Since We Were Young {Asta x R...

By angestrashywrites

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{Disclaimer: This is a Fem!Reader}{As the title says, I update quite slowly. Please expect a chapter every 2... More

• Information - Please read before beginning story •
Extra: Where you would appear in the opening (1)
- A/N -
• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Birthday Special •
• Eleven •
• Announcement •
• Quick Thank You •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Thank you !! - 10k Reads! •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
• Twenty Two •
• Twenty Three •
• Twenty Four •

• Three (Part 2) •

4.4K 149 303
By angestrashywrites

Hello hello! Here's the part two of last chapter ~ !
It's gonna be pretty long so bear with me
Happy Friday!
Abbreviations to know:
(Y/N) = Your first name
(L/N) = Your last name

  The first test was broom flying, which was usually pretty easy for everyone. You were all given brooms to use, and you had a limited amount of time to do so. You casually hopped on your broom and floated up like most people were doing. You noticed Yuno fly over to you.

  "You should try standing up. It'll probably give you a better chance of the captains noticing you." Yuno didn't even look at you while he spoke. He just stood with his arms crossed.

  "Eh, I don't have good balance. I'll probably just fall right off. I'd rather look casual sitting then making a fool of myself in front of everyone." You placed your elbows on your legs and rested your chin in your palms, swinging your legs back and forth.

  "Suit yourself." Was all Yuno said before flying back up again. "Tch, showoff". You decided you check on Asta.

  "Hey Asta, how's it-". You turned your broom around to look for Asta when you noticed he was still on the ground death gripping the broom trying to get it to lift off the ground. You floated down to him.

  "Having trouble?" You giggled as you watched him struggle. You weren't being rude, you just liked thinking about how you had a friend who was so different from everyone.

  "Nope. I'm doing just fine." He replied in between grunts.

  "I would let you on my broom, but I'm pretty sure that's against the rules, so I think you're on your own for this one, but you'll nail the next test." You gave him a quick wink.

  "You better not be showing me sympathy, (Y/N), because remember, I'm gonna be the Wizard King one day. Go fly back up to Yuno or something, I don't wanna make your chances of getting in any smaller." He waved his hand in a shoo type movement.

  "If you say so." You did as he suggested.

{Asta's POV}

"Damnit, I probably look like such an idiot right now. I wanted today to be the day where I impress (Y/N) after all the years I've had with no ability at all. Now that I have Anti-Magic, I can at least try something"

{Your POV}

  Even at the end of the first test, Asta wasn't able to get into the air. The next test was magic control, which you were pretty good at. Your grimiore had some more intense spells in it, but you had a spell you didn't need your grimiore for. You walked about 10 feet away from a target, held out your palm, and aimed for the center of the target. Purple and blue orbs shot out of your hand at a normal speed, a pretty average attack you would say. Yuno shot blades of wind out of his hand, while Asta had his hands in a sort of "Kamehameha" position trying to shoot anything out of his hands. You were pretty sure he was holding his breath the whole time because after about 30 seconds, he was hunched over taking in heavy breaths.

  The second test passed with flying colors, and it was time for the last test, the 1v1 duel. You were able to pick a partner. It seemed as Vera already already had someone picked out, so you decided to wait for someone to come to you. A minute or two passed when you heard footsteps approach you from behind.

  "Hello gorgeous, would you do me the honor of being my partner?" A boy who was a few inches taller than you with brown messy hair and golden eyes was the one who had made you suddenly cringe inside. There weren't many people left, so you had really no other choice.

  "Why not? Name's (Y/N)." You gave him a slightly annoyed look.

  "My, what a delightful name. My name is Eito, it is an honor to meet you." You were starting to get annoyed of his attitude. You pinched his ear and brought him down to your level.

  "Listen, pretty boy. Keep talking like that and I'm gonna knee you so hard that you'll cough up an organ, you hear me?" You whisper-yelled into his ear.

  "Yes ma'am." He sweat dropped.

  You walked over to where everyone would be fighting and stood by Asta and Yuno. You watched a bunch of fights go by, some lasting around 30 seconds, while some would go on for nearly 5 minutes. When Yuno's turn finally came, you patted him on the back.

  "Good luck, show off." He looked back and smirked at you before walking to the middle. You and Asta moved up to get a better view. Yuno would be going up against someone who seemed a few years older than you with earth magic.

