Adopted by the Jonas Family

By justsochelsea

58.8K 909 77

Hi my name is Melissa Paula Sorrento-Jonas, and Im the sister of the Jonas Brothers. How is that possible whe... More

Update! When was Melissa's born? {Not A Chapter}
Chapter 1: Frankie leaves for College
Chapter 2: Caught In A Lie
Chapter 3: Melissa's Back Story
Chapter 4: Meeting Nick's girlfriend
Chapter 6: Mel gets her piercing
Chapter 7: The Internet
Chapter 8: Trust
Chapter 9: The Grandparents that came for dinner
Chapter 10: Winter Break
Chapter 11: True Colors
Chapter 12: Valentine's Day
Chapter 13: Boy Trouble
Chapter 14: Rumors
Chapter 15: Flashback | Melissa's First Punishment
Chapter 16: Messing With the Wrong Crowd
Chapter 17: Where's Dylan?
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: Trouble Kid
Chapter 20: 4th of July
Chapter 21: Flashback to Pool Party
Chapter 22: Tough Love
Chapter 23: Flash Back to Sleepover
Chapter 24: Frankie gets cut off
Chapter 25: Frankie Comes Home!
Chapter 26: It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To
Chapter 27: Not so great Halloween
Chapter 28: Oh Brothers!
Chapter 29: Trouble with Gia
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Reality TV Show
Chapter 32: Melissa's Big Break!
Chapter 33: Shooting Stars
Chapter 34: Memorial Service
Chapter 35: Melissa's Struggles
Chapter 36: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
Chapter 37: Take a Breath...
Chapter 38: Never Had I Ever...
Chapter 39: Melissa's First Club
Chapter 40: Friends with Benefits
Chapter 41: Happiness Begins...
Chapter 42: Melissa's Quince *Final*
Author Note
New Book Update

Chapter 5: Dad and Daughter Weekend

2K 31 5
By justsochelsea

⚠️ Warning: Spanking in this chapter! If you don't like spanking please do not read or just skip over it. ⚠️

The warning is literary up there for people that skipped over this.

Chapter 5: Dad and Daughter Weekend

Melissa's POV
Mom's away finally! Leaving me with just my dad, boo! I mean I love my dad but ever since he brought back spanking, things have been a lot harder to get around him. So I tried my best to be his good little girl while mom was away, things will definitely be different now that mom is out of town this weekend hanging out with her college girlfriends.

So far dad let me do whatever I want now that mom isn't controlling my diet. I can eat whatever I want, stay up whenever. But I never tried staying out past curfew. My friends and I wanted to catch a movie tonight at the mall, but I wasn't sure if dad was gonna let me.

I saw dad watching sports network and went over to him and sat down and said.

Melissa: hi daddy
Dad: hi pumpkin, how's my little girl *gives side hug*
Melissa: ohhh nothing. I'm guessing it's football season?
Dad: right again my girl, what do you want?
Melissa: what makes you think I want something

Dad gives me look and I sigh, I hate that he knows me so well.

Melissa: okay, my friend and I want to go see the new Spiderman movie, but it doesn't come out until midnight
Dad: midnight?! Are you crazy?! Do you really think I'm gonna let my girl out past curfew
Melissa: but dad-
Dad: no Mel, I have been letting things slide lately since your mother left town, but this one I'm drawing down the line
Melissa: but that's no fair!
Dad: do you know the dangers of being out that late?
Melissa: no... but I promise I will be home right after the movie. You can text me
Dad: if you want to see the movie so badly, why not wait until tomorrow
Melissa: because dad, everyone I know will have seen it already. Please....
Dad: no, N-O. That's spells NO end of discussion
Melissa: but-
Dad: interrupt me about this again while I'm watching the game, and you will be on permanent lockdown with a spanking coming your way, understand me?
Melissa: *sighs* yes sir
Dad: good, now go get your old man a beer and watch the game with me
Melissa: no thanks, I rather complain to my friends about how unfair my father is being

I said leaving the room, he shrugs and I sigh and headed up the stairs and Skype call my friends.

