now tell me, how did all my d...

By grogusmacaron

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After an unfortunate accident knocks Cheryl out cold, she wakes to find the world is not as she remembers. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 8

380 14 3
By grogusmacaron


Things shouldn't be as heavy from here on out. Sorry if anyone had difficulty reading the last chapter with the bullying scene. I promise I had some difficulties writing it too.

Apologies for the delay in getting this chapter up, but it is over twice the length of the last one. Hope that makes up for it!

Also there is an adult content warning for this chapter. It's not smut, but it's uh... it's something. Smutlite you could say.

Anyways... without further ado, enjoy!

"Cheryl!" Claude yelled from the other end of the trailer.

Cheryl jumped off her bed and onto her feet before running from the room. When she reached her uncle's room she saw what had caused his distress. Hot Dog was perched on top of Claude's stomach, effectively pinning him to the bed. The redhead stifled a laugh at the sight.

"Glad this is amusing to you, but could use a lil' help."

She grabbed the dog's collar and gently coaxed him onto the floor. "You aren't supposed to be in here, boy."

"Like that dog gives a shit where he's supposed to be," he grumbled as he sat up. "How much longer until our house guest goes back home again?"

Cheryl scratched behind Hot Dog's ear as he looked up at her with wide eyes. She sighed, "Just for today. Sweet Pea is taking him back home with him after my initiation tonight."

A week had gone by since the day Cheryl made the decision to join the Serpents, though to her it was re-joining. However, this time there were no shortcuts. She had to go through all of the steps, including the one she was dreading most.

Having Hot Dog around wasn't so bad though, and if Cheryl was being honest, she was going to miss the little guy. Toni had done most of the work in watching him the last time. She had been too concerned about getting fur on her designer clothes to bring him to Thistlehouse, but this time she really got to know the dog. For the last week she didn't have to sleep in an empty bed. There was no comparison between Hot Dog and her girlfriend, but the company was nice. It wouldn't be the same once he left.

"Good. Not that I dislike pets, but he's already gone through a pair of my boots and those things aren't cheap," Claude said. He gave Hot Dog a glare before rolling his eyes, giving in, and leaning forward to scratch the dog under his chin. "But yeah, it won't be the same without him around. Hate to say it, he grew on me a little."

"Oh did he?"

He raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "A little. Not enough to keep him so don't be getting any ideas."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Cheryl laughed. "Speaking of tonight... did you change your mind?"

"Nah," her uncle shook his head. "Not really comfortable with the idea of watching my niece strip down to dance for a bunch of grown ass men. I may try to stop by later, but just can't be there. Hope you understand."

"I do," she sighed. "Believe me, I'm not looking forward to that part either."

"Anyone home?" Jughead's voice sounded from the other room.

"In here," Cheryl replied as she ushered Hot Dog out of the room.

Jughead's face lit up at the sight of the dog. He dropped to his knees, spread his arms, and called, "Hey there, buddy! Come 'ere."

Cheryl released her grasp on his collar and watched as the hound charged the boy, knocking him to the ground on impact. The redhead couldn't help but laugh as Jughead rolled around on the floor playing with the dog.

Jughead found his bearings and sat up. Hot Dog flipped onto his back, inviting the raven haired boy to scratch his stomach, which Jughead did without hesitation.

"Oh hey, Jughead," Claude greeted as he made his appearance.

"Hey, Mr. B," he responded. "You coming tonight?"

"Nah... can't, sorry. Please watch after this one for me?"


"Right... well I best be off," Cheryl's uncle said as he made his way to the door. "I'll catch you kids later." He turned to Cheryl before leaving, "Good luck tonight, Goose."

"Thank you," she answered lowly.

Once the front door shut behind Claude, Jughead turned his attention back to Cheryl. "Did that playlist I sent you help at all?"

"Yes, actually. It helped a lot," she said before nodding with a tight lipped smile. Cheryl turned and walked over to the couch, sitting down as she ran her hand through her long red hair.

Jughead got to his feet and followed, taking the seat beside her. "So did you figure out which song?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go with that Twilight baseball one," she answered.

"The what one?"

"You know... the one from the movie," Cheryl pressed.

Jughead's face furrowed in disgust, "You mean Muse?"

She nodded in response as Hog Dog jumped into her lap. "Right, that one."

"Why did you even watch that movie? It's atrocious. My Cheryl wouldn't have been caught dead watching that," he said adamantly.

Cheryl challenged him with her eyes first before verbally, "If your Cheryl didn't watch it, how did you know which song I was talking about?"

Jughead let out a small laugh and nodded, "I do have a sister you know?"

"Mmhmm," Cheryl smirked. "And you're sure it didn't have anything to do with trying to have something in common with a certain blonde with an affinity for ponytails?"

He looked at her, deadpanned. "You know what? Shut up," the boy spat.

The redhead laughed, "Sure, Juggie."


Cheryl shrugged, "You wanted nicknames; I'm giving you nicknames. I can always go to my fallbacks if you'd prefer?"

Jughead raised his hands in surrender, "No, Juggie is fine."

"You sure?"

"Well, it's better than Hobo," he admitted.

She raised her hands and placed them over her heart. "Aw, you remembered."

He rolled his eyes, "You don't really forget your best friend calling you a hobo, Cher."

Cheryl placed her hand on his shoulder, "Don't forget, you were thee hobo."

"Ah yes," Jughead acknowledged, giving her a forced smile, "much better."


The Whyte Wrym was packed. Serpents of all ages, sizes, and genders had gathered to usher in their newest member. The large room smelled of motor oil, cigarette smoke, alcohol, and sweat, just as Cheryl remembered it from her times visiting Toni before the Serpents lost the bar. In fact, nothing appeared different at all. Somehow the run down biker bar seemed untouched by whatever curse disrupted her life. One constant in the midst of complete chaos.

Cheryl's experience, on the other hand, was vastly different from the first time she went through the initiation. For one, Toni wasn't there to hold her hand through the process. She was alone. Well, not technically, she was literally surrounded by other people, just not the one person that mattered. Even the location had changed. The first time she became a Serpent was outside in the makeshift campground the gang had found refuge in after losing both Sunnyside and the Wyrm. Now, as did the Serpents who came before her, Cheryl's trials would take place in that very bar.

This time there were no allowances, no exceptions.

This time it was all about tradition.

She found herself standing before FP as the man yelled question after question in her face. Cheryl knew every answer like the back of her hand. Toni had studied relentlessly with her the first time, and despite being kicked out, they remained engraved in her brain. They were part of her.

"What is the fifth law?!" FP bellowed, his throat starting to sound dry.

Cheryl, looking him dead in the eye, yelled back, "A Serpent never betrays her own! "

He smirked at her change of pronouns and winked. A moment later he screamed once again, "What is the sixth law?! "

"In unity, there is strength! " she replied with everything she had.

Every Serpent in the Wyrm echoed, "In unity, there is strength! "

FP gave her a sincere smile and pulled her close, embracing her tightly, "You did great kid."

"Thanks, but something tells me that was the easy part," Cheryl said into the hug.

