Twist of Fate- 5sos Fanfic- C...

Por Unqualifiedauthor

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Hipster. Fangirl. Derper. These are words to describe Raven Taylor. She is an internet kid. A reader of books... Más

Twist of Fate- (5SOS Fanfic)
Chapter 1- Two Years.
Chapter 2- Why You Do This?
Chapter 3- Turbulence
Chapter 4- The Pristine Beaches
Chapter 5- Protecter
Chapter 6- Jacking Off, Mario Kart, and Wraslin'
Chapter 7- Arrival Of The Derpin' Hooligans
Chapter 8- Just an ANNOYANCE
Chapter 9- I AM A PRUNE.
Chapter 10- Playing Nurse
Chapter 11- Dinner and Potter
Chapter 12- Departure Of Derping Hooligans
Chapter 13 - A Stupid 3OH!3 Song
Chapter 14- The Best Way To Piss Off Any Janitor
Chapter 15- Oh SHIT..... Ooopies?
Chapter 16- Waiting
Chapter 17- Fancy Seeing You Here
Chapter 18- My Idea Of A Romantic Gesture
Chapter 19- The Great Reunion
Chapter 20- Mikey Is Queen Elsa
Chapter 21 - So This Is Love
Chapter 22- Fate, Destiny, A Long Ass Time

Chapter 23- Sacrifices

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Por Unqualifiedauthor

        You need to break it off now, Raven. He doesn't understand what this means, you getting your mother to divorce your father. He doesn't get it, it hasn't clicked. If you don't tell him, really bad things will happen when you finally do. He needs as much time to get over you before Jade and dad get married, and suddenly this love is illegal;  I told myself. It keep running through my head and Calum and I drove back home. My mother was following us in her car. Though we may have looked like twins, we certainly had nothing in common when it came to personality and style. My mother looked like the stereotypical lady-like power-mother. Funny how nicely she'd managed to turn around, since she'd supposedly left me for partying.

        Calum looked over at me from time to time. He didn't understand why I was so silent and unhappy. He, of course, saw the marriage as good news. He knew that his mom loved my dad. So why shouldn't be happy? Celebrate?? He thought I was just in shock from seeing my mother again. That was partially true, but I was also internally breaking down. Calum and I would have to break up. I'd have to be his sister. The thought not only scared me, but kind of disturbed me. I wouldn't be able to kiss him, tell him I loved him, cuddle with him, and just.. be with him. But at the same time, I knew that it had to happen that way.

        I just didn't know how to tell him. How do you break the news to someone who you love? I was never good at that kind of thing. Or at anything, really. So I couldn't do it. I tried, but every attempt went something like this:

        "Calum?" I would finally muster the courage to tell him. "Calum. I really think we should talk about this thing."

        "Woah, my favorite song is on!!" Calum reached over to the radio and turned it up, cutting me off. And he would desperately begin a sing-along.

        And it happened three times. Once we desperately had to stop for burgers. The next time he just had to call Jade and tell her where we where. We'd agreed that we weren't going to tell her or dad anything about my mother being back until we were already there. So I gave up. I'd tell him when we got home. I would've noticed that he was acting strange, but I was so wrapped up in my own worries, I didn't ask him what was wrong, or inquire about him at all.


        As we pulled up to the house, followed by my mother, my heart began to pound. I was honestly terrified about how my dad would react. Hopping out of the car, I walked over to my mom's car and tapped on the window. She opened the door and got out. I instructed her on what to do. "Just follow my lead. "

        She nodded, straightening her white blazer. Again, a huge difference between our styles. Today, she was wearing black fitted dress-pants, black pumps, a coral blouse, and a white blazer over it. She looked so official, especially when I was dressed in a white and black checkered flannel shirt, a black band tee, and grey jeans.  Calum stepped around with me, offering his hand, but I refused.

         I took a deep breath, collected myself, and walked to the front door, and hopped up the stairs, opened the door, and walked in. Jade and dad were sitting on the couch, watching TV. They stood and approached Calum and I, smiling and hugging, and asking me questions. That lasted about five seconds, until my mother walked in, an awkward smile on my face.

        Everyone froze. My father cleared his throat, and looked at her. I would never forget the expressions that they exchanged. "Selene." He used the same voice with her as the voice he used with me when I'd done something that pissed him off.

        "Max." I could've sworn I heard her voice tremble, as if she was holding back tears.

        "Selene? This is Selene? What is she doing here?" Jade asked, obviously uncomfortable, and confused. I felt sorry for her, she looked so awkward.

        "I found her in the town near Ashton's.... And she's going to divorce you, dad, so that you can marry the love of your life." I nodded to Jade, brushing my hair out of my face.

        My dad arched his eyebrow, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Really?" He sounded like he was in disbelief.

        "I moved on, just as much as you did." Selene said, with a bitter smile. "I left rashly, and now I'm here to correct the mistakes that I made, and leave again. Don't worry, Max, I'm not here to ruin THIS relationship." She nodded towards Jade, rather dismissively.

        Jade was obviously offended, but she didn't respond.

