PIMP (Completed)

By writtenbytee

443K 29.4K 24K

dive in, to see what it's like to be a pimp's wife. More

the beginning
the beginning pt. 2
one: dreams
two: business partners
three: a good one
four: thinking about you
five: together we can
six: helping hand
seven: deeper issue
nine: pride aside
ten: thought of karma
eleven: the issue
twelve: where you at?
thirteen: verification
fourteen: the strategy
fifteen: lauryn
sixteen: counselling?!
seventeen: natural
eighteen: what you deserve
nineteen: oh brother
twenty: good guys
twenty-one: think like priya
twenty-two: get me out
twenty-three: not even blood
twenty-four: bosses' orders
twenty-five: second thoughts
twenty-six: art of manipulation
twenty-seven: christina
twenty-eight: new patient
twenty-nine: the one to watch out for
thirty: three shots
thirty-one: plea
thirty-two: my truth
thirty-three: the verdict is in
thirty-four: P I M P

eight: heart to hearts

12.9K 811 800
By writtenbytee


"We're here." Mathis announced, breaking me out of my thoughts. My mind was so filled with everything Egypt had said that I totally blanked out and didn't realized we had made it.

"Oh, so sorry." I said gathering my things.

"No worries, is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine." I nodded.

"Are you sure? You've had a blank stare on your face and have been looking out that window since we dropped your friend home."

"Just a lot on my mind... in relation to the restaurant and everything," I faked a laughed. "I'll be fine."

"Ah. I see. Try your best to get some rest."

"Will do. Thanks again, Mathis. Have a good night."

"You as well, Ms. Priya." He tipped his hat as I got out of the car.

I pushed open the front door of my home and to my surprise it smelt of nothing but cleaning products. Turning my nose up, I stepped out of my shoes and placed my purse onto the front table before shutting the door quietly so I could look around.

The sound of an evident vacuum cleaner came from the living area, which is the direction I chose to go in. As I turned the corner, there he was; vacuuming the carpet in the middle of the living room.

I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms, with a smirk on my face. "You must be sick." I said, catching him off guard. Pierre looked up as if he had seen a ghost.

"When'd you get in?"

"Just a few seconds ago," I smiled then pointed at the vacuum. "It's different to see you on the other end of that thing."

"Yeah well it took me a good 15 minutes trying to figure it out. I never knew a vacuum came with so many parts."

"It's the best of the best." I shrugged, "a wedding gift from your mother, of course."

"Why am I not surprised?" he switched the vacuum off and proceeded to dusting off his hands against his shorts. "How was your day today?" he asked while making his way over to where I stood.

"It was pretty good, I can't complain." He leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek before kissing my lips a few times. "How was yours?" I asked, once we pulled apart.

"Not as eventful. Just had a quick meeting, went to the warehouse to just check on things then came home to do some organizing and cleaning. I thought about possibly ordering something for us, but I didn't know what you'd be in the mood for."

"Oh no worries, I can whip something up. What do you want to eat?"

"Apart from you..." he winked, "I'm honestly down for us just ordering a box of Pizza and chill for the night. I know you're probably tired."

"I'm never too tired to cook, babe." I rubbed his shoulder, "but I don't mind a box of Pizza, either."

"I'll make the call while you change?"

"Sounds good to me."

I covered my mouth quickly as I yawned then made my way up the stairs to our bedroom. I stepped into the bathroom immediately and turned on the water, before stripping out of my clothes.

I stood in front of my mirror and removed my makeup, just before the steam fogged up the mirrors. Pulling my braids back into a ponytail; I made my way into the shower, allowing the hot waters to roll down my body. I instantly felt relaxed and at ease after being out all day.

I allowed a few minutes of just being under the warmth of the water to pass before I reached for my body wash. I popped the cap and when I reached for my washcloth; to my surprise it was soaked. My brows knitted together... I remember taking a bath in the guest room after Pierre and I got into it this morning.

I looked across at where Pierre's hung; his too, was just as wet. I looked down at the body wash in my hand and became even more confused because it was pretty much finished; although I had only opened it this yesterday.

