Will be mine || Taehyung || T...

By Moomi03

49.1K 1.3K 400

"Seo Yebin kissed back the substitute teacher"...Doesn't that sound worse?" God...Ever since that new substi... More

W I L L - B E - M I N E
1 | The beginning
5 | wet dream
|| Uploading soon ||


2.2K 69 3
By Moomi03

Oh hell nah. Oh hell to the fucking Nah. WHAT A FUCKING PERVERT!!! He kissed me!! against my will! wait...Did he just kiss me? just because he wanted me to get flustered every time I saw him so that I would change class or something?? And...AND WHY DID I EVEN KISS HIM BACK!? But...He was a good kisser- BUT WHY DID I EVEN KISS HIM BACK!?

I sighed as I was walking and started thinking...What did I even do? Why does he want me to change class? what the hell did I even do!? Geez, Stuff like this only happens in movies- This has to be a dream. 

I stopped walking and raised my hands and slapped my face, which only leads to me letting out a small yell out of pain. "ouch-" I said and sighed in frustration as I grabbed my left arm and started pinching it hard. "Fuuuck- that hurts" I groaned in pain and started rubbing my left arm. I took a deep breath and then cleared my throat. "I. won't. change. class." I said in a determent tone and then started walking to the stairs which leads to the rooftop. 

I walked pretty fast to the rooftop since I just wanted to avoid everyone. 

ㅡ ㅣㅣㅡ

once I had arrived at the rooftop I walked to a bench and sat down. As soon as I sat down I sighed loudly. I was angry and I just wanted to hit someone.

"Hey what's with the sighing?" I heard a male voice said behind me and I immodestly turned around in shock. 

"Jimin?" I said in shock "Why aren't you in P: E class??" I asked in confusion and raised my eyebrows.

Jimin just looked at me "Why I aren't in P: E class?? haha, I should be asking YOU that" He said and then sat down next to me on the bench which made me move my none existent ass away from him. "I saw you leaving and I decided to ask our teacher where you were going, and he told me that you weren't feeling well and went to the nurse." He said as he lifted his eyebrows a bit "But I can see that you're clearly not at the nurse right now."

"So what?" I said in a cold-ish tone 

"well, uhm the P: E teacher asked me to see if you were better-"

"He would never say that jimin."

"...Uhh, he did it this time-" He stopped and then just looked away for a second and then looked at me again "fine. Uhm..." He started scratching the back of his head and then ran his fingers through his fluffy blond hair. 

I sighed irritated and stood up since I already knew what he was going to say to me. "If this is about Jisoo...I don't wanna hear it."

"Yebin- Listen..."

"NO!" I yelled loudly and turned around. I stared at him in anger "I don't wanna listen to you or Jisoo!" I said angrily and crossed my arms. "Look jimin. It has almost been 3 years since everything happened." I said in a sad tone and looked away as I took a deep breath before I looked at him again "Jimin...Do you really think things will be the same as it used to be...?" I said as I looked at him with sadness mixed with anger in my eyes.

Jimin stood up and walked to me "yebin... I just miss the old times..." He said as he placed his fingers on my arms and slowly made his way down to my hand "I miss the old times when... You know you and me used to date..." 

I didn't say a word...Does he seriously miss it? 

"Yebin..." He said in a soft tone and came closer to my face. I still didn't say anything... "say something....Or else i'm gonna kiss you" He said in a bit lower tone but it was still pretty soft, he came closer to my face.

I clenched my fist hard and rolled my eyes as I pushed him away from me. "It's all in the past Jimin." I said coldly "Maybe if you didn't defend Jisoo back then....Then maybe we would still be together." I said angrily and started walking away.

"Yebin!" he yelled

I completely ignored him and walked downstairs again. I ran down the stairs pretty fast and stopped on the last step. "Fucking asshole..." I mumbled and then stepped down and started walking through the hallway with my arms crossed. I was walking pretty fast.

To be honest... I was feeling like shit. It's pretty obvious why I just heard my ex that he missed the old times AND our substitute teacher just made out with me.

As I was walking I saw my friends not that far away from me talking to each other next to my locker, I slightly smiled and decided to run to Jihyo and hugged her from behind tightly. I felt how Jihyo jumped in shock and they all looked at me in shock. "Y-yebin? is something wrong?" Jihyo asked and I nodded my head lightly.

"Jimin just talked with me-"

"what the fuck did he say?" Jungkook cut me off. "What did that fucking idiot say?" He asked and sounded angry. 

I looked at Jungkook "what do you think?" I said and took a  deep breath "Well...First, he wanted to speak about Jisoo, Then he talked about how he missed me and...Well, he even tried to kiss me." 

"HE DID WHAT!?" Jihyo said in shock "DID THAT IDIOT TRY TO KISS MY WIFE!?" She yelled and I nodded. "YA, WHERE'S HE!? IMMA HIT HIS HEAD-"

"Jihyo. calm down." Rosé said and then looked at me in confusion. "but why would jimin suddenöy bring up the past? and why did he "try to get you back"? It doesn't make sense to me...?" She said and slightly shook her head.

I also shook my head and shrugged "How should I know?" I just sighed and then grabbed my phone to see what time it was. "Anyways...let's go. Class is about to start." They nodded and we began walking to class. which happens to be History.

Me and Rosé sat down at our seat next to each other. I leaned my back against the cold chair and crossed as I started at the empty big whiteboard on the boring wall."Rosé...?"

"that's my name, What do you want?"

I continued staring at the whiteboard as I talked with her. "can I tell you something...?"

Rosé stopped what she was doing and looked at me with a weird expression "uhm...? why wouldn't you? Of course, you can Yebin."

I looked at her "It's a secret." I said, "or...at least for now." I said as a smirk slowly grew on my face.

As soon as Rosé was about to say something our substitute teacher cut her off by walking inside the classroom and scanned through the whole class. Searching...Searching for a specific someone...His eyes locked with mine as soon as he saw me and I just smirked at him and lifted my left eyebrow. I mouthed "game on." and saw how he swallowed hard and started blinking fast before he looked away.

I faint laugh came out of me as I stared at our substitute teacher. oh, Kim Taehyung...Let's see what you can do to make me change class. 

As I was in my own little world I felt how Rosé poked my shoulder to get my attention and I looked at her. "Hey, what were you about to say...?" she asked

I chuckled and then glanced at taehyung before I looked at her again. "oh well...Our new teacher here..."

ㅡ ㅣㅣㅡ

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