time, and I've noticed that the number of guests and visitors are decreasing.. "

Damsingh who's sitting across me says as he tells me his plan concerning his hotels.

To which I add,

" That's a really nice idea Daaaam... And I think you should also consider on making Conference rooms and Few other facilities like Gym, Spa and a few more as well. Which business persons like me could use incase of business meetings, conferences and for other occasions. And also that like this, you can attract more tourists, visitors or even the locals here to have a great time out from their every day hectic routine...

What say???? "

" Actually.. That's a really good idea... You're the best person I can get free advice from... "

Damsingh says happily as he wink at me and then he asks ;

" Has Rashmi said when she's coming back..??? "

Reminding me that it's been days since I've saw my wife, and I reply ;

" Yesterday she called, said that with Roshni's help she's trying to pacify Arjun and that maybe soon everything will be fine, which I hope will be the case..!!!! "

" Don't worry buddy, I'm sure it will be like that only, moreover along with Rashmi and Roshni even Sameer is there, they'll handle everything. I'm very positive that everything will be fine soon and then all of you will be together in your home where they are supposed to be... "

Damsingh says trying to boost my confidence.

" I hope soo... In fact I have to admit that thanks to Sameer, I have been knowing where he is and how he is. I had Rashmi with me, but if Sameer wouldn't have accompanied him, Arjun would have be all alone there..!!! Andddddddd.............. "

But before I could continue, the doors open hitting both the sides loud as an extremely tensed and crying Damini runs inside. She tries talking in between her sobs as Damsingh and I approach her trying to figure out what the matter is. But she's unable to say anything due to crying.

Damsingh makes Damini sit down while I rush to grap a glass of water for her.

As I go near them again, Damsingh makes her drink the water then asks her as he tries to calm her while taking hold of her trembling hands ;

" Relax Dear.... Why do you look so worried??? Is something wrong..???? "

Trying to compose herself, Damini finally talk in a distaughted voice ;

" Rashmiiiiiiiii............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "



Why is Damini saying Rashmi's name..???

" Rashmi ..... caaa.... called me few minutes a.. ago....

She.... She seemed .. to be.. very... very scared and tensed.... She tried calling you Surya... But you you didn't answer..... Soooo... So she called me..... "

As soon as Damini says that I quickly grap my phone which is on the table and check it. Indeed there are 10 missed calls from my wife and since my phone was on silent mode I didn't notice. Putting it on normal mode in case Rashmi calls again,I revert my focus back to Damini who continues talking ;

" The connection was bad.. so I could not hear everything she was saying .. But.... Rashmi was talking about Arjun..... From what I understood... She... She was saying that Arjun.. Arjun is.. is in a big danger.... That he was been trapped...!!!! She also took Roshni's and Sameer's name.. but I couldn't understand what she said because of bad network..!!!!

And then suddenly.... "

Damini stops here as my heart is already beating faster than normal as I realise that my son is actually not safe, else my wife would have not called from so far away if the matter would have been a minor one. I look at Damini's horrified face waiting for her to continue but she just seems to be out of words.

With every passing second which by now seems like a never ending eternity, I finally say loud running out of patience ;

" Then what ...???? For god's sake Damini .... Just say it... I'm about to have a heart attack here..!!!! "

" Then I heard a loud crash and the call got cut..!!!!!! "

Damini say in a single go as I looked at her processing what she said thunderstruck feeling my head spinning as Damsingh hold me and makes me sit on a chair as well.

" I tried calling her back .. but... but she didn't answer..!!!! I called Arjun and Sameer but even their phones were out of coverage area...!!!!!

I'm really very scared... I don't know why all kinds of bad thoughts are coming in my mind no matter no much I'm trying to push them back..

Don't know where the kids and Rashmi are..!!!! "

Damini says as she bursts out crying again.

" How long back did you talk to Rashmi..???? "

Damsingh asks being the one person in the room who still has not freaked out yet as he graps his phone and dials a number.

" About.... About 25-30 minutes ago.... And I rushed here to see you two not understanding what to do..!!!!!

Everything will be okay naa, Saaa ..??? "

Damini talks in hope of being consoled positively.