He pulled away, hands still on her shoulder, "Unfortunately, yeah. Only gets harder from here, but something tells me you can handle yourself just fine."


"You don't scare me," Cheryl asserted as she stared through the glass. She locked eyes with the reptile as it turned to face her, tongue slithering in and out of its thin mouth.

Without breaking eye contact, the rattlesnake coiled its body around the pocket knife residing within. The brown handle stuck straight up, while the blade had been stabbed into a small wooden log in the center of the enclosure. It was as if the reptile understood its role, to guard the knife as if it were treasure. The snake's eyes remained fixated on Cheryl, challenging her to steal it from it's clutches.

A bump to her shoulder caused Cheryl to jump as she sucked in a sharp breath. The redhead turned to her side to find her friend besides her, his eyes focused on the snake.

"Liar," Jughead said. "This guy terrified me."

The two of them stood less than a foot from the rattlesnake. They bent at the hips, allowing themselves to be eye level with the creature on the other side of the clear glass.

"Shh," she shushed him, "the goal is to convince myself." Cheryl turned her attention back to the terrarium and the beast residing within.

"In that case," he squinted at the snake, "you don't scare her."

"Thank you," the redhead said with a smile.

Jughead turned his head to face her, "You got this... again."

"I haven't actually done this before," Cheryl admitted. She bit down on her lower lip and averted her eyes.

"Wait... How? You can't just pick and choose which trials you go through," he inquired.

"The Wyrm was raided before I joined," the redhead explained, reflecting back on the night Hiram's men came for the Serpents. That night had been a turning point. Her warning had saved everyone; without it, she wondered if they would have trusted her to join. "Everyone had to evacuate so fast... a snake habitat doesn't travel easily so it was left behind. I did have to do the other trials though."

"Okay, but wait... evacuate?"

"Yeah," she confirmed. "Hiram Lodge, Veronica's dad, had sort of a vendetta against you and the Serpents by association. After he gained control of the Sheriff's Department he sent nearly every officer in Riverdale to the bar hoping for casualties. Mumsy, demon beast that she is, warned me before I went to see Toni. We were able to get everyone out in time."

"Damn," Jughead exhaled. "Guess we can be glad that dude's still locked up."

"You gonna get the knife of not, Red? We don't have all night," Sweet Pea hollered from behind them. "Let's get this show on the road!"

"Shut it, Sweet Pea," Jughead barked, turning around to face the taller boy. "If you're so impatient, you reach in there, and grab it."

"Calm down, Jug," Cheryl said, placing her hand on his shoulder. "No need for confrontations. He's right... it is rather superfluous to further delay the inevitable." She took a deep breath and turned around, her red hair animatedly flipping over her shoulder.

"You got this, kid," FP called out from the other side of the glass enclosure.

Cheryl replied with a simple nod before looking down at the snake. It's slitted eyes focused on her as it tightened its body around the knife. Within giving herself another moment to hesitate, she reached into the glass and felt the serpent strike within milliseconds.

Searing pain rushed through her entire arm, but the redhead did her best to ignore it. She stifled her scream and pushed onward until her fingers wrapped around the wooden handle. As Cheryl pulled away, she felt the snake strike again. This time a bloodcurdling scream escaped from her throat. She stepped backwards, away from the terrarium. With the knife still in her grasp, she fell to her knees.

Cheers erupted from the Serpents surrounding her. She dropped the knife and held onto her injured hand with her good one, a feeble attempt to ease the pain.

"You did it!" Jughead cheered as he dropped to the floor next to her. The boy threw his arm around her and placed a kiss to the top of her head. "You fucking did it."

"If I ever... get home," she struggled to get the words out as the adrenaline continued surging through her, "I... am buying... and entire... wardrobe... made from that... vial... creature's... skin."

"No doubt about it, Cher," he laughed. "Common, let's get you cleaned up."

Jughead helped Cheryl to her feet. As they walked through the crowd, many of the Serpents patted her on the back and expressed their pride in her completing the second trial. She couldn't help but smile at the praise. It made her feel confident, and confidence was something she knew she would need to go through with the final trial.

"I'm really sorry you have to do this, Cher. I wish you didn't have to," Jughead said as they sat at the bar. He took a sip of his beer before motioning to Hog Eye for another.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, "Against having girls strip for you, Jones? Or is just your best friends you don't want to see in their underwear?"

"As a hard core feminist, I don't support this at all," the boy claimed adamantly. "If I'm ever in charge I'll make sure it's the first thing that's gone."

Cheryl scoffed at Jughead's claim. The version she knew did no such thing. No, the Jughead she knew would rather get rid of women members than the sexist traditions against them.

Noticing her reaction, he insisted, "I will!"

"I don't think you had an issue with it when Betty was the one dancing."

"That was the other me! You know I w-" he paused, seeming to finally realize what Cheryl had revealed to him. "Wait... when... Betty did it? Betty did the dance?"

"Mmhmm," the redhead confirmed. "I mean I wasn't there. Toni was... from what I heard so was Betty's mom. But yes, to answer your question, she did."

"You are telling me Betty Cooper joined the Serpents? Northsider perfect Betty?" Jughead asked again, still not completely believing what he was hearing.

Cheryl pursed her lips and nodded. "I think she did for you actually." She winced as she reached for her own drink, a cherry cola with a double shot of vodka. Her wounds had long since stopped bleeding, but they still stung when using that hand.

"Betty joined for me ... wow." Jughead's jaw went slack as he processed the information.

Once again, the redhead rolled her eyes before reaching over and tapping under her friend's mouth to close it. "Not that I'm not thrilled for your alter ego, believe me I'm over the moon for Hobo you and his lady love, but right now can we focus on me?"

"Of course," he shook his head, as if trying to physically shake the thoughts from his mind. "This is about you. What do you need?"

"Nothing... I guess... I'm just really really nervous about going out there."

"But you've done this before." Jughead shrugged. He grabbed the fresh beer Hog Eye left for him and raised it towards his mouth. "So, should be easy right?"

Cheryl absentmindedly began to twirl the thin straw in her cocktail before biting down on her bottom lip in reflection. "No... not exactly."


"Hey, Cher," Toni called as she ran up the stairs towards her girlfriend's bedroom. "You'll never guess, babe. I have gr-" Her words died on her lips the second she entered the room.

"Does this look okay?" Cheryl asked nervously. She wore a two piece, red lace lingerie set. The bra accentuated her breasts while still providing full coverage; she didn't want to show more than necessary. The panties were high waisted with built in garter belt; its straps were fastened to sheer stockings of an identical shade.

"Wow," the shorter girl breathed out in awe.

It was the least amount of clothing she had worn in front of the pink haired girl, and the reaction she received brought a crimson blush to Cheryl's skin, which was currently on display. "So... you like?"

"You look... beautiful."

"Thanks," Cheryl responded before biting down on her lower lip.

Toni took a step forward. Then another. She slowly approached her girlfriend until she was mere inches away. Toni rested her hand on Cheryl's hip, causing the redhead to inhale sharply. "How are you even real?"

"You... you had something to tell me?" Cheryl asked as she struggled to control her breathing.

