Curse of the Cat (A Miraculou...

By JoshSoh

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The Miracharm Series-Book 1 More

Prologue: The Curse
1. Le Chat Noir (The Black Cat)
2. It's Ladybug
3. Le Chatte Noire
4. Master Fu
5. Too Cool For School
6. Smoke
Oops! Theme song break!
7. Pound it!
8. Queen Wasp, King Hornet...
9. Two Choices. YES Or YES. (Part 1)
10. It's a YES! (Part 2)
11. Girl. Friend. GIRLFRIEND!!! (Part 3)
14. What's the 4th Wall?
15. Telephortation
16. Female Dog? I See Not.
17. Miraculous Purr-thday!
18. Princess Justice
19. Congratulations, B**** Lasagna
20. Cat Blanc
21. Knight in White (21-25 Oct)
22. State of Arizona (28 Oct-1 Nov)
23. Miss Fortune (4- 8 Nov)
24. Recovery (11-15 Nov)
25. Venom Date (18-22 Nov)
26. Hyperactive (25-29 Nov)
27. Male-dick-tator (9-13 Dec)
28. Mirac SuperParty (16-20 Dec)
29. Santa Claws (23-27 Dec)
30. That's When I Become... (30 Dec-3 Jan)
31. Beauty and the Beast (6-10 Jan)
32. Villains' Day (13-17 Jan)
Epilogue: I'm Sorry (13-17 Jan)

13. Da 4th Wall Breaker

54 2 0
By JoshSoh


"Silencer, it's me, Hawkmoth. Once again, I will be granting you the power to take away people's voic-"

"OKAY, OKAY! LET'S GO!" Luka shouted impatiently.

In an explosion of bubbles, Silencer was where Luka used to be.

"Now, Silencer," Hawkmoth continued, "I have upgraded your powers. Now, you can choose which words to silence and who to silence wherever he or she is."

"Ladybug, Cat Noir, wherever you are, now I'm taking your transforme-moi!"

"Along with their 'spots on' and 'claws out', s'il vous plait."

(le time skip to a while later)

"Adrien, quick! We have to transform! Tikki, spots-blech!"

Mari immediately spat out some bubbles, which floated into the air, just like what would happen to a kwami if he said his-never mind, you can ask the characters later.

" there a kwami in your throat?"

"No! I just can't say 'spots-' blech!"

"Plagg, claws-blech!"

"What about transforme-blech!"

"Let me try. Transforme-blech!"

"Not working," Mari muttered, moments before a light bulb went on in her head.

"I've got it! 蒂琪(di4 qi2-Tikki),就位!"

"Nice idea! 普莱格(pu3 lai2 ge2-Plagg),举起抓来!"

Soon, the two heroes were off.

"How did you-" Silencer got cut off as quickly as he started.

"Let's just say," Rena said, hopping (or pouncing-pun completely intended) right beside the two, "they've got some Trixx up their sleeve."

(Trixx: For the last time, Alya, my name is NOT to be used as a pun!)

"Don't worry, your superpowers are gone too," Silencer smirked as the others joined them on the Eiffel Tower.

"Really? Lucky-blech! Oh, you were righ-OW!" Ladybug shouted as the yo-yo hit her head once more. Really, it was her choice to replay the Lucky Charm: Epic Fail.

(Note: Second video, 9:56.)






"No worries," Cat Noir began, "Just fight. We can settle the superpowers later. 猫爪行天下!"

"召唤幸运力量!" (Lucky charm-direct translation is "Calling on the power of luck" or something like that...)

Meanwhile, Rena played her flute, spun it around and bonked the illusion square on his head.


"You know, I think 'Me-owch' sounds better..."

"Not the time, kitty."



The heroes turned to see Bunnix and King Monkey...switched?



(Note: Watch 12:57.)

"Maybe I could imitate your voice! LuCkY cHaRm! LuCkY cHaRm! LuCkY cHaRm! LuCkY cHaRm!"

Ladybug shook the thing in her hand. 

"Yeah, okay, I'll chat up now." Cat Noir turned around to see everyone jumping into the burrow that...umm...the new Bunnix had just made.