" Obviously..... "

Damsingh replies yet I did not find any hope in this voice.

And my phone starts ringing all of a sudden. Hoping for it to be Rashmi, I rush to pick up the call but see an unknown number. Unsure about who it may be, I stare that number but suddenly, Damsingh takes the phone and puts it on speaker as he talks ;

" Hello... "

He says and I start chanting in my mind :

Just tell me that everything is okay.

Please don't let it be any bad news.

Please let my Rashmi be alright.

" Hello.. Is this Mr Suryakant Rawte..??? "

A man asks as Damsingh looks at me and replies nervously ;

" Yess... Who are you..?? "

" This is inspector Sharma, actually there has been an accident on the highway and I got this number from the victim's purse. The victim is a lady and according to her ID, her name is Rashmi .... Do you know her..!!! "

" Is everything alright...???? Is Rashmi okay ..?? "

Damsingh shoots the questions going on in my mind as he puts my phone on the table and picks up his own and does something.

" Well... I think it will be best that you should come here as soon as possible.... I'm sending you the hospital name and address.. "

And the call gets cut.

And that's it, I would already feel myself getting weak. I do not have a good feeling about this at all..!!

" Let's go everyone..!!! "

Damsingh says as both Damini and me are unable to understand what he says.

Seeing that none of us is responding, Damsingh says ;

" I know this is not easy, but we have to be strong guys... Rashmi needs us... we need to go to her as soon as possible..!! I've already notified our crew to get our private plane ready by which we'll reach Mumbai even faster.. Just be positive and everything will be fine..!!!

But for now, we need to move... Let's go..!! "

And finally we get in our way heading towards Mumbai.

Each and every minute I spent on that plane, I swear it felt like a damn century. The moment we landed we rushed to City Center Hospital where Rashmi was. Damsingh had already informed Sameer and Arjun who had returned from a dangerous raid as well. When we reached our destination, our sons were also there as worried and tensed as us. There is also a girl with them, from what Rashmi had descriped to me, it seemed that the girl is Roshni. But right now that is not important, Rashmi's condition is.

Currently my wife is in the operation and we are all waiting outside. The inspector who called me, told us that Rashmi who was driving her car meet with an accident on the highway as a lorry who's brakes had failed collided with her car. The impact was so powerful that Rashmi was severely injured and had suffered a lot of internal injuries. The lorry driver managed to run away whilst Rashmi was brought to the hospital by the police.

After a lot of wait, the doctor finally came out and we all pounced on him with questions. And when the doctor finally got the chance to speak, we were all aghast at his words ;

" Well, I've tried my best but.... I will not give you any false hopes.. But the patient's condition is very very critical. She has lost a lot of blood and there is also internal bleeding. Only if the internal bleeding stops within the upcoming 24 hours then we'll be able to do something...!!!! The next 24 hours will be very difficult for her. Pray that everything goes well... "

" Can I see her..??? "

Arjun and I both say at the same time and the doctor replies ;

" Not immediately...

After we shift her to the I.C.U, you can see her but not all together.

But be careful to not stress her about anything as it can make things worse. "

And Rashmi is transferred to the I.C.U after some time, Arjun and I are the first ones who enter the ward. As soon as I enter the ward along with my son, the first thing that we both noticed is the bed shape that Rashmi is currently in, lying on the bed with multiple machines, breathing mask and glucose bottle attached to her. Holding back our current emotions, we approach her only to see her lying unconscious. The accident has had its effect on her. Arjun goes in her left side and takes Rashmi's hand in his while I go on her right side had put behind the strokes of her hair on her face as I noticed how her beautiful face had suffered bruises. I could see tears in Arjun's eyes though he tried not to show them to me by hiding his face in Rashmi's hand. But I knew that Arjun loved Rashmi a lot, after all she was the one who supposed and encouraged him when I had refused to do the same. Arjun may not say it but I know that staying away from his mom because of me had kind of broken him.

We both stayed in there for a long time, and when we got out of the room, Sameer and Damsingh entered. I can say that seeing Rashmi like that was not a happy sight for them as well. By now 6 hours had passed and the doctors said that the internal bleeding had slowed down but had not completely stopped.

