Adopted by the Jonas Family

By justsochelsea

57.5K 906 77

Hi my name is Melissa Paula Sorrento-Jonas, and Im the sister of the Jonas Brothers. How is that possible whe... More

Update! When was Melissa's born? {Not A Chapter}
Chapter 1: Frankie leaves for College
Chapter 2: Caught In A Lie
Chapter 3: Melissa's Back Story
Chapter 4: Meeting Nick's girlfriend
Chapter 5: Dad and Daughter Weekend
Chapter 6: Mel gets her piercing
Chapter 7: The Internet
Chapter 8: Trust
Chapter 9: The Grandparents that came for dinner
Chapter 10: Winter Break
Chapter 11: True Colors
Chapter 12: Valentine's Day
Chapter 13: Boy Trouble
Chapter 14: Rumors
Chapter 16: Messing With the Wrong Crowd
Chapter 17: Where's Dylan?
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: Trouble Kid
Chapter 20: 4th of July
Chapter 21: Flashback to Pool Party
Chapter 22: Tough Love
Chapter 23: Flash Back to Sleepover
Chapter 24: Frankie gets cut off
Chapter 25: Frankie Comes Home!
Chapter 26: It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To
Chapter 27: Not so great Halloween
Chapter 28: Oh Brothers!
Chapter 29: Trouble with Gia
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Reality TV Show
Chapter 32: Melissa's Big Break!
Chapter 33: Shooting Stars
Chapter 34: Memorial Service
Chapter 35: Melissa's Struggles
Chapter 36: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
Chapter 37: Take a Breath...
Chapter 38: Never Had I Ever...
Chapter 39: Melissa's First Club
Chapter 40: Friends with Benefits
Chapter 41: Happiness Begins...
Chapter 42: Melissa's Quince *Final*
Author Note
New Book Update

Chapter 15: Flashback | Melissa's First Punishment

1K 17 2
By justsochelsea

Chapter 15: Flashback | Melissa's First Punishment

Melissa was riding in the backseat in her mom's car that Paul got her and her mom to drive Melissa around places. Her mom just picked up Melissa home early from gymnastics and she was pouting because her mom put her in time out because she wanted to watch tv.

Melissa: Mommyyyyyy!!!
Carol: Melissa, be quiet. You're on time out. I can't believe the way you're acting right now young lady, this is not like you
Melissa: she started it!
Carol: I don't care who started it, you could have gotten someone hurt. You don't push someone off the beam
Melissa: she was pulling my hair!
Carol: then you tell the instructor not push her off the beam, she could have gotten hurt! Is that not getting through to you?
Melissa: she deserved it
Carol: well... will see what your father have to say, when we bring you back home
Melissa: nooooo!!!!!
Carol: he's gonna be in the middle of filming so you have to call him Papa J when the cameras are around, do you understand?
Melissa: *frowns* yes ma'am

When they reached home Carol and Melissa walked into the house and Melissa dropped her bag on the floor and went to go run into the kitchen but her mother stopped her.

Carol: what did Denise say about leaving your gymnastics bag on the ground?
Melissa: *pouts* mommy...
Carol: do you want to be put in time out again?
Melissa: *sighs* noooooo!!
Carol: then behave little girl and go do as you're told

Melissa huff and stomp her foot back over to her mom and picked up her gymnastic bag and Carol made her look at her.

Carol: now you stop with the attitude young lady, or you're gonna spend the rest of the night in the guest house in your room
Melissa: yes mommy

Melissa went to put her gymnastic bag away, before heading into the kitchen with her mom, to find the Jonas Family in the kitchen with cameras.

Melissa: Papa J!
Paul: there's my girl!

Melissa runs to him and jumped into his arms and he picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek making her giggle.

Paul: how did gymnastic go today?
Melissa: I didn't mean to do it, honest
Paul: *crocks brow* what didn't she mean too?
Carol: your *whispers* "daughter"  *looks around at the camera that was filming Denise and Kevin and Danielle scene.* was acting up in gymnastics class
Paul: let's talk about this in the other room

Paul carries his daughter to the other room and put his daughter on the couch and let her watch cartoons, while him and Carol talked.

Paul: *comes back over and turns off the tv* is it true what your mother just told me?
Melissa: *pouts* daddy!!!! I was watching that
Paul: little girl *gives look*
Melissa: *sighs* yes... but I didn't mean too!!!
Carol: you most certainly did, you told me the reason you pushed her because she pulled on your hair
Melissa: yea because she was being a meanie butt!
Paul: hey! What did I tell you about calling people names
Melissa: but-
Paul: do you want to stand in time out?
Melissa: noooo!!!!
Paul: then listen to me when we are talking to you. No more putting your hands on anyone. If you have a problem with someone, tell an adult
Melissa: *frowns* yes daddy, since I'm not in trouble anymore, may I go back in the kitchen?
Paul: yes but behave, Kevin and Danielle are filming for their show right now
Melissa: yes daddy

Paul picked her up and they walked back into the kitchen and put her down. She went over to Joe and Nick who were talking and gave them both hugs.