I knew how men were when it came to overusing products or using them incorrectly all in all, but... my body wash was coconut and Pierre constantly expressed his hate for the scent.

Setting the body wash down, I held the cloth to my nose and smelt the obvious lingering scent of coconut, I then went over, grabbed his cloth and smelt that it smelt like Irish Spring.

"PIERRE!" I yelled as I turned the shower off and turned around with such speed, nearly slipping at the sight of him standing in the door frame. "What the hell?!" I said, while placing my hand on my chest to feel my elevated heart rate.

"My bad, I thought you heard me knock. I was going to let you know that I tried out your little body wash there." He pointed out, "I thought I had run out of mine since you were so adamant on moving my things around without letting me know." He said with folded arms, "after nearly throwing up from the atrocious smell, I went on a search and found the new bottles in the guest linen closet."

"And you used my washcloth?" I asked holding it up.

"What? you expected me to get that smell on MY washcloth?" he asked with a smirk. "Definitely not."

I let out a long sigh and chuckled to myself, "and you had to use this much?!" I exclaimed.

"To be honest, some of it spilled... at first, I didn't think you'd notice but as I finished cleaning up downstairs, I remembered who you were and how fast your mind likes to go into overthinking mode. So, I figured I'd come up here before I get cussed out for something crazy like having a woman up here or something."

"Cussed or killed? Your ass is lucky you came when you did." I rolled my eyes playfully then waved him off, "you can leave now."

"Are you sure you don't want me to... join you?"

"I'm positive."

I spun on my heels and turned the shower back on, then proceeded to have a shower this time.

"It's just your mind playing tricks on you, Priya." I coached myself.

After showering and finishing my nightly routine, I got ready and returned back downstairs where Pierre sat comfortably in front of our custom sized plasma TV; Men in Black on the screen. I plopped down next to him and he wrapped his arm around my body pulling me close to him.

I gazed into his eyes and kissed his lips before resting my head against his shoulder. "You okay?"

"Mhmm." I hummed.

"I ordered the pizza." He announced as he ran his hands down my side.

"And the sauces? Because I know you love to forget."

"Yes, I got the dipping sauces this time babe." He chuckled.

"Okay good," I smiled to myself and snuggled against him. "This is nice." I let out.


"Just chilling here, watching a movie." I shrugged, "We haven't actually been able to do this in forever."

"I know." He said lowly. "You know how business gets though."

"I know, which is why I try my best not to say anything. But, to be fair; I think a day off every now and then won't hurt." I gazed up at him, and his eyes met mine. "I honestly can say that I miss you."

"You miss me? we're always together."

"No." I shook my head, "we are always in each other's presence, going with the motions. We never seize the moment; we never do anything fun. We don't go on dates anymore, you do sweet gestures and buy me nice things which I do appreciate, don't get me wrong. But I'd much rather spent time with you than getting a new purse."

"Hmm... I never knew you felt this way."

"Yeah that's because we never talk." I smirked. "We're either working or arguing."

"Yeah... I've been noticing that as well." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess you're right it's the built-up tension from us not getting a day off. I do, agree. However, with this whole new idea that Alexis has for us." I rolled my eyes and of course, he caught me. His brow knitted but he continued talking. "I'm worried about when that time will come. New business means I have to be involved even more than I was before, once everything is settled and I get into the groove of things with the addition; then, we could talk about a day off."

"Okay then, Pierre." I said through a sigh.

"Hey, what's that all about?"

"What's what all about?"

"The attitude after the mention of her name, I thought we nipped it in the bud this morning."

"It's just something about her, that rubs me the wrong way."

"Well babe, to be fair you haven't really had much time to get to know her."

"Yeah, I know but still. I'm all about first impressions and the fact that she was in my house, without me knowing; was the first red flag for me." I lifted my hand to stop him from talking, "AND! Regardless of if you say she's a person of the past, you're a very handsome man in case you haven't noticed. You're successful, smart, generous and a gentleman... A magnet for women trying to get ahead."

"Alexis is quite successful as well, she's a businesswoman just like you are. I'm sure those aren't her intentions. In fact, me knowing her makes me trust her the more. I believe this idea will bring in the amount of revenue I need before we retire this time and if I'm to hand it down to Pharrell; I trust and believe that she's experienced enough to be his associate."