The only persons who did not enter Rashmi's ward were Damini and Roshni. Damini was scared to as how she'll react upon seeing Rashmi who was very close to her in that situation, hence preferred staying out while Roshni stayed still in her place.

But when the doctor said that the bleeding was less, Damini got some hope and finally went in to see Rashmi, accompanying her was Roshni.



I can't believe this actually happened.

Out of all, it happened to Rashmi, who never thought bad of anyone.

Who was just trying to unite her estrangled husband and son.

Right now I am sitting next to her bed where she's still lying unconscious. I just look at her who seems to be extreme exhausted, maybe the effects of the medications I guess.

Suddenly I see her eyes move and I stand up to confirm if she coming back to consciousness or is it just my imagination.

But no...

It's not my imagination, she's actually coming around.

As she lifts her hand slowly, I hold her hand as I say ;

" Are you okay Rashmi..!!?? "

But literally ignoring me, she whispers in a forced yet pleading voice ;

" Aaaarjun... Saameer... Roo... Roshniii.... Save.. Save them... It's.. It's a trap... Arjunnnnn....... Promise me.... You..... you look after Arjunnnn... "

Rashmi whispers as I don't really understand why she's saying that. But if she wants me to make sure that Arjun is okay, then I will. Looking right in her eyes, I say :

" I promise Rashmi.. But right now, you are more important.. everyone is fine.. there's no trap.. Arjun and Sameer have returned safely from the raid and even Roshni is also here. Just calm down... You should not stress yourself.!!! "

After taking a quick glance at Roshni, Rashmi is about to speak again but suddenly she starts suffocating as if she can't breathe and Roshni says ;

" Aunty.. Please call the doctors quick while I look after Rashmi Aunty...!!!! "

And while any second thoughts, I rush out to get the doctors while Roshni try to help Rashmi. Everyone outside is alerted about the situation inside the room and we all enter together with the doctor. But alas, the moment we enter the room, I see Roshni in tears standing where I left her with Rashmi still fighting to breath with her hand calling Surya and Arjun, but suddenly her hand falls down as Surya and Arjun run only to grap it at the same time as the heart beat machine goes flat.

The doctor checks her and say ;

" I'm sorry...

She's no more..!!!!!!!!! "

2 small sentences yet it's impact on us was not way small.

It had turned our entire lives upside down.

I look around only to see how our lives changed drastically in less than 24 hours.

Arjun and Surya unable to hold themselves back are crying bitterly as my husband and son unsuccessfully try to console them while Roshni also cries along with me.

Arjun lost his mother.

Surya lost his wife.

I lost my best-friend.

But is this the only loss or there is more awaiting us in the future.?

End Of Flashback

" That day everything changed.. for the worse.. With Rashmi's absence, Arjun got even more far from me. And then came the day when I got the news that Arjun and Roshni have decided to get married. He didn't even bother to tell me that he was getting married. And in the absence of Rashmi I was going crazy due to be all alone in a big house with no one, and with that news, my ego was hurt. Very hurt. Though Damsingh and Damini tried reasoning with me, but being the stubborn person that I am, I did not pay attention to a single word from them. As result neither I nor they did attend Arjun's wedding due to me being completely irrational.

But now that I think back, my behavior especially my huge ego has been the main cause of the distance between me and him.

It took me soo many years of lonliness to understand that my real wealth was my family, my wife.. my son ... and not my business.

I really want to make up to Arjun but I don't know how to.!!! "

Surya Uncle says as I look at him with teary eyes.

Now I get hold of the entire picture.

Now I understand why Arjun Sir and Maa Saa are so attached.

Also why Arjun sir never talks about his family, maybe because his bad memories overpower the good ones just like me.

As the clock strikes, only then I realise it's already 11 pm. I was so engrossed in Surya Uncle and Arjun Sir's story that I didn't even realise how time flew.

" Oh my god...

It's already 11 pm..!!!! "

Surya Uncle exclaims as surprised as me and continues as I look at him ;

" It's very late and you need to get some sleep.

