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S.coups, Wonwoo, Mingyu and Vernon are Pledis High School's badboy.They always played with girl heart also kn... More

chapter 20


2.9K 79 8

3rd Person POV
Yeon Mi wait for Scoups in front the mall. "Is he really gonna show up?" she ask herself. A hand suddenly touch her shoulder from back. She was shook. "You really get shock easily." he said. "Sunbaenim, you really like to scare people." Yeon Mi said amd naturally pout. Scoups just smile, little did her know, scoups was disgust by her pout.

"Let's find a dress and a suit for our prom." Scoups said and walk ahead. "Ok." Yeon Mi follow him from behind. Yeon Mi until now can't stop thinking why Scoups
kind of close with her these day.

"Oi, Jang Yeon Mi?" a voice snap her thought away. "Ah, sorry." she said. "What are you thinking about?" he ask. "Nothing, I'm just curious about the prom. I never been at one." Yeon Mi lied. "Your old school don't have prom?" he ask. "Erm, we only have a formal annual party. It is include our parents." Yeon Mi said. "Really, then it will be your first and worst prom." he said but Yeon Mi can't hear the last part.

"What?" she ask. "Nothing, let's find a dress for you." he said. "May I help you, sir?" the woman ask him. "I want a dress prom." he said. The woman take them toward the dress section. Scoups take one of the dress and give it to Yeon Mi. "How do you think about this?" he ask. "I don't know. I think this is to revealing." Yeon Mi said. "I don't think so, try that first." he said. Yeon Mi sigh and walk to fitting room.

She walk out from the fitting room. "Sunbaenim." she call Scpups. "Not bad." he said. "I feel uncomfortable wear this dress." Yeon Mi while try to pull the dress down. "Try that one." Scoups said. The woman give Yeon Mi the dress. After, more than fifth time trying the dress it finally the last dress. Yeon Mi sigh and try the dress. She walk out from the fitting room. Scoups look at her. "Beautiful." he mutter. "What?" she ask. "Nothing, I think this one is good. How about you? This also matching with my suit." he said. "I think this is ok." she said.

"We will take that dress." he said and walk to the counter. "You change your cloth. Let me pay it." he said. "Wait, I can pay it. This is my dress." Yeon Mi said. "It's ok. I'm the one who bring you here." he said. "Thank you, sunbaenim." Yeon Mi said and smile sincerely.
Scoups heart skip a bit.

"Thank you, sunbaenim for drive me home." Yeon Mi said. "No problem." Scoups said and about to pat her head but she step backward. "I have to go. Bye." she quickly run into her house.

The next day..

Yeon Mi POV
I walk to my locker to take my books. Then, I heard the students whispering.

"That is hot boys. Oh my god, they so handsome."

"Why all of them in junior building?"

"They walking toward here!"

I ignore the whispering and search for my book in the locker. I turn around when a hand pat my shoulder. I stumble a little and knock my head at the locker when see our face just a few inch for each other. "Auch!" I shout in pain. "Aigoo, are you ok?" he ask. "You just surprise me, Mingyu sunbaenim." I said and slightly push him to get more gap. "I did not even surprise you, Yeon Mi. You are the one who really get surprise easily." he said and mess my hair. "Why all of you here? I thought senior in the different building?" I ask.

"Ah, we want to make an announcement." Vernon said. "What announcement?" I ask. "Attention!" Seungcheol sunbaenim shout. I really startled. Mingyu sunbaenim chuckle beside me. "You guys all want to know if we already have a partner for the prom, right?" Seungcheol sunbaenim ask. Some of the girl answer a yes. "We make a decision that we will not bring a partner for this prom. So, you guys can stop asking us to be your partner." he said again.

Then, they walk away. Before they walk away, Wonwoo sunbaenim walk toward me and suddenly hold my hand. I look at him weirdly. "See you later." he smile and pat my head. I open my hand that he just hold. There is a small paper. "Let's go, Yeon Mi." Vernon said and grab the book from my hand. "That's my book, Hansol." I whine and put the paper in my pocket. "I know, just let me bring this." he said and walk ahead. I sigh.

3rd person POV
Yeon Mi look at the seat beside her and sigh. "Why don't you just said you are skipping class? It's already 30 minutes after you said you want to go to toilet." she mumble to herself. She put her head on the table. Then she suddenly remember about the paper that Wonwoo give her. She take out the paper and read it.

'Meet me at the back garden after school end. I have something to tell you.'

-Jeon Wonwoo-

After school~~

Yeon Mi walk toward the gate until she remember about the note. She quickly run toward the school garden. She look around and find anybody. "Maybe he also forget about it." she mumble to herself. She turn around and hit a hard chest. She about to fall to the ground until a hand wrap around her waist prevent her from fall.

"You are so clumsy, Yeon Mi" the hand owner said. She look at the owner face. "Wonwoo sunbae." she said silently. "What you want yo tell me, sunbae?" she ask. "Let's take a sit first. Then, I will tell you." he said and drag her to the close bench. "Yeon Mi-ah, did you have fallen in love?" he ask. "Ermm...love? I never falling in love. Sometime I want to know what is love and sometime I never want to know about love. Sunbae, what is love?" she ask.

"Love is the feeling when you really care about that person. Even though that person just doing a normal thing, in your eyes what that person doing are so amazing. Love is also the feeling that you can't control. It will come naturally." he said.
"Wah, sunbaenim really know a lot about love. Are you perhaps in love?" Yeon Mi ask with teasing smile.

Wonwoo just smile at her question and suddenly pull her into a tight hug. "What are ydejshrke" her sentence got cut off as Wonwoo lightly push her head on his chest. "You are right. I'm falling in love right now." he said. He release the hug and look at her.

"I'm in love with you, Jang Yeon Mi."


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