I let out a deep exhale, then threw my hands up. "Like I said, I just don't get a good vibe from her. Like you said, maybe I just didn't get the chance to know her but for now; my opinion stays as is."

"Yeah but babe, I don't find that fair and I know you're trying to be cool about it but that's going to lead to you having trust issues that you don't need to be having. Put it this way, I could easily sit here and say I don't trust this Egypt nigga around you..." I stared at him and raised my brow, "but I don't think that way because I know my woman. you, yourself are stunning, intelligent, unique and so much more but I know I can trust you. I know how deep your loyalty runs and most importantly I know that I have nothing to worry about. It's kind of hurtful that you don't feel the same way about me."

"That isn't it Pierre. It's her that I don't trust."

"I've had female friends before, I don't see why this is coming up all of a sudden."

"Look, I don't want us to argue tonight."

"We aren't we're just having a conversation," he lowered his voice and said. "I really want to know what you think, I want know why it is that you don't trust me."

"I... it's ugh." I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. "Your words from last night are just replaying in my head. I mean, we argue but you've never once complained about our sex life and to hear you and see you get as angry kind of worries me." I played with my wedding ring as I spoke, "I do try my best, to be the best wife that I possibly can. I cook, clean, keep the house, I take care of you, I support you in every way that I possibly can. I'm your number one fan in everything you do. I do everything in my power to make sure that you're happy and I know that sex plays a big factor in marriage, which is why I feel very insecure now that you've expressed how you feel." I looked over at Pierre then felt a tear slip from my eye.

"Babe." He reached over and wiped away my tear with the pad of his thumb. "Look, I understand, last night I was out of line and I do apologize. I believe the alcohol played a huge factor in my actions and words but believe me when I say that I didn't mean any of it. I love you and the last thing I want you to do is worry especially about losing me. you're all I want and all I need." He pinched my chin.

"That's not why I'm crying." I explained while letting out a deep exhale once again.

"So, then tell me what's up?"

Egypt's words from today, slipped back into my memory at the perfect time and during the ride home I was able to properly formulate exactly what it is what I wanted to say to him. "Yes, I genuinely... just don't want to feel as though I have anything to worry about and as harsh as this may sound; no matter how much love I got in my heart for you. I'm worth far too much to stay where I am not appreciated."

Pierre's brows furrowed as he stared deeply into my eyes, for the first time in forever, he sat there speechless which wasn't something I was used to. It was surprisingly, powering.

I knew that this wasn't the moment to crack or take back my words so instead, I nodded. "That's why I'm crying." I added, "because I feel as though I've put in far too much for that to ever be a possibility."

"And as I said before, it isn't."

"Okay then. I just wanted to make sure you knew what it was."

"Heard you," he nodded. "Loud and clear."


"So, we're good?"

"Yes, we're good."

"You're sexy when you're feisty. You know, that right?"

"And you're sexy when you listen." I smiled then leaned forward and placed my hand on his cheek before kissing his lips. Just a simple kiss before I tried to pull away but instead, Pierre just pulled me into his lap, forcing me to look into his eyes as I straddled him.

"I really do love you, okay? and I could never imagine my life without anyone else but you. You're the woman I asked God for." I pouted, causing him to laugh out loud. "I hate being cheesy, but I feel as though you just needed to know that."

"I appreciate it." I wrapped my arms around his neck, "and I'm sorry if I don't tell you this enough but I'm really proud to be your wife. We may fight and not agree on everything but trust me when I say you're a good man and I can't imagine my life without you. I know that when the time does come that you're going to be an amazing father... the one that neither of us had." Pierre tried to hold his head down, but I lifted his chin up. "I mean it Pierre; I know you're afraid as am I, but trust and believe me when I say; you're going to be the best father ever."

"You really think so?"

"I know so." I smirked and, in that moment, I noticed a flicker in his eyes, he looked away for a moment before returning his attention to me.

"I really do love you Priya."

"I love you too,"

I leaned down and found my way to his lips once again. This time when I kissed him however, something felt ... different.