  "Begin!" Suddenly yelled out someone above you. Without any hesitation, Yuno summoned his grimiore.

  "Wind Creation Magic: Towering Tornado." Is the spell he chanted.

  In seconds, a giant tornado formed in front of him, sending gusts of wind everywhere. Your hair whipped every which way, blocking some of your vision, so you grabbed it and held it back. Yuno's opponent was frozen in fear as the tornado inched closer to him. You heard a few people shouting to him to get out of its way, but there was no way someone would be able to block that unless they had a miracle defensive spell.  Without another word, his opponent was swept up of his feet and into the tornado. You could see flashes of blue and brown from his clothing as he was whipped in circles. You could get nauseous from just watching him, never mind actually being him. A few seconds later, the tornado receded and threw the guy on the ground with a loud thud, knocking him unconscious. The healing mages rushed to him and took him away.

   "Well uh- the winner is Yuno!" The announcer spoke loudly. The arena erupted into applaud and cheering, this included you clapping until your hands were bright red and stinging. When he returned to you, you flashed him a large smile and gave him a high five, thus leading it to Asta's match. I shot him a quick thumbs up and a smile as he ran into the middle. I glances at Yuno who looked totally fine.

  "Aren't you nervous for him? I asked him.

  "Just watch".

  Asta's opponent was a slightly older man with dirty blonde hair and a black headband. He walked right up to Asta and was whispering something to him. Nobody could make out what he said though, so it left you curious. He walked back to the other side of the arena, and with that, the match began.

  "Bronze Creation Magic: Sekke Magnum Cannonball!" He shouted out. A light blue ball began to form around himself, with some parts extended outwards. (I have no idea how to describe his spell, sorry)

  You were waiting to see what Asta would do. A few moments later, he summoned his grimiore. You thought he would maybe shoot something out of his hand, or use creation magic. That was until he pulled out a large grey, rusty sword. You looked at Yuno as a hint saying you needed an explanation, but he just watched smiling. Just as you looked back at the fight, Asta had launched himself at Sekke and cut through his spell like a hot knife through butter. Your eyes widened and you slightly parted your mouth. You thought that your eyes had deceived you for a second, but what you had witnessed was real.

  "Asta.. where did this power come from?"

  Nobody even moved. The match was over in a matter of 10 seconds, including an unconscious Sekke.

  "The winner is Asta!"

  Everyone's functions had finally rebooted, and you heard applauses and some hollering around you. It made you happy that people were cheering for him instead of talking behind his back. When he finally walked over, you were at a loss of words.

"Asta..I..that was." You really couldn't think of any words to describe what just happened, so you went with the first word in mind.

"Amazing". You had a dumbfounded look on your face.

"Oh yeah, I guess you haven't seen me in action yet. It's nothing special really. I'll tell you about it later." He replied scratching his nape and grinning a toothless smile.

There was only a couple matches ahead of you before it was your turn to battle Eito. The first match was between a fire mage and flower mage. Surprisingly, the flower mage won. She used the vines from one of her flowers to restrain the fire mage. The second battle was a water mage versus a wood mage. The wood mage didn't have many offensive spells, so he relied mostly on defense, giving the win to the water mage. As the moments pass, you began to feel a little nauseous, but the encouragement from Asta and Yuno helped a little.

"Do your best, (Y/N)! Asta shot you a thumbs up. Yuno just smiled.

You walked through the crowd to the center of the arena, where you stood face to face with Eito.

"So we meet again, Miss (Y/N)." Eito smirked and gave a little bow.

"Yeah, but hopefully not for long." You glared and crossed your arms, resulting in him sweat dropping. You had planned out a quick strategy while you watched other opponents. As you played it over in your head, you heard the announcer officially start the match.

"Stone Creation Magic: Sturdy Cave." You heard Eito call out his first spell. A cave began to form around him, surrounding him in darkness. You watched as his body disappeared, hiding in the shadows.

"So he's using Sekke's trick, eh?" You we're brought out of your thoughts when a spike of rock came shooting at you, coming from the cave. You were just barely able to leap out of the way.

"Well, I wasn't planning on using this now, but I guess I have no choice." When you landed on the ground, you used it to push off the ground to activate your spell.