        "If that is the case, then I suppose we should legalize this."


        In most cases, divorce is very sad. It marks the breakage of a promise made to each other, it marks the end of a love that should've been eternal. But this was different. It was very happy. Because of the cooperation of both parties, it went smoothly. My dad had total custody of me, and my mother was given no rights to anything we owned. So the whole thing lasted about two weeks. The whole time, Calum and I were both sort of mutually avoiding each other. We both pretended to be super busy all the time. Communication was at zero percent.

        During the two weeks, my mother was staying at a hotel. I got my dad to agree to drive me to her hotel, so I could say one final goodbye to her. I just wanted closure, the closure that I never got as a child.

        She met me in the lobby. She was carrying her suitcase, and she looked ready to take on the entire world. So pretty much the opposite of me. We didn't have much time, because she had to catch her flight, but we had a little time to talk.

        "So... Mom." It was hard to say. "No. Who am I kidding? Selene. What's next?"

        A small smile pulled at the corners of her lips. "I'm pretty sure that I don't have to tell you that. Let's just say I won't be anywhere near here for a very long time." She tapped her perfectly manicured nails on her lap.

        I laughed. "Very well." I paused, then asked something else. "Just one question, that I think you owe me the answer to. Why...Why did you divorce dad so easily? How were you not fazed at all?"

        She looked down. "It wasn't easy. I.. I still love your dad, I could tell that from the second I saw him again. But I ruined both of your happiness.. I ruined it before, and I needed to do what I could to restore it. If that means some sacrifices, then I'll do it. Sometimes, when you love someone, you have to think of them before yourself."

        I paused. She loved my dad and I. I wanted so much to forgive her, to be able to love her. But, I just could not forgive or forget the hurt and pain she'd put me through. But hearing her say that, it resonated with me, and I knew exactly what I had to do. For me. For him.

        So I said goodbye and left. I could lie and say I felt nothing, but I did feel something. It was hard to explain. My dad drove me home, and I quickly ran back through our house, and into Calum's room, where he was sitting on his computer. I slammed the door behind me, and stared at him.

        He looked up at me, startled. "Rave."

        "Calum, we have to talk." I felt the tears coming on already, so I just pushed them back. "About us. Now."

        "I agree." He set his laptop aside, and patted the bed next to him.

        I walked over and sat down, looking at him. I couldn't do it. I couldn't look at his dark hair, and his beautiful eyes, and stunning face and end it.  We could make it work. I opened my mouth to talk, but started first.

        "Rave. I love you so much, when I think of you, my heart beats so fast I think I'm having a heart attack. But... This relationship... Our parents are getting married. It's illegal, and it would never work. We can't.. We don't have the right to jeopardize our parent's relationship, so ours can work."

        I felt like you feel when your favorite character dies on a TV show. Sadness, but mostly numbness and disbelief. How could that happen? It didn't. It just didn't. "What?" He was voicing EXACTLY what I wanted, but for some reason, it hurt almost as much as when my mother left for the first time.

        "Raven. Please. This is hard for both us, but it will be so much better this way." He drew me in for a hug, but I resisted, pushing him away.

        "You said you loved me. You... You said you would do anything for me." I backed away, my face turning red, and blush rushing in my ears.

        "I would. I would go to the ends of the earth to make you happy, Raven, but it just can't happen. I'm not saying this because I'm a selfish asshole. The opposite, actually." He looked at me pleadingly, as if all he wanted was for me to understand.

       I started crying, very abruptly. I didn't expect it, but I didn't try to stop it. Calum looked very uncomfortable. "Raven. Come on." He stood, and walked over to me, where I'd backed into a corner. He put his arms around me in comforting hug. "Don't cry."

        I couldn't help it, I didn't even resist his embrace. I just cried, clamping my hands over my mouth, muffling the sounds. After several minutes, my tears died down. "Calum.. I agree. It would be hard. But we can make this work.." I was clinging onto the idea that it could all be okay. But in my heart, my broken, shattered heart, I knew it was over.

        "Raven. If there was anything.. I would take that chance. But it is CRAZY to think that we could make this work."

        I bit my lip, and nodded. I wouldn't cry in front of him again. I gathered whatever strength I had, and stood tall. "You are absolutely right. It's over. We'll get over each other, we'll be just fine."

        "Baby, you don't need to be fine." He looked at me, eyes full of concern and worry.

        "I am fine. I'm just emotional today, with my mom leaving, and its just.. Ugh. I'm fine. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I gave Calum a final kiss, and walked out his room, and into my sanctuary. As soon as my door was closed and locked, I collapsed into my bed. The tears came quickly.

        I lay there for what seemed like forever. I'd done the right things, for the first time in my life. I'd done the right things, at the right time, and I'd wound up making everyone except me happy. I had been happy, for just over three months. It seemed unfair. I'd worked hard my whole life, and I was given three and a half damn months of happiness. Three and half. That was it. Stop being such a drama queen. I chided myself. You have the rest of your life in front of you. Places to go, things to do, and eventually, someone to fall in love with again.


And fin. It is over. Hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading all of it, means so much.


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