"Hm?" Toni asked absentmindedly as her eyes wandered down, feasting on the sight before her. "Oh! Right," she looked up to meet her girlfriend's eyes. "I just talked to FP. He found a loophole."

"A loophole?"

Toni took Cheryl's hands in her own and smiled widely. "He said the law dictates the initiation dance needs to be performed for a Serpent audience."

"We know that already. I don't see-"

Toni shushed her, a laugh on her breath. "Let me finish. Okay? He said it says a Serpent audience, but it doesn't say anything about how big of one. And with the Wyrm being lost, we don't really have a stage anyways, so appeasing the gang isn't really an issue. As long we meet the minimum the law requires he said he'll handle whatever slack he gets."

"What are you saying?" Cheryl asked, unclear what her girlfriend was trying to convey.

"My constant badgering paid off, that's what I'm saying!" Toni exclaimed happily. "Well, at least for you it did... I'm not sure about the next person or when we find a new place or-"

"Toni, what are you talking about?"

Her smile grew larger, "You don't have to do the dance in front of all those men. You need a Serpent audience... and one Serpent qualifies as an audience. So... you can perform the dance... privately." Toni swallowed, suddenly feeling nervous, "Y-you can do the dance for... for just me."


Cheryl couldn't tear her eyes away from the stage as dread filled her. The preeminent moment was upon her. In a matter of minutes she'd be up there, dancing for all to see. She had been nervous about dancing for Toni, but doing this without her was so much worse.

"Cher, stop picking your nails," Jughead scolded half jokingly.

The redhead huffed, "I know! I can't help it... ever since I was a child. When I would get really anxious or nervous I'd pick at my nails. Sometimes I wouldn't stop until they were bleeding. I'd wrap my finger tips in bandaids. I'd wrap them so tight the circulation nearly cut off."

Jughead's eyes widened in concern, "And you never got help? With all that money, you never went to a doctor?"

"Blossoms don't go to therapists; that would show weakness... imperfection," Cheryl explained. "Mumsy couldn't have a daughter with such a habit though."

Too bad her aversion to therapy didn't extend to... don't go there Cheryl. Don't go there. Not now. Don't cry. Don't cry. Deep breathes.

"What did she do?"

Jughead's question pulled Cheryl from her thoughts. "She took me to a nail salon," she answered. "I've been wearing acrylics since I was eight... until I woke up here. Getting my nails done really isn't in the budget."

He reached over and grasped her hand, "I know you're scared, but you got this."

Cheryl nodded feebly. "It's not like I haven't danced in front of crowds before... this is just-"

"Different," he finished. "I'm sure this is way more terrifying than what you went through with Rumple back there."

She squinted at him in confusion, "With who?"

"Rumplesnakeskin," Jughead answered as if it were obvious. "The rattlesnake; that's his name." Cheryl looked at him, her jaw slack and eyebrows raised, but before she had a chance to reply, he continued, "I know. Just do what I did when I had to face the gauntlet."

"Get my face beat in?"

He laughed, "No. I mentally went somewhere else. So instead of focusing on the feeling of brass knuckles connecting with my jaw, I thought of something else. Something better."

"So instead of focusing on undressing for a room full of old men, I should think of something else?"

"Yeah. Exactly," the boy confirmed. "Think of something else, go there in your mind."

Cheryl nodded, "I'll try. Thanks, Jug."

"You got this, alright?"

"I got this," she echoed his statement. "I'll just go somewhere else in my mind."

Slowly, Cheryl began to take deliberate steps away from Jughead. Her hands were clenched into tight fists to stop her from picking her nails as she made her way onto the stage. She could feel the heat from the lights hit her. She heard the intro to her song begin to play. It was the moment of truth. All that stood between Cheryl and her jacket was one dance.

She could do this.

She had to.

Think of something else. Go somewhere else, Cheryl. You can do this.

Cheryl gripped the pole and began to move to the music. To the audience it looked like she was present with them in that room, but in Cheryl's mind she was far away. She was back in her bedroom at Thistlehouse, reliving the night she first performed the Serpent dance. She wasn't in a smelly bar full of grown bikers. She was with Toni.


"Cher," Toni took her girlfriend's hand in her own, "if you don't want to do this just tell me. I can always lie and say you did. FP would never know."

The redhead shook her head in protest, "No, I'm not letting you do that. I'm going to do this right. I'm not becoming a Serpent by fraud, TT. Plus... something tells me you were looking forward to a dance?"

"Maybe... okay yes," Toni confessed before biting down on her lip. "Doesn't matter what I want though, babe. All that matters right now is what you're comfortable with."

"I'm comfortable with you," Cheryl assured. "I can do this. It's just a dance right?"

"Yeah... just a dance."

Cheryl walked over to her vanity, pulled out the chair, and turned it around. "Sit here," she requested, her voice shaky as she spoke. "I'm... I'm going to go g-get ready."

The shorter girl rid herself of her Serpent jacket, gently placing it on Cheryl's bed. "I thought you already were ready?" Toni asked as she walked over to sit down in the chair her girlfriend had pulled out for her.

"Can hardly give you a strip tease when I'm already down to my underwear, can I?" Cheryl called back from within the walk-in closet, hidden from Toni's curious gaze.

Toni let out a breathy laugh, "You're putting clothes on so you can take them off?"

The redhead appeared in the closet entrance. She stretched her arm upwards and leaned against the doorframe, showing off her chosen ensemble. "Don't act like you aren't pleased."

"So... you put on a robe?" Toni cocked an eyebrow as she observed. Cheryl had exactly the same thing on as moments earlier, only now her body was covered by a thin, sheer dressing gown. The pink haired girl recognized it as the one her girlfriend wore the night of the slumber party when they had nearly had their first kiss.

Cheryl huffed, "It seemed stupid to get completely dressed, Toni. Are you going to play along or not?"

Toni laughed in earnest, unable to stop herself. "Babe, stop overthinking. You look great okay? Very very sexy."

The redhead pushed herself off of the wall and began to walk over to her awaiting girlfriend. "You really think so?"

"Is that even a question?"

Cheryl blushed crimson, "I guess not."

"Can I touch you?" Toni looked up at her with doe eyes. When her question was met with a blank stare she elaborated, "You know, when you're d-dancing."

"Oh." Cheryl hadn't considered that. Her mind wandered to what it would be like to have Toni's warm hands caressing her skin... her back, her chest, her thighs.... between her thighs. She had thought about how it would feel countless times in the dead of night as she laid alone in her four poster bed, allowing her own hands to wander while imagining they were Toni's. But now, with Toni sitting before her, she was petrified. "I... I'm not sure I'll be able to... to go through with this if you do."

The shorter girl let out an audible whine. Toni understood, of course Toni understood. They hadn't talked about sex much, but she knew Cheryl was a virgin. She wouldn't push her to do anything she didn't want to, which is why she offered to lie and break Serpent law for her just so she didn't have to go through with this now. Still, she was human, and watching her girlfriend dance provocatively in front of her while not being allowed to touch her was going to be torture.

