The New Girl

By LeeHaa1978

58.9K 1.9K 81

During summer vacation Emma meets the new girl in town, Regina. Both are 18 and going into senior year in hig... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 26

1.1K 43 2
By LeeHaa1978

Friday evening rolled around and I really didn't want to go out with Ruby. Normally I would love to but with everything that happened I just want to be with Regina.  She knew I didn't want to go but she was basically forcing me out of the house. "Emma you will have a good time with Ruby. Go out and have a few drinks and have fun my love. I'll be here when you get back".  She gives me a kiss and it's a kiss that we haven't shared in a few weeks. It was hot and then I definitely didn't want to go out. Regina has had 2 doctors appointments since the miscarriage and her doctor said she has been healing nicely and that it's ok to be intimate as long as we are slow and careful so after that kiss I definitely want to stay home. "Sweetheart let me reschedule with Ruby so we could have our own fun tonight". She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. "Oh my love. There is nothing more that I want than to feel you against me tonight but we've both been cooped up together for a while now. Please go out and have a good night with Ruby. Just don't get to drunk and when you get home maybe we can have a little fun together". She kisses me and then gives me a wink. "Damn it Regina. Now I definitely don't want to leave".  "But you will my love".  We hear the door bell ring. "They are here my love. Let's go greet our guests".  She quickly turns and leaves the bedroom and I can hear her walking downstairs. "Damn it woman". I say in a quiet voice and then laugh to myself. I check myself in the mirror and then I go downstairs. Regina, Ruby and Dorothy are in the living room waiting for me. "Bout time Ems. Let's go get the party started".  "Chill Rubes. Let me say hello first and give a proper goodbye to my fiancé".  "Blah blah blah. Make it quick blondie. We've got drinks to drink".  She says with a laugh and I shake my head. I hug Regina and give her a kiss. "I won't be out late. Love you, see you soon". She kisses me.  "Have a good time my love". We kiss once more and she pushes me away. Ruby and I leave Dorothy and Regina and we head out to the bar. We took my car because I wasn't planning on drinking to much and if I did we can always call a car. We walk into the Rabbit Hole and it's not that busy yet. They have a DJ playing music and it sounds ok so far. Ruby drags me to the bar and orders 2 beers and 4 shots of tequila. "Ruby lets just take this night slow ok?".  "Come on Ems start living again. It's ok". She hugs me then hands me a shot. We clink glasses and then down the shots. "Holy shit Rubes. I forgot how tequila felt going down my throat. Damn".  She laughs at me and picks up the second shot. "Let's go Ems. The night is young". We clink glasses again and do another shot.  "Oh shit. That burns".  "Emma you are way out of practice. I'm almost disappointed in you".  "Shut it Ruby. Let's go find a seat". She laughs and we pick up our beers and we found a table at the corner of the dance floor but also close enough to the bathroom and the bar. Plus I could see the door. Being a cop I like to see what's coming and going. So I sat facing the door. A few hours go by and I'm pretty much buzzed at this point. Ruby and I will definitely call a car to take us home and I did occasionally forget about the door until I saw a scum bag walk in. Yup. Dickhead Robin walked in. Oh shit yeah. Game on bitch. He's mine now. We did get the test results back from Regina's miscarriage and we can't trace anything back to Robin but I know he caused it. Ruby ordered us way to many shots but it's just my ammunition against Robin. Ruby gets up to dance and I stare Robin down. He seems drunk. Good. While Ruby is dancing I walk over to the bar and tap Robin on the shoulder. He turns to look at me. He has the audacity to laugh. "Well if it isn't The Swan. What can I do for you tonight?"  "You roofied my fiancé you prick and killed our baby. So now I'm going to have to hurt you". He laughs at me again. "Oh your delusional Swan. You can't pin anything on me. Even if I did roofie your sweet Regina you could never prove it. It's usually out of someone's system in about 3 days".  Just the look on his smug face pissed me off. So what was I supposed to do but punch him. Hard. So I did. Right across his asshole face. I continued punching him till he hit the floor. He only got one good punch on me and I fell back. He struggled to get up as I also got up. "Let's go fucker. You messed with the wrong bitch this time". No one tried to stop us from fighting and I'll probably lose my job at the Sheriffs department but kicking his ass will be worth it. "So you wanna step outside and handle this or do it here Locksley?"  "Oh please Swan like you have what it takes to take me on". He laughs and I punch him again. I see blood coming from his cheek. "Let's take this outside Swan".  I nod and we walk outside. Ruby runs up to me. "Emma don't do this".   "Ruby go back in side. You don't need to see this". I walk around her and head over to Robin. "We doin' this or what?"  "Oh ya. It's on Swan".  