You should go and rest now, the entire day you have been making arrangements and practicing for the sangeet. We'll talk about all this later... "

Agreeing to what he just said, and also needing a break from the heaviness of the situation, I get up and say while starting to leave from his room ;

" Good night Uncle...!!!! "

To which he replies and just before exiting the room, I turn back and say ;

" By the way, just by regretting on your actions won't be of any use, because Arjun Sir is completely unaware of what's actually going on in your mind. It'll be much better to voice them out to your son. I know it won't be easily neither for you nor for him. But at least giving it a try will be worth. Who knows this time, destiny might change again.. and this time for the better and not worse..!!!!

Try thinking about what I said, Uncle..!!!!!!!!! "

Having said all that, I exit the room and close the door behind as I head back towards the hall to see whether the others are still up practicing or have retreated back to bed.

And as expected everyone are still very much practicing as we have decided to give our best to make the sangeet a successful one. I look around only to find that Arjun Sir hasn't come back as he's nowhere to be seen.

Mom comes near me and asks me where I was all this time to which I tell her that I was with Surya Uncle and he was telling me about his and Arjun Sir's past and also what I suggested him .

" Did I do right Mom..?? "

I ask mom hoping that she'll agree.

" Yesss Princess... In fact it was so thoughtful of you to think about Arjun's father. After what you told me, I feel even more proud as my little girl is becoming more mature day by day..!!! "

Mom replies as she cups my face.

Just then Samraat says as he approaches us ;

" Riya... where did you take so long..??? Let's go.. We still need to practice so that we all sycn at the dance. C'mon..!! "

He says as he pulls me towards the rest and we practice for another 1 hour.

Right now it past midnight and we are all completely worn out. Finally deciding to call it off for the night, we all start heading towards our respective rooms.

Sakshi and I are the last ones to exit the hall as we talk.

" Do you Arjun will be fine..??? "

Sakshi asks as we pass in the corridor near Arjun's room.

To which I reply,

" I don't know..!!!!

May be yes.. or may be no...

You know how unpredictable that man is..!!!

Why do you try taking a look at what he's doing..???

It will also give you the opportunity to get to know Arjun Sir better as well...

What say..??? "

I say trying my best to not show how uncomfortable it is for me to actually say these words.

But it's better for me to push Sakshi towards Arjun Sir so that I can stay far from him.

After all I will be gone in a few days and Arjun sir will be alone again. So it's better that someone who will be here get close to him who will at least try to understand him. And the fact that Sakshi llovv..... likes ... ya.. likes Arjun Sir a lot is not really hidden ... so why not help Sakshi...

At least she'll have the company of the guy she likes, even though I .....

Oh God...

Just don't think about this Riya, it will only end up complicating things even more...

Just go with the flow now you've already said those words.

" Yess Riya..

You're absolutely right....

I think, I should go see what Arjun's doing..!!!

Let's just hope that his mood is better now..!!! "

Sakshi says as she walks towards Arjun Sir's room and I add ;

" Sakshi....!!!!!!!!

Just remember to be patient with him...

He may not say it but life has been very harsh on him, so if he needs time, then just wait patiently...... "

I say knowing how much Sakshi talks once she gets started.

To which she nods at me and then continues walking.

And I turn and walk. But suddenly I start getting hiccups. As my room is still at some distance, I decide to go to the kitchen which is nearer to get myself some water before these hiccups get worse.

I hurry in the kitchen quickly getting myself a glass, cleaning it and then filling it with water. But due to my bad luck and hiccups combined, the glass slips right through my hands as I watch it falling down. However it does not crash on the floor as a hand comes in between and grabs it just in time.

Still with the incessant hiccups, I look up to see who it is only to find the least expected one to be here with me.

He refills the half empty glass and makes me drink it quickly before I even get the chance to say anything as he rubs my back while I drink. And after some time, my hiccups stops as he continues rubbing my back. Finally composing myself, I look at him and say ;

" Thank you Arjun Sir..!!! "

To which he just looks at me with a very faint and weak smile and then turns to exit the kitchen.

Should I go behind him or should I just leave him alone.???

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