Joe: hey kiddo *picks her up* how was gymnastic?
Melissa: it was fine, until a girl in class pulled on my hair
Nick: oh that's not good
Melissa: yea that's why I pushed her off the beam. Mommy and Papa J didn't like that
Joe: because you could have easily hurt someone like that kiddo, don't let it happened again
Melissa: okay Joey, I want a snack. I'm hungry *wiggles her way out of Joe and runs over to Carol* mommy, can I have a snack?
Carol: not now sweetie, it almost dinner time soon
Melissa: but mommy!
Carol: no! Do you want to be put in time out?
Melissa: you're a meanie!
Carol: I guess you do need to be put in time out, come on let's go *picks her up*
Melissa: nooo!!!!!! *kicks her legs*

When Melissa kicked her leg, she accidentally hit her mom in the face, Carol pop her on the thigh making her cry.

Carol: that's it! Time out in your bedroom missy
Melissa: nooo!!!
Carol: yes! I'm so sorry everyone, I will take it from here

They nodded and they headed out the back and Carol picked up her fisty daughter and took her out back.

After the camera crew left, the Family was discussing Melissa's behavior.

Paul: I have never seen Melissa act like this before, what is up with her?
Carol: I don't know
Paul's dad: you know what I would do to Paul when he acted that way around company
Paul: dad...
Paul's dad: I would whoop him with my belt, kids needs to be disciplined these days. Parents are constantly letting their kids get away with everything
Carol: I don't believe in hitting my child. It never worked for me, it always got me to act out more, I don't want that for my child
Paul's mom: that's because your mother was very strict with you, she was very impatient lady most times. She likes things done her way
Nick: dad use to spank us when we were out of line, and we turned out great
Paul's dad: see spankings work, we have great grand children that turned out great because of how we raised our children. The problem with your mother is that she never talked to you about what you done was wrong
Carol: I stand by what I said. Time out works
Paul: sometimes, she's been disobedience with it lately, I would sometimes have to swat her to listen and it would get her attention right away
Carol: Paul!
Paul: I just saw you did it earlier when she kicked you. She kicked you Carol, she was just put in time out for hitting and being disrespectful. She doesn't listen Carol, time out isn't working
Carol: then you discipline her
Paul: me no way! She's not my kid
Carol: but you treat her like she is yours. Plus you raised 4 kids with spanking and look at them now. I want that for my daughter
Paul's dad: do it son, she will thank you for it when she's older
Paul: I don't want her to hate me
Kevin: dad just explain to her what you told all of us, that you're just doing this because you love her and wants what best for her and explain what she did today was very bad
Paul: *sighs* I'll do it, only if you're okay with this Carol, if not, I will back down
Carol: I want you to do this Paul, she needs to learn from rights and wrong, if we don't do anything now she's gonna get out of control. The only person that could put her in her place is you. She needs a father figure and you're the perfect man for that, she will still love you, I will make her if she doesn't.
Paul: *smiles* thanks Carol
Carol: no thank you for not making me do this, I don't have the hearts to do it

Everyone in the room chuckles a bit, and Paul takes deep breath and sighs.

Paul: well... here's goes nothing

Paul headed for the backyard and Joe yelled out.

Joe: dead man walking!

They all look at him weird and he shrugged and said.

Joe: really, how can you guys not expect that from me
Nick: he's got a point
Joe: shut up Nick

Paul headed to the guest room where his girls were staying, headed to his daughter room and finds her in her rocking chair in the corner in time out banging her foot against the door.

Paul: stop that right now young lady
Melissa turns around towards her dad and glares at him (Paul was not expecting the glare from him and he frown) before looking back at the wall and keeps banging her foot against the wall.

When the time out wasn't working, Paul walked over to her and picked her up out of bed. She fight against her dad as he sat down on her bed and sits her on his lap and held her down.

Paul: enough!
Melissa stopped and looked at her father.

Paul: I understand you're angry at both your mother and I for putting you in time out
Melissa: it's not fair! Why do I get in trouble?
Paul: because you were being bad little girl. You pushed a girl off the beam, you were very rude to me and your mother when we had house guest, and then you kicked your mother in the face when she was only trying to help you
Melissa: *tears eyes* oh no!!! I didn't realize I was doing all those bad things!!! I'm sorry daddy!! I didn't mean to hurt mommy
Paul: I know honey, I'm glad you are starting to understand, but now I need to punish you
Melissa: back in time out?
Paul: no, another punishment
Melissa: *raised eyebrow* what can be worst than time out?
Paul: spanking
Melissa: noooo!!!
Paul: what do you mean no? How do you know spanking is bad?
Melissa: Amy in gymnastics told me about how her mommy still gives her spanking and that it hurts your bum bum bad
Paul: that's right
Melissa: but I don't want my bum bum hurting *pouts*
Paul: who fault is that?
Melissa: daddddd
Paul: no, you knew you had this coming. You were disrespectful today and you refused to stay in time out and you hit and shove two people today, someone else and your mother
Melissa: I'm sorry daddy!!! I won't do it again, please!!!
Paul: look kiddo, I only doing this because I love you and only wants what best for you
Melissa: but if you love me, than you wouldn't be hurting my bum bum
Paul: that's not how that works kid, that's not true at all. I love you very much, but I also want you to learn from what's right and what is wrong, and the only way to do that is by giving you a spanking since talking to you about what you did was wrong didn't work and putting you in timeout didn't work either.
Melissa: I know, what I did was wrong now please!!!
Paul: it's too late for that now Melissa. I have given you many chances
Melissa: noooooo
Paul: hey! For now on when I ask you a question, that requires an answer its yes sir or no sir unless I ask for an explanation, you understand me?
Melissa: yes d- sir
Paul: alright let's get this over with, get right on my lap