"Watch and learn, bugaboy."




The akuma flew out as expected. "You do the honours, Buggy."

*another eye-roll*

"Playtime's over, little akuma," Mister Bug smirked. "Time to de-evilise!"

"Gotcha. Bye-bye, little butterfly." Setting the butterfly free, he threw the lucky charm into the air. "Miraculous Mister Bug!"

"POUND IT!" Everyone fist-bumped before heading back to the Eiffel Tower.

So...too short, right? Don't worry, there's a second villain.

BUT(T), we have the fourth wall breaker first. He is none other than...

After school...

(Note: This is NOT the answer)

Mari and Adrien were hanging out on her balcony, ten minutes before his photoshoot. Suddenly, a blue portal appeared out of nowhere.

"Wot?" Adrien wot-ted, making Mari giggle like...umm...Mari.

A Chinese boy who was about 11 or 12 years old jumped out. 

"Oh, hello, Adrienette."

"Who are you?" Adrien asked suspiciously, although there really was nothing to be suspicious about. 

"Call me Josh."


"Oh, erm, hi," Mari responded, "but why are you here?"

"Umm...I'm the autho- I mean...umm...all will become clear later."

"'re Chinese?"


"Where are you from?"

"Singapore. Like hey, only Singaporeans talk like this what..."

(Author/Josh: Sorry, I just HAD to put some Singlish in...)

"And 76.2% of our population is Chinese. You two really should come and visit! Actually, you will soon..."


"In Book 3."

"What's Book 3?"

"It's a secret..."

And with that, Josh mysteriously disappeared into thin air, leaving a note behind. Picking it up, Adrien smiled. "At least he gave us a heads-up."


Oni-Chan can attack anytime because she's jealous! Round up all the superheroes except King Monkey because you don't know who he is at 3pm. Don't worry, Adrien, there'll be a distraction so it won't be your fault you miss the photoshoot!



(Josh: I actually did leave hints of my name, and I just gave you a very big hint to what it is, so...I'll be using "Josh" instead of "Author" from now on.)

"I'll see you soon, kitty!" Mari kissed him once again as he jumped off the roof.

(Alya: He jumped off the roof again?)

(Josh: Seriously...)

Back in Singapore, Josh had just finished typing "(Josh: Seriously...)".

"Now, time for a well-deserved eye break."

(le time skip to 3pm and in Paris)

"Beep." Ladybug's phone beeped.

Mirac Supers

Hey guys!

Oh hey Pegasus!

I managed to make an app where u can access the superhero group chat as a civillian...basically send this link to your civilian phone no.

Woah cool!

Just glad our weapons have the chat function.

CHAT function?

Seriously, kitty?

Why not?

Kitty: "I managed to make an app..."
That's great!

Oh, right! We have to meet you on the Eiffel now, right?

Didn't know that...

Shelly: Oh, right! We have...
How do you know?

 Pegasus: Didn't know that...
Sry, couldn't tell 'cause I don't know who u are. 

Queen B
You: How do you know?
Let's just say Cat Noir told most of us.

*winks at bugaboo*


Yeah, he kinda visited me...I would have told King Monkey, but IDK who he is...

So, I think-oh never mind, just look behind u, Ladybug.

Ladybug turned around to see the whole gang (except for King Monkey and Ryuko) standing there.

"Okay, guys," Ladybug began, "I'll explain later on the chat group, but Oni-Chan is gonna attack anytime soon!"

"We can do this without King Monkey or Ryuko, right?" Viperion questioned.

"Well, it depends on how much her powers have increased. Kitty and I managed to beat her alone the first time."

"Thing is, Ryuko won't be here because...well...I can't tell you."



"Apparently, Adrien Agreste, the love of my life, has gotten a girlfriend. But before I settle things with him and that Marinette girl, I'll get rid of you people first!"

"Oni-Chan, believe me, for every one of us you kill, there's a 1 in 8 chance that Adrien is dead!" Cat Noir exclaimed.

"Are you just asking me to spare your souls through trickery?"