"Galaxy Magic: Zero Gravity." A light purple glow emitted from your body as you began to float into the air. You didn't have complete control over where you would go. You would just go up and in the direction you jumped. You heard some "Woah"s from people watching, and it made you feel good that someone was impressed by your magic. You were about 10 feet above Eito's cave, from where he was still shooting rocks at you. He must've thought you were still there. You disabled your spell, sending you hurling towards the ground, but right before you hit the cave, you activated it again for a second so you could slow down, then land on top of the cave. You created a star that glowed pretty brightly, and tried to walk over to the edge without him hearing your footsteps. You got on your knees and leaned over to the edge, throwing the star into the cave. You waited a second before jumping down and could see into the cave, making eye contact with Eito.

"What the-" you cut him off by blasting an orb at him, sending him flying and making him hit the back of his head with a crack. You heard a quiet moan as he slid down the wall, landing on the ground and falling over on his face. As his spell began to disappear, people were able to see the aftermath of the battle, clearing deeming you the victor.

"The winner is (Y/N)!" As people began to cheer, you looked up at the squad captains to see if they were impressed by your performance, but they all seemed like they didn't even watch what happened. They all had a certain look on their face, all except for one.

You walked back over to Asta and Yuno, where they gave you a cheerful welcome back.

"THAT WAS SO COOL (Y/N)! YOU'RE SO STRONG!" Asta yelled at you, so you gave him a high five.

"Hey, nice job shrimp." Yuno grinned at you.

"HEY! Just because I'm shorter than you, that doesn't mean you can call me shrimp. (If you're taller than him (172 cm, or 5'7"), just pretend. I'm just basing this off my own height.) He just shrugged.

{time skip brought to you by a cute Neko}

All of the battles have been completed, and now was the most anxiety building; the part where the captains would actually choose, or not choose, if they wanted you on your team. They would be going in order by number, so it would be a while before your turn would actually come.

  "Number 26, no takers."
  "Number 48, no takers."
  "Number 74, no takers."
  "Number 103, no takers."

  There was way more than that, but you couldn't count them all.

  "Number 164, please step forward."

  You watched as Yuno walked through the crowd to the front, where everyone was watching him. You crossed your fingers and looked up at the captains. It took a few seconds, but all of their hands shot up at once. Your jaw dropped at the scene, and everyone started whispering.

  "Yuno..." you stared at the black haired boy and he just stood there until he reviled his answer.

  "It would be an honor to join the Golden Dawn." He  spoke in a louder than usual voice. The captains lowered their hands and you noticed William, the Golden Dawn captain smirk.

  "Number 164, Yuno, to the Golden Dawn" said the announcer. Yuno walked off to the right, joining a group of people who have also gotten in. You gave him two thumbs up.

  "Number 165, please step forward." You had to admit that you were scared about what you thought you were about to hear. Asta failed 2/3 tests, but you expected at least one captain to raise their hand. You took a deep breath and looked up at the captains. You waited for someone, anybody to raise their hand, but not a single one did. Even after 10 seconds not one person raised their hand.

  "Number 165, no takers."
  You swear you felt your heart explode out of your chest when you heard this. You clasped a hand over your mouth as you felt the heat run up to your face. After all of his training and inspiration, and even getting his first glimpse of his own power after 15 years, nobody wanted him on his team. You really thought for a second that he would take the message and just walk away

But you knew him better than that

  He didn't move a muscle. He stood there and kept staring up. You could hear the annoyance of people behind you, yelling at him to go home and that he was taking up everyone else's time, but he ignored them. He overpowered their own voices with his own.

  "If I'm going to be the Wizard King, then I have to join a squad, right? Well then I'm not leaving. I'M GOING TO BE THE WIZARD KING, AND I'M GOING TO DO WHATEVER IT TAKES!" The red in your face subsided, and you smiled at him. You knew he would bring up the Wizard King sometime soon. A deep purple filled the area, and it came from Yami, the leader of the Black Bulls. He floated down from his seat, even ignoring his assistant. He landed on the ground and walked up to Asta.

  "You've got a lot of nerve, kid. I like you. Come join my squad." Asta went stiff, but so did you.