Paul put his daughter of his knees and she started squirming, Paul kept her good  firm on her.

Paul: Alright. Now you earned this spanking young lady, you understand.
Melissa: yesss sirrr
Paul: what did you do to earn yourself a spanking
Melissa: I didn't listen to mommy when she told me to behave in the corner
Paul: that's not why you're getting this spanking. That's why you got swatted before, what is this spanking right now you're getting
Melissa: for not keep my hands to myself
Paul: right, are you allowed to put your hands on anybody especially your mother.  That's why you're getting this spanking, do you understand me?
Melissa: yes sir
Paul: are you ready?
Melissa: yes sssiirrrr

And then Melissa's spanking first started.

He started spanking all over her butt and Melissa started crying and screaming.

Paul: stay in position. You understand?
Melissa: nooooooo!!!! Dadddddaaaaaa!!!! Pleaseeeeeeee!!!!! *sobs* ow!
Paul: not the answer I was looking for young lady
Melissa: yessss sirrrrr!!!!

After that couple more squats, Paul took a break with a lecture.

Paul: going to teach you a lesson today. What was the reason you were hitting today. Tell me why?

Melissa: because the girl was taking a long time on the beam
Paul: and you know you're supposed to be patience right. That's why your gym teacher put you in time out today for the rest of practice because you were being bad correct
Melissa: yes da-sir
Paul: would should have you done better?
Melissa: wait patiently next time for my turn
Paul: good girl and should you be putting your hands on any adults
Melissa: no sir
Paul: you need to work on your anger issues young lady, you know better than to hit anybody when you don't get your way. But you're learning very quickly. So now you have to start implying that in your life, you understand me?
Melissa: *laying over lap* what does implying mean?
Paul: to hint or suggest without saying directly.
Melissa: okay, I'll try
Paul: and if you don't, you're always more than welcome to come back over my lap so we can revisit this punishment but on the bare bottom this time
Melissa: yes sir
Paul: good girl, almost done

Paul landed a couple more to the back of her thigh and sit spot making her squeal loudly knowing that one would hurt. After about 3 minutes of the spanking. Paul stopped and Melissa complained that her bum hurts bad so Paul rubbed her bottom to help ease the pain a little.

Paul: why do you think it hurts. What's a spanking supposed to do?
Melissa: it's supposed to be a punishment
Paul: right-
Melissa: so I wont do it again
Paul: right it teaches you a lesson. Do you think it would teach you a lesson if it didn't hurt
Melissa: noooooo
Paul: it's embarrassing to get spanked, but it also has the sting a little, right
Melissa: yes daddy it does sting
Paul: what would happen if it doesn't sting
Melissa: then I wouldn't have learned my lesson
Paul: good girl, but the reason you were over my lap right now because you were punished for hitting and you have to think  of ways to not get in that situation again. Do you understand me?
Melissa: yes sir

Paul: alright you'll think of that when you're in time out for the rest of the night. He held his daughter in his arm and he kissed her forehead.

Melissa: I'm so sorrrry daddddyyy
Paul: shhhh, pumpkin it's okay
Melissa: *sniffles* am I still your little girl?
Paul: always...

Melissa smiles and resettled her head against her father and he sung her to sleep.

Paul changed her into her pajamas after her time out, he checked her bottom to see if it was okay and it was just light shade of red. He rubbed his girl back, listening to the sound of her cute snoring, before turning on her night light and closing the lights and leaving the door in her room slightly open. When Paul walked out, he jumped when he saw Carol.

Carol: how did it go?
Paul: god Carol don't do that!
Carol: oh come on Paul, you know you liked it when I used to scare you all the time when we were kids
Paul: *rolls eyes* shut up, and to answer your question, it went better than I expected
Carol: that's good, has she learn her lesson
Paul: yes she has
Carol: thank you so much *hugs him* Paul, I don't know what I would do without you being here for my family
Paul: *hugs her back* no problem

They pulled away and Paul said.

Paul: Uhh... I should probably get going now, see ya tomorrow
Carol: yea sure, see ya

Paul leaves and Carol sigh and thank god that she didn't had to be the one to discipline her daughter.

Chapter End Notes:
I hope you guys like the flashback chapter!

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