"Oh, okay. I...DON'T BELIEVE YOU!"

Playing her flute, Rena hurled her illusion far away.

"What is that?" Bunnix asked.

"You'll see," Rena answered as she charged into battle.

"Lucky charm!"


"Wow!" Ladybug opened the door. "A cardboard cubby house!"

"There's the thingy there we can use to lock the door."

"But there's no lock..."

Looking around, Pegasus and Bunnix lit up, as well as Rena's illusion.

"I've got it! Bunnix, Pegasus, I need a burrow-portal  right here!"


(le flashback)

"Here's one fact, Mari," Master Fu began, "When Bunnix's and Pegasus's powers are combined, they can connect two alternate universes, like the two sides of a fourth wall!"

(le end of le flashback)

"Viperion, start your second chance now!"

"Second chance!"

"Ladybug! Catch!" Josh shouted from the other side, tossing in a lock and a key.

"Thanks, Josh!" Ladybug shouted, grabbing both of them.

Oni-Chan was at the entrance of the cubby house, the door open.

Suddenly, Rena's illusion came flying in their direction.

"Let's just say it flew around the world and back."

As soon as it hit Kagami's face, she fell down into the cubby house. Viperion quickly kicked her in and locked the door, but she easily got out. 

"Viperion! Second chance for a bunch of pillows!" Ladybug shouted.

"Second chance!"

(back to then-changed details in bold)

"Ladybug! Catch!" Josh shouted from the other side, tossing in a lock, a key and a bunch of pillows.

"Thanks, Josh!" Ladybug shouted, grabbing all of them.

Woah, Viperion thought, whoever that guy is, he sure can read minds.

(Josh: *sniggers*)

Oni-Chan was at the entrance of the cubby house, the door open.

Suddenly, Rena's illusion came flying in their direction.

"Let's just say it flew around the world and back."

As soon as it hit Kagami's face, she fell down into the cubby house. Viperion quickly kicked her in, locked the door and put the pillows on top. Oni-Chan still managed to slice through, but the pillows got sliced too and gave her a good headache trying to clear up the mess. When she finished clearing up the mess, the illusion started playing. It was more of a video than an illusion actually, but still.

"That's...when Adrien and I first met...and when he gave me that rose..."

Cat Noir was pretty happy with having Ladybug for his girlfriend, but he began to feel a bit sad for Oni-Chan...

"And we went to the ice rink..."


"Cat Noir," Ladybug whispered, "use your cataclysm, find the rose and break it."

"Cataclysm!" Cat Noir shouted in response.


Oni-Chan's rose fell out and she struggled to get it back, debris blocking her view.

(Fun fact #1: "debris" was borrowed from the French word "débris"!)

Cat Noir tore the rose apart, then pulled Kagami out of the mess.

"Can I steal your line?" Ladybug ruffled his hair tenderly.


"That means yes. Playtime's over, little akuma," she said, opening-ish her yo-yo, "Time to de-evilise! Gotcha! Miraculous Ladybug!"

"Pound it!"

(le time skip to when Mari gets back home)

"So, Mari, as I was saying, I am from another universe. Basically, you all are a TV show and your world has many versions. This version does not vary much from the original, but the plot may be a little different. From my perspective, you all are just an ongoing work of fanfiction, which is currently only in the first book. Basically, every event from when I got Animal Changer akumatised for the first time, to turn Adrien into a-" Josh got cut off by Mari, who thankfully understood everything.

"Black cat!" Mari exclaimed.

"Right. So when you had to fight Queen Animal Changer, that was the second time she had the Animal Changer-style akumatisation. Tell all this to your superhero buddies. I'll tell King Monkey for ya." Josh passed her a note with everything on it. 

After reading the note, Mari realised there was a P.S. on there, too.


Here's a warning: One of you superheroes could turn into an animal hybrid.

Hey peeps! Waiting for Ladybug (ya know, the one where she got akumatised) to show tomorrow at 1:30am SG time...


Thanks for reading my longest chapter ever (forget i said that in the previous one, this is waaaaay longer),


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