I don't know what it was, but something really came over me this morning. I woke up feeling heavy after my conversation with Priya last night. The openness was good and everything, but there was just something that really had my mind racing to the point where I wasn't even able to sleep.

Normally, I wasn't the one to overthink. It was her job, but something about last night just flipped a switch. As much as I knew that if Priya ever caught me cheating on her, she'd leave it never really hit me until I heard her say it herself. At first, I also told myself that I'd be pissed because it was half of my money that would be leaving too... but, for the first time in forever, it wasn't the money I was worried about losing. It was her...

Priya was right about everything she said, she really was the perfect wife for me; apart from... the sex, obviously. I didn't think anyone was more capable of being the mother I would want my future child to have either which made her words from last night hit even more. I was indeed afraid of being a parent, but in this moment; I didn't see myself doing it with anyone else but... her. Priya was indeed the woman that I had prayed to one day marry and here she was, yet I was fumbling that opportunity and for what? a chick that can't even cover her mouth while yawning?

I don't get it... but I did know that I was in too deep. I know how Alexis rolls and unfortunately; I opened up a can of worms the moment I agreed to work with her.

I tried my best to just shake off the funk while I finished getting ready in one of my favorite exclusive Giorgio Armani suits. I slipped my feet into my dress shoes and made my way back into the bedroom where Priya laid practically knocked out from our pretty interesting night-morning baby making attempts.

Normally, we'd both be up by now, getting ready to head to the warehouse. This morning, getting up and ready without her did in fact feel weirder that I had expected it to be.

I walked alongside her bed side and crouched down to just watch her as she slept so peacefully. I ran my hand down her bare back and she stirred in her sleep before her eyes eventually fluttered open. It took them a while to adjust before when they did, her brows knitted. "What time is it?" she asked while stretching.

"9. I'm about to head out now because I gotta do some book balancing, I just wanted to say good morning before I left."

"Mmm," she hummed then reached out and placed her hand against my cheek. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? I know how much you hate handling the books."

"I know." I smirked, then took her hand into mine and planted a kiss on the back of it. "But it's okay, you stay here and rest. Keep your mind focussed on the restaurant babe."

"You know I can multitask," she said while closing her eyes, "plus I have a whole system that I haven't taught you about yet."

"Don't worry babe, I will figure it out."

"Are you sure?" she asked again, clearly dozing back into sleep.

"I'm positive. You're exhausted."

"I j...us..ust never kn...ew b..aby making c..ould be th..." she yawned, "this tiring."

"Get some rest babe." I leaned down and placed a few kisses on her soft lips that were ever so inviting as always. Once I was done, I stared in complete awe of how beautiful she really was. I rested my head against her shoulder and let out a deep sigh before I rose to my feet.

I grabbed my things on my way out and said one last goodbye before shutting the door and heading down the stairs.

As I got outside Mathis pulled up at the front of the stairs as if on cue. I jogged down them and helped myself to the door, then sliding inside. "Good morning Mathis."

"Morning Mr. Palmer."

"How are you doing today?" I pulled my phone out if my pocket and began scrolling through last night's messages.

"Not too bad, and yourself?"

"I'm alive and well, so I have no complaints."

"I liked to hear that sir, where are we off to today?"

"Warehouse then the club. We also have to pick up Rohan and Pharrell on the way."

"Alright sir and will Miss Alexis be joining us today as well or do you think she's still tired from yesterday?"

I glanced up at him and raised my brow. "Come again?"

"My apologies sir, I just assumed being as she is now apart of the team."

"Yeah well you aren't paid to make assumptions." I scoffed.

"Once again, my apologies. I was clearly overstepping my bounds."

I shook my head, then returned to my messages while Mathis stayed very silent compared to normal, which I didn't mind, to be honest. As much as I respected him from the bottom of my heart, from the day Priya stepped into my life; he's always had her side over mine. As time went by, they grew a lot closer and I figured I would one day have to cut off that line of communication. I knew that if I didn't instill boundaries with him and her, he would soon be someone I couldn't trust, what makes matters worse is the fact that now Alexis was around.

I made a note in my calendar to look for another driver, exclusively for her because walking on eggshells was something I refused to do, especially around someone that I was paying.