Cheryl wasn't oblivious to Toni's discomfort. A smile crossed her cherry lips, "This is going to be hard for you isn't it?"

Toni nodded, "So much, babe. You have no idea."

"It's going to be hard for me too, ma chérie," the taller girl confessed, "but if we don't have some boundaries in place I'll never be a Serpent."

"Again... I could always lie," Toni smirked.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, "Absolutely not, Antoinette."

"The full name? Really? That's cold, babe."

"Then maybe I should help heat things up? Since you're so cold," the redhead teased.

Toni swallowed and realized how dry her mouth had become. "I... I thought you were nervous?"

Cheryl was nervous, more nervous than she had been in her entire life. Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest, but she did her best to ignore it. This was a performance. She had performed countless times. She was the head cheerleader, the HBIC of Riverdale High. If anyone could handle this, it was her. "I am. I'm just trying my best not to be."

"Babe, come here," Toni reached out to her girlfriend. Her hand made contact with Cheryl's pale skin at the elbow before sliding down until their fingers intertwined. She pulled Cheryl closer to her. "You have nothing to be nervous about. It's just me."

"There's never been just you , TT. No one has ever seen me like this... and I don't want you to be disappointed," Cheryl confessed.

Toni reached up with her free hand to stroke Cheryl's cheek with her thumb, "Not possible. You are the most breathtaking person I've ever laid eyes on. You, Cheryl Blossom, are sensational."

"You like that word don't you?"

"Only for you," Toni answered before sliding her hand around to the back of her girlfriend's neck to pull her closer until their lips met.

"Mmm," Cheryl moaned into the kiss. She broke away a moment later and let out a shaky breath, "Maybe we should start that no touching rule now."

"Do we have to?" Toni pouted.

"I think that would be best." A glimmer of mischief flashed in her eyes before she leaned over to whisper in Toni's ear, "But that doesn't mean I can't touch you."

A shiver went up Toni's spine, "Cher, you're killin' me."

Cheryl playfully nipped Toni's earlobe, "Then it's probably best we get started."


"Patience, mon trésor." The taller girl reached behind her girlfriend and grabbed her cell phone. Cheryl slid her thumb across the screen to unlock it before opening Spotify. A moment later Aqua's Barbie Girl began playing through the room's Bluetooth speaker.

Toni pursed her lips and furrowed her brow in confusion. "Interesting choice."

"Shh," Cheryl gave her a side eye. "I accidentally hit shuffle on my entire library." She quickly located the correct song and hit play. Beyoncé's voice came through the speaker, a much more appropriate melody than the previous one. "This isn't what I was going to go with, but since it's just us... maybe something a little more intimate?"

I just wanna
Show you how much I appreciate you

"Mmm, much better," Toni sighed.

"No talking," Cheryl scolded.

The shorter girl tilted her head to the side and cocked an eyebrow, "More rules?"


Toni nodded before making a locking motion against her lips.

Wanna show you how much you got your girl feelin' good
Wanna show you how much, how much you're understood
Wanna show you how much, I value what you say
Not only are you loyal, you're patient with me babe

Cheryl took a step back away from her girlfriend. She took a deep breath before running a hand through her copper tresses. It was the moment of truth. The music was playing. Toni was waiting. Now all Cheryl had to do was move.

Her eyes closed, and she began to sway to the beat, hoping her years of cheerleading and dance would take over and guide her movements. For a performer, she felt incredibly out of her element. Slowly, Cheryl opened her eyes and the intense gaze Toni was giving her sparked the confidence she desperately needed.

She reached for the tie of her robe and slowly began to untie it, continuing to move to the rhythm of the song. Cheryl let the fabric drift open. She reached up to her shoulder and teasingly let it fall off before pulling it back in place.

Toni watched with bated breath. Knowing she couldn't touch her girlfriend for the next however many minutes was killing her. And despite knowing exactly what was under that robe, Toni wanted it gone .

Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (ohh ooh ohh ohhh)
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (ohh ooh ohh ohhh)
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body
Boy I like it when you watch me, ah
Tonight it's going down

Cheryl turned her back to Toni. She crossed her arms over her chest and pushed the robe off either side before turning to look at her girlfriend over her shoulder. With her eyes still on Toni, Cheryl dropped her arms and let the robe fall to the ground, pooling around her feet.

She turned around and channeled some of her more seductive cheerleading moves to give her girlfriend a show. Cheryl really didn't know what she was doing, but whatever it was, it seemed to be working. Toni's eyes darkened as she watched, which fueled Cheryl's resolve.

Loving you is really all that's on my mind
And I can't help but to think about it day and night
I wanna make that body rock, sit back and watch

Cheryl got closer to Toni, and rested her hand upon the pinkette's shoulder. She dipped her hips and swayed to the beat. The redhead turned around, wanting to give her girlfriend a proper view of her ass, and bent down and back up painstakingly slow. If anyone claimed inspiration can't come from Elle Woods, they would have been sorely mistaken by the audible moan Cheryl heard from behind her.

It was intoxicating, knowing she had that effect on her girlfriend. She was no stranger to people lusting after her. Cheryl knew she was gorgeous, and often she flaunted it. See through shirts, high cut shorts, stilettos to accentuate her legs. They didn't call her Cheryl Bombshell for nothing.

But with Toni, it was different.

With Toni... it meant something.

If it's real then you know how I feel
Rockin' on you babe
Rockin' rockin' on you babe
Swirlin' on you babe
In my mind all I can think about
Is a frame for our future
And the pictures of the past
And a chance to make this love last

She wasn't ready to say the words, but she felt them. Cheryl had never told anyone she loved them besides her family, and the last time she uttered them it was to Jason, right before saying goodbye for what would be the last time. She had thought she loved Heather, but she never once told her... and what she felt then could not compare to what she felt now. Cheryl hoped Toni knew how much she meant to her.

The girl had saved her in more ways than one... her mind, her heart, her soul, and quite literally her entire self when she burst in to rescue her from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. Maybe it would be weeks or even months before she was ready to admit it out loud, but there was no doubt in her mind, Cheryl was in love with Toni Topaz. It was part of why she chose this song, perhaps the lyrics could convey what she wasn't able to herself just yet.

Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (ohh ooh ohh ohhh)
Tonight I'm gonna dance for you (ohh ooh ohh ohhh)
Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body

Cheryl climbed on Toni's lap. She knew the song was coming to an end, and she wanted this to be a proper lap dance for her girlfriend. She swirled her hips to the song as the lyrics prompted.

I'll be rockin' on my babe rockin' rockin' on my babe
Swirlin' on you babe swirlin' swirlin on you babe
Baby lemme put my body on your body
Promise not to tell nobody 'cause
It's bout to go down

The song came to an end and proceeded to the next, but Cheryl didn't move. She stayed on Toni's lap, her eyes locked on her girlfriend's. "How was that?"

"Wow ," Toni replied, unable to form other words.

"I think that's what you said earlier when I asked how I looked."

The pink haired girl laughed, "It's hard to think with you looking like that, babe. You... are..."

"Sensational?" Cheryl asked teasingly before biting down on her lower lip.

"Yeah, sensational." Toni's eyes drifted to the taller girl's lips. "Can I?"