  "HEY! DID YOU HEAR ME? IF YOU DON'T RESPOND, I'M GONNA TAKE BACK WHAT I JUST SAID." He screamed in his face, which startled you a bit.

  "Yeah I heard you. I accept your offer." Asta finally spoke up. "Who wouldn't want him?" You thought to yourself.

  "Number 165, Asta, to the Black Bulls. Number 166, please step forward." You walked to the front and squeezed your eyes shut, not opening them for a few seconds. When you did, you saw that only one captain had their hand raised. This person was yet again, Yami. You heard people asking things like how a person like you only got one hand raised, and that it was from the Black Bulls captain. You didn't need an answer, but you were given one.

  "We've heard about the (L/N)s, and we don't need one on our squad. She'll only ruin our reputation." The comment came from Nozel, the captain of the Silver Eagles.

  "Yeah, so have I, but I don't care about that. If she isn't wanted in her family, my team will be her family." You mouthed a quick "thank you" to Yami before running to find the nearest bathroom.

  "Number 166, (Y/N), to the Black Bulls."

  You ran as fast as you could, because you could already feel the tears ready to stream down your face. You felt someone try to grab your arm, but without looking up, you yanked it away, just wanting to run. You found a bathroom and slammed the door behind you. You couldn't hold it in anymore, so you let your emotions take over you. Tears streamed down your face like a waterfall, leaving drops on your bare legs to roll down onto the floor. This went on for another minute when you heard a knock on the door.

  "Occu..pied" was all you could manage to sniffle out.

  "(Y/N), open the door." It was a familiar voice. You used your arm to wipe your eyes, then stood up and opened the door. You locked eyes with Asta. You knew your face with red and stained with leftover tears.

  "(Y/-)" he tried to speak, but he stopped when you wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your face into his chest.

  "Why do they think I'm just like the rest of them? Why couldn't they at least give me a chance? My whole life I've been judged because of my family, and I hate it. I just want to get away from them." You muffled into his chest, hoping he could still hear you. You felt him return your hug when he wrapped his arms around your waist as well.

  "You heard what Captain Yami said right? You don't have to think about them anymore. The Black Bulls will be your new family. I've heard the Black Bulls is a team of misfits, so we're all going to have something in common. You don't need to be on some prestigious team, you can start a new life." You looked up at him and smiled even through your leftover tears.

  "Thank you Asta. I only need you guys and Yuuma, and I'm going to make all of you proud. We should probably be getting back though. People are probably wondering where we are." He just nodded. You separated, but walked back with a red flushed faces the whole way.

{time skip because if this story is any longer you guys are gonna fall asleep}

  You and Asta wanted to say goodbye to Yuno before you departed, so you made your way over to him.

  "Hey Yuno. We just came to say goodbye. I wish you luck in your squad." You smiled and bowed to him. He leaned over and bent down to you.

  "Watch over Asta." Was all he said, so you nodded. He walked over to Asta and they fist bumped.

  "Remember Yuno, I'm gonna be the Wizard King."

  "Not if I become it first."

  You and Asta waved to Yuno and headed to where Captain Yami and his assistant was.

  "You guys must be the newbies. My name is Finral Roulacase, nice to meet you." He held out a hand for you to shake. Asta wasn't paying attention, so you introduced him for him.

  "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and that's Asta. Nice to meet you as well." You shook his hand.

  "C'mon, we don't got all day, Finral. Make the portal and let's get out of here." Yami said bluntly. He casually smoked a cigarette impatiently waiting for Finral.

  "Okay okay. One portal coming right up." He created a large light blue portal. "Step right up." You've never seen Spatial magic before, so you found it pretty cool. You stepped through it and was greeted by a huge building built out of stone. Asta, Yami, and Finral walked through before he closed the portal.

  "This is the Black Bulls hideout, and it's where the whole team lives. You're gonna find it pretty interesting around here."

  You imagined stepping through that portal to your home and be given a warm welcome by your family. Your whole life you've wanted to hear three words.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)"

~~~~~END OF CHAPTER~~~~~
Total word count: 3520
Holy this chapter was longer than I expected. If you made it to this point in one go, I applaud you. I'm pretty sure this chapter took me around 4 hours over the span of two days to write, so I'm sorry if it was kinda boring.
Any feed back is helpful, whether it be compliments or criticism. I want to make sure you enjoy the story!

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