Luckily, I had a sound-proof divider in this car which I hit the button to pull up. I had enough on my mind, last thing I needed was Mathis' smart remarks and to worry about the thought of him eavesdropping.


I placed my phone against my ear as we pulled up in front of Pharrell's home.

"I'm coming." Was all he said into the phone before hanging up.

I sighed, leaning back into my seat. Knowing Pharrell, coming simply meant 10-15 more minutes. Normally, I'd leave him after hearing that word but unfortunately, I needed the help today now that Priya was on "vacation." I also knew better than to leave him because then he'd show up on his own terms, which once again was something I couldn't have today.

Surprisingly, within the next two minutes there he was; running down his porch steps with his dress shirt out of his pants, collar still up and his belt in hand. I shook my head then slid over into the seat next to me. Pharrell opened the car door and climbed in, letting out a long exhale as he took his seat.

I let out a loud laugh and he glared at me with knitted brows. "What's so funny?" he asked as we pulled off.

"If stress had a physical character it would be you."

"Ah ha, look who got jokes."

"Why so grumpy little brother?" I rubbed the top of his head and he sucked his teeth while pulling away from me.

"When your soldiers finally march and you actually get Priya pregnant, you'll understand."

I chuckled while I flipped him off, "and people like you are the reason why I'm not even sure it's something I want."

"Too late for you to be on the fence about that..." he pointed, "you already got her excited. I heard Tahira say that they're going baby shopping today."

"Damn." I ran my hand down the side of my face.

"Damn is right." Pharrell let out a laugh like the one I had before. "Looks who's the stressed one now."

"Ah shut up."

"Have you thought about any names as yet?" I flashed him a glare. "What? Growing up, you always wanted kids."

"I agree and I still do, however... I just never expected to bring a child into this world under these terms."

"And what terms are you implying?"

"Like... this." I gestured at everything around me, "career wise, lifestyle, relationship status. As much as I do love my life completely, I must admit I didn't expect to be doing this my entire life."

"Is the great Pierre Palmer having regrets?"

"There you go, ruining the mood."

"I'm kidding!" he scoffed. "Continue, tell me what's going on. I don't think I've ever seen you this transparent." He grinned.

"And this right here is why I can't be."

"I am kidding!" he exclaimed, "tell me."


"Now, why are you having regrets all of a sudden? Just the other day you were the man that had it all under control."

"I wouldn't call them regrets and I do have everything under control..." I sighed, "Last night I was thinking and what hit me is, that this is just a momentary love of mine. I love the money more than anything, especially being as I never expected to get this far. I made a simple form of income into something much bigger than many can even wrap their heads around. I'm comfortable where I am, and I know comfortable is not where I want to be for my whole life."

"Yeah, like dad used to say before he used to dip out on us; 'you can't achieve nothing from the comfort zone.'"

"I must say, for a man that was so busy pimping to even come to our graduation. He really did leave us with some wise words."

"That he did." Pharrell nodded. "And a business that we never asked for, but who's complaining."

"Yes." I nodded. "But back to the subject of the comfort zone."


"I'm already here, so, what's next?"

"I feel you, without a doubt." He nodded, "do you at least have a general idea of what or where you see yourself next?"

"To be honest, last night; I got a brief flash into the future and ... I do." I answered, "which is why I'm... somewhat scared?"

"And why's that?"

"Because what started as a simple play in my book turned into a whole marriage. A marriage that has benefitted me more than I expected and that's where the issue comes from. I've always dreamt of what I have in Priya, always wanted the same things that I know she wants. Priya is beautiful inside and out, literally perfection in my eyes. Yet that fear of getting out of the comfort zone is holding me back from letting those walls down with her. I'm so stuck in my old ways and habits that as much as I see her wanting to grow in regard to this marriage, I can't, because my mind is so clouded with everything in this moment."

"Okay. Well little do you know, you're right at the first step of growth and that's realizing that you want to grow. You're realizing that you are no longer interested in the current things but instead, you have a want for something more, something better which I do agree, you should be working towards now." Pharrell said, "this step may seem simple, but it really isn't, it's a big one and you can only go up from here; as long as you really want to."