"Oh! The no touching thing, right. You can kiss me, Toni. Please kiss me," she whispered, unsure why her voice was so soft all of a sudden.

Toni met her eyes once more before leaning in. Her hands flew to Cheryl's face, cradling her cheeks gently as she deepened the kiss. When she felt one of her hands being pulled away, Toni assumed she had overstepped, but quickly learned that wasn't the case.

Cheryl felt brave. She had forced herself out of her comfort zone so much in the last few minutes, but she had zero regrets. Toni had been amazing. She knew how much the girl wanted her, she had been able to feel the energy radiating off her girlfriend for the entire dance. Yet, Toni was patient. She was everything Cheryl could ask for in a partner. So with confidence still reeling within herself, Cheryl pulled Toni's hand away from face and lowered it downwards, ultimately placing it on top of her lace covered breast.

The second Toni's palm made contact, her eyes flew open and she pulled away from Cheryl. She searched her eyes for any sign of hesitation or doubt. Finding none, Toni gently squeezed the flesh in her grasp while lightly massaging with her thumb. "This okay?"

Cheryl nodded and reclaimed Toni's lips with her own. The added sensation of being kissed while feeling Toni at her breast caused a moan to escape from deep within Cheryl's throat.

Toni broke away from the kiss and rested her forehead against her girlfriend's. The two of them sat wordlessly, the only sound filling the room being their panted breaths. "You... m-maybe you should put your... your clothes back on."

"Right," Cheryl nodded in agreement. She couldn't think of anything else to say as she climbed off Toni's lap. She reached down to pick her silk robe off the floor and quickly slid it on. "I... I should g-get dressed."

Sensing her girlfriend's panic, Toni got up and rushed to her before she made it to the closet. "You were... you are amazing. I didn't stop because I-"

"I know," Cheryl stopped her. "Thank you... for being patient with me, TT."

"As long as you need, babygirl," Toni smiled and gave Cheryl a quick peck on the lips. "Now, you focus on getting dressed while I go... um... clean up."

"Clean up?"

"Mmhmm," the shorter girl replied as she avoided Cheryl's eyes before disappearing out the door in the direction of the bathroom.

Realization struck her suddenly, " Oh ." Cheryl laughed for lack of a better reaction, feeling a mix of pride and embarrassment. Her body flushed scarlet as she thought about the effect she had on her girlfriend.

It wasn't easy, but Cheryl did it; she pushed herself beyond her limits and flourished. Not to mention, she managed to turn on her girlfriend, of which the redhead couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Her eyes followed the path Toni walked before noticing her girlfriend's jacket laying on the bed, causing a smile to form on her lips. The hardest part was over, and now she was one step closer to getting her own jacket, one step closer to becoming a Serpent.


The feeling of cool leather being draped over her shoulders pulled Cheryl from her thoughts. A moment later she registered the sound of applause and cheers from the crowd of Serpents before her. She was one of them... again, not that they knew that.

"You did good, kid," FP said from behind her.

Cheryl looked over her shoulder and gave him a tight lipped smile.

"Let's get you off the stage, yeah? Jug can get your clothes."

She nodded, allowing FP to guide her off stage and towards the store room. Jughead suddenly ran into the room, his arms full of Cheryl's discarded clothes.

"Great job. I knew you could do it," he smiled as he handed Cheryl her jeans. "You had nothing to worry about."

Cheryl eagerly took her jeans from the boy and began redressing. "Easy for you to say, it wasn't you doing it."

"Accept the compliment, Cher," he laughed. "At least it's over right?"

She removed her jacket and exchanged it with the shirt in Jughead's hand. The redhead slipped it over here head before reclaiming the red leather in his grasp. Cheryl looked down at the jacket in her hands, the one this whole evening had been for, and felt a rush of emotion take hold. She turned it over, admiring the embroidered snake adorning the back. "Doesn't feel real."

"You earned that," FP commented, not quite understanding where her mind went.

Cheryl had no doubts she earned her place. She deserved to be a Serpent as much as anyone else dawning ceremonial leather on the other side of the door. This time no one could say she only joined for Toni or that she got special treatment. She did this all on her own. It felt good, it felt right, but... it felt... it felt...

Toni should be here for this.

"Hey, Dad," Jughead stepped forward, sensing her distress. "I think we're good here if you want to head back out."

"Sounds good, boy. I'll go order us a celebratory round," FP nodded as he ducked out of the room.

"Cher?" The boy took a step closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You okay?"

"Just thinking... I'm fine." Cheryl reached up and wiped an unshed tear from her eye, not wanting to cry.

Jughead pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded. "She'd be proud of you. I mean... I don't know your Toni, but she'd be crazy not to," he assured. "Ya know, for what it's worth."

"That... that actually means a lot," she smiled. "Thanks, Jug."

"Hey," he pressed. "No being sad, alright? Finished getting dressed; there's a party out there in your honor."

"You're right. Go ahead," Cheryl told him. "I'll be right out."

A few minutes later the redhead found herself in the middle of a crowd of Serpents, each wishing her congratulations in turn. She was once again fully dressed and wearing her new jacket with pride. While she was enjoying the well wishes, Cheryl felt a little uncomfortable dealing with the attention on her own; she was nearly naked in front of these people only moments earlier. She scanned the room looking for Jughead when she heard a voice speak from behind her.

"You looked great up there."

Cheryl turned around to see a girl a few inches taller than herself smiling at her. The girl had caramel skin, dark frizzy hair that fell in curls past her shoulders, and a slightly crooked front tooth that somehow suited her smile perfectly. Her brown eyes were warm and inviting, yet unfamiliar. After spending so much time with the Serpents before her and Toni's exile, Cheryl thought she knew almost everyone who frequented the Wyrm before it was lost to Hiram. "Do I know you?"

"Don't be like that, babe," she cooed. The taller girl reached forward to rest her hand on Cheryl's leather-clad arm before gently rubbing up and down as she continued, "I know things didn't end well between us, but there's no reason to act like you don't know who I am."

"I'm sorry, but I don-"

"Hey, Storm," Jughead interjected, cutting Cheryl off. "Uh, I think Taz was looking for you."

The girl sighed. She looked into Cheryl's eyes as if she was searching for a reason to stay before sighing and pursing her lips. "Right, see you guys later."

When the taller girl was out of earshot, Cheryl leaned over to Jughead, "Who was that?"

"Storm," he answered. "I know you're hurting right now, but do not go down that road."

She turned to fully face him, arms crossed. "I don't know who Storm is, Jug. What road?"

"Oh... right." He reached up to scratch his head through his beanie. "She's your... well... the other you's..."

"Oh my God," dawning appeared on Cheryl's face. "She's my ex?"

Jughead cringed, "Yeah... things didn't end well."

Cheryl turned her head and looked across the room. Her eyes located Storm who was talking with a shorter girl. She bit down on her bottom lip. "Well, I'll give the other me this much... she has good taste."

"No," he scolded.

"My heart belongs to Toni and Toni only . You need not worry," she affirmed. "Just... enjoying the view."