Melissa: new plan, dad said no. Time to sneak out of the house

I told my friends the plan and they agreed with it and we all went along with it, hopefully I was gonna get away with this...


Dad pointed into the house and I bite my lip and followed his finger before he swatted my butt hard. I quickly hurried over to the couch to sit down.

Dad: unbelievable, after I told you no about going out, you went behind my back  and went anyways!
Melissa: at least I called you when I was in trouble...
Dad: *glares* that is not the point young lady. The point is you went against my orders and broke curfew
Melissa: I'm sorry dad
Dad: oh yeah well I'm sorry too. Go to the bedroom, you're on lockdown until further-noticed, hand over the phone
Melissa: no daddy! Not my baby!
Dad: hand. it. over. Melissa
Melissa: dad...
Dad: Melissa Paula Sorrento-Jonas!

When dad says full name he means business. When he started counting I flew up the stairs after giving him my phone.

I pulled my knees close to my body, while waiting for more of my punishment I know was coming for me. There's no way I'm just gonna get away with just lockdown, I know dad is planning on something too. I remember when Frankie snuck out, I heard loud smacks coming from his room. Do you think he will spank me too? After all he did bring back spanking because I screwed up like always. Plus the paddle was still hook up in the room when he used it on me last time for skipping school. I got up and grabbed the mini paddle.

I whacked the paddle back and forth trying to think of a plan... if I hide it, daddy won't use it on me and then he will just have to use only his hands. Genius!

I hid the paddle when I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs again and quickly hid the paddle under the mattress as soon as my father stepped into the room.

Dad: what are you doing?
Melissa: *turns around* uh... nothing, just fixing the beddings sir *plays around with the sheet*
Dad: hmm... anyways, let's get this over with kiddo
Melissa: get what over with?
Dad: the spanking, for missing curfew and disobeying me after I said no
Melissa: I didn't disobey you?
Dad: wanna count lying as well? I thought we talked about that
Melissa: sorry daddy

Dad went to go retrieve the small paddle that was on the hook, but when he did it felt it missing and he looked confused.

Dad: I could have sworn I hook the paddle up in this room the other day
Melissa: *shrugs shoulder* maybe you forgot? You know you can just use your hands instead
Dad: nah, I got a better idea

Dad undoes his belt and my eyes went wide.

Melissa: daddy nnnnoooo!
Dad: yes Melissa, now drop your pants
Melissa: daddy!
Dad: if I have to come over their and do it myself, you will be a sorry little girl.

I pouted and dropped my pants to my ankles. Dad pulled me over his lap
and started with his hands first. I cried out with each swat with his hand hitting each of my butt cheek. I tried my best to keep my legs up but anytime I tried to put it down, dad would just swat the back of my thigh.

Dad: little girl if you put your leg up one more time your under wear is going down

I squirm I really didn't want a bare bottom spanking right now. I could tell my bottom was already turn red because my bottom was burning. I was light skin then most dark skin girls, so you can much easily see the redness on my bottom. I won't be able sit down for weeks. Plus with the belt coming even worsez

Dad: get up and get over the bed, it's time fort the belt
Melissa: dadddddyyyy
Dad: Melissa... don't make me tell you more than once

Melissa pouts and got ready to bed over. Dad picked up his belt from the bed and I winced when he patted it against my butt and said.

Dad: spread your legs apart and count these out for me, this will be quick motion. You miss count we will start over understand me?
Melissa: *gulps* yes sir

I gasp so loudly when dad brought the belt down on me and tears started forming my eyes. I started breathing heavily as I counted the licks with the belt for him, probably so he doesn't lose count because he brought the belt down hard on each butt cheek in fast motion.