"I do want to."

"Okay, then... what's your next move?"

"And that's the problem. I don't know."

"You do know." He chuckled. "You just don't want to do it."

"I genuinely don't know what it is."


I pinched the bridge of my nose and groaned, "I don't think you understand. Alexis is higher of a hurdle than you make her out to be."

"Yeah and you're a powerful guy, make that hurdle come down."

"A powerful guy that'll have to deal with the aftermath of it coming down."

"Okay and what's the worst that could really happen? She'll be pissed, curse you out, try to make a scene... and? So what?"

"Alexis is more strategic than you think. She's a force not to be reckoned with and without a doubt, she will do far more than the average. Due to Rohan's stupidity of bringing her to my home, she now has a direct line to Priya."

"Deny it." he shrugged. "I know you're smart enough to not have left any evidence behind. If she tries to drag you, just tell Priya that she's jealous or mad that we changed our decision on working with her."

"... Pharrell, this move is a big one. Changing our mind would be losing a whole lot of money."

"That we don't need!" Pharrell exaggerated. "You and I were smart enough to invest in these stocks. Not to mention the fact that I believe we could do a lot more if we go legal and stop lying about a 'match-making company' and make it a reality. My kids growing up, bro and just like you, I don't think I could do this forever."

"Wow, I never knew you felt this way."

"I mean, yeah. You know I roll with whatever you suggest unless I'm completely against it. But just like you've been thinking, I have to."

"Damn." I rested my face against the palm of my hand. "I don't know where to go from here."

"Well for starters, you gotta make a choice... are you ready to change?"

"I feel I... am. For the first time in forever, it hit me that I could lose her if I'm not careful and I want more than anything to be a good husband and an even better father. I think back to mom and what she went through and I don't want that for Priya."

"So then let's do it. Begin preparing. You aren't alone, I am always here to help you."

"Thanks bro."

"Don't mention it." he outstretched his hand to dap me up and as if on cue, we pulled up in front of Rohan's crib. Unlike my brother, Rohan was always ready on time, so he normally waited on the porch where he'd usually smoke a blunt until we got there.

Pharrell let down the window to throw up some stupid ass gang sign that caused Rohan to laugh as he arose from his seat. As he made his way over towards us my eyes wandered over to the other side of the road where I watched a car pull up. Within a minute, the door opened, and I watched Alexis hop out from the back.

"What the fuc-."

"You've gotta be kidding me." I shook my head as I watched her walk up to my side of the car, she opened the door. "What are you doing here?" was the first thing I blurted out.

"Rohan called me and told me we had to handle the accounts today. So, I figured I'd just join the carpool." I slid over into the middle of the seat while she climbed inside and plopped down next to me. "Good morning everyone!"

Pharrell greeted her coldly as he hit the button to let down the divider so we could see Rohan as he got into the front, the moment he caught glimpse of both mine and Pharrell's face, he knew that trouble was coming.

We drove off in complete silence to the point where Mathis went ahead and turned on the radio which he never did. Pharrell stared out his window and I tried my best to keep my attention on the road, that was until I felt Alexis place her hand boldly on top of my crotch area.

With furrowed brows I looked in her direction before removing it. "Are you crazy?" I mouthed.

"Maybe a little bit." She smiled as she mouthed in return. "Check your phone." She pointed at it in my head.

Rolling my eyes, I looked down and noticed she had sent me a message a few minutes prior. I opened it up and nearly dropped my phone at the sight of the multiple nudes that filled up our message thread. I stupidly, licked my lips as I peered at the seductive poses she took in front of her mirror and for some odd reason I just couldn't look away.

Pharrell shifted and I locked my phone quickly before Pharrell could see then pretended to stretch my neck.

"You iight?" he leaned over and asked me.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I nodded.

"Alright." He looked at her briefly then returned his attention back out the window.

I glanced over at Alexis one last time and she ran her tongue across her bottom lip then patted my thigh. "This is just the beginning of us working together, so trust, there's much more where that came from." Was the last thing she mouthed before she cleared her throat, and boldly asked; "So, how's wifey?"

This right here... is what I meant by opening a can of worms.



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