Storm turned her attention from the girl she was speaking with and made eye contact with Cheryl. She smirked when she noticed the redhead's eyes on her and gave a wink before resuming the conversation she was having.

"Ugh," Jughead gagged. "Come on, I need a drink."

"There you two are," FP called out as they approached the bar. "These were starting to get warm." He handed each of them a beer before raising his own, "To Cheryl. Welcome to the Serpents, officially." The three of them clinked the tops of their bottles before taking a drink.

"What the hell guys," Sweet Pea announced himself as he threw his arms around Cheryl and Jughead's shoulders. "You starting toasts without us? Personally, I'm offended. Aren't you, Fogarty?"

"Little bit, yeah," Fangs confirmed.

FP shook his head and stifled a laugh. He raised two fingers in the air and yelled out, "Hog Eye, another two over here."

"Drinking on the King's tab? Oh, I can get used to this," Sweet Pea grinned as he released his arms and hopped onto the stool next to Jughead.

"One beer each, boys," FP stressed. "I ain't made of money."

"Way to build us up just to knock us down," Fangs joked.

Sweet Pea swirled around on his bar stool and rested his elbows on the counter behind him. "Well in that case, what you guys say we get out of here. After this round of course," he quickly added as to not upset FP who had just ordered him a drink.

Hog Eye walked over two cold beers in one hand and a bottle opener in the other. He quickly popped the caps off the glass bottles, the metal tops flinging onto the floor to be swept up later. "I'll add these to your tab," the man said as he made eye contact with FP.

The Serpent King slid them down the bar towards Sweet Pea and Fangs. "So my company isn't worth anything if it doesn't come with free alcohol? You sure know how to wound an old man's ego."

"You're the one who bought the things," Jughead laughed. "What did you think these two were going to do?"

"You know us too well, younger Jones," Sweet Pea tilted his beer towards the boy. "But seriously, what are we doing after this. I'm assuming we will be keeping this party going?"

"We can go back to my place?" Cheryl suggested, unsure why she was inviting the boys back to her trailer. Jughead made sense, but in no version of her life was she close to the other two. Yet, the idea of hanging out as friends seemed oddly appealing to the redhead. "I mean... you have to stop by to get Hot Dog later anyways right?"

"Sounds good to me, Red," Sweet Pea answered. He raised his beer up, "To Cheryl!"

"To Cheryl," the group repeated.

She looked around the small group and smiled. For the first time since waking up those weeks ago on a lumpy twin bed on the Southside, Cheryl felt like she belonged. It wasn't ideal, it wasn't the life she wanted, but now, with the support of those currently surrounding her, she believed she could survive.


"And here I was just heading to the Wyrm," Claude laughed as he observed the group of teenagers noisily make their way into his trailer. "Almost missed ya."

Sweet Pea and Fangs ignored her uncle as they walked fully into the trailer and flopped down on the worn sofa. She rolled her eyes at their rudeness. "Are you heading out?"

"Yeah, told some of the guys I'd swing by," he explained. "Thought you'd still be there celebrating."

"We moved the celebration here," Jughead answered. He turned to Cheryl and held up the case of beer in his hand, "Where you want this?"

"In the fridge is fine. Thanks, Jug."

"Alright, kids, you all be careful," Claude laughed. "That jacket really suits you by the way, Goose."

The boys on the couch turned to each other, smirks across their faces. "Goose?" Sweet Pea asked, turning to look over the back of the sofa.

"Oh God ," Cheryl scoffed, knowing the boy would not let that name go. "Can you both please forget you heard that?"

"Nah," the two answered together.

Fangs grinned widely at her. "Whatsa' matter, Goose? You seem upset."

"I'm going to kill them," she turned to Jughead. "Just let me get my bow, and yeah, I'm going to kill them."

"Bow?" Claude asked, confused.

"My archery set, Uncle Claude," she answered, as if it was obvious.

The man furrowed his brow, "Didn't know you had one of those..."

"Mmhmm." Cheryl pursed her lips and shot daggers at Sweet Pea and Fangs with her eyes. "Don't you think an arrow right between the eyes would be appropriate?"

"Aw, common, Goose," Sweet Pea taunted. "We are just teasing. It's a cute nickname. It really suits you, Goose."

"Alright, boys, lay off her a bit, yeah?" Claude asked, attempting to calm the tension in the room.

"That doesn't seem like something we'd do at all," Sweet Pea laughed.

Fangs elbowed him in the gut before asking, "Can you at least tell us why he's calling you that, Goo- Cheryl ?"

"I... I don't actually know," she realized, turning to her uncle. "Why do you call me that? I don't think you could have picked an uglier bird unless you decided to nickname me after a vulture." As soon as the words left her mouth, her eyes grew wide realizing what she said. Quickly, Cheryl turned to Sweet Pea and Fangs while raising a finger towards them in a scolding manner, "Don't even think about it."

Claude chortled at her response. He reached up and ran his hand through his salt and pepper head, scratching his scalp while reflecting back, "Back when she was a kid, I called her Silly Goose, and ya know... as she got older the silly part didn't seem as appropriate." The man shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention from the boys to his niece, "You may not be silly anymore, but you're still my Goose."

"Precious, just... precious," Sweet Pea said as he sniffled back fake tears.

Fangs joined in the theatrics, "Beautiful. I am so moved."

"Jughead, please get my bow."

"Calm down," Claude laughed as he made his way towards the door. "I meant it though, Cheryl, that jacket looks good on you. Nice to see you bringing some color back into your life."

"Thank you," she smiled, momentarily forgetting the obnoxious boys on the couch. "You'll be seeing a lot more of it."

"Sounds good," he said with a smile. "You kids have fun." Claude cleared his throat and nodded his head once before exiting the trailer, pulling the door closed behind him as he left.

"That color looks great on you, Goose," Sweet Pea reiterated once the elder man had gone. "A red jacket for a redhead. It's very gooselike."

"If you two don't stop, we aren't sharing this with you," Jughead smirked as he pulled a ziplock bag out of his pocket containing several large nuggets of weed.

"Did we say Goose? We meant Cheryl... of course we meant Cheryl," Fangs quickly tried to backtrack. "Right, Sweets?"

"Definitely, Red here, we're tight," the taller boy agreed. "We'd never call her anything to offend her. I... I love this girl. Never said a bad thing about her in my life. I swear to weed."

"I think this should keep them calm for a bit," Jughead whispered as he leaned closer to Cheryl.

She turned her head to him and raised her eyebrows, "Did I make a mistake inviting them here?"

"Nah, they'll be fine once we get them high," the boy laughed.

"Too bad we can't keep them high all the time then," Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"Yeah well," Jughead shrugged. "Hey can you grab your lighter? I'll start packing my bowl."

"Actually," she gave a knowing smile, "wait on that for just a minute. I have something special for the occasion."

"Well you going to do something with that or not, Jones?" Cheryl heard Sweet Pea ask as she walked towards her bedroom. "Are you expecting us to get high by staring at it?"