He throws the first punch and misses me, I quickly react a give him a left hook right across the face. She stumbled back and tried to clear his head. He then leaps towards me and tried grabbing me but I trip him and he goes down hard against the pavement. I get on the ground and just start hitting him hard. My fists were hurting but I never stopped. I wanted to beat the crap out of this guy so he felt as bad as Regina and I have felt over the last few weeks. It was almost like I had a blackout because everything was happening so fast. I was being pulled off of Robin and I looked around to see blue and red lights flashing quickly. Shit it's the Sheriffs department and an ambulance. Of course my dad was called in because he's the Sheriff here in town. He looks at me as I'm being restrained by 2 deputies and then looks over at Robin and he shakes his head as he looks at me again. "Emma. What the hell happened?"  "I'm sorry for disappointing you dad but I know he caused Regina's miscarriage. He did roofie her dad and now our baby is dead. I wanted him to hurt and I'm not sorry for it".  I say all that as I start crying. My dad hugs me as I cry into his shoulder. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I know you are both hurting right now but Emma this wasn't the right way to handle it".  "It was his choice dad he wanted to fight". We both look and see Robin on a stretcher and being loaded into an ambulance. "Shit".  "Yeah exactly Emma. Shit. I have to take you into the station for now Emma and get your statement".   "I understand dad. Just don't tell Regina yet".  "No problem sweetie. Let's go". I nod and my dad takes me away. I wasn't being arrested yet so after a deputy took mine and Ruby's statements my dad gave us a ride back to my house. It was a little before midnight so I knew Regina and Dorothy would still be up and I was right. The 3 of us walked into the living room and Regina says. "Why so early darling?"  They both turn to look and Regina jumps up when she sees me. "Emma what the hell happened to you?"  She rushes over to me. "I'm sorry Regina I just lost my cool tonight. Robin showed up and we got into it".   "Oh my love". She looks at my hands and my face. My hands look bad. All cut up and bloody and my left eyes is feeling a little puffy. David came into the kitchen while Regina was cleaning my hands of the blood. Regina was the first to speak. "So David, will Emma be facing any charges against this jerk?"   "We aren't sure yet. We still have to investigate the situation but she may be facing a suspension for public disturbance".  I kinda figured that already. "David is that really necessary giving the circumstances?"  "Regina it's ok. I knew as soon as I saw Robin that I may lose my job over it but it was worth it and I don't feel sorry about it. After what we went through, all the hurt, all the tears I don't feel bad for throwing a few punches. I just hope I haven't disappointed you". I finish my statement to her and look down. She puts her thumb and forefinger to my chin and moves my face up to look at her. "My love I'm definitely not disappointed in you. If this is something you felt you needed to do then I hope you got it out of your system. I just don't like that you got hurt along the way". She leans in to kiss my lips and then put more alcohol on the cotton ball to clean my knuckles. "Ouch. Shit Regina. That fuckin' hurts". I say as I flinched away. Her and my dad laughed at me and she says. "Well maybe next time you won't be so quick to punch someone". My dad laughed some more as I just shook my head. When Regina finished cleaning up my hands my dad said he'd be in touch and left, then Ruby and Dorothy went up to our guest room to sleep for the night. Once everything was cleaned up and shut off, we made sure everything was locked and we headed up to our bedroom. We did our nightly routine and then got in bed together. I was so tired. We shut the lights off and snuggled together. I really needed to know one thing before I'd be able to sleep. So I asked it in a soft tone. "Regina please tell me the truth. Are disappointed in me after what I did tonight?"  Our room is dark but I feel her lift her head off my chest as if to look at me. She gently puts her hand on my face and her thumb strokes my cheek. "Emma, I could never be disappointed in you. I already told you that. We both suffered an awful loss and we both believe that Robin somehow played a roll in that. It's worse that we can't prove it so if this is how you wanted to make him pay then I hope you really made him hurt the way we have. I've loved you from the moment I met you Emma and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you". She kisses my lips. "Oh babe. I love you so much". I kiss her again. "Emma. Do you realize that's the first time you called me babe or baby since the night we lost our child?"   A few tears fall from my eyes and my words come quietly from my mouth. "Yes sweetheart I know. I just didn't want to hurt myself or you with the word baby or even babe. I'm sorry. If you thought I felt differently about you but I never did. It just seemed wrong to use the word baby when we just lost one".  She kisses me again. "It's ok my love I understand". She kisses me once more and says. "So how about we get some sleep now and we can deal with everything later?"   "I'd really like that babe". I kiss her and she puts her head back on my chest and we both end up falling asleep holding each close.

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