We had to start over a couple of times because I forgot what number we were on, this was the longest spanking I had in a while. I wished I never disobey my dad and snuck out past curfew. I will never want to experience this spanking ever again.

After my dad and I hugged it out, he told me what I did tonight was dangerous stupid, and I could have gotten hurt. He explain why it was dangerous to be out so late, and I felt bad for scaring him because I didn't know that. He cares about me so much and was afraid of losing me if anything happened to me and he didn't know where I was. I completely understand why he had to punished me. I was told to spend the rest of the weekend on lockdown until mom got back home.


Denise came back home on Sunday, and Melissa was super happy to be out of hell whole, she never felt so happy to see daylight again. Her mother told her she was just over reacting, but she told her mom it was the worst punishment she ever been on.

Monday rolled around and it was time to go back to school. Melissa and Paul were was eating breakfast that Denise made them and Melissa said.

Melissa: yum the breakfast is delicious mom, I miss your cooking
Mom: you're welcome sweetie pie. I'm guessing your father didn't do a lot of cooking huh?
Melissa: not really, I'm glad you got a lot of girl time with your friends. But I miss having you here
Mom: thank you sweetie, and yes you're still washing the dishes after breakfast
Melissa: dang it
Mom. I'm gonna change the sheets in the guest room, it's been a while since I've wash them
Melissa: wait mom!
Mom: yes?

I look at mom, then dad who were both looking at me waiting for me to speak and I said.

Melissa: never mind

I said avoiding not telling her about the paddle underneath the mattress, I forgot to put back the other day.

Few minutes later I was washing the dishes, when mom came back in holding the paddle and I froze and dad said.

Dad: hey, where did you find that?
Mom: I found it under the mattress in the guest room

I froze and face back washing the dishes knowing they're eyeing me and dad whorled me around and I gasped and he said.

Dad: did you hid the paddle underneath the mattress to avoid the spanking you were gonna get from it
Melissa: *gulps* yes sir, but you gave me the belt instead, isn't that enough?
Dad: nope

Before I knew it dad bend over the kitchen sink and pulled down my pants and panties.

Melissa: daddy no!!!
Dad: yes! *spanking her* You know better not to hide daddy's implement, remember when you did that to the hairbrush when you were little kid?
Melissa: yes daddy! *squeals*

Dad stopped the hand spanking, and I went to pull my pajama pants and panties back up but dad stopped me.

Dad: I don't think so little girl, you need the paddle that you were supposed to get the other day
Melissa: but daddy I learned my lesson!
Dad: you didn't learn your lesson about hiding things from me. You know hiding counts as lying too. Denise hand over the paddle
Melissa: mom don't!

Dad patted the paddle against my bum and said.

Dad: what was that?
Melissa: *sighs* n-nothing sir...
Dad: that's what I thought

I jump when the first swat with the paddle fell on my backside and it continued to fall on each of my butt cheek 20 more times before he dropped the paddle. I sigh and rubbed my butt when it was over and he pulled my pants and underwear back into place.

I flinch when the swat with his hand came down on my butt the spanking from two days ago still hurts and what's worst more swats was added on too it because of my stupidness.

I'm gonna be so embarrassed in school today when student in my morning class sees me struggling to sit, because I was still being the only girl in class who still gets a spanking by her daddy. Which is probably not true, because mom and dad put me in a corporal punishment school. If we screwed up, the principal was allowed to paddle us. The only time I was sent down to the principal office was for skipping school and that was it. Dad got my attention with his swat and said.

Dad: young lady are you listening?
Melissa: huh what?
Dad: do I have to give you another refresher?
Melissa: *shakes head* no sir
Dad: get back to those dishes, then go get ready for school
Melissa: yes daddy

He gave me a hug and I hug him back and apologize before finishing the dishes and heading upstairs to put on my school uniform.

Chapter End Notes:
This is all the chapters I have written down so far, more to come later this week! I really love writing this story.

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