The door was closed, which confused her for a moment until she turned the knob and discovered why her uncle had shut it in her absence. As the door swung open, a mass of fur jumped into her. "So this is where you've been hiding," Cheryl laughed, greeting the dog. "Guess I forgot you were here for a minute, boy." She scratched behind his ears as he looked up at her, panting. "Can you ever forgive me?"

Hot Dog tilted his head from side to side, as if he was attempting to understand what she was saying to him. "I'll take that as a yes," she smiled. "I think there's some people out there who would love to say hi to you. Go on," she motioned through the door, and the dog took off at a run into the other room, his tail wagging wildly as he went.

"Hey, there's my favorite boy!" Fangs shouted from the other room.

Sweet Pea laughed, "Don't let the guys at school hear you say that or you may lose your shot with the Sheriff's son."

"Bite me, Sweets," he snapped.

The redhead rolled her eyes as she found what she was looking for. A moment later she returned to the living room with a lighter in one hand and an eight inch, red glass bong in the other. "I saw this at the gas station, and I thought what better way to celebrate?"

"Oh, hell yeah, Red," Sweet Pea cheered. "Pack that shit up."

"Please ignore him," Fangs pleaded. "I would actually like to be invited back."

Cheryl laughed as she handed the item to Jughead who excused himself to the kitchen to get it ready. She was grateful for that, having no real idea how to use the thing.

"Grab some drinks while you're in there," Sweet Pea called out.

"Get off your ass, and get them yourself," Cheryl scoffed.

The tallest boy stood up with a huff, "Fine. Guess I have to do everything myself. So much for hospitality."

She took his vacated spot on the couch, pulling her legs beneath her. Her eyes fell to the bright red leather covering her arms and smiled absentmindedly. "Yes, and while you're up please get me one as well. Thank you, Peabrain," Cheryl addressed without even bothering to look up.

"Me too, Sweets," Fangs smiled up at him as he continued scratching Hot Dog's head, who had somehow ended up on the couch between them.

"Unbelievable," Sweet Pea laughed as he made his way into the kitchen.

A few minutes later he and Jughead returned, a prepared bong and four cans of beer between them. "Here," the beanie wearing boy said as he handed, "you should king the bowl."

"I should what now?"

Jughead laughed to himself, "You should do the honors, I mean. Get us going?"

"Right, I... I knew that's what that meant." Cheryl accepted the glass piece and stared at it momentarily in confusion. "Jug, um... can you... explain how..."

"Here," he stopped her, taking it back and kneeling down in front of the redhead.

"Wait, so you bought the thing but don't know how to use it?" Sweet Pea laughed as he plopped down in the unclaimed armchair. He handed Fangs a can before opening his own.

"Hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere," Jughead scolded before turning his attention back to Cheryl. "Put your mouth here then light it like normal. Once this part fills up with smoke, pull out the bowl part. Make sense?"

"Sounds easy enough," she affirmed, taking it back from the boy. Cheryl did as instructed with ease, but the second the smoke filled her lungs she began to cough violently.

"That was a good one," Fangs observed, taking the glass for himself. "You good?"

She nodded as she covered her mouth, desperately trying to regulate her breathing. After only one hit, Cheryl already felt higher than the previous times she had smoked with Jughead. Her eyes were bloodshot and her head felt light. "I'm good."

Jughead handed her a can of beer with a smile. "To a night of firsts, Cher." He tapped his own can against hers before turning around and taking a spot on the floor, his back against the base of the couch.

The group took turns passing the bong around while laughing animatedly. Cheryl was truly having a good time. She couldn't say if it was due to the weed or not, but she was actually enjoying the company.

"Okay, I'm fucking hungry, guys," Fangs said, his head resting on the back of the sofa. "You have anything to eat around here?"

"Oh my God, food yes please," she answered. "I think there's some frozen pizzas in the... the... that door above the refrigerator."

Jughead looked at her incredulously, "You mean the freezer?"

"Yes! That's the one!"

The group burst out laughing at her exclamation. Fangs got up and wordlessly made his way into the kitchen in search of food. Sweet Pea placed the bong on the table next to him and followed Fangs out of the room, his stomach leading the way.

"You know... I have to admit," Cheryl looked down at her friend on the flood. "Sweet Pea and Fangs are actually pretty cool. I almost feel bad about ordering to get them beat up that one time."

Jughead turned around forcefully and gaped at her, "The one time you did what?"

She waved him off, "Oh, they were fine. Barely even any blood."

"I... huh?"

"Hey, Cheryl," Sweet Pea called from the kitchen, "these chips fair game?"

"Whatever you want, Stringbean," Cheryl yelled back.

The boy scoffed, "So, we can't call you Goose, but you can call me random shit? How is that fair? And why doesn't Fangs have a rude nickname?"

"Because he didn't try to have a threesome with my girlfriend," she said under her breath, causing Jughead's eyes to widen.

"What was that?" Sweet Pea asked, not having heard her response.

"Nothing, his name just doesn't inspire any vegetable related humor that's all," Cheryl turned and smiled. "I guess I could call him Tooth Boy, but it just doesn't have a ring to it, ya know?"

"Face it, dude," Fangs laughed, "my name is just cooler than yours."

"Just rude for no reason," Sweet Pea said as he walked back to the living room, his arms full of what junk food he could find. "Goose has no respect for my feelings."

"Goose is going to kick your ass if you keep calling me that," Cheryl fumed. She reached her arm out, motioning at the food in his hands, "Give."

He rolled his eyes and tossed her a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. "Sheesh, you're demanding aren't you, Red?"

"I'm annoyed, and I'm hungry," she shrugged while tearing into the bag. Cheryl tossed a chip to the dog besides her, whose eyes widened as he eagerly ate it, before popping one in her own mouth. "Mmm, c'est tellement délicieux. Pourquoi n'ai-je pas mangé cela toute ma vie?"

Fangs, who was in the middle of opening his own snack, stopped himself and stared at her, "What the hell was that?"

"Cher, you know French?" Jughead asked.

"Oh, est-ce que je parle en français?"

The beanie wearing boy looked around the room, hoping someone could translate, "Huh?"

"Ha, high Cheryl is fun," Sweet Pea laughed. "Anyone have any idea what she's saying?"

"Dude, I'm flunking Spanish," Fangs shrugged.

"Okay, I know you're stoned as hell right now, but we're really going to need you to try to remember English," Jughead prompted.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, "Incroyable. Would it be so difficult for you boys to expand your vocabulaire?"

"And she's back," Jughead exclaimed. "Well, sort of. It's sorta mixed in now, but hey at least we can understand her."

"Vous êtes fatiguant."

"Wait, lost her again," Sweet Pea observed. "So do we just let this run its course or?"

"I said you are all exhausting," Cheryl explained, returning to complete English to her friends' relief.

Fangs shrugged, "Well she isn't wrong."

The timer on the microwave beeped loudly, signalling the pizza was ready. "Thank fuck," Sweet Pea exhaled. "I'm starving, and these Puffs aren't cutting it."

"There's an oven mitt in the drawer à gauche du poêle," Cheryl called after the tall boy as he walked out of the room.

"English!" he yelled back.

She pursed her lips to stifle a laugh. "Left of the stove!"

"Got it," he replied as he pulled it out before opening the oven door. The smell of pizza invaded the small space.

The group ate in silence, each of them too entranced with their food to think about anything else. Cheryl couldn't ever remember enjoying pizza, let alone frozen pizza, so much in her life. But then again, she had never smoked cannabis before eating it either. The cheese was gooey, the crust was crisp, and the seasonings were perfect. She made a mental note to pick up a few more from the market next time she was out, not that she expected to remember her plan once sober.

"So... heard you were talking to Storm tonight," Sweet Pea said, breaking the silence once the last slice had been devoured.

"Wait... huh? This is news why? How did you even hear that?" Cheryl looked to Jughead, assuming the information came from him.

Before Jughead could respond, Sweet Pea answered, "Fangs told me."

She turned to her side to look at Fangs, "And you knew because?"

"Taz," he shrugged.

"So my love life is Serpent gossip?" Cheryl huffed and rolled her eyes before taking a sip from the can in her hand.

Fangs laughed, "D'you forget she's my sister?"

She coughed, nearly choking on her beer. The redhead reached up to wipe her mouth. "You have a sister ?"

Jughead laughed nervously, "She's um forgetful when she's high."

"Heh... right. I... knew that," Cheryl tried to cover. Her mind raced, wondering if this mysterious sibling existed in her reality as well. She knew they had never been close before, so in all likelihood it had just never come up during the handful of times they had hung out. "You just don't... you know," she struggled to find an excuse, "mention her that much?"

"Yeah," Fangs shrugged. "I mean we aren't exactly close." The boy took a drink of his beer before continuing, "She only said something because she saw us all talking at the bar after your... your um... strip thing."

"And thank you for reminding me of that, Fangs," Cheryl rolled her eyes and downed the rest of her beer. "Well, I'm out. Another round?"

As she started to get up, Fangs stopped her. "Hey, I got it. Sweets, come help. I want more food too."

"Oh my God, dude, are you helpless?" Sweet Pea scoffed.

Fangs kicked his friend's boot, "Get off your ass."

The two made their way into the kitchen in search of more food and alcohol. Jughead took the opportunity to move off the floor and onto the couch next to Cheryl. He turned to the redhead and sighed. "Okay... I... since they brought it up-"

"What, Jug?"

"Look, Cher, I know you miss Toni," he said, causing her to frown. "Just... please promise me you're not going to let Storm get to you."

"I don't even know the girl," she reminded him. "There's zero chance of her getting to me."

"Okay... okay good," he smiled and leaned back fully onto the couch. "And hey, if you really just need some companionship, Sweet Pea is single."

Cheryl's jaw dropped and she blinked rapidly in confusion. She sat up and turned her body to face him, "Um... Jug, you do know I'm gay right?"

"Oh thank God," he breathed out. The redhead continued to stare at him, baffled. "I wasn't sure you knew!"

"How could I not know?"

"I don't know," he grimaced. "I wasn't sure how to tell you 'Oh, by the way you're gay here,' ya know?"

"You really have no concept of how sexuality works do you?"

"Um..." Jughead looked around the room, hoping to get off the hook. "So yeah, Fangs has a sister."

"How are we friends again?" Cheryl asked, rolling her eyes.

The boy shrugged, "You'd be lost without me, and you know it."

"Don't remind me," she huffed. "Hand me that thing," she pointed to the bong sitting on the table where Sweet Pea had left it earlier. "I'm not high enough for this."

"Right," he reached over and grabbed it. "Let me pack a fresh one for you."

"While you do that, explain this sister thing?"

"Okay so Fangs and Taz are half siblings. Same dad, different moms," Jughead explained. "Her parents separated for a bit years ago, but he went back to her mom when she found out she was pregnant with Taz."

"And Fangs comes into this?"

"While they were separated their dad got with his mom and voila, baby Fangs."

"Explaining my tragic backstory over here, Jones," Fangs said, announcing his return. "And you stole my spot." He shook his head and laughed as he handed Cheryl a cold can of beer.

"Sorry, man. You want me to move?" Jughead asked.

"Nah, it's good," he answered as he dropped to the floor. "But yeah, as Jughead explained, my dad is married to her mom. I don't really talk to her much except for holidays or apparently if she thinks her best friend is trying to get back together with my friend."

Cheryl couldn't help but smile at hearing Fangs refer to her as his friend, despite the rest of the story being sad. Suddenly Fangs needing to sell Fizzle Rocks to pay for his mom's healthcare made sense to her. His dad wasn't in the picture because he had a whole other family to worry about. "Sorry to hear that, Fangs."

"It is what it is," the boy shrugged. He popped the tab on his can and took a large drink. "Life's a bitch."

"Understatement of the century," she laughed. "To life being a bitch, but having friends to help you deal with it," Cheryl toasted, opening her own can and raising it up. The boys all mirrored the sentiment before taking a drink of their own. "Didn't you say something about food?"

"Just put that other pizza in the oven," Sweet Pea answered.

"Perfect, should be done after we finish smoking this," Jughead noted as he passed the bong to Cheryl, freshly packed.

She accepted it along along with a lighter, but before she lit the bowl, Cheryl looked around the room. "Thank you all for tonight. It was really nice having you boys here to celebrate with me."

"Nah," Fangs shook his head in protest. "Thank you for having us over. It's been a blast. It's... it's been too long."

"I second that," Sweet Pea agreed, tipping his beer towards her. "Now will you stop being sentimental and light that thing?"

Hours later, after the pizza and various bags of chips had been eaten, Cheryl found herself nodding off. The boys were still wide awake, having decided to turn on a movie. They were currently 47 minutes through the DVD copy of Tommy Boy they had found on the bookshelf, and the redhead found it increasingly difficult to keep her eyes open. Somehow she had ended up laying down, her feet draped over Fangs's lap, while Hot Dog had moved to the floor, his head resting on Jughead's thigh as he snoozed.

It reminded her of the days spent at Toni's, when the two of them would fall asleep watching movies in the pinkette's cramped trailer. It reminded her of the nights they spent cuddled next to the fire pit while the boys currently sitting around her drank and traded stories.

Jughead looked over his shoulder to see her eyelids drooping. "You want us to leave, Cher?" he asked.

"No, enjoy the movie," she yawned. "I'm fine."

Cheryl was more than fine, she was comfortable. She was happy. Nothing could replace her girlfriend, but somehow, surrounded by these boys, her fellow Serpents, she didn't feel as empty. She didn't feel wrong. Things felt more right than they had in weeks. It was almost as if her Toni was there with her, watching over her. Maybe, despite not even knowing Toni in this world, these boys were able to give her a tiny piece of her mon trésor back. As Cheryl drifted off to sleep, her mind thought of only one thing, Toni. For the first time in so many nights, she fell asleep with a smile across her lips. Perhaps she could find a place here after all. 


The song Cheryl danced to at the Whyte Wyrm:

Supermassive Black Hole by Muse

The song Cheryl danced to with Toni:
Dance for You by Beyoncé

Song that played after Dance for You ended:
Love Song by Lana Del Rey

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